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Red Fern Forest And no one cried out murder (M) - Printable Version

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And no one cried out murder (M) - Toxin - Jul 16, 2015

Nightshade Asurn

red fern forest

Why don't you join me?

Brightly colored crimson ferns made way for their Queen, parting with each step she took. Some bent and broke beneath her powerful paws, while others bowed down to her glory-. Nightshade's head jerked to the right, red towers pressed forward, who dared to intrude on her daydreaming? The yearling studied the looming trees with mahogany eyes before resting on the criminal. It was a squirrel! An evil enemy who must be snuffed out! Biting back a snarl she coiled her body up, slinking to the ground with ease. Her little spy rested high within a tree, snacking on some sort of nut. He couldn't have been very good at his job for he took no notice to the creeping wolf's approach. Her steps silent, body rigid with anticipation.

It seemed luck was in her paws today, for the unlucky participant's butter fingers caused him to accidentally drop his precious nut. Foolishly he scurried down the tree to retrieve it, right into the hungry beast's path. Mercilessly the wolf tore through ferns, jaws opening to smash down upon his small body with delicacy, if just to torture him. His angry little cries filled her ears as she tossed him up towards clouds then jumped, strong legs propelling her to her snack, mouth slowly reopening. A loud crunch could be heard as she snatched him, followed by the thudding of the Asurn's contact with ground. It squirmed in her grasp, twisting to bite her lip as if to say, 'Free my leg bitch!'. Treating him like a chew toy she shook her head viciously back and forth before slamming him into a broad trunk. As she smiled ear to ear she dropped him to the forest floor, watching the injured thing struggle towards his only safety. "How sad," Her mocking tone of voice would the last sound he would hear. Swiftly she stepped up, placing one paw on his head and another on his tail, then with precise movements, as if this was a practiced protocol, ripped his weak little spine out. Blood splattered onto her agouti coat, and she grinned red, allowing the bone to fall. Satisfaction didn't come easy to the girl as she carefully tore one leg off at a time. Then she took his insides, spilling them messily about the foliage.

By the time she was done there were squirrel parts all over the place, for example, a tail draping off of a fern with blood rolling down it's green body. Nightshade was cleaning her mess up, of course, refusing to waste any piece of fresh meat. She took time to round up what could be found and eat it with haste. Licking moist chops happily Night let out a pleasured, "Mmmm," before carrying on with her day, leaving the scene of an unnecessary hunting tactic. She strolled out with a tall proud posture, tail flagged naturally behind.


RE: And no one cried out murder (M) - Leotie - Jul 16, 2015

She didn’t know what she had been thinking when she had thought that it would be a good idea to go exploring while her family was away.  Now she was lost in a place that she knew absolutely nothing about and she was rather hungry, the mouse that she had managed to catch not satisfying her nagging stomach in the least.  Leotie couldn’t help worrying about her family and what they must be going through, she was sure they must have found that she was missing by then.  The poor children would miss her dearly if she didn’t find her way back but since she had gotten turned around somewhere she didn’t even know which way she was to go in order to find her home again.

It seemed to her that she had to get used to being in this place but she didn’t know how long she would be able to survive on just mice.  As her paws kept moving her forward the loud screech of something, a creature perhaps, reached her ears.  “Oh great just what I need at a time like this,” she said aloud to herself as she let her gaze drift across the landscape looking for what might have made the sound.  The forest that she found herself in had it’s own creepy sort of mood about it.  That unnerved her even more than the sound.

She moved slowly, cautiously through the forest that she had managed to find herself letting her nose do the leading.  The scent of blood, she knew from the mouse, reached her nostrils and she followed it.  She didn’t know what might be at the end of the scent trail but she did know that where there was blood there might be something to eat.  However what she found when she reached the end of the trail was another wolf eating whatever the blood had come from.  Leotie thought she might be sick from the sight in front of her as she watched the wolf tear the little thing apart.  Then after it was all said and done and there was nothing left of the little creature Leotie spoke up, “Was that really all that necessary?” She asked as she stepped out from behind the tree that she had been watching the scene unfold in front of her.

RE: And no one cried out murder (M) - Toxin - Jul 16, 2015

(Sorry, still trying to get a feel for an evil character.)
All of the Delight I'll take

red fern forest

in toying with you

'Was that really all that necessary?', the voice caught her off guard, causing heat to warm up her cheeks, but Nightshade ignored the girl until all emotion drained from visibility. Turning around to face the other timber she gave a bloody smile, a single ear flickering. Without a wasted second she approached the other wolf, bursting her personal space bubble, and whispered into her ear, "Was it really necessary for you to trespass into my lands?" Her voice airy and light, with a malicious intent woven within. The yearling stepped back and made a move to snatch Leotie's muzzle while saying, "If you bow down before me now I shall forgive your error, weakling."

Expecting rebuttal Nightshade lifted herself lightly, and if she had ever attained it, tightened her grip on @Leotie as she pressed forward in attempt to push her to the ground. Her banner waved proudly behind,  screaming I'm the boss! Night knew she was the stronger female here just by looking at the house pet before her. It smelt funny, like some other...thing...non-wolf had been living with it. Not to mention the lack of muscles rippling beneath her pelt, the ones given to the Asurn through dedication, hard work, and genetics. The it before her was very possibly a stain on the legacy of all timber wolves who had come before it.

Toxin let out a low rumbling growl that gurgled up her throat and slipped forth from wicked teeth, she meant business. Mahogany orbs narrowed...


RE: And no one cried out murder (M) - Leotie - Jul 17, 2015

ooc: No worries, I am getting used to Leotie too.

Leotie had never seen anything such as the sight when the other female turned to face her, the blood on her lips like something other worldly.  Immediately her senses told her there wasn’t something quite right about this one, she did not think that she would get the help that she sought from the creature in front of her.  She tried to step back but before she could the female was next to her whispering in her ear about trespassing, “What do you mean trespassing, I thought this was everyone’s land to do as they pleased,” she stated meeting the evil females eyes.  After all that was how it worked back home.  She could go wherever she wanted to as long as her humans were with her especially the park.  It was one of her favorite places.  Leotie was not expecting what happened next, the female had a hold of her muzzle and was telling her to bow down before she had a chance to speak her mouth was clamped shut. 

She was not comfortable with what was happening to her, it was not how things were done where she came from.  As the other female tightened her grip Leotie winced at the slight pain that ran up her muzzle and in the next moment she was being forced to the ground but she didn’t want to give in.  It wasn’t in her nature so she tried to push back as hard as she could despite the grip that was on her muzzle and the pain that seemed to increase by small increments as she tried to get the female off of her.  She had never been in such a situation and never met anyone like this wolf before.  Leotie was used to the friendly dogs that she met where her home.

The growl from the female reached her ears and out of instinct, or what she liked to think of as instinct Leotie let out a growl of her own from deep in her throat.  She hoped that might be enough to get the other wolf off of her.

RE: And no one cried out murder (M) - Toxin - Jul 27, 2015

(True haha and not sure if you want this to settle a little, or have them fight? Just as a reminder, Toxin's strength is 150 so let me know if I accidentally power play.)

My land,

red fern forest

my rules

Nightshade was furious now, "You're on my family's land, without our permission." She spoke bluntly to the other girl, rolling her mahogany orbs to show how much of a moron the other wolf was. Then she raised her voice, "Not to mention, challenging me! Don't you know it's rude to look another in the eyes?" She spat angrily. Of course this was all moments before the Asurn had a firm grip on the strange it. When Leotie pushed back there was a moment of shock passing over her face, she wasn't expecting such strength.

Glaring into the it's eyes she issued another angry growl, lifting her vocals much higher now. Pushing all of her weight forward she once more attempted to flatten the stranger. Nightshade lifted her front paws off the ground and tried to place them on top of her shoulders. Toxin was an Asurn and this would end however she so wished! Feeling a surge of determination the witch pressed harder, clamping down around the pet's muzzle with more force than before. Sharp teeth possibly raking the fragile skin as she made a move to shake the other woman's head back and forth.

Then with a harsh jerk she attempted to throw the yearling's head over and use her front paws to send her toppling to the ground. "This can all end if you simply bow to me." She rumbled out, chin tucked in,  her neck bunched to protect delicate skin. Mahogany eyes were narrowed into tiny slits, tail aglinged with her spine, and ears hidden amongst red strands. The young girl moved her legs so that she wouldn't be an easy target to plow over. With another growl she lifted her spiked up self higher to appear even more menacing.


RE: And no one cried out murder (M) - Leotie - Jul 28, 2015



Leotie was very confused by this woman’s claims of the land that she was on was her families land.  Back where she came from she had no knowledge of this sort of thing but then she had been taken from her family when she was younger and from her understanding of the dogs there they were as well.  "I didn't realize that you or your family had a claim to this land," she stated.  She doubted that this woman would be appeased by such words considering the intensity of her anger but it was the truth none the less.  "Challenge?  I was merely trying to be friendly," she tried to explain just before the female seized her muzzle.  The grip was one to match the level of her anger.  Leotie was not going to let this woman bully her and she pushed back when the woman tried to force her to the ground.

Her eyes met the angry woman’s as an angry growl came from her this however did not change Leotie's mind about being pushed around. She growled back but the response she got was to be pushed harder toward the ground the woman’s feet lifting off the ground.  Leotie tried to force the woman off of her but she wasn't strong enough she was only able to keep them at a stalemate. Pain surged through her muzzle as the woman’s grip on her muzzle became much more forceful than it had been.  A low whine escaped Leotie when the pain hit her but she did not give up, she would not.  This woman needed to know that she could not bully others.  That was not how things were done in Leotie's mind.

In a most shocking moment the youngster's head was jerked up, caught off guard her forefeet slipped out from under her.  Leotie fell heavily to the ground on her shoulder though her rump was still in the air.  She used her hind legs to try to pull herself away from the woman’s grasp, "I won't," she stated the freedom of her lower jaw allowing those words to escape her. Leotie was trying to search her mind for a way to get herself out of the position that she now found herself.  The grip on her muzzle though was so strong that she doubted she would be able to get it away from the woman’s grasp without worse injury.  Finally frustrated she let out a growl, "You can't force someone to bow down to you, it's not right."


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Aug 08, 2015

A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity

RE: And no one cried out murder (M) - Toxin - Aug 10, 2015


red fern forest

what now?

The woman fell beneath Nightshade, restoring her confidence enough that she allowed curiosity to get the better end of her attention. Letting go of the it with one more final squeeze she said, "What do you mean? How do you not understand all of this? Don't you know what it means to be a wolf?" The way she uttered the word was clearly meant to cause some sort of intense emotion to stir. Just to rattle the Rhys enough to stop being so foolish and show a lick a bit of sense outta her. The agouti beast stepped back silently, eyes daring Leotie to try and escape. A proud tail still flagged above the girl's reddish back, posture tall and very much regal.

Snorting in irritation the impatient creature awaited a speedily reply if she were to give this thing a chance to amuse her. It wasn't that she was trying to show mercy, Night was just genuinely confused about the naivety before herself. It made no sense to the Asurn that a wolf didn't know that looking another in the eyes was rude and a clear challenge. The only time acceptable was brief glances, or, well, in other packs she assumed loved ones. Of course that was weakness and she quickly shoved the thought from her mind.

Snorting even louder, a single ear flickering, the yearling seemed to communicate in another way. As if saying well come on already, tell me what you mean little bitch! Growing bored Toxin split her lips for a show of teeth to warn the other that she quite frankly wasn't in the mood to tolerate bullshit. Technically she had the time, especially since it built upon her experience, but this? This was irking every part of her very being! A snarl emitted from her rusty maw.


RE: And no one cried out murder (M) - Leotie - Aug 11, 2015


Leotie was relieved when the woman finally let go of her muzzle though it was not without one last squeeze causing the young female to wince slightly.  Though she was grateful she didn’t understand why the woman would suddenly let her go after being so determined to make her bow down to her.  Once she had been let go she did not immediately rise to her feet and instead thought it might be better if she stayed where she was for the time being as the woman asked her why she didn’t understand what had just occurred between them.

Two things were clear to Leotie then.  One she was in a place that was different from hers where everything that she had once known would not help her.  Two this woman was not patient for as she was trying to find the best way to answer the line of questions that she had been asked the woman was snorting and growling while she waited.  It caused Leotie to worry that something worse then what had already happened might happen though she could not imagine what that might be.

Finally she knew that she would have to give the woman an answer or face whatever consequences might be fall her if she didn’t. “I grew up by myself in a place very different from this,” she stated in a way that she hoped would answer all of the woman’s questions at once.  She did not think that the woman would want to listen to a long tale of Leotie’s past.


RE: And no one cried out murder (M) - Toxin - Oct 05, 2015

(Sorry so late! One more post from you and we can wrap this up or have them talk a little more? Up to you, and I'm willing to have Toxin try to chase her out.)

Calculating orbs studied black, brown, and cream fur slowly, as if going over every detail of each strand. The agouti pelt differed from hers, lacking the red hue that dominated her own luscious coat. The other woman's 'weather protection' wrapped itself around a body of medium proportions. Electrifying blue orbs stared out of the form before her, innocence held in them and perhaps purity as well. Toxin's heart went soft on her for a moment as she said surprisingly gentle, “Okay.” Her mind quickly grasped and held onto the flaw of life she had just created, and a fowl flavor washed over her tongue. A chill visibly ran down Night's spine, one ear flicking in irritation of her own weakness.

Straightening up after such things the girl shook herself, as if riding her existence of the mistake, then lifted high and mighty. She assumed the all to familiar pose of a female of royalty and announced a proposal, “I shall give you two choices since you're a Timber wolf, the first is to stay with me and I'll take you under my wing. I'll teach you how to be one of what you truly are with the assistance of my farther. Help you survive...or, you leave now and never set a paw on my lands again without good reason to do so.” Her voice was emotionless yet demanding all at the same time, a rose banner curled firmly across her back. Silence engulfed them once more as the regal Asrun awaited whatever was to come in a manner much more tolerable than it originally had been. Before there was little interest and a great deal of frustration, now this had been washed away like a stain. Nightshade saw opportunity vs setback; an eerie smile crept across her features. She forced her tail to wag slowly, but still kept it raised.