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Secluded Spring something meaty for the main course - Printable Version

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something meaty for the main course - Kjors - Oct 01, 2015

RE: Kjors, you come across an angry wolverine.

Swinging back from his brief venture west, the dusky male jogged easily back towards the sequoia trees he knew to be in the far northeastern corner of Relic Lore.  In his mouth dangled a dead goose, large and relatively unharmed, save for its broken neck and the blood-stained feathers about its chest.  Kjors was careful about where he gripped his prize, not wishing to puncture the flesh elsewhere and ruin more of the downy feathers.  He was unsure if @Karina would even care for the meat – if she didn’t, he’d simply make a meal of it himself – but rather hoped the princess would be pleased by plush feathers lining her nest once the cold winter winds howled their way south.  

There was still the majority of a day’s worth of travel left before he reached Kingsfall and the wolves housed with the woods.  The male had no doubt he’d make it home before the day was out, and upon the discovery of fresh water, drew to the bank for a brief rest.  His goose was placed where it was dry, unwilling to sacrifice the down’s dignity in a fit of carelessness.  Padding back down to the spring’s side, Kjors dipped his head down and took several long drinks of the refreshing water, just this side of suffering from a frozen mind before he finally found himself satisfied.  With a vicious shake, he freed the dust from his thickening pelt, and allowed himself a satisfied sigh before rounding to collect his prize once more.

His prize, now only feet away from a wolverine, keen on claiming the easy-won jackpot as his own meal.  A snarl ripped from from the small male, single eye narrowing as his ears flattened against his skull.   “Come off it,” he growled, and to his surprise, the mammal rounded right back, echoing his snarl with a flash of white razors and a steely glint in its eye.

Finders, keepers, it seemed to say, her nose and crown lifted as she dared anyone to challenge her.

RE: something meaty for the main course - Morganna - Oct 15, 2015


Why she kept wandering this way was anyone’s guess. Perhaps deep down she still hoped to bump into Renier and privately tear strips off him while he tried to explain just why he had stayed away so long. Maybe it was because she continued to have the most interesting encounters the further she travelled from her own little pocket of the Lore. Regardless, with the Ghastly Woods behind her and the coppery stones somewhere to the east she wandered along the shoreline of the spring, ears working overtime while her eyes casually wandered.

She might have missed the stranger had it not been for his growl, echoed with another that made the hair on her back stand up with indignant rage. The stink of the creature, and the chorus of growls awoke some primal response within her, adding her own growl to the symphony as she moved to flank the beast between the stranger and the water. There was only one way to flee now, and despite the arrogant tilt of her dark masked face and the reinforcement of her proximity to the prize with a short charge and an angry bark, Morganna was almost certain the wolverine knew the odds were turning against her.

That didn’t mean she was smart by any means - for the wolverine stood her ground. Morganna lowered her head defensively. Even though she held no claim to this spring she would be damned if she would leave this overgrown rat here to stink it up for her next visit.



RE: something meaty for the main course - Kjors - Oct 18, 2015


Folding his ears further against his skull, the male angled himself as he slunk towards the ground, tail lashing behind him furiously. The dragon was no stranger to combat, nor was he particularly afraid of the wolverine – he’d faced much larger opponents over much more dire matters – but that his prize was at risk drove him to engage the well-armed woman. Lips peeled backwards to reveal a shimmering row of ivory daggers as the single sun glinted dangerously in his skull, the wolf low to the ground as he began to slither forward. It would require a bit of thought if he didn’t want his face split open by razor-like claws, and for a moment, the pair simply exchanged snarls and growls, each sizing the other up, when another wolf came into view.

Fortunately, she came in a manner that allowed Kjors to pick up on movement with his only eye, but she remained behind the trespasser, and downwind. Were he not trying to pick up on every last detail, seeking something he could use to throw this usurper down, he might not have noticed the swarthy woman align herself. As it were, he did not focus on her long, not wishing to alert the wolverine immediately. When the overgrown rat did finally realize there was a second shadow looming over her, she acknowledged the younger wolf with a tip of her head, a simple snarl that showed little more than a fierce determination to take on all comers.

Fool, the dragon thought with a terrible grin – the tables had turned against the animal now, even if she refused to acknowledge she would be better off in flight. They had no reason to chase her, not now, but as long as she hovered near the goose and the water source, she would remain under threat from both sides. She snapped her jaws at Morganna, attempting to ward off the younger wolf, closer to her body and her prize. At the moment, it seemed the wolverine was willing to use her bulk as a barricade, warding off the wolves from the goose she wished to claim as her own.

Seizing the moment of opportunity, Kjors struck while the animal was distracted. “Dare you talk to me of crime,” he hissed to wolverine, as if he might actually understand whatever it was she might have to say. “No one steals from Kjors Sørenson.” No one steals from Kjors Sørenson and lives, he thought viciously, his teeth snapping as he lunged for the animal’s back. He grasped her by the scruff, shaking his head violently when the wolverine suddenly twisted, forgetting all about Morganna for a moment or two. Snarling violently, she swatted at whatever she could catch with her talons, knicking the male’s shoulder blade before he tossed her to the side, out of reach and onto her side. The animal struggled violently and Kjors quickly made for his sleeping goose, attempting to stand over it and defend it from any actual plunder.


RE: something meaty for the main course - Morganna - Nov 07, 2015


I'm not a choice, I'm a natural selection

She always found it odd when others chose to speak in the heat of battle, perhaps her own limited vocalisations unnerved others? but this was hardly the time to ponder such trivial matters. The dark man moved quickly, flinging the wolverine aside when her sharp claws found purchase on his shoulder. Not willing to allow the momentum to go to waste, Morganna sprung into action, attacking the wolverines exposed side with unsheathed fangs while the creature flailed, trying to simultaneously kick her off and get its feet beneath itself. Claws sliced through the plush fur on her chest, dragging against skin and leaving a burning sensation in their wake but she barely batted an eye. Adrenalin masked the pain as she tried for one more bite, replaced with a growl of frustration as the ginger caped bandit scuttled out of reach.

The coppery tang of blood filled the air, a twisted smile working its way to her face. All combatants were carrying injuries but who would falter first? At two against one the odds weren't looking good for the wolverine, but where was her companion? She dared to look away from the wolverine for just a moment, eyes catching the other wolf standing over his goose as the thudding of heavy paws told her the wolverine was charging again.

Foolish beasty.


RE: something meaty for the main course - Kjors - Nov 08, 2015


Despite having never met this woman, she was eager enough to step in and aide the battle.  Odd, he thought, for she had no idea what sort of wolf he was.  In turn, he had no idea if the other wolf expected something in return for her assistance, but he hardly had the time to stop and ask.  Oh miss wolverine, would you mind stepping aside for just a moment?  And don’t touch my goose – I just need to have a quick conversation with this woman here before I tear you apart.

Kjors allowed himself a small snort as he moved over his prize, shoulders low as he readied himself to defend the goose if necessary.  The Valkyrie had been sliced for her efforts and another snarl dripped free as he shifted his weight.  Up the wolverine managed to get herself, and briefly the other wolf exchanged a quick look with the one-eyed dragon before their prey shifted again.  She was not going to waste time, it seemed, running at the female wolf with teeth bared.  As the wolverine lunged for Morganna, the dragon sprinted forward from his goose, feeling it safe for the time being.  While the animal was distracted trying to dodge the woman’s weapons while landing a blow, he lunged forward for the creature’s tail, thick and bushy.  Teeth sunk into fur and flesh and he jerked backwards, trying to drag the creature away while giving another shake, trying to find a frangible point one of them could snap.


RE: something meaty for the main course - Morganna - Nov 28, 2015

Holding her ground but leaning back with chin tucked and teeth bared, it was fortunate that the other wolf moved when he did, grabbing the beast by the tail and yanking back. As the creature turned to defend itself, it left the left side of its thick neck exposed, allowing Morganna to bite down hard where neck met shoulder. The clash of a heavy skull against the side of her head left her ears ringing, the drag of teeth unable to find a meaty purchase on the short fur and thin skin over her cheek eliciting a frustrated growl. Her brother might be able to carry it off but she held no allusions that she possessed the same ability.

Despite being torn between two superior opponents (or perhaps with the realisation that she had expended all her luck), the muscular wolverine flailed savagely, Morganna's teeth tearing through the stocky shoulder as she began to lose her grip. She wanted to shake in counter, to readust her hold to more effectively end this beasty's miserable existence but she knew to do either would be to unleash the wounded animal on them both. She couldn't even shout a warning to her companion  if she needed to with her mouth full of pungent oily fur. She could only keep up her downward pressure and hope that blood loss would slow the critter down sooner rather than later.

RE: something meaty for the main course - Kjors - Dec 14, 2015


They had her on the ropes.  Were he not so focused on the act itself, Kjors might have offered a cocky grin to the creature as she realized she’d pushed too far.  As it were, his mouth was still full of the thick, muscular tail, and he sunk fangs in deeper – she’d not get away from him so easily.  In such close quarters, it was much more difficult to avoid those razor sharp claws.  One side of his muzzle was nicked, but tossing his head avoided the brunt of the damage.  Moments later saw his partner in crime back on their prey, catching it much closer to the neck.

Even as the creature flailed wildly, @Morganna managed to keep her grip on the animal.  It allowed the one-eyed dragon a moment to move, letting go of the tail in one breath and springing upon the back of its neck in the next.  With the female anchoring it down, the wolverine barely managed to squirm sideways, much less escape the pair of wolves, and found a heavy pair of jaws around its neck as it screamed belligerently, refusing to die even as blood seeped from all wounds.  Kjors snarled but could not shake, not in his position – either Morganna would come up with something else, or they would have to wait until the life slowly drained out of this thing.


RE: something meaty for the main course - Morganna - Feb 17, 2016

So focused on maintaining her grip, Morganna barely noticed the other wolf move until a dark nose almost poked her in her squinted eye. A reflexive growl, Hey! Watch it! was quickly stifled as she took stock of where they now stood. Neither able to snap the creatures neck, or slash its throat, bleeding out was inevitable but she was running out of patience. 

Trusting the stranger had a good enough grip, she inched her own jaws lower until she felt the resistance of the stubby creatures windpipe. Bowed down as she was to reach, her own neck bent awkwardly and throat exposed should her companion change his mind, she felt vulnerable and exposed, even if every action up until this point told her she should be safe to do so. 

She couldn't shake her head to open a new wound or pin the creature down so she simply held on biting down harder with every exhaled breath. Heavy panting was quickly reduced to a wheeze, a rattle and then nothing more that a great weight bearing down on her as the wolverines legs finally gave way. She hastily released her hold and shuffled backwards, maintaining her hunched position until she felt she had room to unfurl. With a small distance placed between herself and the other dark wolf she watched with weary eyes to see what his next move might be.

RE: something meaty for the main course - Kjors - Feb 28, 2016


Over.  It was finally over, and that damnable wolverine had gotten what it deserved, so arrogant to think it could handle a pair of grown wolves on its own.  For a moment, he allowed his mind to wander, savoring the sweet, coppery taste of victory.  It was a flash of movement that caught his ear and it flicked out to the side before turning his head.  Singular golden eye settled back on the female, and finding that she didn’t appear to be openly hostile, he offered her a bob of his head.

he rumbled, brow raised as he studied the female.  Sure, he probably could have handled that thieving beast on his own, but it went much easier when another body was present.  Happily, his goose hadn’t been damaged beyond a bite or two – still plenty of down for his shared den.  Unable to take both prizes for himself, he saw no reason to attempt to hoard the second carcass.

Moving towards his prize, he glanced back over at the female.  “Y’can take tha’, if y’wan’,” he offered, rolling his shoulder in a shrug.  He might have made the final blow, but they’d worked fairly equally.  She didn’t have to.  He shrugged again.  “Wha’s yer name, lass?  Dun’ think Ah caught tha’ before.”


RE: something meaty for the main course - Morganna - Mar 04, 2016

Breath still heaving in pants she almost missed his thanks and answered with a half laugh of her own. She was far from experienced enough to take on a wolverine on her own. She should have been thanking him, but before the words could escape her mouth he went on to offer her the wolverine. Her chest swelled with pride at the thought of presenting such a prize to @Elettra on her return to the willows. "Thanks." she offered in answer, it would be good to go home with something to show for her efforts.

"Archer, Morganna..." she introduced herself with a smile, her tail steadily thumping the ground behind her. "O' Willow Ridge, a few days south o' here." her head tilted in the direction of her home, wondering what pack @Kjors, if she had heard correctly? belonged to and just where they might be located. "This place is usually pretty deserted, I was surprised ter see yer here Mr...?" As she trailed off a brown rose questioningly. To go home with information and a prize would surely please her mother even more than just another pelt to like her den.