Ruins of Wildwood
Bowed Maple Bend Stars - Printable Version

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Stars - Kova - Oct 24, 2015

This is back dated a bit, will change the date if necessary
Kova needs to talk to his lil bro alone. I plan on Kova teaching him something. It's your choice what you want Draven learning about. @Draven


Kova didn't move too far off of the packs territory. Instead he stuck around close by and investigated every nook and cranny of the area. Eventually he found himself in an area full of maple trees. The majority of the maples were sugars, but some of the red maples lay scattered about in the wet area near the creek. The trees here were massive, and their samaras littered the ground at his paws. Sometimes a pair of samaras would fall from the tree and spin through the air like little helicopters before hitting the earth. Kova felt very relaxed in this place, and he could see why some of his pack mates scents littered the ground around here. It was a nice place to be and it would be the perfect place to talk to Draven alone. As long as nobody else followed him curious about Kova's call.

So the silver youth pauses among the maple trees enjoying the whisper of wind blowing through their twisting branches. Then he lifts his gray head and adds his own song to the whispers of the trees. The call rose up over the whispers drowning out the maples voices as Kova searched for his darker brother.“Draven? Would you mind meeting with me?” Kova called out allowing his song to lower then fall to nothing. It ended on a low bass as his voice cracked, but at least he'd gotten the rest of the words out. Kova then glanced around at the trees before deciding to roll in the leaves and seeds that covered the ground. At the very least he was able to enjoy the big piles of leaves despite everyone's mostly foul mood.


RE: Stars - Draven - Nov 02, 2015

ooc: Oh gosh. Dravvie could probably use a lesson on either fishing or tracking, at the moment.


Draven was wandering around again, looking for something more impressive than a mouse to pounce on. Maybe today he could be able to find a squirrel, and if he could pounce on that and bring it home, everybody would be so impressed with him! Maybe even dumb Kino would think it was really cool!

But he didn't get the chance to find any before he heard Kova's voice go up, calling specifically for Draven. The darkling prince's tail fanned rapidly behind him as he changed coarse and followed the sound of his older brother's voice. Kova wanted to see him, and not Kino or Ari? What kind of fun stuff could he be up to? Eager to see the kind of excitement Kova could cook up, the boy raced fearlessly across the border, quickly coming across his brother's scent and managing to follow the trail just well enough to come to the maple trees where Kova was waiting for him.

For a moment Draven skidded to a stop and looked around in wonder; he'd never seen so many maple trees all clustered together like this before. This was way prettier than the timbers!

But even the maples couldn't hold his attention for very long, not with Kova standing here waiting specifically for Draven. Chest puffing up a little bit with importance - something he sorely needed to feel at the moment, having still not caught anything since the mouse - the boy trotted happily up to his brother and said, "Hi, Kova! What'd you wanna talk about? Something fun?"


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Nov 02, 2015

There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health