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Drink With Me - Kova - Oct 20, 2015

Why Kova is roaming this far I have no clue. Also, the date of this can be changed if needed. Currently set to the thread start date 10/20/2015


@Sijinali - or whoever you want to put in here

Today Kova had needed a break from the worries of pack life. This sort of wandering away to get some peace and quiet was happening increasingly as of late, and Kova knew that it wasn't right for him to be traveling away from the pack so often. He always tried to get back as quickly as he could. Today however the young wolf found himself traveling much farther south than he normally liked to. Past the downs then slightly to the west his steps took him. Eventually Kova found himself relatively close to the mysterious thickets that housed the woodland wolves. Kova had already met two of the woodland princes by the names of Silentium and Unitas. It had been a long time since then, and the memory of traveling along behind his sister closer to the Hervok's pack sent shivers down Kova's spine. @Noble would have probably decided that she didn't like the woody wolves and kept away from them, but he was curious. Perhaps too much so, Kova wanted to see if they had their good and bad family like his own pack.

Of course Kova was smarter than to just waltz right through borders and disturb a hornets nest. He would rather get information out of a wolf wandering or hunting outside of their borders. It was more safe that way.

...but just in case Kova.. Remember to run fast and don't look behind you while running... The prince told himself quietly while looking around the odd landscape. A break in the trees revealed a large, but rather dead, field of grasses and what looked like flowers. Kova lowered his head to gaze at the dried plants a little sad that he couldn't see them when they had been colorful and vibrant with life. It was just another hint to the young wolf that winter was coming. He wasn't sure if he welcomed the snow or not, but seeing all the trees and plants die off certainly made him depressed. Especially when his thoughts about dead plants drifted quickly to his dead parents.

A strange noise hurt the young males ears causing him to yank his head and look upwards at the sky. The distraction was enough to yank the youths mind from his depression, though the noise was very painful. It had seemed like the squeak had come from someplace high, and Kova imagined that it was a bird who had called out. However all his eyes were met with was the deepening color of the sky as dusk slowly turned to evening. A flash of movement and another painful screech in his ears made Kova twist himself around trying to see what he kept missing. Unfortunately he still couldn't see the bats that swarmed above the glade going after bugs drawn to the dying wildflowers.   


RE: Drink With Me - Sijinali - Oct 21, 2015


Her teal eyes began adjusting to the darkness as the moon claimed its throne in the sky.
In silence she walked, her lithe body carrying her along as she scented here
and there at the air. Another patrol. Another night. She'd grow a bit lonesome
on her patrols sometimes; she'd been thinking about inviting another packmate
along some time. Her slender muzzle lifts toward the sky as she stops. Taking
in a deep breath, the young woman holds it, her mind a blank slate. A long sigh
releases itself before she continues her patrol. The autumn was quickly vanishing;
leaves on trees were falling, leaving their holders barren. Her pace quickens as
she spots a creature fumbling through the leaf litter. Tail raising, she grunts,
then teeters as she realizes what she came across.

The skunk turns, its beady eyes peering at the wolf with curiosity. Seemingly not
alert, it continues its waltz through the crunchy leaves. Sijji smirks a bit, and hooks
around the critter, not wanting to take any chances. The last thing she needed was
to smell like absolute crud. With her tail swishing, she ambles along. Her mind
was quiet, and that was a bit of a worry for her. Why was it, though? No
negative thoughts were intruding, so shouldn't she be happy? It seemed she only
needed some stimulation.

Sijinali takes a few steps back at a high pitched screech that pierces her ears. Her
ears flatten, and she bares her fangs in annoyance. Raising her head upward, she
observes bats fluttering about over an open area. Genuine interest laced itself through
her, causing her to walk into the open. Her teal gaze remains upward as she watches
the bats dip and dive downward toward the flowers in senescence. After bringing her
head downward, Siji freezes at the sudden sight of another wolf. The wolf was of a
gray-silver coloring, which looked captivating in the glow of the moon. She opens her
jaws to speak, but nothing comes out.


RE: Drink With Me - Kova - Oct 21, 2015


The young wolf didn't realize when the she wolf had appeared. He was too intent on figuring out just what was hurting his ears. It wasn't until one of the little bats attempted to land on him that Kova realized that he was indeed dealing with small flying creatures. ..but they aren't birds? He thought as the bat swerved around him instead of landing. The tiny brown creature had realized that Kova was a living thing with one release of its echolocation and then went back upwards towards the sky.  “What are those?” Kova muttered darkly as another squeak bashed his ear drums. His eyes grew accustomed to the dark quickly, and soon he was able to see the bats dipping and darting around the clearing. It was while his eyes followed a particularly slow moving bat that he spotted the light brownish gray she wolf. Kova flicked his tail in surprise as his body became stiff and rigid ready to flee at any moment.

The scent is right. Just like that creepy guy Unitas. Kova thought before noting her opened mouth. It seemed that she wanted to say something but well.. couldn't. By her scent he could tell that she was around Calanthe and Moraxia's age. However unlike them she looked to be rather delicate. Kova cleared his throat somewhat uncomfortable with the idea that she might have been watching him for quite some time before he noticed her. Then he finally spoke up.

“Just so you know I don't mean you or Secret Woodlands any harm. I just wanted to ask a few questions if you are willing to answer them for me.” Kova speaks clearly before letting his eyes drift off of the she wolf's brilliant teal eyes to the forest's edge. His tail tucked a little lower as Kova attempted to show her as much as he could that he was not a danger to her or Secret Woodlands. He still held himself like a noble, but showed the respect that was due to a peer and superior.


RE: Drink With Me - Sijinali - Oct 21, 2015


Sijinali feels her muscles stiffen as the wolf notices her.
Realizing her jaw is slack, she tries to close it quickly and quietly, but her teeth
clack together as she does. Her face warms, and she looks to her front paws
as she listens to him. Peering upward, the woman takes in his form, observing
his stance and his tone of voice. A sheepish grin creeps across her maw, and she
tilts her head casually as she listens in. "No worries" she coos, the grin
still plastered on her dark lips. "I apologize if I've startled you..." Her voice
trails off before she looks upward toward the sky, "Those bats took me by

With a step forward, Siji puffs out her chest in a proud manner. Her blue-green gaze
was soft as she looked to Kova. "Before you ask anything, might I ask your name,
first and foremost?"
If he was to be questioning her, it would be wise to know of
his calling. If anything went awry, she'd have a name. The young woman didn't expect
anything to, but it was a safe idea anyway. Plus, something in her chest began prodding
at her. A general interest- this wolf was good looking, but Siji was never one
to jump the gun.

She stands, the opaque gray on her body caught in the waning of the moon. The bats
above continue their shenanigans, swooping down toward the flowers just feet away
from the wolves. They were so swift, almost like birds, but they were fuzzy
rather than furry. She had seen some resting in a cave once, and their sleeping position
caught her fascination. Being a pup at that time, she had thought it was the silliest
thing in the world.

RE: Drink With Me - Kova - Oct 21, 2015


A flicker of amusement flashed across his maw as the she wolf quite literally snapped her mouth shut. Then it slowly turned to a smile as she looked towards him and spoke. He listened before shaking his head and taking a single step forward. “You have no need to apologize miss. I'm the one getting closer to you packs territory.” He assured her that she was doing the right thing despite surprising him. His ears perked forward an inch at the word "bats" before Kova looked up to the flying creatures she was looking at. Putting two and two together the youth smiled glad to know that the things hurting his ears were not birds at all, but some other flying animals called a bats. Maybe he would take the time later to actually observe the little things more closely.

 She steps forward then, putting on airs for the young wolf before asking him his name. Kova wasn't sure what to answer with. Kova could recall that his mother had spoken with the woodlands leader about things and the war had been resolved before it had even begun thanks to Inali. So the packs should have been in good or at least neutral relations right now. He figured that speaking his name wouldn't cause much of a problem. Though the young wolf could only hope that there were no negative effects from this visit.

“Ah, my apologies. My name is Kova Lagina prince of Round Stone Crest pack. ” He held his head high despite the wiggling thoughts in the back of his head saying that he wasn't a prince anymore. Not with both Minka and Tokino gone now, and Kova wasn't sure if he could 100% trust that Gent's plans were real. Either way Kova didn't want to sit and do nothing about it. He couldn't do it right now, but soon he wanted to test himself. Kova was sure that Zilas would be a good wolf to test himself. Well that was if Zilas stayed in the pack and didn't disappear like so many others had.

The clouds drifted across the moon casting the pale light onto the she wolf's fur. Kova's eyes trailed along the she wolf's grayish coat as it glowed in the moonlight. Her coat was beautiful, that much he was able to appreciate much like appreciating a colorful sunset. However a moment later Kova blinked realizing that thinking of her as pretty was awkward. His eyes flicked to the trees and sky now uncomfortable by his own actions.

“May I ask of you name?” He questioned her lightly while keeping his eyes off of her pelt and trying to continue being business-like.


RE: Drink With Me - Sijinali - Oct 22, 2015


Sijinali watches as the male's eyes trail over her figure.
Her face heats up yet again, but she presses it away. "It's a pleasure, Kova."
The air was a bit nippy, but not so as to cast shivers through her legs. Her pelt
was keeping her toasty. Her fur was slowly starting to grow in for preparation of
winter times. She had never been the kind of wolf to be gifted with new hues in
the palette of colors that was her fur during the cold season. The soft grin remains
on her lips as he asks for her own calling. "Sijinali Montalo" she says, her voice
sweet. "I'm quite sure I don't need to state my pack." A small chuckle emits
from her before glancing to the bats again.

A snarl almost escapes her in surprise as a bat swoops downward toward them. She
arches her back downward and ducks her head, her ears pressing against her head
for a moment. With a slight tinge of embarrassment, she peers to Kova, her smile
wavering. "I've heard they like blood." She grows quiet now, side stepping as
to avoid the paths of the bombarding bats. After feeling out a spot she was comfortable
standing in, she seats herself, fluffed tail wrapping itself around her right haunch.

"What is it you'd like to inquire about, Kova?" She asks curiously.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Oct 22, 2015

There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health

RE: Drink With Me - Kova - Oct 24, 2015



“A very nice sounding name miss.” Kova bowed respectfully to the lady after she gave her name. Respect for woman was something that Tokino had instilled in Kova at a young age. Kino had been the same way with Minka in the beginning, until he really began to love her. For woman were what held the pack together; not a strong alpha male, but an understanding confident women. When he came up from the bow Kova shook his fur to relieve the tension in his shoulders. The longer he stayed in her presence the more he trusted that she was not going to attack him or call for her pack mates to chase him off. He smiles at her comment about her own pack. It was around then that the wind shifted revealing the scent of a carcass not too far away form their current location. Kova sniffed at the air for a moment, not taking his eyes away form the delicate form of the pale she wolf. A true laugh finally escapes his maw as she reacts swiftly to the swift form of a bat nearly flying into her. Seeing her embarrassment afterward though Kova relinquishes the smile on his face and replaces it with an understanding and serious one.

 “Blood? How can one survive off of blood alone...” The question was half to himself as Kova glances to the sky where the bats flung themselves through the air. Then his gaze fell back down to the she wolf when she asks what he wanted to inquire about. “First... Would you like to come and share a meal with me?” he asks giving her a quirky half smile while gesturing in the direction that the scent of the moose carcass was coming from. He took a step towards it then waited to see if she would walk with him. Then, concentrating on what he originally came here to do, Kova opened his maw to answer her original question. “I just wanted to know if pack life was the same for you as it is for me. Do you guys have trouble with certain members? Does the royal family actually like each other? Are there always troubles with the younger wolves and the older ones as they try to transition into the adult ranks of the pack?” Kova pauses wondering how much he wanted to let Sijinali know about his own pack. He figured that these things were the same in each pack, but was not 100% sure. If things were different in Secret Woodlands than it was in Round Stone Crest than maybe there were some serious issues happening in his own pack that needed taking care of. Issues that Kova would want to fix.

“Not to say that my pack is having problems like this, but in the past we seemed to have issues like it. Most of the time its nice around the Crest. Everyone is cordial and proper, but not too uptight. We have fun when there's time to do so.” He tried to think back on what the pack was like before Minka's death, because that was what the pack was really like. Not the down depressed wolves who were working themselves to death now to forget the pain in their hearts. Maybe soon Kova could find it in his heart to have a little fun in the Crest again. Only if the others were okay with it though.


RE: Drink With Me - Sijinali - Oct 28, 2015


The warm beaming from her face
remains at the male's compliment of her name. She then tunes in carefully as to
what he had to ask her. Firstly, he asked her to join him for a meal. She raises herself
back on all fours gingerly. Her slender muzzle tilts as the odor of a kill drifts by. It
seemed close. Nodding her head, she starts walking next to him, their stride casual as
they head toward the carcass. Creamy ears swivel at his questions; he was asking so
many. What did he mean by royalty? The grin on her face dissipates, but she doesn't
appear to be disheveled.

"That's many a question, Kova" She hums, tittering lightly. Her light pelt contrasted
his dark one as they walked beneath the ever so vigilant moon. She peers upward, a
rather thoughtful look overcoming her face. "I haven't been with my new family for
too long, so I'm not completely filled in as to what's occurred."
Her deep teal eyes
look to her left where he walks beside her. "A pup had passed not too long ago. I
believe it was the young of a wolf named Danica."
Her face contorts as she thinks
more. "I'm not positive, though. She's no longer welcome around the pack nor its

After speaking, she continues along, her gait unwavering until she thought about
what he said about royalty. She pauses in her tracks, tilting her head before looking
at Kova. "What of royalty? In complete honesty..." Ah, there was the
warmth taking over her face again. She looks down at her front paws sheepishly
before gazing back up to the male, "I'm not all too familiar. I know you are a
prince, Kova, but unfortunately I cannot recall if any of those within my family are
royal as well. I've never been too familiar with such. It never existed back in my
The heat rolls off of her after she finished speaking.


RE: Drink With Me - Kova - Nov 05, 2015


Kova creases his face as the she wolf notes how many questions he had asked her. “Sorry...” He offered the small apology before looking down at the ground between his paws. Then his face comes up as an astonished look crosses it. A pup died and the mother was exiled? He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that other packs might have been during much worse than his own. At least there was no real reason why his own younger siblings might suddenly die. The thought of them dead though sent innumerable shivers down his spine. He hoped that they would forever be safe, unlike his sister Noble.

When she asked about royalty he tilted his head curious about her words. It seemed Sijinali was unsure of what she herself might have once been. Kova had grown up with parents who continually reminded him of his position. Tokino especially had poured lesson after lesson down his throat about the "royal" family he had elsewhere and what being born in the Downs meant for him and Noble. So Kova had a clear understanding of the title and word called royalty. 

“Well... If your parents were the leaders of your old pack then you would have been a princess where you were born. When a wolf leaves their birth pack they lose their title as heir to the pack and simply become a subordinate. That's what I was taught. ” Kova explained carefully making sure to word himself correctly. He liked to help other wolves out and give them information. That was exactly why he was in training to become a teacher. He continued padding along until the carcass came into sight. Once there the youth slowed to a stop and began sniffing around near the moose's stomach. He was well fed and actually not too hungry right that moment. With a warm smile he backed up from the carcass and pointed to it with his nose. “Ladies first.” A small wag twisted his tail while Kova watched to see if the she wolf was hungry or not.
