Ruins of Wildwood
Broken Timber Pines i may tell you to run - Printable Version

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i may tell you to run - Ember - Dec 03, 2015

All welcome! Ember is initially rushing to find @Iopah, but anyone is welcome to overhear her and jump in.
Dated 12/03 - light snow, mid day.
Random Event: Broken Timber Pines, a herd of mule deer has (foolishly!) decided to bed down within your territory!


Something was different within their portion of the forest, and Ember could not just allow that to be. With the novice skills her parents had began her with, she diligently discerned the change within the air, tracking it down to its source. Just within their borders, on the Western most side, Ember slyly came upon the breathtaking sight of an entire herd of mule deer as they began to settle into place, taking rest from their journey here. Never in her own experience had she witnessed a grouping of such sizable prey, and excitement poured adrenaline into her system as she knew that she must tell her parents about this magnificent stroke of luck for the pack.

Removing herself from the vicinity, she stealthy swam under the brush until she was far enough so as not to startle the herd before breaking into a run, racing her way back to the pack's main den. It was Iopah's scent that she picked up on first, and so she tried to get her mother's attention above anyone else's.

"Momma, momma!" she called out, her glee clear within her voice. "Guess what! Guess what!"

What an awesome day this would be, she could feel it in her bones, and best of all, she would be helping the pack in a huge way.


RE: i may tell you to run - Iopah - Dec 14, 2015

I'll prolly post Bracken to this as well, but ya don't have to wait for me.


She watched as the snow began to fill in her tracks. It fell lightly between the towering cedars and coated the sides of the toppled ones. Soon everything would be coated in white, already there were permanent patches of snow in the sheltered areas where the sun could not reach. Iopah dropped her muzzle to the earth and inhaled deeply. The scent markers were strong and she knew each of her wolves would keep them that way.

Her path turned towards the heart of the territory, following one of the many trails she knew by heart. The voice stopped her in her tracks. It was too distant to make out the words, but the tone was unmistakably one of her daughters - and that daughter was ecstatic over something. She scanned the snowy forest and lifted her muzzle to chuff a reply into the cold air. Her feet swept back along the path, going back over partially covered tracks.

Finally she was close enough to hear the excited question. As the girl came into view, Iopah let her tail swirl around enthusiastically. For all she knew it was a game and she was inclined to play along in it. She slapped at the ground with her front paws and playfully parroted back: "What?"
