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Broken Timber Pines less then perfect - Printable Version

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less then perfect - Adair - Dec 12, 2015

RE: Migrating geese are making quite the racket. 

Set immediately following his acceptance on December 05!


This land felt strange, foreign even between the thick pads of his feet but he decided almost instantly that he liked it. After getting accepted by the female lead, he excused himself in search of a body of water to rise himself clean in. It tickled him that the woman had not questioned the blood, given his feral appearance but he was content with letting the incident go swept under the rug; if she was not concerned, then neither was he in having to explain himself. He hadn't quite decided whether he wanted to discuss something that personal with his pack mates just yet, because as fresh as the blood had been on his chest, the horrific memory was replaying like a cinema in his mind, having replayed over and over again non-stop. Disappearing to find water was a way for him to get away from those thoughts and get a good layout of what was now his permanent home. 

His steps were deliberate and slow, the occasional twitch of his swaying appendage tapped a fallen tree or hanging brush with hopes of getting more of the Broken Timber Pine scent on his pelt, as well as rubbing his own stench off along the way, just in case a passerby wasn't aware that there was another male in the pack. As far as he could tell from scent alone, Iopah wasn't the only female and there happened to be one other male besides the leader that walked these lands--and he was curious to happen upon the male this evening. It was only when the sound of running water caught his attention that he diverted his path and moved deeper into the pack until the temperature seemed to cool even further from the brush, moss, and dampness that littered this secluded pack. He would like it here, he just knew it.

He approached the water with the carefulness of a cat, testing the temperature and when he felt it was comfortable enough, he lowered onto his stomach in anticipation for the remaining blood to ripple away from him. The crimson that surrounded him was light, and the metallic stench was faint but he was excited to see the memory of that day disappear, he only wished that he could finally close his mind off of what had happened. Grunting softly, as the cool water had eased his nerves, his head lifted to the sound of approaching geese who were most likely migrating for the winter, and watched them as they made their way to more accommodating land--hungrily his stomach growled. If only one could fall from the skies, if only he were so lucky, and as if to make this wish come true he barked, yipped and howled with hopes that distraction would cause one to lose course and into his mouth.



RE: less then perfect - Eirian - Dec 22, 2015


A fresh scent had began to imprint about the territory, the unmistakable whiff of male cologne all too foreign for Eirian to simply brush off as obsolete with each passing of a fallen timber, or clumps of moss that permeated the new stench into the air for all to obtain informing them a new member walked among them. In truth it caused the dark tawny brute to sneeze with distaste when he first happened upon it during his evening patrol of the borders, hackles raised ever so slightly before smoothing back down to reclaim his handsome appearance. There was little he could do about those welcomed into the fold, but that wouldn't deter him from investigating just who was going to be sleeping along side them at night and what they were made of. It was of the Asurn nature to seek out the strengths and weaknesses of wolves whom dared called themselves members of whichever pack they currently resided in. By force, or not and Eirian loved a chance to throw some weight around.

Citrus irises negated their gaze from the current marker at hand as a rear leg was swift in lifting to release a steady stream of urine upon the thick lichen coated timber to refresh the border, dull nails shredding the rich soil beneath to add a touch of personal flair should this new male pass by this portion of the land again before the Timber wolf found him first. With the deed done and his task complete creamy limbs moved deliberately now in search of the newest subordinate, coal black nose hovering above the lightly frosted ground to catch a trace of his trail. Faint snorts could be heard with each exhale the Asurn brute warranted while following in the footsteps of the other, tail swaying in a minor whip like fashion at his rump. "Oh, come out, come out wherever you are." He jeered in a mock sing-song tone of voice, a sinister smirk tugging at the corner of his leathery lips.

All concentration was momentarily hindered as the most obnoxious cacophony of honks began to ring within his eardrums. A glance towards the darkening skies above revealing a flock of birds brown and cream in coloration with black accents marks. "Noisy bastards." He chuffed under his breath before a set of barks, yips and howls that held no comparison in levels of annoyance to the honks seconds earlier replaced the ringing in his ears. By now he had come to acquire quite the recollection of what his fellow pack mates sounded like and this definitely didn't sound like any of them. 'So, this must be the newbie.' Eirian mused mentally, picking up the pace of his steps to reach the destination the sounds originated from. The faint crashing of the falls serving as background noise once he reached the scene.

Brows quirked upward once citrus optics honed in on the ivory form wading in the shallows surrounded by ripples of faint pink, the tang of blood barely discernible anymore upon the air yet still present enough to urge an unwelcome rumble of Eirian's stomach. Eating could wait, he wanted to figure out what he could about this stranger. "You must be new." His voice rang out crisp across the distance separating the two males; a few feet at least, a natural air of confidence engulfing the dark agouti male.


RE: less then perfect - Adair - Dec 31, 2015

Sorry for the wait! @Eirian


His barking had become a game now, excitement riddled throughout his long body as he watched the noisy birds continue on their course, undisturbed by the racked one male wolf was making so many miles below them. He moved slow at first, not realizing that hunger had set his thick paws to follow them, anticipating anything out of the ordinary which would make one of them his--the sensation of snapping a bone, and the taste of sweet flesh made his mouth thick with saliva. It was no secret that he had not eaten much since entering Relic Lore, and the moment he had set foot on Broken Timber Pine borders had been nearly a week since his last meal, the exact reason an easy meal of bird sent his mind reeling.

He'd gone a few paces before the scent hit him and it was very familiar, almost instantly his head turned in the direction that Eirian stood, the words that spilled from his mouth hardly bothered him. At first glance he took notice of the male's dominant stance, it was apparent that the second leading male had been in search for Adair almost as much as he was him--perfect. A smile crept along the length of his maw as blood colored eyes locked momentarily to those of Eirians, it was not so much from disrespect as it was an attempt to read the male that stood within a few feet of him. This would be an interesting encounter, he just knew it. Turning slow on his heels he eased toward the darker pelt male, his pumpkin hued eyes were handsome in contrast to the outline of his agouti pelt but Adair was hardly phased, he was mentally sizing this male up, wondering just how badly he appreciated his current position and how much he may grow to hate him. 

"I am. So, who are you?" although he was aware of the male's position it would suit him well to gain a name from him as well.


RE: less then perfect - Eirian - Jan 12, 2016

No worries!


A small crack in Eirian's facade was made visible upon the revealing of blood painted irises as they locked onto the citrus hued of his own. An eerie sense washing over the second leading male at such an obscure sight for never had he witnessed such coloration before, nor theorized such a genetic design was plausible. A bloody eyed wolf with a bloodied pelt, although, all traces of the crimson liquid vanished from such ivory fur after the idle dip in the falls. Just who is this mysterious character and what reasoning brought them to seek shelter under the Broken Timber Pines banner?

Creamy limbs held their ground steadily in the wake of the approaching brute, tangerine gaze not once daring to waver from the pale fur of Adair. Rust tinged ear flicked once in response to the question fired back upon him admitting he was indeed new, yet wanted to know who he was. "Eirian Asurn." The name rolled off a salmon tongue proudly, his chest even going so far as to puff out to express this pride in his heritage. Bred down from only the top tier of pure blooded Timber wolves, it was an honor to be dubbed an Asurn. The savage bloodline birthed wolves that pushed the standards for Eastern Timbers, their larger size and strength carefully hand picked to stand toe to toe with their arch nemesis and cousins in species; Mackenzie Valley wolves.

It was this selective breeding program that not only birthed greater wolves, but a mental aspect of self superiority to all others. "And you are?" brow quirking upwards as he stared down the length of his snout in anticipation of a name to call this brute by, though Eirian doubted its heritage would be as glorious as his own. One glance alone gave the dark agouti male proof enough he was inferior. There was no plausible manor for this man to be anything but a half breed, an unholy abomination. Despicable and a waste of genetics.
