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Arbol Rosado all the stars in the worlds - Printable Version

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all the stars in the worlds - Rayne - Mar 07, 2016

It was under the cover of night that a figure stole through the snow, towards a tree standing above a blackberry field, on a large hill. It had been quite a while since he had entered these lands but he remembered where this tree was with a frightening clarity. It was where everything had started and where everything would begin a new for him, as he stepped up to its roots to take shelter in. Taking a deep breath, the large russet male settled at the base of the tree, overlooking the blackberry bushes and wondered about many things. 

This place held many memories for him. It was where he first met Silver, who he knew he would never see again, regardless if she was still alive or not (he hoped she was because he wanted to apologize so badly but at the same time never wanted to see again because of his never ending guilt for breaking his promise again.) It was  where he had his first meeting with that strange dark furred wolf who he later learnt was working with his damned sister, Neoma and caused his limp. It was also near where he first met @Aideen, who he briefly wondered if she was still at Secret Woodlands. If she was, would she still put in a good word for him to re-join? He paused in his train of thought. 

Did he truly want to re join Secret Woodlands? It would mean being with Aideen again, if she was still there. And that was the crux of the situation. If Aideen was still living in the woodlands, then yes, he supposed he could live in the woodlands again, for a time at least. But the memories would come to haunt him again. Silver lived there once too. It was something that could only end in heartbreak again, if he went there. But there was also some good in the woodlands, happy memories... Memories that could help him heal, at least in part. If he ever crossed paths with Aideen again, he would be so happy...

Letting out a loud sigh and ignoring the rumbling of his stomach (he was so hungry and travel weary but now he was lying down, he didn't want to get back up) Rayne stretched his legs out and looked to the skies above him, lost in thought.   

RE: all the stars in the worlds - Aideen - Mar 11, 2016


She'd thought that her restlessness would start to recede after that day, with Miccah; The mere thought of it still sent delicious waves of heat rushing through her. But rather than feeling contended, the petite woman found herself growing ever more uneasy, even having trouble sleeping at night. Instead she began to wonder, combing through every inch of the thickets, and, once she knew it all by heart, the lands beyond. She wasn't especially seeking out anything, but her heart drew her to the blackberry fields several times, and while the brambly bushes were still naked, she could spend hours sniffing around the roots, feeling more homesick than she ever had before. This was her own personal secret, she didn't want to worry or hurt her husband, so she kept the feelings to herself, taking them with her on her long walks. It wasn't that she wanted to go back home, she didn't even know what things were like there after all these years, her mother was likely dead, maybe her father too… And she had a good life here. Perhaps that was why she was thinking so much of her own childhood home, she was starting a family of her own now, and she longed for her parents' support and approval; But there's no use dreaming… And yet she did, because she was the reaming sort.

This night, she had woken up after a short, restless sleep, feeling the urge to stretch her legs. Shifting carefully, not to disturb the others in the den, she slipped free of the warm bodies, creeping out into the night. A butterfly-light kiss was planted on her mate's forehead as she passed him, then she was out in the cool spring night. Her well-trained legs slipped easily into a swift trot, slender frame maneuvering, as if on its own, through the thicket. She had to enjoy that ease while she had it she supposed; I won't stay slim for much longer..! The thought brought a smile to her face. Even if she missed her parents and siblings, she was so very happy, with the family she had already found in Secret Woodlands, and the one she and Miccah were creating.

It didn't take long for her to reach the edges of the dense forest and sip out into the fields, the ghostly-faint scent of blackberries bidding her welcome. She stood still there, at the edge, savoring the clear, open air and its whispers of home. But then she noticed another scent on the wind, one that felt just as familiar as the bushes, and yet she couldn't quite place it. With a jolt she was in motion once more, trailing the smell into the cherry orchard, brows furrowed as she tried to identify it. It was wolf, so much she could quickly tell, but who? Someone she knew obviously! From home? No, it can't be..! The large tree, towering above the rest came into her view; At present it was still as naked as the rest, but in her mind's eye she saw it in its full, rosy prime. She'd been there a few times, most notably with…

Just as her copper gaze fell on the form, lying on the snow beneath the tree, she realized who it was she'd been trailing. Her mouth fell open, all the air leaving her lungs in a surprised huff and she froze in place. It seemed to good to be true, or to painful at least; But why would I imagine it? In a slightly shaky voice, hoarse after many hours without use, she called out, body trembling in anticipation; "Rayne?!"

Word count: 605

Thoughts ”Speech”


RE: all the stars in the worlds - Rayne - Mar 12, 2016

It was late at night and Rayne was just so tired. His travels had been long and tiresome and had made him so terribly hunrgy that all he wanted to do was go to sleep...

Fate, however appeaered to have other plans in mind for him. A shaky voice called out his name, sounding as if the wolf calling was almost in disbelief of what they were seeing. Lifting his head at the sound of his name, (but oh, was he still so tired. Could he sleep soon? His drowsy mind murmered. Better yet, just ignore the voice and go to sleep now.) Rayne froze as his eyes landed on an familiar form. 

"Aideen?" He croaked as he called the name out, his voice raspy and his throat feeling somewhat sore. He hadn't spoken to anyone, to anything in quite some time so his vocals would be rusty with disuse. All sorts of emotions were roiling within the rusty male, making his stomach churn uneasily. Unabashed joy at the sight of his old dear friend and lingering fear and guilt of what she might think of him now. 

But even then, the male couldn't believe it! His heart beat frantcially at the sight of his old friend, happiness winning out for a time as it spread through him, like warmth on a warm summer day and he mustered up the ability to smile at her, as he shakily went to stand.  It was clear he would need food, judging by how his bones jaggedly stuck out from underneath his shaggy coat. It had been some time since his last proper meal after all. 

The happiness only lasted for a few moments though, until the farmiliar pang of pain Rayne felt in his chest before it settled into a hollow ache made him feel worthless, making his smile fall.  Here was his dear friend, his friend that he abandoned moons ago. He had no right to see her, at all. She would hate him, surely, for his leaving without even a good bye. 

"I'm sorry,"he rasped, his eyes glittering with sadness as he looks at her and sees how her coat is still the same red rusty hue that he remebered, the same cooper eyes and the same scent of the Secret Woodlands. So she was still there, still happy and with friends and family. 

Good, good. He thought to himself, almost bitterly. 

She was still the same Aideen, pure and simple and kind.  But he was not. He had hardened over the years, with the stutter not longer in existence and his limp and scars to prove it even further.  

"Aideen, I'm sorry."he shook where he stood, from guilt to sadness to everything yet unable to take his eyes off of her."I'm so so sorry. Please don't hate me."

RE: all the stars in the worlds - Aideen - Mar 12, 2016


Was it really him? Maybe she was mistaken, her fatigue building illusions in the midnight-dimness. But he hadn't been in her mind, even shortly, for months, where would this image have come from? The delicate shewolf remained frozen, holding her breath as silent moments passed. It could have been hours, or just seconds before he reacted, a ragged voice answering with her own name; Then it IS him! Despite the hoarseness, she recognized the voice. Though as he stood, her brows rose, mouth and eyes widening at the sight of his bedraggled form. The russet fur was matt and unkempt, spiking out in odd directions over clearly visible bones, his sunset eyes sunken deep in his skull. But it was him, as their eyes met he smiled, and there was no doubt left, his whole face lit up and all the shadows lifted, he was the Rayne she remembered. But it lasted only a second, then his expression fell back into despair, sending a stab through Aideen's heart.

His rugged voice sounded again, his anguish reflected on the rusty lass' face as she listened, ears flattening back. The apology reminded her of the pain he had caused, the desperate anger she had felt at his disappearance. ABANDONER! A cold voice rung out in her head, making her flinch. It was true, he had left them, run off without word. No explanation, not even a goodbye, just gone, like the others, Hollow; And COAL! And like them, she had resolved to hate him. But looking at him now, back before her and so clearly miserable, she couldn't keep to that. She wasn't one for hatred, she was a healer and the sight of anyone in need made her want to help them, especially an old friend. So when he begged her, she did not hesitate, but ran swiftly up the hill, closing the distance between them.

Her body extended to curl around his, feeling so fragile under her gentle touch, despite the vast difference in size. Tears welled up in her bright coppers, her heart lurching as she felt him tremble against her. "I could never hate you." She murmured into his pelt, allowing herself a moment to simply hold him, assuring herself that he really was here. Then she pulled back a little to look him over, meeting his shadowed eyes. "What happened to you?" She asked, voice still soft but with a hint of demanding. She wanted to know how he had come to this, half dead and alone, and why he had left her in the first place.

Word count: 430

Thoughts ”Speech”


RE: all the stars in the worlds - Rayne - Mar 13, 2016

(OOC: SORRY NOT SORRY. don't worry, he not gonna die)


His heart fluttered when she pressed up against him, his body still shaking even as he tried to control it and press back against her, to reassure her that he was really there. It soared when the words he had hoped to hear but thought he would never hear her speak floated from her mouth.

"I could never hate you." Tears that had gathered in his eyes soon overwhelmed him and his chest heaved heavily, his legs shaking under him uncontrollably. When she pulled away from him, he had to lay back down otherwise he would collapse from the weight of those words, of both the emotions that were rolling off them and just everything else that was happening.

“Thank you, thank you,” He whispered, unable to say anything else as he tried to hide his face in his paws, trying not to show her just how pathetically happy he was. With those few words, some of the weight on his shoulders had lifted and he felt just that bit lighter and better.    


Yet when she asked what had happened to him, wanting to know why he had left without a word he knew there was no point in hiding it from her. Lifting his head from his paws and taking a few deep breaths, he started.

"I found love and I wanted to be with her,"He explained, trying to think of a way to start it but the words started falling from his mouth easily anyway. She deserved the truth and no lies. It was her right. "I wanted to tell you, I meant to tell you but I was afraid. Afraid you'd never want to see me again and stop being my friend." There were intentions to go back to Secret Woodlands at the time but they never eventuated. Mainly because his courage did gave out in the end and it truly sounded pathetic as he spoke it out loud. He knew Aideen wouldn't have cared but at the time, he was afraid. So so afraid. 

"Soon after, I became lost during a large storm. I managed to find my way back here, to the mountains and lived there for a short while. But I strayed again, because I found I couldn't stay in the same lands where I felt so guilty for a broken promise from long before, so I left. I traveled for some time before feeling drawn to come back." The words were falling out more quickly now. He just wanted to get as much off his chest as he could, before Aideen could stop him. "But I don't want to keep walking and walking to find none that will take me. I'm just so tired now Aideen. I want a place to call home, a proper home."</p>

His left front leg was lifted up a little, the same one that had been injured so long ago and left him with a limp. Not a terrible one but one all the same. Part of him still wishes to meet that male again, who inflicted the wound and give back what he gave Rayne. But another part doesn't want to. Just wants to let things stay dormant in the past.  "They see this and refuse to even see further, to see me. They think I'm broken, useless. That I won't be able to pull my weight around the pack. So I stayed a loner for quite some time. It was difficult, particularly  whenever there was such a harsh winter.” 

The words were told truthfully but slowly turned bitter and almost spiteful, as he placed the limb back down and glares at it, as if it’s the source to all of his troubles. Just because of his leg, no packs had wanted him. With each rejection, he thought that maybe, just maybe, the next pack would take him. But each time he was let down. A bitter sadness had clung to his heart selfishly and wasn’t ready to let go just yet. It would take some work before it would lift from it. “I thought of going back to the pack I grew up in but I have no idea who or what would greet me there and I had no desire to find out.  So I kept wandering, until I ended back here. I thought that maybe, even if I couldn’t find somewhere to live, I’d come back to the place that held so much meaning to me...” 

With the way he spoke his last words, so soft and slow, so final and so saturnine he sounded as if he was coming back to die. 



RE: all the stars in the worlds - Aideen - Mar 18, 2016



She saw the glitter of wetness on his face before he crumbled, burying it in his paws. Her heart lurched, remembering the bubbly young man who had been her first friend in these lands. Seeing him like this made her ache. The years had changed both of them, but it looked like they had been a lot harder on the russet man. His eyes were dry when they returned to her face, but he was still shaking, breathing heavily in an attempt to steady himself. She wanted to reach for him, to wrap him back in her embrace and bring him back to the Woodlands where he could rest and grow strong again. But then he was talking, explaining as she had asked, and she stayed put, listening quietly. It wasn't long before she wanted to interrupt, assure him she would have never have turned him away for following his heart; And smack him up the head for thinking as much. But she held her tongue, continuing to listen as the tale went on.

Her mouth dropped open slightly as he spoke of the storm, and she wondered if it was the same that had whisked her away to the north. In a manner reminiscent of her own, his speech grew rushed the longer he spoke, pushing to get out all the words as quickly as possible. Copper eyes grew wide and soft at his story, drifting to his scared leg as he lifted it. She remembered that day, finding him battered and broken and desperately trying to save his leg. It had healed up nicely, considering the damage, a slight limp was a small price. But apparently others hadn't thought so. She could see the bitterness and hurt on his face as he mentioned all those who had turned him down, the dejected tone making her heart bleed. While she looked at him with pity and pain though, a flame of anger lit up in her eyes; How could they?! Rayne had come to their borders in need of aid and they had brushed him off, refused him; RAYNE! Who she knew to be strong and honorable, a wolf worth ten of their caliber, but they had denied it, hadn't even seen beyond his injury!

Aideen's lips tightened into a slim line, copper eyes glowing. She stared at her old friend for a while, gaze unreadable. Then she reached out a creamy paw and bumped against his skull, hard enough to be felt, though not really a slap. "Don't talk like that!" She snapped, glaring at him for a moment, then a soft smile broke through her stern expression; "You're coming home with me, I'll make sure you live a good while yet!" Despite the harshness of her words, her eyes were warm, the smile on her lips full of love. She lowered her muzzle to brush briefly against his, hovering her eyes just in front of his orange's, voice softer now as she continued: "I'll never stop being your friend Rayne. I would have understood you wanting to be with the woman you love." She paused, letting the weight in those words sink in. Heaven knew she was truer to her heart than anything else, and she could never blame someone else for the same; "But what's done is done, there's no need to dwell in the past." She bumped his muzzle again, softly, then waited for his response; I'll take care of you!

Word count: 576

Thoughts ”Speech”


RE: all the stars in the worlds - Rayne - Mar 18, 2016


For a brief moment, with her expressionless face unreadable, Rayne feared he had spoken something wrong. But then she reached out a paw and bopped him on the head, confusing him slightly by it.

But before he could ask why, she snapped at him, telling him to stop talking like that and he clicked his jaw shut.

"You're coming home with me, I'll make sure you live a good while yet!"

Warmth blossomed throughout Rayne at his friend’s words, starting from his heart and just spreading. He returned her muzzle bump gently as he quickly realised their friendship was always going to be there, no matter what and that it was an amaranthine sort of friendship. One that would that would never go away.  And the russet male hoped that it did never go away. It was once thought Aideen would have hated him or at the very least, would feel betrayed by his leaving and never forgive him. But it appeared that he had been proven wrong, even inviting him to come back with him to her home. He would be forever grateful for this friendship for if Aideen had not appeared this night, there was no thinking of what might have happened to the large wolf.  

“I promise I’ll do whatever I can to help within the pack.” He vowed to her, easily promising his loyalty away to her for now and ever more. This would be his final home, he was sure of it. He would never willingly leave it again and do whatever he could to better both himself and the pack.  But his heart skipped a beat. What had become of the pack, since his leaving?  “I’m guessing you’re still at the Woodlands then? Are Miccah and Nina still the leaders of Secret Woodlands? Would they  be alright with me coming back?” The questions quickly shot out one after the other, desperate anxiety clinging to him. Even though it had been largely quelled within in himself, the large male would still have bouts of anxiety storming within him. And these thoughts seemed to drag it all up.   

If so, who else would still be there to remember his leaving without a word? Would Aideen be able to convince them to allow him back into the pack? It never occurred to him to just ask who the leaders were at that moment, thinking that despite the years, in a slight naive sort of way, the leaders were still the same ones when he left. Though he would not be completely wrong, being only half right in his guess.

And what position within the pack would he aim for? He would most likely go back to being a guardian but regardless, until the weight he lost was regained and became healthier, it would not be wise to overstrain himself. And if his old strength never came back to him, what else could there be for him?


RE: all the stars in the worlds - Aideen - Mar 19, 2016


She smiled contently, nodding along as he eagerly swore to carry his weight; She had no doubt. When he asked about Secret Woodlands she beamed, answering his question with yet another nod. Rayne had shown his capabilities to her, despite his missteps, she had no quarrels letting him back into the pack. Despite his current state, he was still strong, and she knew he was resilient, with her and Nina's care, she was sure he'd get back in working shape quickly. Just as she thought of Nina, the russet man mentioned her, asking about the pack leadership. Her smile turned jaunty, a playful glint in her coppers as they met his fiery orange's; "I'm alright with it!" She proclaimed, smile growing into a full on grin as she continued: "And that's all you need. I'm queen of the Woodlands now." She watched excitedly for his reaction, head titled slightly, her whole face alight with joy at the chance to shock him. Her tail flicked pleasantly, ears following suite, eyes remaining trained on her friend. She was so happy to see him again, warmth filling her at the idea of having him as pack mate once more; Everything is so… GREAT!

Thinking of the rest of her pack though, she did purse her lips, voice more thoughtful as she added: "@Miccah might take some convincing, but I'll handle that." Her mate was proud, but he knew as well as anyone how useful an extra set of paws would be, especially now. Aideen's expression grew foxy, her eyelids falling to half-cover her eyes as she shifted lightly in her seat, brushing a paw against her belly. It was still too soon to tell for sure, but her heat had subsided, which she knew to be a good sign, and she had a good feeling; Though that might just be hope… Still she smiled, eyes twinkling as she looked back at Rayne. "We can make good use of you, even while you rebuild your strength. The pack has a couple soon-to-be yearlings, but an adult eye is always appreciated, and you can help teach when Miccah and I need to take care of our leader duties." She spoke swiftly in a light tone, smile wide an joyful, having her old friend to help keep an eye on the little ones would add an extra layer of peace to her mind.

Word count: 397

Thoughts ”Speech”


RE: all the stars in the worlds - Rayne - Mar 19, 2016


“I'm queen of the woodlands now!” 

Rayne stared at her as she spoke the words, a playful glint in her eyes. Rayne couldn't stop the disbelief crossing his face and leaving him dumbfounded for a few seconds. But it quickly changes to a large grin, his eyes now lighting up with happiness. 

“I'm so happy for you!” He barked excitedly, his tail wagging behind him as he grinned back at her. It was a big step, being leader of a pack but he knew she could handle it. This was Aideen, a wonderful caring wolf who would do anything to help those in need. He hadn't forgotten how she had helped him through his tough times, before and now after he had left and returned to Relic Lore. “I never thought that one day you'd be a leader of your own pack - I mean, you're a fantastic leader I'm sure - but -” he cut himself off before he made a bigger fool of himself, feeling his face heat up. It was meant with no insult to Aideen and her capabilities. He was sure she was a great leader but it had just come out all wrong. Even with confidence backing him up now, he still had his awkward moments.

“As long as both you and Miccah are alright with it, I’ll be more then happy to watch over the young ones and show them a few things, while I gain my health back.” The slight shift, of both power and as Aideen tried to find a more comfortable spot, made Rayne wonder. He knew what time of year it was at the moment too, so he knew that it was a good chance that Aideen was already providing for some even younger ones that would be here in a few months.

But then his face hardened and he became serious. Aideen was giving him a second chance to live, to breath again properly. To have a family again. That wasn't something to take lightly and he wished to show that to her.  

“I promise Aideen, I'll do all I can to help both you and your kin. I'll be forever thankful for the second chance you gave me. As your friend, I’ll never leave your side again.” He had already spoken of the pack and he would do anything for the pack. Like Aideen had mentioned, he would gladly take care of the yearling and teach them valuable skills they would need to learn for the real world, whether they chose to stay within the pack or to venture outside of it.  

But this promise was for Aideen and Aideen alone. If she and Miccah were going to have pups, then he was going to do everything within his power to standby them and watch over them as they grew. He was would stand by her and be the guardian he always spoke of being.

“I won't let you down this time.”


RE: all the stars in the worlds - Aideen - Mar 19, 2016

We can fade here or you can finish off <3


His expression almost made her giggle, though she succeeded in suppressing the laughter in her voice, even as it shone clearly in her warm coppers. His surprise quickly gave way for excitement, her heart warming at his good wishes. She was so fully and honestly happy with all that was happening in her life, Rayne's return was yet another thing to add to that list, and having his support would only further her joy. She released the laughter she'd been holding in when he stumbled to express his surprise, a clear, bubbly grin that rung loud among the cherry trees. With a light shake of her head she dismissed his attempt to retract; "Me neither!" She assured him, her giggle slowly fading; "But the last year has been particularly rough, on all of us, but Nina especially. She decided the best thing, for both her and Secret Woodlands, was to step down. And with Miccah as male leader…" She trailed off, blushing under her white cheek-fur, for the first time turning her eyes down. One leg rubbed against the other awkwardly, her ears twitching as she tried to find a way to put it. It wasn't like her and Rayne had ever been more than close friends, their feelings had always been mutually platonic, but still she struggled to phrase her relationship with the former guardian, now king.

Finally her eyes returned to the bony lad, a tone of shyness now in her soft, warm smile; "Well, he and I grew very close over the past year, and we became mates last fall." She left the statement hanging in the air, it was easy enough to connect the dots. Besides, her husband was a private man, and she didn't see any need to discuss the details of her connection with him. Suffice to say that he was leading by her side, and they were devoted to one another. Meanwhile, Rayne had agreed to her suggestion, his continued assurance of loyalty turning her smile overbearing. She understood him though, she knew how bad he felt for his previous let-downs, and how important their friendship was to him. So she nodded, again lifting a paw, though this time she pleased it gently on his shoulder; "And that's all I can ask. Now come, let's go home." It might take a while for Miccah to trust the russet male again, especially with his weak state, but she was certain Rayne could convince him of his loyalty; He'll come around.

Word count: 416

Thoughts ”Speech”
