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so I'm gonna love you - Skoll - Mar 11, 2016

For Ms. @Hecate. Hope this works for ya. Mate


so I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you

March 11th; Evening, after sunset; Partly Cloudy; 26 ° F, -3 ° C.

It was actually a shame. After his little romp with Enoki, he actually possessed the lack of tact to approach his beloved, just to see if she would rise to his taunt and succumb to jealousy or insecurity. When it came to the bottom of it all, Skoll had actually reasoned with himself that it was better this way: Hecate should trust him, just as he trusted her. That was how a relationship worked, right? This was how Elettra kept Angier under her paw for so many years, right?

His muzzle wrinkled as if he had been perplexed by the idea. Maybe he had been going about the 'love' thing the wrong way. He thought he could have controlled Piety; obviously, that was not the case. She had run away anyway. At the very least, he still had his son when she could have taken the cub with her without even a whisper of additional defiance to him. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that Morganna was right and that he ought to have heeded his decisions from before.

What was gone was gone. After all, it wasn't like the bodies of the men he had killed could rise up from the dead or, at least at this point, Piety was going to come running back to change her mind about him. He had already moved on and, when he fully opened up to the idea, he was smitten with someone else.

Thinking of which, his nose twitched as he stretched out his neck and stared at the nearby trees. In twilight they were already turning blue with the sun's descent; with the snow beginning to melt, their leaves were beginning to sprout and in the air was the potpourri of fresh foliage and the feelings of being able to start anew... along with other curious scents, like those entering the rites of passage as adults and soon-to-be mothers.

If Skoll was going to be honest, he had been on edge since he had left his thicket. Morganna's stink lingered here and there, littering the Ridge in criss-crossing paths that intersected with those of his family. Being related to her, it made his hackles bristle and he wanted nothing to do with any of it. If Renier or any other chap was going to make their advances on his sister, tonight, Skoll was pretty willing to let them. He had other things on his mind.

The further he went into the forest in the west, sauntering through the trees that separated Whisper Marsh from Hush Meadow. His heart was caught in his throat. He was almost certain that she had gone this way.

As much as he wanted to call out for her by name, he figured he would wait for a bit. He assumed that she had been leading him on, playing something like a wolf-and-deer sort of chase as to draw him well away from the grasp of his relatives and the choking shadows that consumed him in the depths of his hideaway on pack territory. Instead, with his inability to deal with the anticipation of meeting her, he stopped at the mouth of the abandoned caverns that had once belonged to Princes Yuka and Titan and let loose a warbled howl.


RE: so I'm gonna love you - Hecate - Mar 14, 2016

[Image: 2642bc9c-a66c-4008-a615-25eb546c0aec_zpsuctgsudq.png]

so i'll kiss you longer baby

To be truthful, Hecate had noticed her escort flirting around with other women. A ruddy looking thing with no real attractive features and a cow. Or at least thats what it looked like. The youthful lass was mostly disturbed by the two-toned Enoki, a close and longtime member of the Ridge. Though disturbing and thought provoking, Hecate knew she could have her man at his knees begging for mercy in seconds. That, and the fact that neither of those women compared to her elegance and beauty(something that she convinced herself of each day). Even though his shifty actions were of concern, they paled in comparison to the pricking sensation hovering over her body. She had her first "heat" last year, she remembered Angier vividly expressing his distaste in the whole situation. But, this year her skin was hot to the touch. She spent her morning rubbing in the muddy snow that remained. It was soothing, but wore off quick. She then decided a dip in the river might cool her down, which was true for a heavenly moment. But, the blazing feeling under her skin and in her very veins would not let up. 

Hecate assumed this was normal and took the annoying warmth with a scowl; besides, she was expected to be a mother soon. The young lass already had difficulties relating to @Sven, but to have a living child that was completely reliant on her was enough to make her dizzy. But she had a spouse and she could leave him some responsibilities if it truly came to it. The soft and masculine call tugging her slightly west. He wasn't far, providing the assumption that her fragrance was enough to draw him out of pack boundaries. Hecate knew exactly what she was going into and would announce herself head high and confident. But there was something in the deepest reaches of her mind that was sparking fear of the unknown. She had never truly been with a man and the thought of being unexperienced broiled her blood. She trotted out to where he had summoned her, not taking a chance to call back. 

"My dearest Skoll, what be bringin' you to the outer reaches of th' forrest on a fine night like this?" She smirked coyly, but she knew all too well why he was here.

Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Mar 14, 2016

There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health

RE: so I'm gonna love you - Skoll - Mar 14, 2016


so I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you

The two large pointy ears drew skyward as he waited, anticipating her call. She didn't and he was greeted instead with a rather demure sentiment. A low rumble in his throat and chest told of his pleasure as he turned about to face her. It was obvious that he was tense, however. He stood too stiffly in his place, his tail held too straight out behind him. Even his eyes seemed to be unable to truly focus on her, trying to ensure that everything was all right, because it was already too clear that she was, perhaps, waiting for him.

"Oh," he sounded, attempting to match her level of reticence. "Just... looking for a special someone. I thought she had come this way." He met her eyes now, "Have you seen her by chance?" His tail finally gave in to a low-sweeping wag. "She has these lovely green eyes, like fresh ivy and these..." He wondered if he ought to say it, finally admit it to her face, "Lush curves that are very pleasing to the eye. Like she was built to spar and scout."

Beneath that pitch black fur he could have been blushing; at least, his face felt too warm in her presence. Piety had been like a dying star, but Hecate was the sun he had held fast for. "She's also got this daisy white coat that's just beautiful at day's end; and, in the moon glow, she compares to no other."


RE: so I'm gonna love you - Hecate - Mar 15, 2016

[Image: 2642bc9c-a66c-4008-a615-25eb546c0aec_zpsuctgsudq.png]

so i'll kiss you longer baby

Hecate put a brave face on, eyeing him thoughtfully as he hummed sweet whispers to her. He was a smooth talker, this one. She dared to step closer, each word drawing her closer and binding her deeper into the night. "I might ave' seen a lass of the likes.." She purred, swaying those curves he liked so much. Her chest swelled as she closed the space between them. Lips grazing the underneath of his throat firmly. He addressed her soft and blemish-free coat, a smile cracking against his neck. "I find yer confidence amusing, but do not play my king.. I can feel the warmth on your cheeks.." She swiftly ran the tongue over his right temple in attempts to soothe it. After her little greeting, she backed off to let him either fill the space with words or his body; either worked just fine. The pit in her stomach was working away slowly, a familiar feeling of warmth filling its place. She rolled her neck to work out a few cracks. She wanted to make sure she would not just be a side dish for him to gnaw on when he had time, so she asked him straight up. "Anyways, where ave' you been an' with who? Huh Skoll?"

RE: so I'm gonna love you - Skoll - Mar 16, 2016


so I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you

She told him that she had possibly seen the lass he had been looking for, moving in such a way that held every ounce of his attention. Then, before he had even realized it, the space between them had closed. He held absolutely still, listening further as she scolded him for his reservations. In his mind he had to keep telling himself that the comparisons to Piety had to stop; if this was not enough to prove that to him, then what she said next ought to have convinced him. His dove did not dare coo or tell him he was out of place; his little bird of prey did not hesitate to call him out on what he was keeping from her. Not only had he tried to not seem as affected as he was by her teasing, but she had caught on to his little dalliances. A 'kiss' to his temple did nothing but rile him up further, especially as she stepped back so she could see the fullness of his shadowed face.

"Familiarizing myself with the other creatures of the night," he admitted, wondering if she would press on for more. "Wondering at their beauty and finding for myself that they do not even come close to my kestrel. They're a bit too common for my taste." His breaths drew even at last and his lips parted enough for wisps of moisture to lift off his lips. "The magpies are too adventurous, the doves too delicate and dumb, the cardinals too nosy, the ravens too... like-minded..." A smirk finally found its place on his muzzle, wondering if she would understand that he had meant the three other women she might have met or not met, their coat colors easily matched to the type of bird he compared them to.

He withheld whatever else he had wanted to say about the others; if she wanted to know, he would hope she would ask. Otherwise, it would be a secret she would have to earn with him. He took a step forward, advancing on her with his shoulders squared; it was not an invitation to play or to spar, but it told her without words that he was beginning to tire of being wordmongerS rather than doers. He was going to try to cut to the chase already. "I'm sure you've been doing the same?" he questioned in kind, having caught a trace of his brother's musk on her fur at least once before.


RE: so I'm gonna love you - Hecate - Mar 18, 2016

[Image: 2642bc9c-a66c-4008-a615-25eb546c0aec_zpsuctgsudq.png]

so i'll kiss you longer baby

She had him exactly where she wanted him, eyes honeyed over in lust and desire. His answer was satisfactory enough for her, her expression playing grim and soft at the same time. "I hope y'know I trust you." She hummed, it was her way of saying something along the lines of "love". That word just wasn't fit for her or him, it didn't seem right. "But, don't be mistakin' yerself, I will have ya on yer knees if y'cross me." Hecate's words were taking a sharper edge, but it was aimed to only increase his drive. It seemed to work because his next move left her almost defenseless. He aimed to tower over her, trying her best to square up with his size. It was entirely useless, even if she was on her toes and her back was curved up in hopes to meet his height. He inquired about @Greer with a prodding accusation. A soft blue flame ignited itself in her chest, even if her body was already white hot. She was almost angry that he was sending mixed signals. "Skoll Archer y'should know by now that yer the only man for me." His move. [/b]

RE: so I'm gonna love you - Skoll - Mar 18, 2016


so I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you

"I hope y'know I trust you." She let him know first and foremost that their relationship was still mutual in most aspects. He regarded her with half-lidded eyes and a bored expression; while he had been expecting this sort of warning, he wasn't at all interested with conversation anymore. Half of him was ready to walk away and test her skills in persuasion and assault. He really wanted to see if she could do as she just said: bring him to his knees... He turned his head so that he could look at her from the corner of his eye. One midnight black paw lifted in suggestion that he was going to move to one side and see for himself if her wants were as heady as his.

"Skoll Archer," the enunciation of his name made the ear closest to her rotate to face her straight on, "y'should know by now that yer the only man for me."

He found that he could not help but to face her again. "Oh yeah?" this was only half of what his usual taunts sounded like. There was more guile and inquisitiveness rather than accusation. His gaze even flickered past her to her ivory tail as he pressed himself to her again, curving his neck over her shoulders in an attempt to further mark her as his own, "Prove it to me then..."


RE: so I'm gonna love you - Hecate - Mar 19, 2016

[Image: 2642bc9c-a66c-4008-a615-25eb546c0aec_zpsuctgsudq.png]

so i'll kiss you longer baby

He threatened to move away, trying to dangle her on a thread. The corners of her lips pitching up in forceful protest. But apparently, he changed his mind. Turning back to face her cross face. If she were a woman, her hands would be fisted to the point where her knuckles would turn white with tension. He turned on her and began to push against her chest. The brute force of his weight was making her stumble to back up. Her strength was failing her, so it was time to calculate a new course. Hecate slipped from his hold and slid along his side, sliding her muzzle along the length of his body. If he wasn't going to start things, then she would. She coyly swished her tail at his face, swatting him gently. Now he must have something to say now. It was partially relieving that she didn't have to play a game of chase to start the momentum. It was childish and she would rather immerse herself quickly. It was obvious, they both wanted to indulge in personal desire, so why not just get along with it?

RE: so I'm gonna love you - Skoll - Mar 22, 2016

Unsure if this is an ideal place to leave it; if ya want another reply from me, I'll follow suit with your reply~


so I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you

His eyes clinched shut as her tail swung his way, batting him square on the nose. The breath he had been holding captive in his chest escaped from him as though his lungs had collapsed in on themselves. A low growl, that was more excited than aggressive, served as his only reply. Where she had moved to snake along his side, he moved in such a way as to counter her - almost to a T. His steps brought him along her side, so that they stood with his shoulder to her hip.

Skoll chuffed as he grazed his teeth across her side, something that was not even close to, say, a 'play bite.' So much for trying to get to the root of it all... nevertheless, he swung his left arm over her rump, then waited, half-hoping that the weight he was placing on her would be enough to convince her that he had already succumbed to this bout of lust. He moved forward so that his arm laid across her back just below her shoulders; all he had to do was shift over to claim her.

"I've had enough of this," he hissed and rumbled enticingly in her ear. "Haven't you?" A small nip to her ear and a nuzzle of his temple to her neck and he was practically begging for it. "Give in..."
