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Larkcall Lowlands Journey Home Again - Printable Version

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Journey Home Again - Danica - Apr 03, 2016

(Phone post!)

The journey was drawing near to an end, the pale figure could tell by the pitch shadows. They stood off in the far distance, shiloutes resting on the black horizon. The stars were hidden behind puffy storm clouds as small flurries of snow fell. Flakes would land on her fur only to melt away within moments. Being here once more was bittersweet, she already missed the wolves from River Chasers. She missed the sound of the ever flowing waters soothing her to sleep. She missed walking besides the massive grizzlies and fishing amongst them. Most of all, though, the tinier body of her young companion curled against her side.

The thought made Danica freeze, raising a paw to lightly touch behind her ear. Amazingly enough, it was still there. Ever so loosely tucked into her thick fur and clinging for dear life. She had nearly forgotten about the shiny red item, a piece of the yearling's collection. A token of farewell. The woman smiled picturing the dark feather being given to her. A soft sigh left her lips as she swiveled her head to look back. "If you change your mind, look for me? Promise?" The flashback was fresh in her mind, the land was but a few days away. Not the quickest venture, and longer to someone lost. Just as she had once been a few short months ago. Danica didn't fret though, that child was no dummy and had been a quick leaner to her tracking lessons. It prided the woman to have taught her something, for if not for the whelp her fishery skills wouldn't of developed so well.

The Lieris wolf refocused herself back on the journey, but not without a brief pause. Admiration and thankfulness, "Spirits who've guided me, I am forever greatful." A soft breeze then swooped past her, spiraling around her body and shifting strands of fur. She leaned her head forward and slowly closed her eyes in appreciation. Earth. It was a marvoulous thing gifted to the creatures that roamed it. Every loving thing held it's own place, a specified role, to disturb that balance- forcefully attack such a thing- well, it was unspeakable. 

Her eyes opened full of life and determination as she once more set out briskly. An asterism seemed to shine just for her. Barely seeable amongst the clouds, an opening above her precious Round Stone Crest. They lighted her way home.

(No previous pack mates please. I want her to find RSC abandoned.)

RE: Journey Home Again - Ruenna - Apr 18, 2016

It had always been a topic of great debate, whether or not two sunsets could look the same. Rue was determined that they did, all of them, but not in any negative way; it was like seeing a smile on the face of a loved one, they could never be identical and yet all shared the same beautiful qualities. Sometimes the colours were different, or the view was obstructed by trees or mountains or even tall grass, and then she would get the laughing retort that there, then they're not all the same, and she'd say no, you misunderstand me and would see that beautiful smile she loved so much. No matter where she bedded, Rue made sure to try and at least catch a glimpse of the sunset before letting herself sleep, to the point where she struggled to close her eyes if she didn't.

The sunset was long gone that night, but she couldn't sleep regardless. The young Tainn was staring out at the spot where the light had last faded, as though by refusing to move her eyes she could pretend the wisps of daylight were still there. With the night silent and still, not a single distraction threatened to break her concentration for a long time... but then, in the darkness, a silvery silhouette moved in her periphery, and with a reluctant, wistful sigh she let the sunlight go, her gaze shifting to the pale shape striding by.

If she lay still and said nothing, she determined, the stranger would pass her by none the wiser; wherever the wolf was going, it wouldn't coincide with Rue's hidden spot, unless...

Unable to resist, Rue carefully stood, stepping forward once out of the shelter she had found among the foliage to escape the light snow flurries. She watched the silvery wolf move for a few moments, and then spoke, voice airy and admiring: "Now, that is a purposeful stride if ever I saw one." And she had seen fit to disrupt it! She was a slave to her whims, it was a vice, she knew it.

Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Apr 18, 2016

There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health