Ruins of Wildwood
Grizzly Hollow Herb Lore - Printable Version

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Herb Lore - Amaryllis - Apr 10, 2016

Amaryllis had placed her small bundle into the medicinal cahce just yesterday but she had gathered up a few more specimens after spending some time with Yvly, some she was farmilar with and some that were unfarmilar to her. She had even gone a little south of the borders since she hadn't really gone that way before and found things that she wondered about. However, she did not touch them since she had no idea if they were poisonous or not. Next time, she would ask Veho if they could travel to the south of the borders and see if he knew any of them.

The small bundle she had with her this time held some more ergot, since she figured it was something they would always need and some white flowers that grew on thorny shrubs. She had seen them around and having seen a bird pecking at the berries, so she figured they couldn't be posionous to wolves. Or at least, she hoped so.

But that's why she was going to ask @Veho about them, to see his response and if he knew of them. Dropping the bundle at her feet, she gently nuged them towards the cache and made sure they were in there safely.

Stepping away, she wondered briefly where her leader might be.