Ruins of Wildwood
Grizzly Hollow a spoonful of sugar - Printable Version

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a spoonful of sugar - Nauja - Apr 14, 2016

takes place where ever the hell veho's infirmary is @Veho, though anyone else feel free to join. EXCEPT YOU HOCUS YOU SUCK. lol

She repeated it to herself again: she wasn't snooping, wasn't stealing, she just had an upset stomach and needed to get something. For whatever reason, the last few weeks had not made this forest feel any homier. This infirmary did not seem like a place she was welcomed, and she felt unbelievably guilty as she slithered into the hole in the ground. Her eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness, but were not as useful as her nose in taking the walls of this and that in. Were it not so recently springtime, there might be more around. For now, it seemed the den was particularly bear.

"Stomach ache....stomache ache..." What was the cure to stomach ache? Was there a cure? Was she supposed to just sit and suffer it out? Nauja had not given the crash courses in basic medicine back at Bella Coola much mind, being more aquatically oriented. If she squinted she thought she could remember something leafy. Then again, most of these plants were leafy. Squinting harder at one plant in particular, she started reasoning aloud, "Well, I mean I could just try this one and see what it does. Couldn't hurt, could it? Can't be worse than what I feel right now." Her stomach kicked her in it's best attempt at sympathy. "I hear ya, I hear ya."

Her jaws started to close down on the plant.