Ruins of Wildwood
Spectral Woods All of These Things Made Me Who I Am - Printable Version

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All of These Things Made Me Who I Am - Leotie - Apr 20, 2016


Leotie had made it through the winter in her new home though it had been touch and go there for a little while. Which was why this was somewhat a surprise for the young female especially considering where she had started when she joined Oak Tree Bend. Now she had a little more experience and had made a few friends along the way. Something else had happened that she hadn’t expected, she’d learned to love the freedom she now had.

Sometimes she thought about her humans but that was becoming less frequent the more time she spent in Relic Lore. The more she integrated into her pack and gained more skills the more her thoughts centered around doing her best to help them.

Having become more acquainted with her pack lands and the area surrounding it Leotie felt more comfortable venturing out. This particular day she’d ventured away for pack lands in search of something to bring back to the cache. It had taken some time but she had finally come across the trail of a rabbit. It would be perfect to bring back to the pack. She had become so involved with following the time she wasn’t paying attention to what was around her.
