Ruins of Wildwood
Kettle Pot Pond None of the colors ever light up anymore - Printable Version

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None of the colors ever light up anymore - Celandine - Jun 02, 2016


She's off to Kettle Pot Pond, if @Wraith would like to join her. If not, then it's no big deal!

It would seem that pack life suited the woman no more than it vexed her, leaving Celandine utterly indifferent to her new living situation. She spent most of her time doing exactly what subordinates were expected to do, and aside from the occasional conversation with Craw, there was little else to sate her undeniable hunger for anything else. At that point she would have even taken something as minuscule as a hunt so long as it served in breaking up the endless doldrums of pack life on the lowest tier. Her paws were itching—a feeling all too familiar to the alabaster woman—to move, and she had finally decided to give them what they wanted.

Rising early—well, early for her—the woman began her journey traveling southeast of the monadnock, curious as to what lay beyond their new home. She planned on returning by midday tomorrow which shouldn't have raised any red flags, but still the pale fae made it a point to check in with Craw. If she got caught up, at least her absence wouldn't be mistaken for desertion. Only few short months ago Celandine would have scoffed at the idea of letting someone know that she'd be gone for the day, but that was then. Back when she couldn't be refused upon arrival, regardless of how much time she'd spent away. When the tiara still sat just so on her immaculately groomed head, and her name still held power. How the hell had she gotten here? 

At least the large male had seemed more enthused about it than burdened by her departure, however short it might be. She left with the promise that she'd bring back something to report. Even if it was just that there seemed to be a never-ending supply of field mice hiding in the low standing brush.


RE: None of the colors ever light up anymore - Wraith - Jun 03, 2016

Minor pp of @Craw to give Wraith an excuse to meet with her. Siki, lemme know if it's not okay. :3


Roused from sleep by Craw's nose in his cheek that morning, Wraith had risen groggily to the task set before him. The second had been working tirelessly since the arrival of Morganna's pups, patiently teaching them lessons as the need arose and watching over them with all the love and devotion of a father despite the lack of title. But now, he was granted a new chore. In truth, it would be a good reprieve as he'd not had the chance to explore the surrounding territory as he would have liked with how busy the pups kept him.

Tracking @Celandine across the tundra was hardly difficult. After a quick scout from the top of the monadnock, he could see clearly which path she'd taken and her intended destination. While he wasn't certain what her goal was out there, he wouldn't question it if it allowed him the chance to stretch his legs.

Wraith loped his way recklessly down the monadnock and raced headlong across the plains, appreciating the burn in his lungs by the time he reached the pale wolf's side. He barked out a greeting well in advance, not intending to take her off guard and result in a less-than-ideal meeting. As he slowed, Wraith's tail wagged high over his head and he nipped playfully at her own tail. "Craw sent me to accompany you. My apologies if you were looking for some time alone." The black brute could understand how necessary that alone time was especially now that he had so little of it. "If that was the case, we can be alone together."

In truth, Wraith understood Craw's caution. With the recent wind storm, it would have sat ill with him as well to know she was out here on her own without back up well within hearing range.


RE: None of the colors ever light up anymore - Celandine - Jun 09, 2016


Sorry for the wait, and also Cela's internal meanness!

The padding of Wraith's paws against the hard soil of the tundra echoed in her ears long before his greeting. Celandine slowed her pace, allowing the dark man to catch up as she went over the list of thing he could possibly want. A quick glance back at the monadnock was enough to ease any of the woman's concerns that another storm threatened to tear it apart, and she'd hardly spoken to the man since they set the borders, so why was he following her?

Swinging to counter the man's nip at her tail, Celandine bared her teeth in a playful sort of mock aggression. She lashed out instantaneously, hoping her canines would gently hit their mark somewhere along his neck. "Craw sent me," Damn him. Celandine was not a cub that needed tending. Craw of all wolves should have known that. So why had he sent her a guard? Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, she let Wraith continue. 

Alone together? Well there wasn't anything she could do about it now. "It's no trouble." Yes it was. "I figured I would scout out the pond. See what it has to offer." 'I' not 'we'. "Do you like to swim?" She didn't really care whether he enjoyed the water or not, she'd be damned if he stopped her from hopping into that pond. It was a guilty pleasure of hers, and it'd been far too long since she'd had the chance to enjoy it.


RE: None of the colors ever light up anymore - Wraith - Jun 13, 2016

No worries! Wraith's got pretty thick skin. 8)


For all that he looked like a typical 'all brawn and no brains' brute, Wraith was no fool and sharp as they came when it had to do with nuances. Though she put forth the effort to play in return, the black man heard beneath her polite replies to the annoyance beneath. His responding laugh was short, but not lacking in humor. "Take it as an opportunity for us to get to know each other," he suggested. She may find it easier to swallow his presence if she looked at it like that rather than as a burden.

Her question brought forth an amused smile. Ever since entering Relic Lore, he'd had a poor track record when it came to water. Upon first meeting Crystal, the fast little scout from Grizzly Hollow, he had slipped hard on ice, taking them both down. And he'd not soon forget the first time he met Skoll when he landed himself chest-deep in the very same swamp after breaking through said ice. And then there was that struggle with breaking ice with Niq'x, a sea wolf on the hunt for her mute sister. As he thought on it, perhaps it wasn't water that made him look incompetent, but ice. Shaking off the memories, he nodded. "I do, as a matter of fact."

Unshaken, Wraith fell in step easily with @Celandine. "Where is it you come from, if I may ask? I never had the chance to properly get to know you." He frowned as if remembering something and shook his head. "Nor did I properly introduce myself." He inclined his head politely. "I'm Wraith Kael, Craw's Second. I hail from the North as did he before he brought me down South to join Willow Ridge." Though he kept it from his tone, the wolf was grateful to have left that particular pack behind. While it had initially worked out well for him, the constant squabbling and family drama at the exclusion of the rest of the pack had left Wraith feeling less sentimental than he might have.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Jun 13, 2016

There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health

RE: None of the colors ever light up anymore - Celandine - Jun 14, 2016


Unfortunately for Celandine—who found herself less than thrilled with the idea of getting to know Wraith—there was no point in refusing his company. He had direct orders to accompany her, and accompany her he would. Maybe delving into his past would prove useful to her in the future. After all, information did transfer to power. Nodding her reply, the woman cast a bright-eyed glance in his direction just barely catching the smile as it crept across his maw. He thought she was mad. The realization didn't deter her, and she made no motion to let him know that she'd caught on. It was fine. The dark man wasn't the first to come to that conclusion, and he'd likely not be the last. So long as he didn't ruining her trip with the inevitable whining about how long she was taking, they would be just fine. "I do," Oh. Oh. So what was that grin then? 

Her thoughts were lost as his deep voice entered the woman's consciousness. She thought to lie, to tell him anything else, but in the end she decided that the truth would serve her better. "I was born East of Willow Ridge, on the mountain in Silent Moon Plateau. My father reigned for some time." Again, she gave this little bit freely. As the pack no longer existed, the hopeful-scout-to-be hadn't the need for secrecy any longer. "I'm Celandine Argyris, by the way." She found that she actually did have a question or two for Wraith. "So how long have you known Craw and Morganna?" Craw in particular.


RE: None of the colors ever light up anymore - Wraith - Jun 17, 2016


He listened with polite interest as she spoke, nodding as she described the pack's location. If Wraith remembered correctly, he might have met an old packmate of hers; a heartbroken thing. She'd nearly slipped right off that mountain in a driving rain. He saved the question for whether she knew of the wolf for later should they still find nothing of common interest to discuss. Something told the male she cared little for talking in general, let alone his presence.

Wraith dipped his head in an easy, friendly manner, smiling kindly. "It's nice to officially meet you, @Celandine." Argyris. Hearing it, he was almost certain the wolf he'd met shared the name.

He found himself readily distracted by her question. "Mmm?" Amber eyes lifted towards the sky as he considered. "A couple months, I suppose. Craw I've known only a week or so longer than Morganna as we traveled together to the Ridge." Returning his gaze to her, Wraith searched her face curiously. "And what about you?" They had left the Ridge so suddenly that the brute had been caught off guard by the strange female's presence. However, he had no reason to question Morganna and Craw's judgement then and still saw no reason why she shouldn't be here now. But how she'd come to join their band at all was still a bit of a mystery to him.


RE: None of the colors ever light up anymore - Celandine - Jul 07, 2016


@Wraith Sorry this took so long e.e It won't happen again!

"And you." She offered the words, dipping her muzzle towards the ground as they entered the space between them. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all, since he didn't seem like the type to pry.

Celandine did find it interesting that Wraith had only known the man for a couple of months, and that they had found the Ridge together. It didn't leave a whole lot of time for Craw to sweep the current alpha female off of her paws and sire those cubs, though it wasn't unheard of to mate with another without really knowing them. She did find it strange, however, that Wraith was already one of their closest confidants. 

She allowed her sunny gaze to run along the Wraith's face briefly, considering him once more. It was no secret that the alpha pair favored this one, but why? He didn't look like much. Average sized, so he couldn't offer anything in the way of protection that Craw couldn't. He wasn't overly scheming.. or at least not to the extent of her knowledge, which was albeit, a little lackluster when it came to the behind-the-scenes stuff around Whitestone. "Not long, and certainly not as long as you. I did know Morganna's brother for some time, but it seems he's gone now." She wasn't sure why she offered that last bit. 

"Why didn't you stay at the Ridge?" She hoped that the question didn't come across as being too forward, though it was. There were things that she wanted to know. Things that she couldn't ask either alpha, lest they take her questions the wrong way.  


RE: None of the colors ever light up anymore - Wraith - Jul 10, 2016


Wraith tilted his head in consideration at the mention of a brother of Morganna's. In truth, Wraith had never delved deeply into the Archer bloodline. Of which brother @Celandine was talking about could be anyone's guess, though it couldn't be @Greer she was discussing simply because he was the only one to come join them. His gaze darkened minutely at the possibility of her speaking of Skoll. There was little love between the two males. And while @Morganna may harbor disappointment, Wraith knew she would forgive her brother a million times over for any wrongs against her. However, such forgiveness would not come from the northerner.

He almost laughed when she asked why he didn't stay at the Ridge before realizing she may never have been told why any of them had parted from Willow Ridge in the first place. It was well timed as they had come upon their destination. Without waiting, Wraith dipped his toes in to Kettle Pot Pond, pleased by the way silt dove between his paw pads. Offering only one backward, sly glance at his companion, the brute lunged forward into the water, creating a huge splash that threatened to soak her if she wasn't quick enough to move out of the way.

He laughed warmly and steadily began swimming around to cool himself. "Relations were poor within the ridge. The Alpha male was no leader for all the strong-willed personalities, but his Second wouldn't take responsibility as was asked of him. It was no choice for me. My loyalty has always rested with @Craw and Morganna." He said it simply without hint of any underlying motives. Perhaps it was a boring answer, but it was the truth.

"Are you going to stand there and talk all day or come swimming like you wanted?" Wraith teased.


RE: None of the colors ever light up anymore - Celandine - Jul 18, 2016


Craw had explained their reasoning behind leaving the Ridge, so she knew the words that fell from Wraith's lips before he spoke them aloud. What she didn't know was why he felt so obligated to stay with the pair. There would be no more questioning though, lest it seem like she was prying for something. Ah well, there would be time later for her to assess Craw and Morganna on her own. She'd just have to learn patience. 

"They're lucky to have you then." Her mind briefly wondered back to his purpose, and why they chose this man as opposed to any other. He seemed warmer than Craw, less calculating. Well put together too, whereas Morganna displayed a more rough-around-the-edges personality. Maybe that's why they worked-the three of them. If so, then where did everyone else fit in? Where did she fit in?

It wasn't a voice that drew her from her mind, but the sharp cold of the water cascading through her fur. She'd hardly even realized that they'd made it to the pond. A long forgotten mischief lit up in her eyes as the fae charged forward. "You'll pay for that ya'know." 

The water was cool against her skin, a blessing considering the heat, as the waves quickly rose over her shoulders. They were lazy though, rolling ever so slowly. It was just perfect for her to get her revenge. Wraith had the misfortune of being larger than she was, a fact that would soon lead to his demise. Pushing against the silt, she was able to catch up to him without much hassle at all. Pearly white teeth aimed to nip playfully at his back, hoping they'd find enough purchase for her to feel as though they were even.
