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Secret Falls your only hope is burning down the chapel - Printable Version

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your only hope is burning down the chapel - Vitani - Jul 01, 2016

For @Eirian :) Not too from BTP borders


She always came back. Like a leech to the weak creatures of this world. Hungrily feasting off of their energy. The white Lieris knew little of what had happened after she had failed Silent Moon just like she had promised to Erebos she wouldn't do. Yet the woman was a strong believer promises were made and meant to be broken. Even the most honorable wolves in history had to break a few to make a few.

Muddy paws, she was disgusted with her appearance. This was no way a regal viper should show herself. The sound of water moving was close though. Maybe if she could find a small pool Vitani would be able to freshen up. Find someone to point her the right away to wherever she wished, grab a meal, and carry out poorly planned plans. Yet she knew there was always mountains to conquer before looking down on the valley. This 'mountain' happened to be a pack not too far. The scent strong but not enough for her to fret that some pack wolf would come chomping at her. Worse case scenario she chomped back.

"Where to go, where to be..." She mused silently, pawing around the are gently. The Lieris woman wouldn't settle down yet so no need to go whining at the pack's doorstep for resources.


RE: your only hope is burning down the chapel - Eirian - Jul 01, 2016


Intelligent citrus eyes watched closely as the ghostly woman maneuvered about toward the nearest pool of water that trickled down from its roaring mother further upstream, using stealthy paw steps to remain silent and the shadows cast by the various skeletons of slain cedar and thick underbrush to disguise his fiery pelt from view. No breeze dared rustle the leaves that surrounded them and threatened to waft his scent toward the unsuspecting woman and for this Eirian was silently thankful. Visitors rarely ventured into these woods and when one did surface it was always worth the investigation. He wanted to reveal himself when he was ready, not a moment sooner.

A pair of russet ears cupped forward as the ivory female's voice broke the air with a humorous "Where to go, where to be..." that warranted a smirk to slowly creep onto the Asurn's inky lips. "Anywhere the wind blows sounds pleasant to me." He replied rhetorically in a smooth baritone voice while creamy limbs pushed forth from his secluded vantage point to bring his bulky frame into the dim light, gaze trained squarely on the pale frame that remained with its back facing him although he knew that wouldn't last much longer now that she had an audience.

"But that's just my opinion." The smirk from before resurfaced, paws giving the female a wide berth as he circled about to stand just off to her right near the water's edge. Lowering his head, a coral tongue lapped delicately at the flowing liquid as if that had been his intentions from the start instead of spying from the safety of the shadows.


RE: your only hope is burning down the chapel - Vitani - Jul 01, 2016

She wasn't alone. Her body snapped to the side, harsh stance in place and tail lashing behind her pale form. Not offering a word all she did was keep sharp teal eyes trained on him. He made his russet form to the right of her and lapped at the water like nothing had happened. Like he hadn't been likely stalking her like kill (paranoid much?). She was angry with both him and herself. The Lieris had let her guard down but this male had the audacity to creep and make comments to her own musing.

"Then I'll go away from here." Her words harshly thrown with a light click of teeth. She'd ruin a pack wolf once and would gladly do it again, granted this time there was much less to gain. "For the winds surely travel far." Eyes watched as he seemed so cooled in movements. A garden snake sliding through the grass, the water that laps on your toes, the breeze on a summer evening. She hated it. He wasn't worth her time or hate but oh boy he had both of them now.

Not letting up her posture she let her voice coo out. "What brings you here? Surely all this water here this can't be the only little pool."

RE: your only hope is burning down the chapel - Eirian - Jul 01, 2016


Not a single muscle flinched in the wake of her violent displays and harsh words as his tongue continued to guide the cooling liquid down his throat and into his gullet until he was satisfied. Only then did he lift his head to allow the stray droplets of water to bead off his chin and back into the flowing water as citrus eyes locked firmly onto her teal counterparts, snorting openly at her words and clicking teeth. Anyone could make dramatic displays in the face of a stranger and by no stretch was the man considering himself threatened in the slightest, nor impressed. "Then by all means follow the breeze. I couldn't give two shits where ya go."  He retorted keeping an unamused expression upon his handsome facial features. So hostile for a little thing he mused.

That infamous smirk soon resurfaced yet again at her latest installment of words that cooed out; the hint of accusation which she rightfully deserved to use, questioned his reasoning for venturing out this way when surely there were plenty more watering holes to get a drink at. "No, but I happen to frequent this pool regularly considering it's located conveniently near my pack lands. Considering as alpha it's my job to secure the general vicinity of my territory I wouldn't want some strange hooligans overstaying their welcome now would I?" A small step was taken toward the female as his words flitted off his tongue, tail curling over his spine dominantly. It had been quite some time since the physical savvy Asurn had a chance to throw all 115 pounds of muscle around, the facade of being the humble, dotting leader growing tiresome with each setting sun. Perhaps this ghostly wolf would like to fix that problem. Unless she was all bark and no bite.
