Ruins of Wildwood
Oak Tree Bend Slugs and Snails and Puppy Dogs Tails - Printable Version

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Slugs and Snails and Puppy Dogs Tails - Drift - Oct 11, 2016

Long overdue thread for @Larkspur

Drift had busied himself with his younger brother and sister, trailing @Darrah around to learn how to adult when he could. He would help out @Aponi if she asked it of him and was always on hand to give @Spieden a break when she started to look a little run down. There was rarely any down time, so it was little surprise it took him a bit longer than most to notice the absence of some of her boyfriends, the dark one and the grey one... Oh he was sure he knew their names... why couldn't he recall them now?

Yet @Sahalie seemed to be doing just fine, she had been hanging out with her latest stray. He would have to track her down eventually, probably take her to find some food to deal with her emotions or something... He would never understand women he was sure. So when a male scent crossed his path, (his sisters stray no less) he shrugged to nobody in particular and set out on the trail. Someone had been bringing the food in and he was almost certain it was this guy. Maybe he would need some help or perhaps the small lad could pester him into teaching him something useful, like how to actually fight? The two incidents he'd had so far were little more than shoves and snaps. he wasn't so foolish as to think himself capable of protecting anyone just yet.