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Larkcall Lowlands What a dreadful place to be - Printable Version

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What a dreadful place to be - Dread - Oct 15, 2016

For @Morganna

The lights that danced across the sky captivated the young wolf, as he tilted his head back to look at them. While having seen the lights in the sky on a few occasions before, the flashes of red mixed with green were a new addition he had never seen before. A small breeze tugged at his fur, the light dancing quietly above him with the soft sounds of a small caribou herd moved along nearby, it was almost...tranquil laying there.  

Guess things happen differently here, he thought, laying his head between his front paws in this land as he watched the lights from a small rocky hill, which was facing the large rock that had been spotted earlier in the day. The smell of borders had crossed his nose well before he had even gotten close to it and while he was one to usually test his luck, that had been the first time he had smelt other wolves in these vast lowlands. It made him both wary and curious as to who lived here. It seemed so open, the ground just kept unrolling before him, only broken by small shrub like trees or the odd rocky outcrop, to live out here but the land was lush with prey who preferred the vastness and there appeared to be no close neighbors so he could see the perks of it.

Exploration of the lowlands would have to wait till tomorrow though, since he just felt like watching the lights above and listening to the soft world around him, causing him to imagine being the only wolf in the world right now.

RE: What a dreadful place to be - Morganna - Oct 24, 2016


the world is gonna tear us apart

The leader was done for the day. The sun had long ago set in the far west, and with the sunlight hours growing shorter by the day she had to wonder how long it would be before they were cloaked in a perpetual darkness. Reading the signs in similar fashion, the herds of caribou and elk were fleeing further south. Only the wooly ones and the bison showed no intention of leaving the vast tundra, the birds had long since gone with their fledglings in tow. At this rate, all they would have left to hunt would be the whitening foxes and prey big enough to kill then with a swing of their horned heads... but she had faith that @Craw and @Wraith knew more of northern winters than she did.

So wrapped in her own ponderings was the dark woman, that she had dismissed the northern lights and likewise, almost missed the foreign scent that wafted to her far too close to her home for comfort. As it tended to do, the snow was sending loners to their borders in droves and she was of half a mind to drive the lot of them off. Those that came in the fouler months rarely stuck around once they had made it through the winter with full bellies. She sent out a chuff of warning, I know you're there.


RE: What a dreadful place to be - Dread - Oct 25, 2016

A warning huff floated on the wind towards him, saying the wolf who made the noise knew he was there. Dread blinked, tilting his head to down towards where the noise came from.

It was a dark coated female, clearly from the borders of the pack before him. She must think I'm here to cause trouble or probably join the pack. He considered, eyes flicking back over to the large rock before settling back onto the woman. Maybe he would join the pack, or a pack soon but he wished for some freedom first, unless convinced otherwise.

"So?" He finally drawled towards the woman, his tail slowing thumping against the cool rock below him. "You know I'm here and what? Gonna chase me off or somethin'? While I'm near your borders, I'm not over them nor do I have any plans on crossin' them. I'm simply enjoyin' the lights in the sky." Tilting his nose towards the sky as if to prove a point, Dread let it drop back to his chest and he contiuned to stare at the woman before him. "I'm guessing your home is that big monadnock over there? It's a nice rock, best place to be, in a place like this." He only knew what one was, due to his family having made home in one as well, settling in the caves it had offered as shelter.

RE: What a dreadful place to be - Morganna - Dec 21, 2016


Oh he was a talker. She snorted in response to his words, frown thrown in the direction of the sky with a shrug. What of it? When she was younger she might have seen the wonder of it, gods and ghosts... but now? It was just a light to replace the one winter stole from the sun. Ghosts couldn't chase her here and the gods had no business meddling with her life now she had been remade. "Yer can see the lights as far south as the rise, there's no need ter loiter so close ter an unfriendly pack with children ter protect."

Yet despite her uninviting words and gruff tone, she bought herself to a seat and allowed her jaws to part in a disinterested yawn. Perhaps she was testing him, wondering if her mere presence would be enough to chase him off, or maybe it would provoke him into other actions. Needless to say she wouldn't mind if he did attack her, tensions were high enough and there was only so much sparring she could do with @Craw or @Isuni before the moves became a familiar dance.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Dec 21, 2016

Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity