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guns & horses - Indru - Nov 06, 2011

This is the optional pack hunt of Swift River, the first that the puppies will attend to observe and learn tactics. Please only attend if you think you can stick as tightly to the rounds as possible — negotiation of the ending times can happen, just ask, if you don't reply you will be skipped, sorry. If you reply early, we shift on to the next round quicker. Reply once per round in any order! ROUND 1 (JOINING THE HUNT): 6th—9th
ROUND 3 (THE CHASE IS ON): 14th—17th
Mostly Cloudy, current Temperature: 33° F/1° C. Early morning, around 5am. Map of location.

The howl fell easy from him and it's commanding tone was one only a leader could claim — he was fighting fit and returned to his former physical glory, and there was nothing preventing him holding his claim easily as he had before. Now Indru called for his pack and the obedience they granted him as the dominant wolf, for he had pups and caches and he wished for them to be fed. He turned away when he was finished, confident that they would come for his howl had spoken that this was not just any hunt but the first where the pack's future would attend, like he and Corinna had discussed. Indru was tired of the tentative position he had held since his return, this pack was his to lead and these wolves within it had chosen him to follow and if they wished to test his claim they would soon find out that he would not relinquish his position lightly.

Indru did not often drift far from home now, but on the most recent time his curiosity had taken a bit further the wolf had come across a densite belonging to a small group of wild boar. It was only sow's that did not chose a solitary lifestyle and Indru knew that with autumn just over there was bound to be piglets deep within it's walls as well. Boar's could be a fearsome battle but the tusk's of the female lacked the size of their male counterparts and as fiercely protective as they were, their desire to keep their piglets safe would make them reckless. Even so, Indru knew it took more than one wolf to take a boar down and so he had waited until the right time to call the pack to him. With the crepuscular nature of these creatures the best time to approach them was when they would be foraging, either early morning or evening.

Even early Indru had left his position outside the den to prepare for his pup's first hunt. Though they were not guaranteed success, he wanted it to go as smoothly as possible as even a defeat was a learning experience for them. Carefully, he had tread closer to their den to check for recent signs of life and, satisfied, he retreated to find a place downwind where they would not smell them coming before calling the pack. He knew Corinna's presence was a given but for Indru to risk such a hunt it would require the participation of more adults, he would not risk injury to the two leaders, and in particular the mother of his pups. With the morning mist curling around his forepaws Indru waited, back towards the Swift River territory, for his pack to come.

Thought I would pick wild boar (Sus scrofa) for a change! I've seen wild wolves hunt boar in the wild when I stayed studying them for quarter of a year in Poland and I've always wanted to play it out in a thread. :) Indru's tactics that I will suggest in round 2 will be based of those that I witnessed.

guns & horses - Corinna - Nov 08, 2011


Gone Tomorrow

It seemed like time and time again, Corinna was being called out of the cozy Swift River territory to the neighboring Wildwood. She had spent time there recently with Borlla, using the time to reconnect to one another. As she sat up now, she heard Indru's call, calling the pack to him to participate in a pack hunt. They had discussed this one, mutually agreeing that it was high time that their three children learned the most basic of their survival skills. This morning the small family had been relaxing and playing in one of the few grassy areas that the Swift River territory had to offer, but with a low bark, the leader called her pups to her. They were growing now, rapidly approaching what would soon be their full size and stature, but she still commanded their love, affection, and attention like nobody else in their limited worlds. "It's time, kids," she cooed, her tail wagging eagerly at her haunches, hoping that her joy for the hunt would be contagious and the three pupils would pick up on her energy. She had mentioned it to them, that it would be time for them to watch their first hunt. "Let's go." Turning tail, she headed in the direction of the call, settling into an easy lope that she knew the three could keep up with. Every once in a while she glanced back, making sure that nothing had befallen the train of Tainns.

The journey was an uneventful one, and eventually the tawny pelt of Indru came into view as Corinna followed his scent and his howl. It had taken some time to travel the distance, so she was not overly concerned or surprised that none of the others had yet arrived. That was the problem with hunting outside of one's own territory, it took time to assemble the team that would be used to hunt. The morning mist was dissipating, but it was still prime time for a hunt. "What are we hunting?" She asked, her black nose sniffing anxiously to determine what it was that her children would be exposed to.


guns & horses - Kinis - Nov 08, 2011

The boy had been sleeping in the den, following a long night of solo hunting and tracking, and it was only due to being so in tune with his brother's voice did the howl break through to his consciousness. Blinking away the lethargy, he momentarily debated pretending that he hadn't heard anything and shutting his eyes again, but knew that he couldn't bring himself to do so. Alone in the den, he stretched and yawned and warmed up for the journey; Indru's call had been further away than usual, so there was a trip ahead of him. Psyching himself up, and still longing for a few more hours' rest, Kinis turned and loped steadily towards the source of the call.

At some point in the journey, he came across the recent scent of his niece and nephews and their mother, and was pleased to be able to simply follow their trail.

He reached the group just in time to faintly hear Corinna's question. "Morning," he greeted quietly as he approached, not wanting to distract from Indru's reply but not wanting to sneak up on them all either. As he stood just a little apart from the others, he couldn't help but smile at the children, nostalgia creeping up on him. He could remember when that was him, on his first adult hunt, and though it wasn't him in the firing line it had been a memorable event nonetheless.

guns & horses - Fenru - Nov 08, 2011

While 5 AM was a rather ungodly hour to most creatures, nocturnal and diurnal alike, Fenru Tainn had started to enjoy the few moments before the sun started to rise. He had been occupied with rolling in the grass and trying to provoke his siblings to chase him when Dad's voice pealed through the Grove. In turn, Mum beckoned them to follow her. Dodging both Rihael and Kisla, he quickly trotted after Corinna without a word; he didn't want to be left behind.

The youngest Tainn romped in and out of the mist, taking joy in how the wispy clouds swirled away wherever he placed his paws. As Indru came into view, he stopped at Corinna's flank, stepping forward only briefly to nudge his father's chin with his nose before bowing down enthusiastically. Were they going to play a game? Was everyone in the pack going to play this time? Mum asked what they would be hunting and Fen fully settled on the ground, realizing now that the events unfolding before him was to be his first pack hunt. His tail still waved about behind him but upon Kinis' approach, it stopped. He simply smiled up at his Uncle before gazing back at his parents. So... who else was coming?

guns & horses - Triell - Nov 08, 2011

The darkest of the Tainns was wide awake at the hour. His days were becoming his nights, and his nights his days. He had been thinking about nesting down in his own burrow for a pleasant nap when the song of his brother alerted him of a Swift River hunt. He was relieved to hear Indy's voice calling the pack hunt. The last one had been rather interesting to put it lightly, and Triell had promised himself he would not participate in anything where Indru was not there to keep the peace. The tension between Marsh, and Ruiko was enough to drive him to insanity, perhaps even spark his own anger and when those two had at each other he wanted to be several yards away. There was just something about Indy that could remind everyone their place, something he wished he could do one day, but until then he'd hope to somehow have the talent passed to him.

In the mean time, he halted grinding over thoughts of going or staying. This time he figured his brother would keep order, and Triell was ready to put himself to work. But his recent yelling match (him doing the yelling) with Indru had him unsure. Would Indru want him there? He was sure his brother thought he was a hot tempered brat. Triell by no means wanted to talk about what had happened, not really. Despite all that he wanted to go, to be there. He couldn't avoid Indru if he never left Swift River, and he didn't think he could call another place home. Decisions, decisions.

Puffing a breath through his lips, he gritted his teeth, and swiftly starting running to his brother's voice. He hoped for all sake's everyone else had showed first or he would be lost what to do. When he found them in the Wildwood, his interest was sparked, and he looked over the small group of Indru,Cori, Kinis, and the pups. He wanted to smile, but he kept his mask indifferent, quietly approaching his leaders with quick licks to their chin. He did not say anything, but kept his frame respectful, and his eyes down finding a spot next to Kinis.

guns & horses - Marsh - Nov 09, 2011

Marsh had also been wide awake, but mainly due to his tendency to rise early. A hunt for the pups was the whisper on the wind, and not one moment too soon. As much as he valued them, it was time for the children to start growing up properly and learn the roles they would need to better pull their own weight. So, when Indru's call rose up, Marsh flicked an ear towards it, attentive but regretful that he had chosen this very moment.

The prey he had been stalking would just have to be abandoned, he supposed. With a snort, he turned, leaving the creature with its life intact, though it hadn't even been aware of the danger. Marsh did not rush, knowing it would take a small while for enough members to gather, and idly wondered if Indru's brother was going to be present... as it turned out, Ruiko was absent as of Marsh's arrival, a welcome fact. Dipping his head to the leaders in greeting, he approached Corinna automatically to momentarily place a kiss on her chin, never forgetful of the mercy she had offered upon taking him back into the pack. After a moment, the same courtesy was given to Indru, though Marsh wasn't quite conscious of the fact that he had ordered his respect in such a way.

Five adults to three children, then. Marsh could smell pig on Indru, and was intrigued by the choice. This would more than make up for his earlier sacrifice.

guns & horses - Kisla - Nov 09, 2011


Ever since the pack meeting, Kisla had dreamed of nothing but learning how to hunt just like the rest of the pack. Antics and games with her brothers were no longer appealing as they had once been; tag and hide and seek seemed far less exciting than participating in a hunt. Youthful still, Kisla was also growing more and more in to the she-wolf she would become. Her fur was paler than her brother’s, and her eyes sparkled with the bright peridot she had gained from Corinna. Streamlined and lithe, the girl of six months was slowly but surely becoming a young lady.

The morning found her lounging in the grass near her family, every so often stretching her legs for a small romp with her brothers. Her green gaze followed the slow wobble of a beetle as it attempted to climb over blades of long grass and fallen leaves, and Kisla was about to release a soft whine of boredom when the silver leader called her young to them. Getting up and stretching eagerly, the girl padded to her mother, her eyes bright with curiosity as she canted her muzzle slightly. At her words, a wide grin broke across the Tainn’s features, and with her pale tawny tail waving behind her, she trailed after Corinna, her eyes stealing a glance to her brother’s for their reactions.

The walk seemed to take forever, but soon their father came to view. Casting Indru a shy smile, Kisla settled to her haunches by her mother’s side, patiently awaiting their first hunting orders. Fenru was just as excited as she was, and the girl gave him a soft nudge to his cheek as they waited.

guns & horses - Ruiko - Nov 09, 2011


Indru’s call stirred the large male’s gaze up, his bright eyes blinking slowly in the direction his brother seemed to come from. His tail gave a whip of indecision as to whether or not he would join the hunt, yet his thoughts stirred to the three youngster’s his brother and mate had produced, and without a second’s more of hesitation, Ruiko’s paws were swiftly carrying him to the direction of the cry.

It surprised the regal male that Indru was calling them to the Wildwood – the moment he moved in to the shadows of the trees, his lips curled up in distaste as the damp scent clung to his nostrils. Dampness, and Ruiko could have swore he could still scent the smoke that clung to the dead trees.

Arriving to the destination, the tawny wolf noted the impressive gathering already. Indru and Corinna were there with the three pups, while Kinis, Triell and Marsh were also present. Stiffening slightly at having to deal with the pack Second, Ruiko’s gaze swept to the leaders first, his muzzle inclining respectfully to them both. In turn, his own figure remained lower in stance to the pack Second, not wishing to stir a rank challenge at this time. Marsh had earned his place and Ruiko was just temporary help; or, that was how he saw it, at least. Soon, the large male would take Kinis and Volkan away from Marsh’s demands, and the inter-drama of the pack could smooth away once more. Taking a seat beside Kinis, Ruiko turned his eyes to the leaders, awaiting their instruction.

guns & horses - Indru - Nov 10, 2011


Thanks for replying guys. :) Sorry if this isn't too wonderful - I've not slept in two days and have been in lectures from 5am and it's now almost 1:30am, and I have lectures again at 5am! x_x So trying to do this quite quick so I can get a power nap. If you want to input any tactics feel free! This is pretty much what I saw a wild pack doing in Poland (oddly with similar numbers!) so my inspiration is from there.

NEXT ROUND ENDS: 13th — Post in any order you like.

Though he knew that she was coming Indru could not help but smile at the sight of his tawny furred mate at her arrival, his tail waving behind him and his ears slicking back briefly in his pleasure at the sight of his family. He bumped his nose against her cheek in greeting before dropping it to place a lick between his son's ear when he felt Fenru's nose against his chin, a grin coming to his face when the puppy dropped into a bow and Indru swiped at him playfully though did not encourage the game any further. Boar, he answered Corinna, turning his gaze back to her when she asked the question, so I want them well back. I found a safe place this morning, a small rise in the Wildwood which will give them a good view but the brush will hide them well. The safety of the pups had been his first concern, especially with such a volatile prey he did not want to risk them to danger — however the thing with Boar was that they didn't often flee far unlike deer, and most likely they would be none the wiser there was pups hidden away. Providing they stay quiet that is, he grinned, dropping his head to growl at them playfully, leaning forward to try and nip Kisla affectionately.

Not long after his brother arrived and at the verbal greeting Indru nodded his head in response, his posture shifting slightly to a more dominant one now that he was not just in the presence of his mate and pups. Soon his dark furred brother arrived and Indru was pleased to note that Triell at least had offered he and his mate the correct courtesies and as he felt Triell's tongue on his chin he dropped his muzzle to rest briefly on top of the boys, his orange eyes meeting similar ones for a moment. Next was Marsh he was pleased to note, another large framed wolf would be necessary to raise their chances of success, and he watched as he greeted first Corinna and then himself. He was the pack's Second, the fact that it had not been directly challenged by Ruiko still surprised him, so he too dropped his weight onto his muzzle like he had Triell's. Ruiko came not long after and Indru watched his brother and Marsh carefully though he knew his brother would not be so unwise as to challenge the rank now.

I found a boar den north-west of here, it houses more than one so it must belong to sows', which of course means they most likely have piglets, easy prey, in other words, however anyone would be stupid to think the same of their mothers. Indru lifted his nose upwards and in the direction he knew the den was, encouraging the others to do the same, and gathered downwind as they were the scent was clear once he had pointed out what it belonged too. Though they are prey, they don't act like it, so our tactics will be different to deer. Most of his explanation was aimed at the yearlings and pups in their presence, as he knew Triell had not hunted this creature before and was fairly confident Kinis hadn't either, it was not common prey after all. Marsh, however, he had no idea, but he and Ruiko had when they were young, taking on the roles that Triell and Kinis would now.

At this time they are likely to be outside the den, near, but foraging. The best way to tackle them is to take them head on — there are 3 sows, which are what we need to worry about first. He turned to Marsh and then Ruiko in turn, already he suspected his brother would know his plans which were the same tactics as their father had used to success, just now it was him running the hunt. Marsh, Ruiko and I will take a sow each head on, the others, he turned now to Corinna, Triell and Kinis, will attack them from the sides, aim for their underbellies, or nape if you miss and hold them tight, while we handle their tusks and hold the brunt of their strength. Two wolves per boar, Corinna with me, Triell with Marsh and Kinis you go with Ruiko. It made sense in his eyes to have Kinis pair with Ruiko who had hunted together the most and by pairing with Corinna he planned to make sure she took no injury, and Triell was just as familiar with Marsh as Cori would be, perhaps more so. They are strong, so be prepared for a fight, and be careful, we want no injuries for winter. If you get a chance, topple them, but the easiest vulnerable part to get at is their bellies, if we handle their tusks and throats you guys aim for the stomachs.

Indru paused briefly, trying to make sure he had covered everything important — his pack's safety was in the quality of his leadership after all — before satisfied he turned to his pups, now to get you guys your front row seats! He could remember clearly his first time witnessing a hunt, and even more recent taking Kinis and Triell on their first around a year ago. With a glance at Corinna and a encouraging tilt of his head for his children to follow Indru headed towards the rise above the boar's den, careful to check every few paces they were still downwind, to make sure the pups were safe before the hunt began.


guns & horses - Fenru - Nov 12, 2011

Fenru's tail picked up an ecstatic sort of wag again as one-by-one his family appeared - Uncle Triell, Uncle Marsh... Uncle Ruiko. Kisla nudged him and he let out an eager whine. Boar. A hiding place. Piglets... The youth sat up, soaking up the information like a sponge. He tried to picture what a "boar" looked like as Indru went over the tactics. Perhaps this thing looked like a deer with spindly legs, a large leathery black nose, and a slender snout with tusks!

His head tilted as he brushed the imaginary creature in his head aside, listening as the suggestion to go for the pigs' bellies and throats was instructed. He was about to ask why when Indru began to lead them to their spectator's seats. He gathered his feet beneath him and nuzzled Corinna's shoulder before glancing to his siblings and scampering quietly after Dad. He would wait until the hunt was over to ask questions.