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Fires of my Heart - Vlarindara - Nov 19, 2011


OOC: Tag Ice, anyone else?

Time of day: Early Morning. Current temp is 48 F.

Fireweed Rise.. at one point, Vlarindara had adored finding the place, the hues of reds and oranges letting her feel.. peaceful, almost as if she could fly.. Because as she ran through the waist high flowers, she could almost.. ALMOST imagine that she was leaving a trail of ignited flame in her wake. This time, her trip was much more subdued than normal.. Far less fire involved. The ivory female made her way painstakingly up the hills that made up the beautiful place of flowers and landscaping. A sigh puffed from between her lips as she lowered her head, pulling herself up the side of the tallest hill so that she might be able to rest.. and enjoy the view.

Finally, she made it. A single amber orb slid across the hilltops, taking in the view that the place was named after. Perhaps if she stayed long enough, she might see the sunrise light the field aflame. Settling slightly stiffly to her haunches, the scarred lady settled herself to watch. And why not? It wasn't like she had any job to do - or responsibilities. In some ways, the life of a packless wolf was nice.. In others, not so much. Vlarindara shifted triangle ears towards the east as the first rays of sunlight burst over the pinnacle of Mount Dire.. a remenicent smile touching her lips. Where was Angier? Her conversation with Borden had brought thoughts of the other wolf to the forefront of her mind, though she doubted he'd hold any kinship with her now.

Minutes passed and she watched the sunlight begin its trek across the landscape, illuminating the treetops... then starting down. Just after dawn had broken, she felt her heart fly - for the sunlight had finally touched the hues of the flowers and ignited them... sparkling off the dew that had gathered on their petals. She had to agree...seeing this for the first time - that it did give something of a breathtaking site to a first timer. It...was truly a beautiful sight to behold. The female remained sitting on the crest of the highest rise until the sun had risen above the peaks of the mountain to the east before laboring herself to her feet. Now that the true beauty of the hills had come to their fullest potential of day, she decided that they were not for a wolf like her to remain. Marring the landscape.


Fires of my Heart - Ice - Nov 19, 2011

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the   ICE breaks.
He liked the mountain range with its tall, snow-capped peaks and winds of early winter; he liked the frigid air that steamed from your hot mouth and rose towards a dark sky full of cold crystal stars. The cold made him feel alive, though at times, he was painfully unaware of not being an arctic wolf - when the night wind cut straight to the bone with vicious teeth and the only salvation came in jogging deeper into the land below, down from where the snow twirled in the playful breezes and into the foothills were anything that fell, fell as water. Ice was down there now, as the nights up higher grew steadily colder, too soon for his winter fur to develop and keep him warm. At times, it saddened him greatly that the one thing he truly loved was the one thing that drove him south, into Eden.

The moon shone upon his back as he moved through the night, loping into the lands below. He visited them so seldom, and now that the cold had driven him out of his den for the night - maybe until spring, who knew? - why not just keep running and see where he ended up? With ears and eyes and nose alert he moved lithely across the dying grass, mindful to not cross over a pack's border.

Dawn crept closer, the sun hiding behind the horizon and his precious mountains. In the west, it retained its dark shade, but in the east, it began to ligthen, first into pale blue and then pale streaks of pastel pink and yellow began to flare across it. Ice, being a somewhat simple wolf at times, had never understood why some sought to adore only the complex, and became so oblivious to the simple, but enjoyable, things in life - such as watching a sunrise. Still at an easy lope, Ice lifted his head every so often and stared at the outline of the mountain range. It was beautiful, and so was the land up ahead. The scattered trees became fewer and more far apart, giving way to an open expanse littered with tall wildflowers of nearly every shade of orange and red. Surprise caused his 'brows to arch upwards for a moment, but then he accepted it. Maybe the cold had not come down here yet. Instead, he slowed when he came into their midst. Aimlessly he picked his way across the land, until he came across a fairly fresh scent. Another wolf out here this early in the morning, huh? Ice's head swung around as he listened and sampled the air, and there, sitting on the knoll and looking at the breathtaking sunrise was another wolf, pale in color. For a moment, Ice hesitated; he'd never been good at social interaction, but something in him still, quite naturally, craved the company of others. And thus, he picked up his large paws and began his cautious approach towards the female.

He hoped she wouldn't take offense of him climbing her knoll, and as the sunlight peered over the mountain's ridged back and down onto the world below, he paused again. Her shadow was cast down on the ground, but the further the sun rose, the more the dew left on the undisturbed flowers began to glow. Smiling a toothy smile to himself, Ice moved again, eventually coming up beside her at what he hoped was a fairly respectful distance. "Isn't it breathtaking?" was the first thing he said, his voice awed. For a moment longer he was lost in the scene, but then he suddenly blinked his eyes a couple of time and gave her a bit of an abashed grin. "Uhm, I mean, good morning m'lady."
.ice aesir

Fires of my Heart - Vlarindara - Nov 20, 2011


The arrival of the other went unnoticed by the half blind wolf who focused her attentions on the scene before her. It wasn't until he spoke that she realized she was no longer alone and turned her head to look at the other - finding herself interested at his size - it was rare that she ran into a wolf in these lands that was larger than she. "You've no need to be so formal with me." The wolfess remembered when she'd called herself the 'White Lady of Grizzly Hollow'...proud of her heritage, her pack, her standing within the pack - and now look at her... exiled, deformed.. and alone. Slowly, Vlarindara turned her head away from him - so that the fresh wound across her right eye wasn't visible..only the older scar that trailed over her muzzle was.

"I'm a rogue - just as you are.." She couldn't smell other wolves on his pelt- and guessed that he was most likely a loner like herself. An odd thing to see anymore she felt - but then again.. perhaps it wasn't... with winter coming - she knew the packs would be knuckling down and preparing for it...A shiver coursed through her as wind still cold from the night rushed across the firey flowers and over the top of their knoll. Perhaps at one time she would have been comfortable despite the wind - but weight loss and simple disregard for her own upkeep had thinned her coat. "Were you intending to join one of the packs, stranger?"


Fires of my Heart - Ice - Nov 21, 2011

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the   ICE breaks.
Her reaction to his words gave him the notion she wasn't fully aware he'd been there - had she been too lost in the scenery to notice? Ice frowned a little at such careless behavior. Did she not mind others creeping up on her? Did she not care what they might do to an unwary wolf? He could've been an angry bear, or a rabid mountain lion, or anything but a kind-hearted socially awkward wolf. Ice, being a vigilant and protective wolf, found her behavior confusing and somewhat upsetting. He almost wanted to slap her and ask her why she didn't care. She didn't even jump, just look at him with a blank kind of curiosity and respond with a hollow voice that forced him to sit down. It sounded so dismissing, so.. so empty. A part of him wanted to just smile at her and tell her to cheer up, but he knew that he knew nothing about her. He couldn't even begin to fathom why she'd speak in such a hollow, bitter voice. Frowning, he replied and his voice sounded oddly childish. "But I like being courteous."

She turned her head away and Ice tilted his head. A scar ran across her muzzle. Was she a fighter, too? But, no, she couldn't be - even though she was sitting, he saw how thin she was. Her fur was unkempt, and while he was by no means fond of bathing, he did at least keep himself clean. She shivered in the wind that merely ruffled his thick fur, and with the frown still on his face he let his ears fall back, uncertain. She seemed so listless, and it frightened him. Ice might be grown and the age of an adult, but most times he had a childish edge - and when faced with things that frightened him or confused him, he seemed to become younger in his head. Somehow, it felt like he sat on this pretty knoll and conversed with Death.

"I don't know," he replied dejectedly. "I don't know anything about them." Hesitantly, he looked at her from the corner of his silvery eyes. She had once been large, probably buff too, but now she looked as if she was getting old prematurely. There wasn't much to her left and the longer he spent beside her and listening to her hollow voice, the more he became aware of how wrong she both looked at sounded. It was as if someone had stolen the very life from her. What he had wanted to become a happy meeting with a stranger, an opportunity to just sit beside someone and relax and look at the sunrise, became something that creeped him out. Fidgeting slightly, he fought down the urge to tell her she was scary. It wouldn't do much good he guessed, but in the end, he couldn't just sit there and keep quiet. "What's happened to you?" he finally blurted out.

Yea right, Ice - you like being courteous? I don't notice it.
.ice aesir

Fires of my Heart - Vlarindara - Nov 21, 2011


What happened to you? came the question, and Vlarindara shifted, wondering if she should show him her... full face. A sigh touched the lips of the female as she heaved herself to her feet and stood, turning to face the other white male. The female gave him a long moment to see the wound over her eye, the ragged scar across her throat - the mound of scar tissue over her shoulders.. then spoke quietly.. her single amber eye turning to focus on the ground. "I made a challenge to the leadess of Grizzly Hollow.. the pack in Cedarwood Forest. I failed."

"Of course, after that - it was a downhill spiral of injury... However..I'm alive, that's something, right?" She flicked her ear before turning her face away and settling back to her haunches - once again having her left side facing him - with far less garrish scars. After a moment, the female heaved a quiet sigh, looking at him. "I used to be their Second...Learn from me - don't throw away something you have for something better..." She frowned, closing both eyes with a sigh. "Better the monster you know than the one you don't"


Fires of my Heart - Athena - Nov 25, 2011

OOC: Sorry if you don't want me to butt in, I'm just trying to find somewhere to post with Athena(:

The cold couldn't pierce her thick white coat as it does to some wolves of her size. Athena embraced the cold actually. Being an Arctic wolf has it's advantages, especially in the Winter. She liked seeing her breath in the cold air. It made her believe that she was actually alive and not in a dream. Athena shifted her amber orbs towards the sky, admiring the breathtaking colors of the sunrise.

Her triangular ears caught a sound off in the distance. Am I the only one here? Am I in pack territory? These thoughts quickly flooded into her mind. She didn't know exactly where she was, so she crept quietly where she could hear and see the wolves nearby. She was hidden in a patch of tall grass, hoping that hear white coat wasn't going to be seen by the wolves. Her soft, amber eyes caught sight of only two wolves. They were both very large, which scared her since she was very much smaller than them and if they wanted to attack her, she would have no chance. One wolf was white, like her, but her coat was a lot dirtier than her's. Athena always kept her coat nice and tidy, but at times it did get quite dirty. The other wolf, slightly larger than the other, was a mixture of greys. Both still frightened her and she thought she should leave, but her legs wouldn't move. She lay there crouched and watched the two wolves, one female and one male by the scents she picked up.

She felt like she was intruding, but ignored the thought. There's no harm in watching a couple wolves for a moment, so those thoughts disappeared. Her keen eyes saw that on the white females face, she had scars. One scar ran across her right eye, most likely blinding it in most cases. The male also had a handful of scars, her eyes lingered on him for a second longer until she switched them back to the female. She wondered how the female received her scars, but then again she didn't want to in case the female gave her some of her own.

Fires of my Heart - Ice - Nov 26, 2011

[ Welcome to the land of the Slowpoke. ;3 And I don't mind at all, Athena! ]

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the   ICE breaks.
She seemed to contemplate his words and Ice fought the urge to whine softly, the tip of his tail twitching erratically across the ground. Flowers waved in its wake, their long stems disturbed by his own disturbance. Shadows danced in front of his mind as he sat there beside Vlarindara, and when she suddenly heaved herself around he startled. For half a moment every sense became fully alert, and a ripple ran through the fur on his neck, his lips twitching across his fangs. But - it was just her, moving, albeit suddenly. Ice blinked in a kind of apologetic manner, before he finally drew his pale eyes to her face. The edge of the scar across her nose he'd already seen, but all of this? He tilted his head, drawn in by the wicked wounds she'd received - they were nothing like the small uneven lines that ran along his own body. Fascinated, Ice leaned just a tad closer, eyes sparkling. Slowly, his head tilted to the side and he drank in her appearance hungrily, like a youth obsessing over their favorite hero's scars. But then, she looked aside, before he was done looking at her. Ice fought down the childish disappointment and listened to her, trying to heed her wisdom. At times a bit dim-witted and acting younger then he was he might be, but as with most creatures that seldom reveal who they are, there was more to him. His face fell a little, and the large brute spoke into the silence left by her words. "Are you ashamed of what you've done?" he asked her, his deep voice strangely soft. He'd noticed the way he cast her eyes down when she began to speak of her failed challenge. Ice would not pity her; pity made nothing better. She'd cast the die and they had rolled in the favor of another. She settled back down and Ice looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

"Uhm, pardon me for saying it, but the way you're looking, it seems the monster is about to chew your entire head off, miss," he said. Blunt, as always, eh, Ice? She looked like hell. The scars didn't make her look like hell - her generally thin body did. She still seemed wrong to him, strange and dirty somehow, but a little of the mysterious veil had been lifted when she shared of her past. It was wise words, in a sense, but Ice was a bit of the mind that you should be allowed to make your own decisions. Still trapped in his more childish self, though, he didn't say it. Instead, he continued to pester her. "Don't you have anything to live for anymore?" He motioned with his head towards her thin and dirty self, before a movement up ahead caught his attention. Suddenly he was half-risen from the ground, ears alert and nose taking in all the scents. Mostly, he could smell himself at the female beside him, but - there, there was something there, right? The wind might blow away from him, but.. wasn't there.. yes..? His eyes dipped down, scanning the ground. Their position on the top of the knoll gave him a good view across the ground, and yes, there was some white there. It did not belong in the setting, and it certainly hadn't been there earlier. Once he'd found it, he turned his head to Vlarindara, as if their earlier conversation was entirely forgotten. "C'mon, let's check it out." Did he wait for an answer, or consent? No. Ice was already moving down the knoll with long, easy strides, and the scent of wolf grew stronger. That patch of white was definitely a wolf.

With his tail slung in a somewhat neutral but friendly position behind him, Ice came upon the crouched wolf. The large male frowned slightly as he stood above her, looking down the length of his muzzle. "Why do you hide? It's rude to eavesdrop," he said. Such a strange creature he was, really; three of age and yet sometimes with the mindset of a child. Leaving the strange conversation with Vlarindara behind, it slowly began to fade, but not in a heartbeat, no. Some of the high pitches and whiny tendencies had already washed themselves out of his voice, but the blunt wording remained. Realizing this, Ice looked somewhat thoughtful for a moment, before trying to make his amends. "I'm sorry, miss, that was kind of rude of me. But you know, you do look awfully frightened." As if that would make it better...
.ice aesir

Fires of my Heart - Vlarindara - Nov 27, 2011


To live for? What did she have? Nothing.. that she knew of. Vlarindara frowned, folding her ears over her skull. Raigo was in Grizzly Hollow - surely he wouldn't know of her return. That's.. really all she had. The white lady glanced at Ice when he moved - sighing and bringing herself to her feet to follow him. The femme held her tail low, hoping that whoever it was wasn't going to attack them - she was in no mood for a fight.

Seeing the other female gave her pause, and she ran her single working eye over the similarly light pelts of the other two.. An odd trio they had to make for sure - all white wolves.. simply chilling amongst a field of reds and golds... The large canid stopped a few yards from Athena - not wishing to startle the other too much - nor did she want to be too close if a fight broke out.. She would have to remain back if something like that happened - remain.. and watch and choose her side.


Fires of my Heart - Athena - Nov 28, 2011

Athena's amber orbs silently watched the two wolves on the knoll. She glance back at the sky, mesmerized by the sunrise's beauty. When Athena glanced back at the two wolves, she saw the male approaching her. Should I run? I'm sure he couldn't catch me. Hopefully not. The female's mind scrambled around for options of what she could do. She was positive that she could easily outrun them, but there was always a chance that she was overestimating them.

The male finally reached her and Athena decided to stay put, but knew the option of running was still in the air. "Why do you hide? It's rude to eavesdrop," The grey brute said to her. She opened her mouth to answer him, but quickly thought against it. He then spoke again, apologizing for being rude to her. She silently agreed with him, but tried not to show any sign of it. She didn't want to get in a fight with him. When he spoke of her looking frightened, she slowly lifted her small, white frame off the ground slightly. "It's not every day that I see a wolf almost three times bigger than I." She felt a little bit more confident, so she rose up to her full height, but kept her tail down by her leg.

Fires of my Heart - Rebecca - Nov 29, 2011

Rebecca was wandering around. Like always. She was usually moving and exploring Relic Lore. This time she had entered to Fireweed Rise, where all those red flowers cover the field. never been here before, Reba sniffed around exploring everything she could see. Then a scentl she knew... And two others she didn't. But the one she did encouraged her to find all three wolves. Following the trail she walked the side of a hill. Pretty sleep, no problem, just remember to breathe. Final push and she was on the top!

Not too far from her she saw three wolves, all light coloured. Fae, brute, another fae. One of them was the one she knew, one of them she had smelled before, and the small female... Trult a small female... Rebecca wasn't very large either, but that little wolf was even smaller than her. At the same age though.

Reba didn't walk closer. She noticed that the small white female was in small troubles with the large brute. Some little arguing most likely, but anyway it was better to stay in the back and watch how to situation would continue. Lowering her head she pointed her blue eyes to the brute. He wasn't new in here, but Reba had never seen him before. And she always took a good look before doing anything. Standing still she waited would the wolves notice her.