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Hush Meadow Tempting Fate - Printable Version

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Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Nov 19, 2011


Time of Day: Late Evening: Temperature: 40F but swiftly falling as the sun sets.

Once again, her paws led her from her chosen den in the base of Mount Dire... her white pelt moving slowly through the trees that seemed omnipresent in the world she lived in. Hunting had been hard for the half blind female, and as of yet - she'd managed to catch a marmot, which she gave to another, and a scattering of squirrels, mice and other small rodents. The pinch of hunger in her gut was one that Vlarindara was far too familiar with - and had she not required sustenance to survive, she would have remained in her den. However, despite her disfigurations and self-hatred, something spurred the femme to keep living.. So she left to hunt.

Ranging farther away from her home than normal, she decided that she might try her luck southeast of the small den site. After all - there were still only two packs in the realm - that she was aware of.. perhaps... there were others...And it would be good information to have, to know where different pack borders lay. Nose to the ground, the lupine moved in a steady, but gentle lope. As it always seemed these days, her plumed tail was held low, feathered edges sweeping the ground to pick up debris and junk. The meadow loomed ahead, and the ivory female froze, remaining hidden amongst the trees that surrounded the place. Once she passed through this last barrier of protection, there would be none - and her chances of hunting would be much...much smaller.

Waiting was the name of the game, and it paid off as the last vestiges of light were casting an eerie glow across the evening sky. High above, she could see the first of the stars twinkling in the darkest part of the sky, and in the meadow - a small grouping of deer. Now, normally, a lone wolf wouldn't go after a fully grown deer...but when they were half starved..they became desperate. Vlarindara waited yet a little longer until the group ranged closer to where she was hiding. All three appeared to be does.. one smaller than the rest and still sporting the last hints of fawn spots on her hide. Good... That one would be her target.

Slowly, the female withdrew from her hiding place and began to stalk around the circumference of the clearing. She would need to ensure that she remained downwind of the animals.. and that they were closer to her when she made her initial charge. After all, their legs were much longer than her own - and once they saw was all over. With a pack, she might have been less cautious, intending to scare the things into the hungry jaws of the other wolves.. but this time.. she was alone, and kept moving, the goung painstakingly slow.. After all, a single broken stick would alert them to her presence..


Tempting Fate - Rebecca - Nov 24, 2011

Rebecca had traveled long way to reach the north edge of Relic Lore where she had entered in the forest called Thicket of Secrets. Now, ten days later, her slow journey from there to south had leaded her to large meadow with tall grass and lots of hiding places.

Walking low Reba sneaked through the tall grass. Hunger started to be too large to be filled by insects or small rodents she had eaten in past few days. Now was time to get some bigger meal. Rebecca was used to hunt on her own, actually she had never hunted in a pack. Hunting alone wasn't always easy, but Rebecca was master in it. Leaving Sleeping Volcano had been a tough decision, but it had been time to move on... And leave The One behind.
First time hunting in meadow like this, Reba sniffed the air to find out was there anything to hunt. Usually she would go to higher place and try to see pray from there, but in here it wasn't possible, there were no places high enough to do that. So she had to smell and listen.
Something small moved in the grass next to her. Probably a mouse, in any case not large enough. Reba ignored it. Then the birdy smell of grouse traveled to her nose. It wasn't large enough either, Reba wanted a good meal, about the size of a young red deer. They weren't too large to hunt, but filled you well.
Normally Rebecca trusted her eyesight better than any other senses. But now it was getting dark and even though wolf do have night vision, it's not the same as in daylight. So the meaning of hearing and smelling became more important. It could be a problem, but it was the worry of another time.
Rebecca moved forward, quietly looking where she placed her paws. She didn't know was here any larger pray, but if was, she wasn't going to scare them away. Silently she walked ahead, but then something white on her right side took her attention. Quickly hiding in the grasses she sniffed the air. Wolf. Fae. Good, nothing too dangerous. Just hopefully she wasn't part of a pack, that would be bad thing, hunting in pack's territory...
Then it hit in Reba's mind. Deers. In front of her. Most likely the other wolf was hunting them. Quickly thinking what to do, Rebecca weighed her different possibilities. She could take a risk and show herself to the other wolf, but taht could scare it to do something that would frighten the deers away. And if she would be part of a pack... Reba would be dead wolf after that. Not good. She could also hunt in secret, stay on the side of the female and attack before her. But again, if there was a pack...
Third option: the deers were in front of Reba and the white female. Reba could go round the deers and hide to the otehr side of them. If it was a pack hunt, she would probably face other wolves. Thens he could quickly sneak away. If there would not be, she could hide in the grasses opposite the hunting female. When she would attack, Reba could launch in and take down one of the deers. Then she would get prey even if the female wouldn't have any luck. No problems, Rebecca did so. She walked quickly but quietly round the deers and noticed that there were three of them. Slso one was younger and smaller than others. It was probably the target.
Rebecca was now in bad position: the wind blew behind her. But if she kept herself near the ground, her scent shouldn't get to the deers. Hopefully. Well, if it would, the deers would probably ran towards the other female, and as Reba had noticed, she hunted alone. The white wolf could then easily attack her target.
It could happen like that, but what if the otehr female was a poor hunter? Rebecca didn't take any risk and hid herself in the grasses. Then she stayed focused and waited.

Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Nov 27, 2011


OOC: Let's give this a shot, shall we?

Closer... Ever closer. Vlarindara had rounded the small group.. and was beginning to creep further into the glade..that is until something spooked the animals and they bolted. A Snarl ripped from her muzzle as she exploded from her hiding place and raced towards the trio. The creatures saw her and split in three different directions- but that was fine.. she had her amber eye on the single smaller one. Long legs covered the distance between her and her meal - her plumed tail flying high behind her. She might be skinny.. and half starved- but damnit, she was determined. Jaws snapped mere inches behind the flashing heels of the beast..But the white wolf knew that he'd most likely et away...didn't stop her from trying.


Tempting Fate - Rebecca - Nov 27, 2011

OOC: On it ;)

When the scent of Rebecca reached the deers, they of course ran away. Reba stood up after they were running little further, it was no use to hide anymore. Then she saw the white wolf attacking. Like she had thought, the goal was smallest of the deers. But the white female didn't seem to be very fast, she was large and looked pretty skinny. Fast deer was about the get away, but what stubborness that female owned! Probably weak and tired, and yet, not giving up!

Rebecca decided to help. In the end, it was her fault the deers ever spooked. Using her powerful legs she accelerated after the deer and wolf. Running as fast as she could Reba still tried to keep her identity in secret. That's why she didn't run the shortest way past the white fae, but circled around her. Then she got next to the deer. Legs started to feel tired, first walking many days with low food and then racing with well fed deer...

Using all her powers Reba ran right next to the young deer and snapped it's hind leg. It wasn't enough to pull the animal down, but at least it lsot it's rhythm and slowed down a little. Then Rebecca grabbed it's front leg and this time exhausted prey fell to the ground. Struggling to get up. Reba quickly moved to the front and by holding it's head down she tried to stop the paniced animal. In this point Rebecca was always in trouble. She was fast runner, but when it came to strength... She wasn't strong. Even this small and young deer was about to get away. Just if the white female would come quickly.

Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Nov 27, 2011


OOC: Mortal Kombat: KAY-OH

A black streak came in and toppled the dear, and once it was down, a gutteral snarl ripped from her muzzle as Vlarindara moved. Tired paws rocketed her forwards as she cleared the things smaller form in a leap, landing close enough to its head to close her jaws around the animals throat - hoping not to get in Rebecca's way. Jaws closed over the beasts throat, and she snarled through her mouthful of hair and muscle - but refused to release her hold on the beast until it stopped kicking.. stopped moving at all really.. and the pulse that beat beneath her lips had slowed to the beating of a butterflys wings, then stopped alltogether.

Lifting her head, Vlarindara glanced at Rebecca from her single working eye, dipping her muzzle to her. "Thank you - We'd both have gone hungry without working like to share..?"


Tempting Fate - Rebecca - Nov 27, 2011


Reba was extremely happy to see the white fae coming to help. When the prey was fully dead, Rebecca let go. No worries that it would run away anymore. Then she had time to view the wolf little better. She turned her head and opened her mouth to answer, but when she saw the form of her... No words came out. Only wheezing. Memories filled her head, the safe smell of burned fur, scar over right eye, hard, burned paws, rough voice... Mom.

After staring some time Reba realized how rude it was and turned her head, now staring the ground. Memories still flashing in front of her eyes. Then she managed to bound them again and collected herslef. Lifting her head she turned her eyes back to the white wolf. "Sorry, it's just..." holden tears blocked her throat and she swallowed couple times. "...I've never seen more beatiful wolf than you except my mother". More swallowing. Then she answered to her question: "I'd love to". Carefully she started to rip the flesh off and eat with great pleasure. From the corner of her eye she tried to watch the white fae without she would notice. She was so beatiful... Reba just couldn't get enough for staring her. Rude... But if she one day could look like that female...

Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Nov 28, 2011


OOC: XD Baffle Vlar is Baffled.

She blinked in shock at the other - her single eye widening before she lowered her head with a shake, chuckling softly. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, little one." She watched Rebecca take the first few bites and moved around to the other side to tear into the upper shoulder of the beast. The taste of food - it felt wonderful even in her hunger pinched stomach, but she knew to eat slowly - or else she'd chance losing what she had just eaten. "But...I thank you..for the compliment.." Vlarindara felt.. something stirring within her chest - an old fire she felt long since dead. She'd always had a soft spot for those younger than herself.. Just as she had a kind heart for those less fortunate than her - or even more so.. But ..

The white behemoth had once thought those feelings washed away with time - with the injuries to her face.. But she was wrong. STaring at this onyx pelted stranger over the combined kill rekindled them.. and made her want to offer the girl a place of shelter - a temporary home.. If even for a little while.


Tempting Fate - Rebecca - Nov 29, 2011

OOC: Rebecca has odd preferences XD

Rebecca ate until she felt full. First deer in long time, tasted as good as always. She sighed and thought little more about her mom. Shew had been strange wolf, at least most said so. Fire addict, always going where she knew would be wildfires. Body covered with burned fur and burns. Scars all over, largest of them going over her eye. She was the strongest wolf Reba had ever seen, able to take down bear alone. But the cost of strength was high, she was slow and barely caught injured, flightless birds. That's why she ahd Rebecca's father made such a great team.

"Mom was something like you. You share the same power. She was so beatiful, scars and old burns all over her body. I grew up thinking that she was example of beatiful wolf. I still think so.
Dad didn't have as many scars, but he also had some. And the most weirdest thing in mom was that she loved fire.
Sometimes when there was wildfire nearby she went watching it. Dad looked after me and my sibling at that time.
Then when mom came back, her coat was usually still burning. She settled down in front of us and said 'okay little fellows, time to turn off the heat'. Then we licked and pressed the little fires in her coat until they shut down. Those are my best memories."
Rebecca told while Vlarindara ate. Crying in the end she let herself think her family. She missed them all more than even herself could understand.

Looking at the older female Rebecca had no difficulties imagine that her mom and that great white fae would been sisters. Only problem was that Vlarindara was at least three years younger than Sara, Reba's mother.

Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Nov 29, 2011


OOC: -patpats-

A wolf that chose to burn?! Vlarindara couldn't imagine even thinking such a thing - fire terrified always had... What did one say to such a story? Sorry your mother burned herself in masochistic ways? The white femme shifted, chewing thoughtfully on a mouthful of deer before leaning out across the carcass - attempting to nose her muzzle into Rebecca's cheek..a gesture of comfort for the crying wolf. "She sounds a very brave sort - Where most would flee from fire, she embraced it.."

While she was..shocked - she tamped it down, refusing to show such emotions to the onyx canid. After all - it was her mother she was talking about, was it not? Vlarindara didn't remember much of hers except a soft spoken voice.. and a smell she later associated with pine needles.. A scent that Cedarwood forest held little of. " have a home?"


Tempting Fate - Rebecca - Nov 29, 2011

OOC: :')

Rebecca moved against Vlarindara, looking for comfort and safety she hadn't felt after her family passed away. Crying even harder she let the long kept feelings drain away with her tears. Slowly she started to feel better and calmed down. Rubbing her head against Vlar's fur she felt the warmness inside her taht she thought was forever gone. It was the feeling of being close to someone in that puppy way. Feeling Reba hadn't been able to feel long enough. "Mom was actually addicted. She didn't just love the fire, she needed it. I think it had something to do with her childhood, her birth pack died in huge wildfire."

Then Rebecca sighed letting the last one of the sad memories fly away. She still remembered her family, she would never choose to forget them, but anymore it didn't feel so bad to think about them.
Answering to Vlarindara's question she made a happier face with small smile: "I have a den in Thicket of Secrets, but I sort of abandomed it... No pack or anyone who would wait me to come back if you ment that."