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White Fir Notch stone on the shore - Printable Version

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stone on the shore - Heigen - Jan 20, 2017

Setting this after his join. All welcomed || Heavy snow 13 ° F, -11 ° C || Evening, during sunset around the northern borders


It was that awkward sensation of having to restart all over again. He held onto esperance that he made the right decision, though. The fella who accepted him hadn't seemed all that bad either. Reasonable at least. If things didn't work out for him here he was sure it would only take a civil conversation for him to disappear without hassle. Hopefully.

He groaned as he walked around. The snow wasn't fun to trudge through even for a man of his size. Not to mention there was snow falling down that piled itself on his back. God he couldn't wait for the warmer months to roll around. Things would heat up (both the wolves and the land) and he'd enjoy it with great pleasure. The spring was always a lively time, same with the summer. For now, he had to be faced with the cold.

Without a reason, he plopped down onto his rear in the cold snow. His brown eyes looked out into the trees that stood heavy with snow. He wondered how they all didn't just snap in half. It must have been some kind of miracle. Now he was forced to wonder if that's why he had stayed together all these years. By some crazy miracle. Granted he had been raised to handle pressure and assess situations well but that didn't mean he couldn't feel the pressure. He felt it now for example. Somewhere in his chest where a heart should be. Some days he was truly convinced there was nothing inside him but an endless pit. Yet even on those days he still rose and faced the world with a neutral mindset.


RE: stone on the shore - Lucia - Jan 20, 2017

She'd heard the man howl for an audience, but hadn't made it in time to witness his joining. Her father had sent up a howl not longer after the stranger's, alerting the pack that it had a new member. Normally, newcomers were given a short tour before being left to their own devices. She knew her father did this to see what the new addition would choose to do with their time, if they would shy away or get to work or jump right into meeting them all. Well, she didn't have the patience to wait. She wanted to meet this guy now!

So she coursed through the snow, all but tunneling through the thicker parts of it, a little black smudge amongst all the white on a mission. Her sniffer lead the way, and the more and more his scent filled her lungs, the more curious and foreign things she noticed about it. When her gold eyes found his frame, they were just as greedy, soaking in every detail of him. He was big like her dad, and all earthy colors, reminding her of Merys.

Hopefully, he didn't too much after the deserter.

"Hey!" she called out, picking up her paws higher to try and get on top of the drifted snow, "hiya! Welcome! What's your name? I'm Lucia!"

Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Jan 20, 2017

There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health

RE: stone on the shore - Heigen - Jan 20, 2017


The silence and his thoughts had been trying to consume him whole. He should've have been happy when he heard someone call out but his brows furrowed. His brown eyes found some child bouncing through the snow towards him. She looked almost like that alpha male except she had gold eyes whereas he had blue.

He rose to his paws and shook off any of the piling snow. "Many thanks for your welcome." He smiled softly, his head lowered a bit. She couldn't be older than a year. "It's a true pleasure to meet you, Lucia. I'm Heigen but you can call me Gen." The large man's tail wagged, dropping off any snow that sat on it. "What're you doing out here in the cold, though?" Surely this Lucia kid hadn't come all the way through the heavy snow just to greet him. Unless she really was that friendly and outgoing. In which case he almost worried that the kid would be bothering him a lot. It wasn't that he didn't like children but he was more concerned about her possibly picking up on his bad traits or one of the parents thinking he was up to no good. He had just shown up too so in no way was he looking to already start trouble.
