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Grizzly Hollow Here's an apple, Teacher - Printable Version

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Here's an apple, Teacher - Amaryllis - Feb 16, 2017

With her heart beating and pacing back a forth in the snow that was slowly accumulating before the entrance of the main den, Amaryllis worried and dithered over what had occurred not that long ago.

Yvly had asked her to take over being leader for her. Shocked, Amaryllis had pressed as to why but Yvly stubbornly refused to answer the multitude of questions that was directed towards her. Eventually settling into a stunned silence, Yvly wandering off somewhere to obviously be alone, Amaryllis wondered what the hell she should do. Yvly seemed to have settled into the role of a leader fairly well, or at least the grayscale woman had thought. Had the stress of Oula's search for Joan (though Oula had been gone a long time...) and Joan's disappearances gotten to her? Was she constantly worried that if a fight between a pup and a subordinate had happened once already, would something far worse happen?  

Eventually snapping out of her worrisome thoughts, she had called for @Veho, since Yvly had to have told Veho about her plans surely? Though regardless of if he knew of the reasons or not (and if he did, would he share them if Amaryllis asked enough times?) she needed to talk to him. He'd know what to do.

Amaryllis had never truly lead before, in anything, let alone a pack. So not only was she panicking over her friend but also her new role as leader. What if she messed up? What if she stumbled over her words or did something wrong and the others took it all the wrong way? With her heart beating fiercely in her chest, Amaryillis kept pacing  in the main as she waited for Veho to arrive. Things would be fine, everything would work out.

Wouldn't they?  
