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Important Lessons - Rebecca - Nov 25, 2011

Rebecca ran away from Sacred Grove and wandered around few hours just thinking. Pure, brain using thinking. Many things had went wrong, but Reba had no idea how they should have went. Catching two mice she filled her stomach. Then strange hum took her attention. Carefully she went to investigate what it was.

After short walking she came to a pond. Waterfalls filled the pond and caused the noise. Never seen a waterfall before, Reba went to the edge of the pons, as near the waterfalls as she could get. Then she sat down and enjoyed. Waterfalls were beatiful and Rebecca felt good. Sighing she ignored the noises coming behind her.

Important Lessons - Kinis - Nov 25, 2011

Restlessness was a terrible sickness, especially when the promise of relief was being dangled over your nose. So soon, yet so long to wait! There was only one way to alleviate the symptoms, and that was to be productive, and though there was little he could yet do to promote his future, he could help out Swift River as much as possible.

As such, he headed for Bramble Falls, intending to try his hand at fishing; his previous attempts had not been too successful, but at least he was an adept swimmer now. His memories of this place were mixed, the fear of drowning such a contrast to the moment when Triell had saved him, and together they had planted the seed of Kinis' abilities. Oh, he wished that Triell would come with them, but he doubted that his brother would want to leave Indru.

The scent of an unknown female only crossed his senses when he was very close to the pool, and with a start he stopped in his tracks, afraid to cause alarm.

Why was it always females? It was as if Relic Lore just didn't attract guys, or at least no-one Kinis had stumbled across in the last couple of months.

Keeping his posture neutral, he stepped lightly about to the right, giving the woman a wide berth. Out of instinct he inhaled, taking what information he could from it, and was surprised to recognise a hint of Indru. What had this girl been doing with his brother? His curiosity cemeted, he stopped at the pool's edge - keeping a safe distance between them - and glanced at the dark wolf, wondering what connection she would possibly have with his pack. Leaning his head down to lap at the water, he wondered if it would be rude to ask.

Important Lessons - Rebecca - Nov 26, 2011

The wound on her wasn't problem to Reba, she carried it proudly. Thinking about her heart, she wondered should she listen to it more often. At least this time, it had saved her life. Not crossing the pack's territorial borders was really a wise thing to be done.

Deep breath through her nose, a scent of unknown wolf. Surprised Rebecca turned her head and saw a young male wolf, even younger than her. More sniffing, he had part of the scent of the dominant male. Flicking her ears back Reba wondered what to do. Mind said "growl", but heart noticed the position of the young brute. He wasn't about to attack, why not go and say a friendly "hello!"?

Rebecca stood up, keeping tail low, head on neutral level and ears up. She walked closer to the young wolf, trying to avoid conflicts. Just hopefully he wasn't very sensitive and reactive.

Important Lessons - Kinis - Nov 27, 2011

Considering how bold the female proved herself to be, Kinis presumed that it would not have been rude to ask. Granted, all she said was one word, but it was a plucky, enthusiastic word, and having experienced nothing more than casual polite encounters with strangers, Kinis was rather taken aback.

It could almost have been awkwardly charming had the scent of Indru not concerned him.

"Erm, hi." Eloquent as always! He blinked, a little bewildered, but then a smile grew from the awkwardness-ashes, and he didn't sense any threat from the girl. Maybe she was just lonely? "Are you... new around here?"

Important Lessons - Rebecca - Nov 30, 2011

Rebecca stopped whens he noticed that the other felt uncomfortable. Smiling she listened his question. "Yeah, I'm new, I came few weeks ago" she answered sitting down. Young and straight, like most young wolves... Most likely nice wolf, but the smell of the older brute she had encoudered earlier disturbed her. Just hopefully this nice fellow didn't have the same dominating behavior, she was little lost with that kind of wolves.

Still looking at him, Reba stood up again, moving closer, trying to look as friendly as possible.

Important Lessons - Kinis - Dec 01, 2011

Her answer came easily enough, and he nodded in return, unsure what was the proper thing to say back. 'And do you like it so far?' seemed so forced. He eyed her as she hesitated, but then proceeded to edge forwards anyway, and the corner of his mouth curled upwards in an amused smile as he watched. Just as he was about to reply, the wound under her eye finally caught his attention - and that, coupled with Indru's scent, made him all the more curious and suspicious. Taking a step forwards, he focused on concern for her wound, and hoped that it would lead him to his answers. "Are you okay, are you hurt?"

Important Lessons - Rebecca - Dec 02, 2011

Rebecca stopped and tilted her head? Hurt? Keeping eye on the brute he turned to the water and looked at her reflection. Truly, she had forgotten the wound. But there it was, with dried blood on it. Turning her head back to brute she smiled friendly. "No, I'm not hurt, I had forgot it" walking deeper to the water she put her head under waterand washed te wound. Blood filled the water around her. Lifting her head she walked back to shore, when she got there, Reba shook her body to get her fur dry. Her fur was too short to start puff around, and too thickto look wet, so it was nearly
impossible to say that she had been in water. Focusing her eyes to the other wolf she waited what he would do next. Maybe she should say something? "So... Do you belong to the pack living in there?" she asked pointing to Swift River.

Important Lessons - Kinis - Dec 02, 2011

She had forgotten it? Kinis wasn't sure whether to admire that or not, because though he had been lucky enough to rarely sustain bad injuries in his short life, the times he had endured pain had been difficult to put a brave face on. Maybe he just wasn't tough enough? But then, pain was a good thing to avoid, and in avoiding it you tended to prevent yourself from doing stupid things, so he supposed it all worked out in the end.

He watched her clean herself, wondering if Indru had given her the cut. Once she had finished, she asked that question, and he winced slightly. He could hardly lie. Well, that went this pretence, he just had to hope that she didn't automatically hate him on principle. "Yeah, I do," he said, trying to keep the implications out of his voice and remain as neutral as possible. He gestured at her cleaned wound with his nose. "Is that... where you got that?" Just how much am I supposed to treat you like an enemy?

Important Lessons - Rebecca - Dec 02, 2011

Rebecca noticed the slight hesitation on the brute before and while she answered to her question. Positive answer wasn't surprise to her and she didn't care about it. As long as he was friendly, she had no reason to be mean either. The question he then gave made Reba swallow hardly. If he was in that pack, it ment tahyt the other brute was his leader and he didn't like her, so didn't that mean that that wolf shouldn't like her either? Rebecca didn't know enouigh to tell for sure, but she gave the answer with slow mouth: "There was a brute that I had little hard times with... He bit me."

Eyes concentrated to the other wolf, trying to find a sign from his body to tell was he going to turn angry at her. Eyes almost praying, but not quite. Rebecca didn't beg. She was too proud for that. Unfortunately.

Important Lessons - Kinis - Dec 02, 2011

It seemed the problem was clear to both of them now, and Kinis watched her carefully, going through all kinds of scenarios in his mind. When the wolf spoke, Kinis just knew there had to be more to it than that... if it that mark was Indru's, then he wouldn't have given it for nothing.

"Oh," was all he could think to say at that moment, uncomfortable but still so curious. He opened his mouth but then changed his mind and closed it again with a light frown. He wasn't angry, nor hostile, for it truly wasn't in his nature to feel such against a wolf who hadn't wronged him - but had she? If she'd incurred Indru's wrath, then she was worth feeling wrathful against. Oh, it was so convoluted.

In the end, he chose to remain on the friendly side of things, for there was time enough to figure out what he thought of this girl personally. Smiling, he gave a wag of his tail and eyed the wolf with a good-natured critical gaze. "Let me guess, the leader, right? Big guy, orange eyes?"