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Wild Rye Fields It ain't me - Printable Version

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It ain't me - Askan - Mar 01, 2017

 @Adelayde  Early morning, hanging out on the lookout.

It was that time of year again, and a strange, unsettling desire had buried itself deep into Askan's bones, making him feel sick to the core. It was unnatural. He didn't want or ask for this,and yet his sense of smell was bombarded by a sickly sweet scent. The sort that made it hard to focus, and frankly gave him a bit of a headache. But as he stood up on the Lookout, staring out at the Lowlands, he pulled in lungfuls of -unseasonably warm -air and sighed in relief.  Fresh and untainted, not even a whiff of that smell.

He knew that it wasn't their fault, that the women of the Rye Field couldn't help the irresistible scents they were giving off, but even so he couldn't help but resent them. He couldn't help but be appalled by the power they had over him. How, without even making any effort, they could sway his mind, pull at his strings like he was a puppet. Disgusting. It was shameful, weak and pitiful that these thoughts, these temptations plagued his mind when there were such pressing matters to deal with. Percy was still missing, had been for days on end and there he was riddled with thoughts that felt as though they weren't his own. She would be ashamed surely, she would hate him if she knew.

At the very least he could have this, a moment of peace whilst the others were still crammed in the communal den, choking on the stink of those in heat. He snarled at the thought, his eyes narrowing in contempt. His mind was free and clear here, he was save from temptation, unable to do anything stupid. And yet, those thoughts lingered and he couldn't help but wonder if the season effected him too, if it had sunk its claws into him as well. It would explain a thing or two.

"Come on Askan." He sighed. He would have rubbed his temples if he could. "Don't be stupid."

He'd dealt with this before, so why was it so different now. Because he was away from his family? Maybe. Either way, he decided that there were too many damn women in Wild Rye Fields. Things were better when it was just the five of them.
