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Lost Lake Lost in Mountains - Printable Version

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Lost in Mountains - Rebecca - Dec 13, 2011

Rebecca had traveled along Riddle. It had been a pleasureful journey, finding food, resting when she felt like it, playing along the way. Now it was late afternoon, and she ahd no idea where she was. traveling through the wood, she sniffed the cool air, tail wagging. Sun wasn't shining, but everyhting was so beatiful! It didn't need any Sun! Sighing while she walked, Rebecca smelled water. Could it be the Lost Lake she had heard spoken? Trotting to that direction with wishful thoughts, she turned around a large boulder. No, it wasn't Lost Lake, just some small spring. Walking closer, she lowered her head to drink. The water was delicious, cool and refreshing.

Continuing her way, Reba chose direction that felt nice. Trotting, listening the birds singing, sniffing the high altitude air... Wonderful. She came to an edge of an slope. It seemed to be large slope, no matter did she look to left or right, it continued. Well, let's then walk down! Slowing down, she wasn't trotting anymore, but walking rather quickly. She wanted to explore what was down there, causing this apparently massive hole. Trees surrounding her, making the few light coming through clouds even darker. It was lightful enough to be... Lightful.

Walking lower and lower, rebecca tried to peek between the trees where was she heading. She saw something... Blue? Yes, blue it was, like water... Lost Lake? Speeding up she forgot to be cautious and stumbled, fell over and started to roll down the steep slope with increasing speed. Going round and round and round, until she didn't know which way was where.

Finally her falling stopped, she had reached the bottom. Standing up to her shaky legs, she tried to get her spinning view under control. She had only received few scratches and bruises during the fall, good luck had been with her. Looking around, she saw something blue ahead, but it was spinning so badly it was impossible to tell what it was for sure. Turning her head ot right, she saw the beachline, but there was some lump on it. What was it? Trying to concentrate her eyes, she stared the object, whatever it was.

Lost in Mountains - Kali - Dec 16, 2011

amber eyes focused upon the girl with mild curiosity. was she daft, or just slow? perhaps any sort of intelligence was a high expectancy from any of the wolves that resided within these lands. jaws clenched tightly in anticipation as the ginger wolf casually observed the stranger tumbling, tumbling, down the sharp slope that apparently...she hadn't seen. "clumsy chit." kali muttered darkly, although inwardly, the bitter bitch found herself slightly amused. nostrils flared as the strangers scent was taken in, annoyance plastered itself clear across her contorted features as it was becoming increasingly obvious her senses had become slightly askew since the accident. so, to kali's displeasure, all she could manage to snatch from the others musk was what she happened to be rolling in. trees, dirt, rodent excrement.

how wonderfully enjoyable that would be to abrade.

finally, it seemed the ebony girl was done with her ride, and was now focusing a bit to hard on kali herself. far to hard. hackles bristled lightly, a natural instinct to defend herself had built up since visiting the pleasant wolves of swift river. glistening lips quivered with distinct aggression as they peeled back over her teeth, a low, rumbling snarl vibrated in her chest in warning. "'tis rude ta stare, lass. best be makin' yer way back home." jaws parted, that thick salmon tongue of hers slithered out to curl over her dry nose in a useless attempt to moisten it. even so close to the water, her wounds had caused her to fall and pathetically she had begun to crawl towards the lake. but there was no way she'd stood to such weakness while there was another around. oh, no. kali's pride was far to pompous for that.

Lost in Mountains - Rebecca - Dec 16, 2011

Shaking her head Rebecca was finally able to concentrate her eyes and see the object. It was a wolf, fea, little older than her. She didn't look too happy... "Sorry, I didn't see you... I felt little dizzy" she apologized and explained. Turning her eyes quickly to the Lost Lake, she sighed in pleasure. She had finally founf it. Well, to be honest, she never even looked for it, but anyway. Then she started to wonder about the words of the fae. They sounded odd... Accent? Who cares as long as you can understand?

Eyeing the fae carefully but playfully, Rebecca sniffed her scent. She didn't get out much. Only her scent, and thats he had been in the forest. How helpful... Ears flicking, tail wagging, she stood up and wolked by the lake. The water was so blue... Carefully lowering he snout, she opened her mouth and drank. She had never tasted water better than this! Lovely. Remembering the other wolf, she lifted her head and turned it to the direction she was. Not looking staright to her, Rebecca didn't want to make her irritated. "Hi..?" she greeted carefully.

Lost in Mountains - Kali - Dec 16, 2011

she at least didn't seem to ignorant. the ebony chit was careful not to look directly at her, and for that itself - kali was grateful. not because she cared for any sort of dominance or rank at this point, merely for the fact that she was rather beat up and damaged. like a toy played with to much. the blood on her pelt had long since dried up and for the most part, she looked a damn mess. the female's words weren't the least bit threatening, so kali allowed herself to relax - if only for a moment. upon further inspection, kali realized a bit sadly that this girl looked a lot like her daughter might have...had the pup survived. brow furrowed deeply as the memories flooded her mind. with a snort she brushed them aside, ignoring pain building up in her chest.

rebecca seemed all to content to simply ignore her and marvel at the beauty of the lake. which was fine with her, until, of course, she spoke once more to her. hi? what a conversation starter. hackles lowered, as it was obviously that this chit was far from being even the slightest threat - even in her current condition. it did bother her a bit; however, that the black girl was able to quench her thirst so easily upon the seemingly delicious blue liquid that glittered tauntingly at her with help of the lowering sun. auds pressed tightly against her skull as out of habit, kali licked her parched lips. "i cannae quite tell, lass, but are ye from one o' those damnable packs?" the mutter was slightly cautious, feeling that if she were - there'd be reason to worry again. if not, then perhaps kali could use her to satisfy her thirst.

and possibly have her help with quickening the healing of these wounds.

Lost in Mountains - Rebecca - Dec 16, 2011

Her questionmade her first flatten her ear, but then she choose to take it easy. It was beatiful day, bye bye worries! Lifting her ears and giggling little bitterly she answered: "No, both packs will kill me if I enter on their lands." Shaking her head and laughing quietly she took few steps away from the lake. Sitting down she viewed the scenery. Slightly lowering her head she gave a quick glance to the fae, noticing her bloody fur. Beauti... "You're beatiful" escaped from her lips before she was able to stop it. Biting her tongue not to say any more, she yelped as blood filled her mouth. Spitting it away, she leaped back to the lake and filled her mouth with water. When she returned it to Lost Lake, a red pond formed to the surface before wind mnixed it away.

Smiling to her own stupidness, Rebecca sat down, thinking should she goa nd swim. She wasn't any great swimmer, but she liked fish and knew how to fish... No, she wasn't hungry, if she would hang out in Lost Lake for few days she could have the opportunity to fish later on. But what the other fae had in mind?

Lost in Mountains - Kali - Dec 16, 2011

there seemed to be bother bitterness in her words, and cockiness in her stance. so, she'd managed to piss of both packs? how amusing. and how utterly unfortunate for her in the long run. though, perhaps there was more than just two? jaws closed, the loud snapping sound that reverberated from them caused an echo over the lake, fish stirred gently. finding the action greatly irritated her jaw bone, the ginger bitch was careful not to do something so foolish again. at rebecca's proclamation, kali couldn't help but chortle huskily. was she blind as well? who on earth would find her the least bit pleasing to the eye. blood soaked, tattered and beaten, scarred to almost complete blindness of her left eye. a snort rushed from her nostrils and filled the air with disgust - at herself.

turning her attention to her back leg while the other seemed preoccupied with a self-inflicted wound, her teeth worked at trying to abrade what dried blood she could from her fur. salmon tongue lashed out to loosen it's thickened mass. the metallic, stale taste of the blood made a scowl twist itself upon her facade. teeth ground together in annoyance, this would be so much easier if she could just crawl to the water and soak. but the ginger girl would not lower herself to such pathetic displays with the other so keen on watching her. sharply defined ears swiveled wildly atop her vibrant skull, those gleaming eyes stared at the girl for a long moment. "dare is nothin' bonny about me, lass" she muttered in a rather unladylike, gruff tone.

shoulders rolled forwards as the amazonian femme used the well defined muscles in her legs to force herself up, to stand up. pain radiated up her spine, through her legs - blasting a party of twitching nerves throughout her physique. but somehow she managed. growling lowly beneath her breath, kali realized this was her own fault. after all, who in their right mind would force pain upon themselves -- all for the sake of their pride? the girl snorted distastefully and limped towards the water. "ya gawk an' i'll eat'cher eyes oyt." was all she could manage to snap out before her tongue lashed out to meet the cool, refreshing liquid of the lake. a sigh escaped from her ebony lips, and her body visibly relaxed - this truly was a beautiful place.

Lost in Mountains - Rebecca - Dec 16, 2011

OOC: What does "ya gawk an' i'll eat'cher eyes oyt" mean?

Rebecca couldn't understand why all beatiful, scarred and bloody wolves seemed to be ashamed of themselves. Well, not everyone, her mother hadn't been, but she had been the only one. "I wish I could some day look like you..." Rebecca whispered staring her reflection from the water. Those words were ment for her mother, Vlarindara and Kali. She didn't like her nearly perfect coat, it's smooth texture, it was just too perfect. She wanted too be scarred like Vlarindara, burned like her mother, bloody like Kali. Why she got in troubles and got away without scars?

The last sentence of the fae remained mystery for Rebecca. Still,s he kept satring her reflection, finally attacking it, fishing she could ruin her perfect face. Smashing the water, she gave up after short period of time and walked away from the water, not standing her looks anymore. This was the first time she had actually seen herself, and what a desgrace she was... "I look terrible!" She said nearly crying from anger. Anger towards herself, her childish manners and black coat. Why...

Lost in Mountains - Kali - Dec 17, 2011

the younger female seemed intent upon calling kali beautiful. perhaps there was a certain morbidly beautiful attraction to the scars, the blood, the fresh new wounds that adorned her amazonian physique. and yet, as her vibrant amber eyes shifted to stare at her own rippling reflection, the ginger bitch couldn't find it. only the disgusting visage of a woman scorned -- she could only see the sins writing themselves upon her mask of shame. kali wanted so badly to simply lift her paw a abrade the damnable stuff off. but anyone with eyes could see the wrong she had committed. apart of her wanted to think that murder - if justified - was right. but deep down, in the beating, annoying heart she had, the femme knew it was only mother earth's right to take and give life.

kali sighed deeply at the ebony chit's words, a smirk playing slowly across her scarred visage. "ya 'av ta earn yer scars, lass." she murmured lowly, her irish tunes a husky flow of musical whimsy. scars weren't something you went looking for. they were accidents, products of war, or great fights that took place in your life. without meaning, they were worthless and simply something to look down upon. auds pressed against her skull once more as the ginger, blood tinged girl shifted and slowly began dabbling into the cool waters of the lake. a circle of what seemed like a dark dye surrounded her frame as the blood was washed away from her vibrant coat. turning her gaze to stare at the girl once more, kali felt bad slightly. why? damned if she knew. "cum nigh, stop yer cryin', wee chit. it'll be gran'."

ooc: haha, here are the translations. <3
it means: "you stare and i'll eat your eyes out."
"ya 'av ta earn yer scars, lass." means: "you have to earn your scars, girl.
"cum nigh, stop yer cryin', wee chit. it'll be gran'." means: "come now, stop your crying, little girl. it'll be alright."

Lost in Mountains - Rebecca - Dec 17, 2011

OOC: thanks <3 usually I understand when i actually speak them, but that tearing you eyes off was something I couldn't quite figure out... XD

Rebecca watched the fae washing herself. Earn your scras? Well... That's the way it goes. She had done nothing for that... Nothing. "Time to turn up the heat". No, chasing wildfires were not Reba's way to get scars. No, it needed to be wolf versus wolf battle, with wolf nearly as powerful as you. It needed to contain fight for survival, indescribable anger, revenge. Rebecca knew no one like that. It could be a problem.

Walking back to the lake, snorting to her reflection, taking a big leap, she landed on the water with big splash and started swimming. She dwimmed back and worth, not going too far from the beach. Reba's swimming skills weren't enough to keep her up too long, and it didn't take long as she had to get back to shallow water. Breathing heavily by the hardness of swimming, she thought that at least she was better swimmer than her mother, who couldn't swim at all. And the funny thing was, that her lack of swimming skills had saved her...

Well, to be honest, there was someone, or actually someones Rebecca wanted to kill more than anything: the wolves who killed her family. If she would encounter them, if she would be strong enough, she would torture them, tear them apart while they were living, dig their eyes out, snap their tails off... Be like her grandparents. Revenge for her family, for her family further in blood line...

"Have you ever heard about Wheatears?" Rebecca asked, again not wanting to ask, but too late to stop herself. If the fae would, she must keep her mouth shut, otherwise it could mean dying. If she didn't... Maybe she wanted to know?

Lost in Mountains - Kali - Dec 18, 2011

a look of utter confusion crept across her ginger features, those procellous eyes narrowing almost suspiciously at the girl as her question popped out. wheatears? it sounded like some sort of childish horror monster that one would tell to a bunch of pups in order to get them to bed. a low snort ushered forth from her moist nostrils, dry humor glittering in her eyes. long, powerful legs carried her through the surface of the water like a knife through butter, slowly she tread, wishing to remove all the blood and gore from her coat so she'd be seen as less a threat to those less fortunate in the logic department.

with a low sigh, kali shifted and swam back to shore, her movements slow and pained. grunting beneath her breath, the ginger forced herself onto the bank with a huff. panting gently, she allowed herself to linger there - if only for a moment, to rest. auds swiveled forth, perking at the other girls restless movements. it was obvious she wanted to tell her something, obvious that she wasn't going to go away. what harm would it do to allow the girl to speak and babble on about whatever it was that plagued her mind. "i 'av not an inklin' as ter waaat yer blatherin' about. so, go on, tell me about tha wheatears, den." came her murmured husk of words, her body finally began to relax.