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Wildflower Glade Cause We're Worlds Apart - Printable Version

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Cause We're Worlds Apart - Flair - May 17, 2017

But just the same

- Midday, Partly cloudy - 55 ° F/13 ° C


A triumphant howl resounded throughout the thicket as a russet flash barreled through the underbrush, in hot pursuit of a fat, furry creature. Stocky frame tore through the bramble effortlessly, teeth snapping right on the heels of her prey as the yearling crossed out into the clearing, tail flying high in her success; Nowhere to hide now! She'd managed to spook the bugger so severely that it didn't have the presence, nor time to flee into the treetops, instead scampering desperately along the ground as she chased along. And now, out in the open, surrounded by nothing but weeds and flowers, it was at her mercy.

Taking no notice of the colorful sea around her, eyes only for the prize, Flair dashed through the grass, teeth a hairsbreadth from connecting with the stubby, fat tail. Then suddenly it was gone, vanished into thin air among the low vegetation. "What the..!" The hunter skidded to a halt, but not before her heavy front paws dropped through the ground beneath her, slamming her nose into the dirt with a loud: "Umph!" Eyes watering and ears ringing. But she was quick to recover, scrambling back to her feet and lowering her head to investigate the hole she'd fallen into, finding a small burrow permeated by a sharp, pungent smell. A slick smile spread across her face at the discovery; I've got you!

Rump and tail waving high in the air, Flair dove into the warren head first, ready to capture her well earned bounty. But what met her within the dark, tight confines was nothing like the skittish creature she had been chasing just moments before. Out of the blackness came first rugged claws, slashing painfully across her muzzle, then a face of glistening eyes and teeth, digging into the already tender flesh. The yearling yelped, jumping backwards out of the den and scuttling back as fast as she could, followed by the groundhog's indignant chattering. Only when she was a safe distance from the hollow, did Flair lift a creamy paw to rub her bleeding muzzle; "Ow..!"

Word count: 345

Thoughts ”Speech”


RE: Cause We're Worlds Apart - Enia - May 18, 2017


The yearling set about her daily routine of doing a round of the borders, her steps light. Things had been quiet since Enia's mother brought her two younger brothers into the world. The Woodlands had not experienced any deaths since Rayne but they also had not been greeted with any new members. She worried but knew that she would have to do whatever she could to take any stress her mother and father were feeling off of their shoulders. An excited howl, that could only have come from her sister, shook her out of her reverie. Light brown eyes darted in the direction of the glade, tail lashing in irritation. Of course, Flair would ruin the peace and quiet I was enjoying. Huffing lightly, she followed her sister's trail to see what it was exactly she was up to.

Her dark paws traveled quickly across the terrain, her nostrils flaring as she took in the scent of her sister, and something else.
Hunting then? When she came upon her fiery sister's head stuffed into the ground, dark ears pinned against her head, confused.
Was this a new hunting method she didn't know about? Tilting her head, she watched, remaining silent just in case she frightened away whatever it was her dear sister was hunting. Light brown eyes widened in shock when Flair suddenly jerked away from the area, scurrying away from the den with a quickness she hadn't quite seen in her sister's step since they snuck around as children. The first thing she noticed was the blood seeping out of Flair's muzzle. Concern squeezed at her heart and she stepped forward, trotting towards her sister hurriedly. “Flair! Are you okay? Do you want help?” Despite not always getting along with her older sister, Enia still cared for her deeply and did not want to see her in any pain. The gashes on her muzzle certainly looked anything but comfortable.


RE: Cause We're Worlds Apart - Flair - Jun 24, 2017


The dirty, creamy paw came away bloody, a sharp sting of pain left behind from the touch. “Curses,” the red girl grumbled lowly, twisting her neck and crossing her eyes to try and get a look of the scratch. Then a familiar voice called out, drawing her attention with a little jerk. Amber eyes blinked at her black and white sister, coming towards her even before getting an answer. “’is just a scratch,” she mumbled, but even as she said so, the tug at her muzzle made her wince. The groundhog had left a nice mark, shallow but painful all the same, glowing angry red against the creamy fur.

Flair squirmed a little under her sister’s gaze, uncomfortable in the wounded role, and embarrassed at her defeat. But she supposed, if someone had to see, better it be Nia than anyone else; At least she won’t mock me..! Theirs was an odd relationship, never quite knowing where they had one another. When they were younger they had gone adventuring together, but Enia seemed to have succumbed to their parents’ preached responsibility almost as much as Cináed. Still, she didn’t run around nagging on her sister to do the same, and that alone made her less obnoxious than their holier-than-thou brother.

Turning her eyes down, Flair let her sister examine the wound, rubbing on paw into the ground, awkwardly. Her ears were turned back, shoulders tense as silence stretched between them. Then finally she muttered: “Thought I had that sucker, trapped down there. Never knew damn critters could put up such a fight.” She’d been so focused on her victory, already imagining dragging the thing home triumphantly by the tail. Perhaps if she’d been more careful, she would have seen the attack coming. But of course she would never admit that.

Word count: 300

Thoughts ”Speech”


RE: Cause We're Worlds Apart - Enia - Jun 30, 2017


The young girl kept her distance from Flair, unsure if her presence was quite welcome yet. After her older sister seemed to settle down to her presence, Enia stepped closer. The dark girl did not bother commenting on what happened, not wanting to further embarrass or upset her sister. Jaws remained shut until light brown eyes inspected the wounds inflicted upon her sister’s muzzle. It seemed as though her sister was lucky and had gotten out just in the nick of time.

Charcoal lips parted to speak, "It’s not that deep, so I think after you clean it, the scratches’ll be fine. But if it starts to look bad or hurts more, you might wanna go to mom." Brown eyes turned to meet her sister’s fiery ones. The youngest Athesila assumed that it would be better for her to linger on the subject of her sister’s injury for the least amount of time possible. Clearing her throat, she changed the subject, "What was it you were hunting? I didn’t get a good glance." Her gaze slid towards the ground where she had seen Flair pop her head into. She was curious as to what could have caused such damage.
