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Whitestone Monadnock you will never know what's behind my skull - Printable Version

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you will never know what's behind my skull - Cyril - May 24, 2017

@Cheedo (tag for @Piety & @Wraith if they want to jump in as well <3)
sunny | 61° F / 16° C


Since emerging from the den for the first time the ebony boy’s curiosity skyrocketed and his thirst for more deepened. He was fascinated by the colours outside the dark cavern he shared with his mother, for all he had known was darkness. It was comforting, the shadowed den and his mother’s warm pelt, but it was nothing compared to the different terrain he had just been exposed to.

Testing his luck, the little Kael stretched forward, his ears pinned against his skull as he crept forward. The bright light lulled him forward, like a moth to a flame, and he was more than happy to comply. His paws, which would soon outgrow the rest of his body, scrambled quickly against the stone, propelling the rest of his soft body forward. He was greeted by a burst of sunlight, the cool morning air caressing his fluffy puppy fur, beckoning him to explore further. At first his movements were slow and precise, his denim blues scanning the area for any Whitestone wolves lurking nearby. For now he was alone—perfect.

Cyril scampered forward, nearly tripping on his own paws, as he put distance between himself and his den. His brows jerked upward as he surveyed his surroundings, trying to memorize everything and store it away for future reference. It would take some time before he would become completely familiar with his home, but he was eager to get started. As he continued stepping away from his den Cyril wondered just how far he could go before someone caught him…


RE: you will never know what's behind my skull - Cheedo - May 25, 2017


The small agouti had been out all morning trying to catch something for the caches as well as Piety. Despite her current feelings about the cub that had been introduced to the pack she still kept up bringing the alpha food. Her catch that morning consisted of a very large fish and a plump hare. She intended the hate for the caches and the fish for Piety. The woman would need the extra protein in her to help facilitate her recovery. Cheedo remembered her own pregnancy and how she'd still had to recover despite not having any children to watch over while she did. Though the woman had given birth to two puppies she envied Piety a little for being able to keep one.

Deciding to drop the fish off to the lead female before taking the rabbit on to the cache Cheedo found the familiar path to the coyote den. She trotted along the path both creatures hanging limply from her jaws until she came within eyesight of the den. It was there that she stopped because she saw the cub playing outside the den. She wasn't sure what to do as she watched the boy from a short distance away. Her gaze flitted around the area for any sign of Wraith or Piety but didn't see one just then.

What was she to do with this pup that she felt uncomfortable with because of her own lost pups. She hoped that the cub hadn't seen her as he played but she could not be certain. It also meant she would have to check up on him. She had yet to drop the animals at her feet so with them in her jaws she moved forward toward Cyri and dropped them once she was safely back in her lands. “Hello there,” she said once she was close enough to be almost directly in front of her. “What where do you think you're​ going?”


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - May 25, 2017

A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health

RE: you will never know what's behind my skull - Cyril - May 27, 2017


He wanted to see everything right now. The smudge snorted impatiently as he scampered across the stone, his little brows furrowed in determination. Each step was taking him further away from the den he shared with mother (sometimes even father, when he wasn’t busy being big wolf on campus big boss man). He knew the scarred dove would scold him but he didn’t care. He did not like her angry tone but the outside world was worth the trouble. There was so much to see… so much to smell!! Cyril didn’t know so many smells could even exist! How could mother withhold this from him for so long?! Sure, he was small and could barely walk without toppling over his own paws, but that did not mean he couldn’t explore!

A shadow cowered over him and the inky child skidded to a halt, his denim blues rising from the grey stone to the small but large agouti wolf before him. Immediately he flashed her a sloppy, toothy smile, his tag wagging frantically behind him. The attention on his older packmate was short-lived, however, as his nose twitched with a new smell. Instantly his snout wrinkled as he crept forward, inspecting the meat that the older female had dropped and ignoring her question. He threw himself at the long, shiny dead creature, his plump stomach connecting with the still-damp fish as a bubble of laughter erupted from his chest. 


RE: you will never know what's behind my skull - Cheedo - May 28, 2017


She'd been avoiding such an interaction with the pup, them one on one without his parents as a buffer. The thought to turn and go the other direction did occur to her but she needed to take the fish to Piety. Then there was the fact the pup seemed to be alone leaving him to get himself into plenty of trouble. She thought also to call for his parents but she couldn't do that either as being part of the pack meant helping with the pups. For a moment she watched him with the rabbit and fish hanging from her mouth before deciding she should do something before he got himself hurt or worse, pups just didn't know what was good for them.

With a sigh and a shake if her head she went to the pup and dropped her prey at her feet before speaking to him. Again as she looked down at him with his goofy smile and wagging tail she thought about her pups and what they might be like at his age. That was short lived as his attention had turned toward the fish that she had dropped at her feet. Well now what was she to do, the fish wasn't for him, gently she pushed him away from it with her nose, “Hey, stop that. I caught that for your mother.” Cheedo remained gentle but tried to be firm with Cyril though she was a little frustrated with the situation.

It seemed she was stuck with the kid for the time being so she decided that this was all part of her moving into her new life and she couldn't avoid the pup forever. So she got down until she was on his level placing herself between him and the fish. “How do you like the sound of coming with me? I can show you some fun places.”


RE: you will never know what's behind my skull - Cyril - May 31, 2017


Whatever this thing was Cyril liked it a lot. It smelt funny but he did not mind. Had Cheedo brought it just for him to play with? Wow-ee, she was absolutely wonderful. The little Kael rolled over onto his side, still pressed against the stinky fish as he stared, doe-eyed, at the older female. It was still a little damp but it did not bother him. He was too enthralled by the strange scent and how squishy it was. A giggle erupted from his chest as he bounced on it, blissfully unaware that it was supposed to be food for his mother. Until the blue-eyed agouti spoke, scolding him for his actions.

Stop that. He immediately frowned, his movement ceased as he flopped onto his stomach once more, his small body still sprawled atop the fish. The boy snorted in disapproval, his denim blues rolling in their sockets as he kneaded at the fish’s stomach, a crooked grin etched into his dark lips.

Only when the agouti spoke a second time did Cyril stop what he was doing, his brows narrowed curiously as he watched her press her stomach against the ground. His little nose twitched as he inched closer to devour as much of her scent as possible, although it was quite difficult with the overpowering smell of fish. Fun places. He chirped in agreement at the suggestion, his little rump wagging frantically behind him. Fun. Cyril liked the idea of that. If he had a middle name fun would most certainly be it. Or… what if it was? What if fun was actually his middle name?

He blinked, dismissing his spastic thoughts as he clambered off the fish and waddled right up to Cheedo wearing a wide, goofy grin. The smudge hoped that @Piety would not disapprove of a little adventure… as long as he wasn’t by himself…


RE: you will never know what's behind my skull - Cheedo - Jun 01, 2017


Since she'd never raised her pups she wasn't exactly sure what to do with a pup Cyril's age especially one who seemed so fascinated by the fish she brought. She had been a little shocked when he'd jumped on it, she watched as he rolled around with it. His mother would kill her if he came home stinking like fish, Cheedo was sure of it. As he giggled she couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corner of her lips, she hated ruining fun. The fish was for his mother however and the small agouti was determined to deliver it to Piety.

At least when she told him to stop he did but it was very clear from the look on his face he wasn't too pleased about it. He also didn't​ remove himself from the fish either but at least he wasn't playing with it any longer. Then as he started to knead the fish her eyes widened, didn't she just tell him to stop? He was quite the defiant little creature. She wondered if her children would have been like him before shaking that thought from her mind. She couldn't get caught up in that right now.

Instead she wanted to find something that would take his mind off the fish. What young pup could say no to an adventure so that is exactly what she offered him. That seemed to get his attention as he started to come closer to her his little nose twitching back and forth. Her ear flicked at his little chirp which she took to mean he wanted to go see the fun places she'd mentioned. She knew she couldn't take him from the territory but there were plenty of places he would find interesting inside the territory.

A small smile shone on her features as she watched him waddle toward her. She rose to her feet and with a bump of her muzzle to his should she picked up the rabbit and fish taking it quickly to the den since they weren't far from it, Piety would find them later. Cheedo surprised herself as she was a little eager to spend some time with the pup. “Come on Cyril I know just the place to start our adventure,” she told as she met back up with him and moved past him down the path. She kept a pace he could keep up with and checked on him often.


RE: you will never know what's behind my skull - Cyril - Jun 02, 2017


He did not want to release the fish from his grasp but he always did not want to completely destroy it. Especially if it was for mother. The little Kael would hate to be scolded by the pale dove for ruining her meal. The prospect of adventure was far more interesting and the fish was soon forgotten (aside from the scent that clung to his dark fur). His baby blues followed her agouti form as she scooped up the rabbit and fish, his oversized paws stomping against the ground eagerly. Despite his impatience Cyril kept his tongue in check and did not make a peep, for he did not want Cheedo to suddenly change her mind. Adventures did not come often and he wanted to make the best of it.

I know just the place to start our adventure. The boy chirped once more as he scrambled after the female, his chest bumping into her leg due to the overwhelming excitement that coursed through his veins. “Weeeeeeee,” he squealed as he struggled to maintain the same pace as the agouti. He did not mind, for it was part of the adventure. With a big, toothy grin he glanced up at the blue-eyed female, his brows raised so high they threatened to fall off his round face. Finally he was going to see more of Whitestone… he could hardly contain his excitement as another chirp escaped, him lips still curved in a wide smile. 


RE: you will never know what's behind my skull - Cheedo - Jun 02, 2017


Once the fish and rabbit were safely tucked away for Piety Cheedo turned her attention back to Cyril and smiled. His excitement at the prospect not an adventure was infectious and perhaps spending some time with the pup wouldn't he so bad. The longer she was in his company she felt more at ease with him and though her children were always in the back of her mind he was her focus for the day. She'd never gotten to experience doing these kinds of things with her own pups so it fell to him.

She thought idly as she met back up with him that if he liked adventures so much when he was bigger he could accompany her scouting. For now she would settle with taking him off to the further reached of the territory for him to see and. explore. She’d started up the trail with him tagging along or trying to keep up might be the better word after she felt him bump into her leg. She turned suddenly as a thought occurred to her and met his puppy blue eyes, “We will go on our adventure little Cyril but before we go any further you must promise me you will do as I say. Do you promise?” She asked before sitting for his response. She didn't want anything to happen to him while he was in her care. Cheedo was sure she would be punished but she also didn't think she could live with it if something happened to the boy.


RE: you will never know what's behind my skull - Cyril - Jun 02, 2017


The little Kael followed dutifully behind the older female, his tail arched high above his back as it wagged with frantic enthusiasm. He wished that mother could have joined them but he had all the time in the world to explore the monadnock with his mother at his side. One adventure without her wouldn’t hurt… even a couple wouldn’t be too dreadful. He could not wait to get big enough to join his father on a patrol, for the older Kael was often wrapped up in his duties. Cyril did not mind, for he knew that Wraith was busy doing important adult stuff. He was the alpha’s son, after all, and his alpha dad had lots of important things to do. Lots of things.

His ears twitched as the agouti spoke, announcing that he needed to promise to listen her. He pondered the question for a moment, his brows twisting together in thought, before he answered with a hasty nod. Cyril did not want to get her in trouble because he wanted to explore. What if Cheedo decided not to take him on anymore adventures?! How dreadful!!! He could not allow that to happen. For good measure the boy nodded a second time, this time more frantic than the first. “Peeeerrrrr,” he cooed, not yet able to form proper words and sentence structures. Cyril hoped that she would understand him—being little sure had its disadvantages in the communication department! 
