Ruins of Wildwood
Drooping Willows — thunder in our hearts - Printable Version

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— thunder in our hearts - Kali - Dec 19, 2011

her body felt well refreshed, there was a healthy meal within her, the vibrancy of her coat seemed to shine beautifully within the peeking rays of sunshine. the usually brightly lit sky was dim this day, overcast in a gloomy shade of gray. a light trickle of rain fell down upon her scarred visage, but it felt wonderful. the ginger fae's aching body had finally begun to get the rest it deserved, the rest it needed. a sigh escaped her jaws as the girl inched her way across the hush meadows, gangrel-like limbs carried her with ease and a considerable amount of grace - despite her obvious limp in her right leg. as a cool wind brushed her features, a chill ran down her spine and caused the fur along her slender, feminine spine to arise. a hiss of air pressed forth from between her ebony lips as a smile plastered itself across her ginger appearance. the smell of earth, water and rain touched her acute senses and for the first time since encountering the sacred grove, she felt at home. the drooping willows were an impressive sight, she was momentarily breathless from the beauty of it.

the vibrant colors, the fresh greens, it tickled her senses. the rain began to sting; however, as the temperature seemed to drop. sharp teeth clattered together as her body trembled, having been carelessly lumbering about within the light rain. pushing her still wounded body to move more quickly, kali found herself slipping beneath the protective embrace of one of the willow trees. as if mother earth herself approved, the ginger chit heard the tree groan gently as the wind blew harder. slowly, as she was no longer subject to the sharp bite of the rain, kali twisted her physique to curl against the thick expanse of the bottom bark of the willow. the tree adorned closer, inward branches that had leaves brushing the ground and also tickling her feet as they swayed and flowed with the rush of the wind. idly, her jaws parted just gently as she allowed a gush of air to slip from her muzzle playfully - attempting to make the willow leaves dance more gleefully. the rain grew harder; however, kali was joyfully oblivious as the world around her seemed warm and protective.

— thunder in our hearts - Winter - Dec 19, 2011

It was always dark it seemed. The sun, always fighting desperately to penetrate the looming darkness of the coming storms. A senseless battle though, the raging torrent of wind and rain cascading across the valley, spreading moisture to mother's dense forestry. Either that or fog, something always seemed to stand in his way. But today the willow valley wooed him in silence with the soft brush of depressed leaves, tickling his coat as he passed into the shadow of a mighty tree. The rain dispersed beneath the shielded overgrowth, giving him all the time to shake himself dry. Protected now, he stalked low, a grangel's step, inching toward the comfort and support mother had created for him. Having eaten enough to sustain the night, Winter feared exhaustion should he have to carry the weight of his wet coat. After the storm passed, he would seek to continue - for now it was dry enough beneath the willow for rest.

Moments went by, and the wind seemed to carry her fragrance to him. The hinted scent of lavender, with the tinge of wild spice, a familiar perfume arousing his senses. Winter rose quietly, his silver eyes surveying the foggy valley, shattered only by the intensity of her smell. His nose to the air he carried himself toward the strongest points, until the aroma overwhelmed him. Eyes turned the corner of his tree-base, staggering in surprise as he trailed the matted behind of one Kali Dusk. The rain had pressed her coat elegantly across her slender physique, accenting her shape and features. Her ginger pelt fit nice when wet by mother's tears. Defined curves delicately placed across her rear and into her backside. Down between high shoulders his eyes fled, wrapping around a meek and tender maw, locking on the hint of amber eyes - never deterring from their gaze.

Her smile caught him off guard, as the day was turning out to be most unpleasant. Misery loves company, and her random appearance and sudden chipper attitude wouldn't do well at first. Still, at his current angle, she wasn't at all an unpleasant site. his voice called out to her, deep, throaty husk of lyric that would surely surprise her. "Dodging the rain as well Alphena?" the proper term, for a proper female. His body now half in view, chest puffed and head high to show the fullness of his stature. His ruffled silver pelt stood out in the steady breeze, unfitting for a mysterious male, Winter looked rugged and childish in his muddy display of poor fashion sense. Mother was not a keen to keeping him out of situations where he could remain in perfect form. But the aggressive nature he'd found himself bound too lately, only fit his rough complexion.

— thunder in our hearts - Kali - Dec 19, 2011

jaws snapped shut with a low click as surprise filtered over her ginger features. the blazing of her eyes shifted, turning to stare at the silver beast that approached so daringly upon a wounded wolf. the sound of his voice was like a masculine murmur of promise, daring to edge to the intimate as he cooed her old title. a sneer tarnished the smile she'd been adorning, finding the title lacking it's respective authority. no longer was she a leader, no longer did she deserve such a praise - and the ginger fae was quick to correct him. "'ush yer gob, winter, i 'av naw such power anymore." her voice was husky, low in tune as she found the cold air had begun to irritate her vocals a bit to much. despite her unpleasant greeting, kali was overwhelmed, joyous of his appearance. so long had it been since she'd seen a familiar face, and one she admired so much. those vibrant eyes of hers softened; however, as he lingered closer and his warmth spread into her chilled toes.

"tha rain wishes ter freeze me, i tink." the fae's voice became a bit more musical, tilted in a more generous direction as she had been severely harsh before, and apart of her felt guilty for such a foolish rebuff. winter was no longer her subordinate, and in turn she had no right to command him to do anything. kali's pride; unfortunately, would not allow her to outright apologize, so miniscule words and phrases would be all she could manage. the wind blew heavily now, the rain grew loud around them. the branches of the willow tree swayed, the leaves whipped back and forth wildly. once more, kali was momentarily in awe of the power of mother earth, a sigh exhaled from her aching chest - filling the air silently beneath the sounds of the storm brewing. amber eyes lifted to the sky, just barely able to see it's dim grayness from within the protective dome of the drooping willow. her slender physique stretched out, ears pressed against her skull as she lowered her head onto her forepaws.

lazily kali glanced over to her companion, wondering idly what had brought him to these lands? instead of asking; however, the ginger chit merely settled for muttering something pleasant. "'tis nice ta see ya." her voice was a raspy coo of sound, just barely audible over the weather. it was in that moment, that the sky lit up brightly and a clap of thunder broke the stormy sounds. for only a moment after, all was silent - giving kali a moment to listen to the steady breathing of the brute across from her, the faint beat of his strong heart. licking her lips a tad nervously as the rain continued in the background, kali found herself unsure as to what to say next. never in her four years had this type of thing come to pass for her. the ginger fae had never been so clueless before, and it damn well irritated her. huffing lowly, she waited idly to see if perhaps winter had something interesting to bring to the conversation.

her mind was oddly blank.