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White Fir Notch Hey I know you - Printable Version

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Hey I know you - Tyne - Sep 01, 2017


For @Sylva! Time for a reunion, sorry this took so long to get up. I had like nothing to use for it.

Yesterdays outing had allowed him to meet one new pack member, a yearling. It didnt go too bad the sea wolf thought. It was more than he could say for Grizzly Hallow. He knew next to no one there and they didnt exactly make an effort to meet him. Maybe he cpuld have tried harder but it takes two to tango so he didnt worry about it too much. This pack would be different though he vowed. He had been given a second chance at life so he didnt plan on wasting it being reclusive. Thats why today part of him hoped to not run into anyone because his pride still felt that no one should see him until he was fully healed. The other part urged him to actually make connections with this pack so that he could actually contribute. So he wouldn't necessarily be bothered if he met someone else while he explored but he did enjoy the peace and quiet. Thin creamy legs walked slowly as golden eyes took in more of his new home. He liked it here, maybe more so than Grizzly Hallow but definitely not more than Bella Coola. The Kersey man's heart would forever belong to the sea.
