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Hearthwood River Need to Know - Printable Version

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Need to Know - Inna - Oct 05, 2017


She'd thought about it a lot over the past days and had made her decision, it was what was best for Oksana. She told herself that often whether it was to make her feel better about what she was doing it the truth she wasn't sure. Getting away from Hearthwood for a day or so, to spend it in her own. That was what she needed, her den was the rock she'd been using to hold herself up but now she needed to find her in paws again. She needed to get past her mother's death but most of all she needed to be there for her daughter before it was too late.

Inna however couldn't leave Hearthwood without speaking with Oksana and telling her what she was doing. The Raven needed to make sure her daughter knew she would be coming back. Inna was certain that Oksana would be okay for the days she would be away. So Inna had gone to look for her daughter and found her by the river. A awkward smile crossed her features, “You know when I was about your age your uncle Orren and the pack scout at the time told me all about my reflection at this place,” she told as she approached where the pup was sitting. It was a fond memory she had that she thought about often.

~Table by Jacqueline

RE: Need to Know - Oksana - Oct 05, 2017


Her plan to get her mother out of the den had worked for about a minute before Inna had retreated back to it. To say she was disappointed was an understatement leaving the smudge wondering what it was going to take to get her mother to leave the den for longer than to get a drink. It was with these thoughts the dark pup looked out over the river. She had ended up there a while ago and hadn't felt ready to leave. Her mother's illness was starting to take it's toll on Oksana and she wanted to know why Lorc...her father hadn't done anything to help.

When she first heard her mother's voice behind her she thought it had to be wishful thinking. As her voice continued to fill the space around them Oksana had to turn and see if it really was her mother. A wide smile crossed her little features as she found that it really was her mother. Oksana’s tail wagged rapidly as she rose and went to greet Inna. “What did they say about it?” She asked as she rubbed her muzzle against her mother's chest. She hoped this was a permanent thing, her mother sounded better already and Oksana couldn't be happier to see the dark figure over her mother.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Oct 05, 2017

There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity

RE: Need to Know - Inna - Oct 08, 2017


It tore at her heart a little to have to tell Oksana that she was leaving her yet again. Only this time Inna was going alone because it was something she had to figure out by herself. Before when her father had died she'd still had her mother but now she was gone too. The Raven didn't know if she knew how to go in without her mother in her life and staying in the den wasn't helping her or Oksana any. She knew what Lilya had said that the pack was there for her but she didn't think they could help. They could give their support and bring her food, make sure Oksana was looked after. They couldn't tell her how to start to heal from it and part of her wasn't sure they wanted to after the whole debacle at wild rye.

This was something she had to do on her own and she hoped her daughter could understand. When she had come upon Oksana by the river it had reminded her of a better time with her mother, father and Naia were still alive. Orren was still in Hearthwood and everything was good. Now it all just seemed to he a mess that couldn't be fixed. She told Oksana of that day by the river and her curious little girl didn't disappoint as she asked what they had said. Inna brushed her muzzle along her daughter's side, “Well you see I didn't really understand what I was looking at in the water so they explained that it was just me.” Inna smiled at the memory, “I hope one day you can meet your uncle Orren, he was a good wolf and I am sure he would love to meet you.” The Raven squeezed her daughter against her and held her for a long moment before pulling away to look at her. She was getting so big and soon she wouldn't be her little girl anymore. “Oksana there is something I need to talk to you about,” the mother told her daughter.

~Table by Jacqueline

RE: Need to Know - Oksana - Oct 08, 2017


The child hoped that her mother's appearance by the river bank was a sign that things were going to change and everything would be okay. Maybe the time her mother needed to figure things out was over like Lilya had said. She couldn't contain her happiness at seeing her mother outside of the den and rushed to her. The smudge buried her face in her mother's fur as Inna answered her question about that Orren and the pack scout had told her about her reflection. Sometimes Inna talked about when she was a pup but it wasn't often. So when her mother shared any information Oksana soaked it up so she could learn more about her mum.

The pup giggled as Inna explained she didn't understand, “Then did you afterward?” She asked curiously. Her mother also spoke of her meeting her uncle Orren one day, Oksana pulled away from her mother to look into her orange eyes, “I would like to meet him.” Oksana knew Rissy and Matheo and Kisla but she didn't know any of her mum's other family. She would like to meet them all one day and hoped she would get the chance. Then her mother said words that the pup didn't like hearing at all, they always seemed to be followed with some kind of bad news. Oksana stepped away from her mother and sat back on her little haunches, “What is it this time?” She asked looking at the ground in front of her paws not sure if she really wanted to hear what her mother wanted to tell her.


RE: Need to Know - Inna - Oct 08, 2017


It was times like this that Inna missed the days of her puppyhood more, a time when things had seemed so simple and all she had to do all day was play was all she had to do. Knowing what her adulthood held she wished that her daughter could stay a pup forever, that she would never have to endure the things that the Raven had been through. Inna felt she had failed Oksana in not protecting her from the bad things that could happen in her life. Her daughter giggle brought a smile to the mother's face, “I did a lot better,” she replied when Oksana asked about her understanding her reflection.

Her brother Orren had left the previous year and she missed him very much, he was the one out if her older siblings she wanted Oksana to meet most. Unfortunately she didn't know if that day would ever come. It was clear when she told Oksana she needed to tell her something the pup wasn't happy with her. The Raven sighed and bumped her daughter's chin with her nose before answering her question. “I need to go away for a couple of days Oksana to try and get better. I think it's best for the both of us,” she explained hoping her daughter could understand.

~Table by Jacqueline

RE: Need to Know - Oksana - Oct 08, 2017


The pup had been happy when her mother had sought her out thinking that maybe things would be different from then on. They had talked about when she was a puppy and her uncle and everything seemed to be much better than it had been. It was like her mother had returned to her just like Lilya said she would. Then Inna had said the words she always said before she was going to deliver bad news and Immediately the smudge knew that whatever came from her mother's maw was something she wasn't going to like.

She wasn't wrong as her mother explained that she was going away and that it was best for both of them. A whine escaped the puppy as she looked up into her mother's orange eyes, “Why do you have to go?” Can't you do whatever you have to here?” She asked as a tear fell down her cheek. The smudge didn't want her mother to go away, “You've hardly been here mum and now you want to go away. How can you know it will be better for us?” She wanted to throw herself on the ground at her mother's feet and beg her not to go. The pup knew it wouldn't work though so she decided against that but more tears fell from her eyes. She felt like she had just gotten her mum back and now she was leaving again.
