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Hush Meadow Can you hear the whisper? - Printable Version

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Can you hear the whisper? - Rebecca - Jan 17, 2012

Once again in Hush Meadow. Here she had met Vlar... Her greatest idol. Walking over the snow, sniffing it. Beatiful landscape, also during winter. Though the grass wasn't the first thing now, it was snow. The layer of it that covered the grass. Digging the snow, wanting to see the earth, the grass. Ears turning to listen the birds that lightly humming flew over her as she worked her way down, kicking the snow away from between her back legs. She didn't pay attention to surroundings, only to the work she was doing.

This was hard. Taking a break, Rebecca sat on the pile she had made, the snowy pile. Turning her head arouns, yawning, then looking to the direction where the forest started. There was somethign in the treeline... Mammal? No matter how hard Rebecca tried to see it, it was simply too far. Then it disappeared again. Shrugging her shoulders Reba continued with her hole.

Can you hear the whisper? - Silence - Jan 17, 2012

Silence was singing. Not out loud of course, that was impossible, but within the confines of her mind she was singing loud and clear. A happy tune, one to wag your tail to and nod your head in time with. And that is what she was currently doing. Her paws were tapping the terrain in time with her silent beats, her tail lashed from side to side whilst her head bobbed from side to side.

She wasn’t here for any reason in particular. She was as lost as ever and just as miserable about it. However, so far her journey out on her own hadn’t been quite as bad as she had expected it to be. She’d met a few others, had a bit of fun and was actually enjoying her freedom, which is why she had run from her home in the first place.

Her singing, I mean, her quite stopped as she heard the scuffling of another through the tree line and further towards the centre of the meadow. Curious, she pushed her white head through the thickets to see an onyx wolf sitting on a pile of snow… How odd. She didn’t do anything more, just looked at the other, confusion across her face.

Can you hear the whisper? - Rebecca - Jan 17, 2012

Okay, now she was sure there was something. A white thing in the middle of the darker trees and bushes. What was white? Some rabbits, thought that couldn't be a rabbit, it was too large. Mm... Wolf? Arctic wolf? Well, wolves in overall was good enough. So Reba supposed it was a wolf. Placing her front legs on the pile she had made, rising her head and giving out a quiet howl, calling the other to come closer. If it wasn't a wolf, it wouldn't come and Rebecca would be free to continue diggin the holw on the ground. If it would come, she could have a better view and see what it was.

Lowering her head, pointing eyes to the white thing, waiting for something to happen. Would it come? Leave? Stay there?

Can you hear the whisper? - Silence - Jan 17, 2012

It appeared they were at a bit of a stalemate as they simply looked at each other, but then the other took charge and called for her to come forward. Used to following the rules, Silence obeyed and delicately exited from the thickets. It was easy for her to pull her small figure from the bushes and she ignored the small tugs of the twigs snagging her fur.

Still, she didn’t come too close. She stopped a good ten feet away from the black wolf and simply looked at her. She wasn’t really sure what to do next, she couldn’t say hello, so instead, she tipped her muzzle to the floor in greeting before raising her head back up again to once more look upon the black wolf.

Now she was closer, she recognised she was female. She didn’t smell of anything but herself, so she guessed she too was a loner. She guessed that could be comforting, but she kept herself on edge, ready to run should she need to.

Can you hear the whisper? - Rebecca - Jan 17, 2012

Rebecca had been right, it was a wolf. Female, small, white. Wolf. And she greeted her silently, with a simple nodd. Reba did the same, nodding. She was used to reflect the acts of others, bad habbit from the times she hadn't yet known the right manners of conversation. Now she knew them pretty well, but still she sometimes worked as a mirror.

Wagging her tail and lowering her head to give a friendly look to the other, smiling lightly. Eyes searching for her look. Unsure what to do, talk be quiet? Continue digging? What should be done?

Can you hear the whisper? - Silence - Jan 17, 2012

She seemed friendly enough. She hadn’t tried to eat her yet which was always a good sign. Once the greetings were done with though there was little more Silence could do to prompt up a conversation. Instead, she took a seat upon the cold terrain and tilted her head at the other.

She wasn’t sure what to do next- she had yet to find a way to tell others she was a mute and unable to communicate through the usual channels, and meeting strangers was often a hard and scary process… or like this one, just plain awkward. Looking back to the other she offered a half smile and a shrug.

Can you hear the whisper? - Rebecca - Jan 17, 2012

Shrug. What did it mean? Curiositry lighting up in her eyes, pushing her head forward, taking a step forward and falling into her own hole. Yelping as she disappeared in her digging which was quite deep now, after hard working. Snow flying around ehr as she layed in her hole, feeling little dizzy. And what an uncomfortable position! Quickly standing to her feet and jumping up from the hole, looking little embarrased, growling half-seriosuly towards her trap.

Shaking the snow off her fur, turning her sheepish look to the stranger, wagging her tail slowly. Head was low, ears flopping. "Ehm... Hello" Rebecca finally spoke. Looking at her and wondering how would she react.

Can you hear the whisper? - Silence - Jan 17, 2012

The other female took a step forward and vanished into the pile of snow she had been making. Some would find it funny, but Silence was a little worrier and rushed forwards to see if the other was alright. She'd taken quite a tumble it looked like and with her own welfare aside (who knew, perhaps this was a plot to get her closer and gobble her up!) she ran to the others aid, arriving in time to see the black female pop up looking a little sheepish.

The panic in her vanished instantly and she held in a smile. It would have been rude to laugh after all.

Well this was going to be interesting. It appeared she wanted to talk at last. Silence always hated this part. She felt like such a fool. A sad smile crossed her face as she nodded at the others name. She danced on her front paws, shifting her weight as she tried to decide what to do next. There was no way she could say hello, but she could always wave. And with that, she lifted her front paw and began to bat the air in a waving motion. She added a small smile at the other as she did before she allowed her paw to rest upon the cold floor once again.

That was a Silence, hello.

Can you hear the whisper? - Rebecca - Jan 17, 2012

What was that about? Waving? Why she didn't speak? What did that waving mean? Shear confusion and marvel shined from Rebecca's eyes and face, eyes large as plates. Okay, that was little rude, actually badly rude, so Reba quickly shook her head and did her best to control her expressions. Only a baffled look was left after it. Tilting her head from side to side, triyng to see was the female okay. Maye she was injured and tried to tell it?

"Are you okay?" was her simple question. Voice simply curious, but friendly, no smile on her face but worried look in eyes. Tail wasn't wagging, it hanged fully relaxed, almsot liek Reba would've forgotten it. Moving her weight from side to side, ears forward to wait her answer. Was this stranger okay?

Can you hear the whisper? - Silence - Jan 17, 2012

Being Silence was so tedious and frustrating all at the same time. Most often other wolves thought she was just insane or rude when she didn’t speak back and it appeared that this wolf was no different. She sighed to herself and lowered her rear to sit upon the frosty terrain.

She nodded her head at the others question, but still said nothing. How was one supposed to explain they couldn’t talk. She should be well practised by now but instead it seemed that every time she met a new face it was harder and harder to tell them that she wasn’t being rude, she was actually a pretty nice girl… nice but defected.

She tilted her own head, mimicking the other. She could see the other female was confused, perplexed by her strange action but what more could she do. Thinking a moment she thought she’d tried her usual routine, though it often failed. She began to move her mouth like she was talking, and when nothing came out she stopped and then shook her head.

I can’t talk. See. Look. Nothing comes out when I do this spoke her mind.