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Fireweed Rise New boy in town - Printable Version

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New boy in town - Valiant - Jan 26, 2012

Sure the younger wolf had told him to wait, and that was exactly why he was here now, standing on the borders of relic lore. If he had of just left well enough alone it probably never would have crossed his mind to come here, but he saw the request as a challenge, and he rarely backed down from a challenge. He had never been much of a one for rules, preferring to torment and harass than fall in line with the rest of the pack. The happiest day he could remember was when they asked him to leave. It was like a chain had been removed from his neck, no more rules or responsibilities, his universe could revolve around him.

Since then he had spent his time wandering where ever his wanderlust took him. He was a rogue in every sense of the word and one of his favourite pastimes was wooing the daughters of packs away to have his wicked way with them before disappearing over the horizon, never to return. It wasn't without its risks of course and he had the scars to prove it, but he also had the memories... A whimsical smile crossed his face and he chuckled, they didn't stand a chance. His overly fluffy coat and sheer size were enough to make most of their eyes glass over with lust and that wasn't even taking into account his winning personality, or so he thought.

A far cry from a nervous intruder, Valiant walked forward confidently, his tail erect, ears and eyes forward, almost strutting across the invisible line into the unknown. Now where did he get to?

New boy in town - Rebecca - Jan 26, 2012

Maybe the pack life wasn't as bad as Rebecca had thought, but it still wasn't all that lovely. Living actually her whole life alone, she had hard times to look respectul all the time, doing what she was told to and that kind of stuff. Maybe she would leave one day, but for now, Reba had a pack and she was loyal to it. That strong loyalty had drived her to join in a pack in the first place.

But she would never stop wandering. Though the distances were now shorter and she didn't leave Relic Lore, she could not stay still all the time. Today her legs had brought her to Fireweed Rise. Maybe here would be a bear or something? Blizzard, or someone to fight with? Moose or other big animal? She hadn't get high in twelve hours now! It started to be ahrd to stop herself from jumping off of some cliff to get the danger she needed.

What's that? A wolf? Male? Danger? Halting, head rised high as she thought that if he was dangerous, he was perfect. Then jumping towards him, accelerating over the distance between them. Running, running, legs, move quicker!

Sliding to halt, staying few meters away from him, excited eyes pointed at him, with a clear, insane shine in them. "Hello you! Are you dangerous? Please be dangerous, I really need some danger now!" she almost yelled to him, feelings she kept in almost exploding her. Shifting her legs, jumping up and down, head rising and lowering, tail wagging unevenly, spinning around from time to time. Teeth were shown even though voice was friendly, playful growl coming up.

New boy in town - Valiant - Jan 26, 2012

The place seemed stark under the thick blanket of winter snow. He was quickly getting bored, the way he had gone on made it sound like he would be in danger if he came before he was sent for but this was a walk around the den. He snorted in frustration and was about to throw himself down in the snow when he caught her scent. He knew it was a her, because there had been many occasions where if it had been a him he probably wouldn't be around anymore. He fluffed his silvery fur and stalked forwards purposefully, his large frame rigid and ready for a fight when the black blur came into sight.

He listened to her excited blabbering with a smirk on his face, so it was danger she needed? He saw the glint in her eye and chuckled internally before growling menacingly and springing towards the she-wolf with teeth bared. He had no qualms with playing a little rough if that was what she wanted.

New boy in town - Rebecca - Jan 26, 2012

OOC: How does the fight actually work?

Letting out an sharp, happy, maniac yelp, Rebecca jumped away from his teeth and ran further, looking behind to see if he followed. She wanted to do little chasing first, the fighting. It was the best way to get the most pleasure. The insane shine overtook her eyes completely, tail wagged as she stood to wait for the brute. 'Please come, don't let me play alone!' she wished in her head.

Bouncing like a black ball on the snow, ready to start the actual fight when he would get closer. Teeth bared, but due a wide grin.

New boy in town - Valiant - Jan 26, 2012

OOC: He's not too fast so don't run too far! I get the feeling it'll be a lot of snarls and nips on his part, nothing too serious.

Valiant rolled his eyes when the black wolf darted away, she was fast and he sighed in resignation, he had decided to go along with the game so he half heartedly loped after her, the dangerous look still in his eye. When she began to slow with a disappointed look on her face he maintained his pace until he was within striking range then he charged her, hitting her full in the side with his chest and nipping roughly at her nape and shoulders growling and snarling to assert his dominance. He was surprised when she allowed him to catch her, she could easily get away. Deciding not to ponder the thought too long he continued with his game, careful not to break the black wolfs skin but biting hard enough to hurt.

New boy in town - Rebecca - Jan 26, 2012

OOC: She's fast so she won't run too far away! I was just thinking that is there some max amount of posts during the fight and who decides the winner and that stuff...

What a friendly wolf! Ready to waist his strength on her and to give him the pleasure she so desperately needed. Though it hurted, Reba felt happy. Turning her head to bite his cheek or neck, maybe ear if she could find one. Growling, wide grin on her face, biting hard but not causing blood to come out. He would need to start if it would go that far. This was not nearly enough danger to her, something else was needed. Maybe a bear rushing out from somwhere? Too bad they were sleeping now...

New boy in town - Valiant - Jan 26, 2012

He was glad he had eaten recently, or he might not be so controlled. When he thought she was starting to lose interest he gave her a quick shove attempting to get her off balance. When that failed a wicked smile crossed his face as he latched onto her scruff and attempted to drag her through the snow like a pup. He had no destination in mind but she didn't know that. He was glad he was so solidly built or this probably wouldn't have worked at all, and then he spotted it, and dropped the scruff of the black wolf bending down to sniff the large distinctly feline prints.

His hackles rose instinctively, making him appear even fluffier than he already did. He snorted at the snow and turned to walk away. There was nothing in chasing down a cougar for him, he wasn't going to risk his hide for no reason and besides, what would one of those want with him?

New boy in town - Rebecca - Jan 26, 2012

Giggling as he dragged her, fighting back (not seriously), but having no chances against a large brute like him. She was fast, not strong, she was built for speed, not strength. And so she was dragged by him, shaking herslef to get lose, not succeeding. Then he let go. Just like that. WHat was it about? Had she done something? Was her bored? So quickly? Then she noticed them: cougar's pawprints on the snow. Whining, excitement shining in her eyes, tail wagging above her back like a flag. Danger.

Looking over her shoulder, the brute walked away. Was he crazy? There was a lifetime opportunity to get danger and he was fleeing from it? "Coward" Reba snorted before trotting along the feline tracks, nose swiping the ground as she sniffed the way.

New boy in town - Valiant - Jan 27, 2012

The large silvery wolf could hear the challenge in her voice and he snorted in disbelief. Why on earth would he risk his own pretty hide to go tormenting a cougar? He stopped stalking away and turned to look back over his shoulder at her incredulously but his look was wasted, her dark form already retreating on the trail on the feline footprints. It was a shame to let such a pretty wolf go to waste but it was against his nature to do anything that wasn't to his own benefit. He sat down in the snow with his back to the retreating female, looking around the stark snowy landscape for something else to catch his attention.

Coward? he thought to himself over and over, her challenge had rankled the large male and he turned and stalked in the direction the female had taken muttering under his breath about foolishness and showing her who was a coward.

New boy in town - Rebecca - Jan 27, 2012

Rebecca gave one glance over her shoulder. In the distance she could see the brute following. Ha! Just like she had thought, he was too proud to give up to her words. Giggling, but not stopping, Reba kept tracking down the cougar. Oh, this was going to be so dangerous! Wonderful! Just could the male handle all the horror the cougar was going ot give? Reba had no problems, her fear was always well crushed under the high, happy, joyful feelings.

That seemed promising. They were closing Riddle Heights and the terrain had more large boulders. They were all covered with snow, but following the tracks and scent wasn't too hard. It was probably lurkin ontop of a large rock. Just where, and which rock? Halting and rising her head, ears up as her head turned form side to side. Eyes gleamed with excitment. Sniffing the air, Reba had the direction to go. Slowly, sneaking she kept walking, attempting to surprise the feline.