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Cedarwood Forest Tempting Fate - Printable Version

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Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Jan 26, 2012


Why was she here? Why...had she come all this way? No reason other than self hatred and perhaps the subconscious desire for Jaysyek or Elettra to find her .. and take the choice of life out of her paws. That time ago, with Kiche near his.. 'home' had shown her how very easy it would be to simply lay down in the snow and let the elements cover her. But it also told her just how hard that would be - as she couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't be disturbed. Perhaps it had been the desire to see Raigo - to catch some..scent.. some trailing hint that he'd been here, that he was safe, alive and well... Whatever the subconscious or conscious decision was.. Vlarindara had traveled from her den in Riddle Heights towards the distant Cedarwood forest. She had been careful to skirt the lands that marked Grizzly Hollows territory - with enough room that her scent wasn't going to waft to the borders...except in one place - where she'd stopped about five feet from the marker.. and stared through the trees, where she knew the heart of the pack territory lay.

As much as she wanted to - she couldn't go there.. couldn't go back... Nor would she. Vlarindara sighed, drawing herself away from the borders .. then continued on towards Jasper Rocks. It had been a place of safety, of relaxation in the past... And as her thinned legs carried her through the snow to the familiar place, she came to a stop, watching the frozen waters.. letting her eyes slide over the nostalgic rocks and familiar formations. Her heart felt heavy... as if it was being ripped from her chest, and she let her head fall, ears folding against her tangled nape. She missed this place.. the memories with it.. the conversation she had had with Jaysyek.. on these rocks.

Slowly, her paws carried her to the frozen rocks where she lowered her head, scenting along them - as if the months would have kept the scents upon their hard surface. The once proud, plumed tail had fallen between her hind legs, dragging along the snow as the female moved to the waters edge and stamped her forepaws in it to break the ice - allowing her a drink. A cold wind raced through her fur, leaving her shivering, causing the white female to lift her head and look towards the skies above, finding her heart flying with the few birds she *did* see. Eyes drifted once again towards the water, a somewhat.. sad smile on her lips. What would it be like to fly?


Tempting Fate - Rhysis - Jan 29, 2012

Hello! Mind if I join you?

A low rumble emitted from the thin needles of the forest. The happy chirping birds instantly took flight, for the sound was most deep and angry. The large cavity of the onyx male made a wonderful chamber to release such a sound, deep and throaty as the snarling tones of the brute echoed across the forest around him, and for once, he didn’t care who heard. He was fed up, frustrated with having to keep his true nature in check and be nice to everyone. It was getting him no where. His plan was falling apart for Rhysis was too impatient and sick of waiting. Sick of being nice. Sick of smiling. Sick of forgetting who he really was and right now he just wanted to tear something apart!

As luck would have it, a foolish hare darted from a thicket at the moment. Its timing was awful for the grey eyed beast caught the movement and didn’t allow himself to think before he tore after the animal. He needed to run, he needed to hear the animal scream in fright and pain before he ripped its fucking head off. The leather pads of his paws drummed against the cold terrain as his tore off after the small creature. His solid muscles bulged beneath his shiny black coat, bunching and stretching as he propelled forward at great speeds. For once, his mind was empty. Focused solely on the hare which he was gaining on as it dipped and weaved, trying to escape.

The chase broke free from the cover of the forest and headed towards a cluster of rocks, completely missing the scents of the white wolf closeby. With eyes narrowed Rhysis gave a last punch of speed and landed upon the grey animal, his teeth sought the mammals head and with a bone crunching snap, he crushed his jaws together. A terrified scream released from the hare moments before the light went out in its eyes. Still, Rhysis continued the pressure of his jaws until the hares head was unrecogniseable and he had yet to stop there.
He tossed the creature against one of the large rocks. It splattered and dropped to the floor, but he was on it again in a flash, teeth tearing and shredding at the little meat the animal offered- Rhysis wasn’t eating it though, he was more intent on tearing the small creature apart and flinging its entrails here and there.

My, someone was certainly in a bad mood.

Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Feb 03, 2012


She started when Rhysis broke out of the surrounding forest, managing to half get up to her feet, her toes spreading across the slippery rock for balance. As the male ripped into his meal, she froze even further, her eyes widening at the sight. Surely, leaving now would be a good idea - considering the fact that he seemed to be more interested in divesting his rabbit of anything that made it recognizable as a rabbit.

Vlarindara moved and started to pull away from her rocky perch, slipping from the top and attempting to slide away - her eyes focused on Rhysis. Though, she was worried that he would try to do the same thing to her - if he saw her. So the female decided.. 'twas best to make haste and leave, though her rate of travel was slowed by the fact that he was trying to destroy the rabbit beyond a sense of recognition. Though - if she managed to keep him from doing the same to her - maybe they could talk.. get.. to know one another.. And perhaps he might share his meal.. He wasn't eating it. Right?


Tempting Fate - Rhysis - Feb 05, 2012

From the corner of his eye a white shape dipped and weaved upon the rocks- he hadn’t taken much interest in it before when it was perfectly still, but now the shape was moving he couldn’t help but glance in its direction. He hadn’t given much thought to what it was, or who it was; his attention had focused only on the rabbit, or what was left of it, within his jaws. Though he didn’t drop the hideous sight from his jaws, he did lift his head and turned his gaze fully onto her.

He took a moment then to analyze her, as he often did; even though he had been in a rage he was relatively calmer now from the burst of exercise and the destruction of the animal in his jaws; though he was still seeing red, he was distracted by the strange female just enough to forget that he was meant to be angry.

She was a large female, perhaps not taller then him but bigger then those he had seen around the land so far, but her most distinguishing thing about her was that scar across her face, and the dull colouring of her eye; it wasn’t the most attractive thing to look at, but he had seen worse- in fact the look of her made him feel a little more relaxed, like he was back at home and she was one of the few females there who. Her presence wasn’t the burden it should have been because of that. For now, he was calm…ish.

He dropped the carcus from his lips to the floor, and it landed with a squelchy thud. ”Hello.” sounded his southern drawl.

Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Feb 14, 2012

OOC: Why, I do believe this is the first itme she's ever Begged for something.. LMAO

Hungry eyes followed the carcass as it fell from his parted jaws, but soon after, she returned that gaze towards Rhysis.. gauging his shape..his form. He was in far better condition than she - perhaps with the fact that he could shred a rabbit and afford not to eat it meant he didn't feel the pinch of hunger in his gut as she did. IT also meant that if she begged for a morsel of his catch that he could soundly and most likely would.. beat her to within an inch of her miserable life. It crossed her mind to beg of him - to beg scraps from his hunt.. And listening to the weakness in her body, she did just that. Vlarindara dropped to her belly and crawled towards the black male, the picture of submission.

She lifted herself once she reached him - should he refrain from moving.. to pass a lick against the bottom of his jaw.. another whine slipping from her lips as she turned her attention to the mangled rabbit, eying the still warm meat despite the fact that it lay strewn about the snow.. Anything at all would do - she was.. to put it bluntly.. Ravenous. " going" Once again, she drifted her gaze from the rabbit, to Rhysis, hoping..praying that he would say no and give it to her.. but it was his kill - and he had every right to chase her away from it.. to do with what he will.


Tempting Fate - Rhysis - Feb 18, 2012

Sorry for the delay! I've been on a course all week and this is the first chance I've had to reply!
I'm totally thinking that we could have Rhysis think that Vlar is this mother after this and want to help/protect her etc. It goes well with his crazy... he hasn't been crazy enough yet. xD Any thoughts? I've left it open here for either way.

As she sauntered closer, Rhysis couldn’t help himself but to stare at her mangled face and the state of her body. She was a wreck and he almost felt sorry for her; almost. It was obvious she had a few challenges in her life, but so had he and he didn’t look that awful. He was a very handsome wolf and he knew it, not that it made any difference because he hated the very thought of physical contact, let alone being told by another he was a ‘catch’. It was almost as soon as his thought had process finished that she suddenly dropped to submission and crawled closer, and as soon as he saw her tongue slip from her mouth to make contact he flung himself backwards and quite harshly into the boulder he had previously thrown the rabbit into.

With a wide eyed and pretty panicked gaze he snarled in response. ”Don’t touch me!” he snapped as he peeled his sore rear from the blood stained surface to face her head on. Without even knowing his hackles were raised and his body tense- his calm mood had vanished within the rage and disgust he felt at the contact. With his lips pulled back he bared his pearly whites, flattened his ears and asserted his dominance over the kill as he moved back towards it slowly. It was his kill but he wasn’t going to eat it and he would have given it to her... but after the attempted contact it was hard to think straight and right now he was all over the idea of chasing her away...

He looked into her eyes then, and noticed the damage there. It made his stomach churn a little to see such a sight and it briefly took his mind off his stance. ”Ergh. Just have it.” he snorted before he picked up whatever was left of the animal and tossed it towards her. It appeared he did have some compassion, buried within his black soul. He figured it was because she reminded him a little of his mother- a mother he didn’t get to see once he was old enough to live without her. He couldn’t even recognise her voice or her face, but he’d never forget her eyes and the way she warmly smiled when she spoke to him if their father wasn’t around. This female had those say eyes, saddened, empty but hopeful and the way she looked at him only reminded him of the one wolf in his life he missed. He couldn’t see her starved to death...

Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Feb 18, 2012


OOC: LOL! That's kinda amusing..considering Ry is a little older than Raigo was when Vlar found and adopted him. I don't.. want to lock her into anything without knowing how the Vlar x Raigo thread is going to go.. but we'll see how it goes, shall we?

The sudden change of demeanor and the snarl had her instantly cowering. Hi approach towards his kill had her rolling to her back and averting her eyes - her paws curled up submissively against her wraith-like chest. From here, she realized just how young he was.. and felt terrible for even thinking of trying to take a morsel from the killof another.. Especially one as young as he..

Vlarindara whined, her jaws clamping together as she averted her gaze... at least until he seemed to relax. "I-I'm sorry...I...Please don't hurt me.." She remained where she was - on her back, submitting entirely to the youth.. Who despite their age differences, could probably easily kick her backside from this place to the edge of Relic Lore and beyond.


Tempting Fate - Rhysis - Feb 19, 2012

Lovely new table!
Oh that’s not a problem at all. I don’t mind either way, I didn’t realise the same was going on elsewhere! It’s completely up to you- you wouldn’t have to do anything at all, I was thinking more Rhysis wants to deliriously think she’s his mother and go out of his way to protect her, to the point of insanity I suppose where she gets annoyed with it and wants to leave but he won’t let her. It wouldn’t be a nice mother and son relationship. xD We can always return to it in another thread so you can see how it goes with Raigo. =)

Something in his gut twisted as she apologised. She was so fragile, so scared and sickly. All he had in his head was images of his mother. She often looked the same, cowering, defeated and begging for her life as his father cruelly teased her about her death. He would never find out what happened to her, but he was certain it was nothing good... but looking at the mess of a wolf before him he couldn’t help but see her as his mother. In his mind he wanted to reach out, comfort her and bury his face into her thick fur as he had his mother when their father was visiting. He wanted her to take away all of the pain and soothe the rage within him as his own mother used to.

Still, she wasn’t his mother. She was an imposter... wasn’t she? Maybe it was his mother, maybe she just didn’t recognised her son... it had been so long after all. His logical mind was fighting with itself, half of it believing she could be his mother whilst the other half was unable to back down that this stranger was toying with him. ”Just eat it. I won't hurt you.” he added in a defeated voice before he lowered his defensive and dominant poise and lowered himself to the floor. As his belly his the cold surface he winched slightly at the temperature change. His head followed to rest upon his paws whilst his ears flattened; he was as defenceless as he could be and wishing nothing more for her to fill her belly on the scrap- in fact he would find more for her, yes that would help! He would go hunting for her... it appeared one half of his mind was beginning to win the battle.

He was about to tell her his name, maybe it would jog her memory. Maybe she would know his name and put it to his face, she would reclaim him as her son and then he could tell her all about his ideas for fame and glory. He could treat her right, give her a home and protection and she’d never go hungry or scared again... but then logic reared its ugly head again and he was suddenly afraid to say his name out loud... what if she wasn’t his mother? He didn’t even want to contemplate it. He hadn’t thought of her for so long now that he didn’t want to throw away the chance to find her again. It was crazy... but then again, so was Rhysis.

Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Mar 02, 2012


OOC: LOL Raigo was more her adopted brother. But I'm still not sure where they sit. Having my wisdom teeth out kinda put a damper on life while I recovered. XD Working on my replies.

She didn't trust his sudden change in demeanor - not at all...but Vlarindara leaned forwards after getting her feet under her.. very.. VERY carefully reaching her muzzle out for the rabbits carcass. As if she was afraid he'd take it from her, the wolf snapped her jaws closed on the thing and dragged it backwards a few steps so she cold hunch protectively over the remains and scarf them down.

She didn't remember if she even chewed - simply tearing off chunks of meat and flesh and swallowing them. Of course, to one starving like she was - one didn't usually take the time to think of their finesse to chew..


Tempting Fate - Rhysis - Mar 03, 2012

Oh no, I hope you feel better soon!

He wasn’t comfortable with the way she moved; she was almost serpent like, slithering across the floor and inhaling the scraps that were left. With a kick in his gut, he couldn’t stop the words from dribbling out of his mouth. ”Would you like me to get more?... I don’t mind.” It was spoken with a quiet, childlike voice and he had meant every word. His brain was resisting everything which was happening at that moment, but his mouth seemed to have a mind of its own.

”Here- I’ll go find something better. Wait right here, okay?” he said but didn’t wait around for an answer. Instead he slipped into the shadows of the trees nearby, running at a steady trot which seemed to suit his tall and lanky figure. As his nose scented out a potential meal, his brain was still demanding to know what the hell he was doing, but he had no answer. That poor wolf was so hungry, such a shell of herself... of course he didn’t know her, but he couldn’t help but think that she was so empty inside. He felt like he knew her and in his gut that was all that counted at the moment.

It didn’t take him long to track down the leftovers of... something. It was bigger then the rabbit, but he couldn’t identify it from looks. Still, it had some meat left on the bones, not much but even the bones would help that poor female right now. Without hesitation he clamped his jaws around whatever it was and dragged it back towards the rocky face he had last left her on; hoping within his stomach that she was still waiting for him.

I’m coming... don’t have left me again.