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The Wildwood prayin' [for] daylight - Printable Version

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prayin' [for] daylight - Sabretache - Jan 28, 2012


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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong

Clear — Current Temperature: 38° F/3° C

He felt light, as if he were floating across the ground instead of walking. His heart was happy and so was he; nothing could bring him down from his high horse. At least, that was the way he felt.

If he was going to be making a home in the area then he needed to explore. Hence the reason why he had taken the day to rest from digging his den to explore the areas beyond the willows. He had wandered north, at first keeping up a steady trot, but eventually slowing down to a steady walk. Eventually he found himself in a different forest altogether. The trees here were thicker than the willow forest and as a result there was more shade. The sky was clear but it was getting colder out; evening would soon bring the setting of the sun and even colder nighttime temperatures.

He really had left his den to scout the area, wondering what - or who - was in the area. He wanted to be with Rainuh, but, to be honest, he had grown so used to being alone that he felt the need to move around on his own for a little while. And while he was overjoyed at having Rainuh in his life again, he needed to take the time to sort through his emotions. Happiness, love, confusion, shock...there were so many emotions floating around in his head that he wasn't sure what to do with them all.

Caught up in his emotions for a moment, Sabre didn't see the huge root of a tree poking up out of the dirt. His foot caught in it for a moment and he tripped, falling forward onto his chest with a loud Oof! It didn't hurt too much, and his paw was okay, but he was angry - at himself and at the tree. Pushing himself back onto his feet, he turned towards the tree, glaring, and yelled.


baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight

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prayin' [for] daylight - Valiant - Jan 28, 2012


The word echoed through the forest around him and the large sliver brute smirked. The distinctly masculine tone told him it was a male who had tripped as he wandered towards it's source. He wasn't one for open introductions until he had assessed the threat of another wolf, but was feeling a little reckless today. He still hadn't managed to catch sight nor scent of Rhysis and was beginning to wonder if the younger wolf had made it here at all.

As the stranger came into sight he paused, Could it be? No. The wolf he was viewing was larger, and where the sun broke through the trees his fur glowed brown. The wolf was large but Valiant refused to let that deter him. He casually strolled from the trees, his overly fluffy silver coat making him appear larger than he was. He cocked his head to the side as he tried to decipher what had the other male so worked up. "Trees can't move and they won't talk back..." he said bluntly, smirking at the strange wolfs obviously misplaced rage. He should be mad at himself, the tree was obviously there first.

prayin' [for] daylight - Sabretache - Jan 28, 2012


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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong

Sabre could hear the stranger approaching, but he didn't bother to turn around until he heard a voice. As he had just taken the time to yell at a tree, it seemed rather pointless to act defensive and try to conceal himself or drive the stranger away. With his luck, all the wolves nearby had heard him swearing at the tree that towered over him.

Flipping around quickly, he glared at the stranger, who was smaller than he, though that didn't mean that he was any less of a threat. The gray and white male was smirking, and Sabre pulled back his lips in a silent snarl, obviously in no mood to mess around with some silly male.

In a bad mood after losing his focus enough to trip over a tree branch and overwhelmed by his other emotions, Sabre snapped back at the male. "Fuck off!" he said loudly. "Nobody asked for your opinion."

baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight

user posted image


prayin' [for] daylight - Valiant - Jan 29, 2012

He had to admit, the stranger had an attitude. "Who left a quill in your arse?" he replied sardonically, continuing to approach at a steady non-threatening pace, his tail and head creating a straight line with his spine, neither asserting dominance nor showing submission. They seemed to be of a similar build, both more brawn than built for speed. He was beginning to feel the first pangs of hunger and had been hoping to find a victim of the colder weather when he had stumbled across this obviously frustrated wolf. "So what's got your tail in a twist?" He asked casually sitting down to scratch at an itch behind his left ear, causing his whole coat to shake and wave with the movement of his leg.

prayin' [for] daylight - Sabretache - Jan 31, 2012


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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong

Sabre just snorted at the stranger, ignoring the first comment entirely. He turned to look down at the paw that had been caught in the root. It would hardly do to have an injury now, when he had Rainuh to take care of. He wanted to be in one piece so that they could start a family when the time came. Through his black and brown fur Sabre could see nothing of note. The paw was a little sore, but the ache was already dying off. Flipping his paw over, the pad looked undamaged. He set his foot back on the ground.

He turned to glare at the other stranger after the second comment. "What's it to you?" he demanded, clearly not about to lighten up or act friendly towards a perfect stranger that he didn't particularly care for. He watched the wolf with a proud look and, as he sat down - trying to move around on that paw just yet was out of the question, just in case - he held his head high, making it clear that he thought he was better than the silver colored male. Sabre wanted control in the situation. That much was clear.

baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight

user posted image


prayin' [for] daylight - Valiant - Jan 31, 2012


Valiant could hardly contain his amusement. Clearly something had the stranger upset, but what? He casually yawned and stretched, breathing in deeply through his nose to try and pick up on any scent that might offer a clue to the strangers bad mood... and there it was, the distinctly feminine scent that only female wolves posessed.

He cracked a huge smile and struggled to contain his laughter. "Oh you poor fool..." he said with mock sincerity. "I'd be pissed at a cage like that too." He knew not all wolves felt like he did, but he couldn't help but bait the dark male, he bit far too readily for Valiant to take his leave now.



prayin' [for] daylight - Sabretache - Jan 31, 2012


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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong

Sabre was picking up on the other wolf's attitude, and clearly it involved amusement at his own expense. His anger already beginning to boil, he had a hard time controlling the temper that he had been born with and that had been encouraged by his father. The look in his eyes gave true meaning to the phrase "if looks could kill," though he was refraining from making a move on the silver wolf. In the back of his mind he knew that this idiot wasn't even worth his time, but the dominant part of him screamed to show this male that he was in control of the situation.

His reaction, at least in his mind, seemed idoneous for the situation. Sabre stood, making himself look as tall as possible, and raised his head in the most dominant position - one that an alpha might use when asserting dominance over one of the lowest ranking wolves. He pulled his ears forward and bared his teeth, showing both aggression and dominance through his facial expression. His tail was straight up in the air. Anyone looking at him might mistake him for an alpha with the stance that he had so suddenly taken on. "Get outta here, bitch," he said, using a feminine word to describe the male on purpose. "I don't need some pretty-boy sharing his opinion with me."

baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight

user posted image


prayin' [for] daylight - Valiant - Jan 31, 2012


Roaring laughter escaped the silver wolfs lips. He had obviously touched on a sensitive subject. He had been quietly scenting the air and finally figured out where the females scent was strongest. "Did you ever kiss your mother with that mouth?" he teased playfully. If the dark wolf wanted him to leave he would... but he never specified a direction.

He started at a casual stroll walking towards the pissed off wolf in front of him but just before he reached striking distance he spun, flicking snow into the dark wolfs face as he sprinted towards the scent of the other wolf. A darker part of him hoped that there were pups to terrify but he knew the chances were slim this time of year, but that didn't mean he couldn't have fun with the new element of the equation.



prayin' [for] daylight - Sabretache - Jan 31, 2012


user posted image

prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong

Sabre didn't bother to respond to the comment. There was no point wasting his breath on such a ridiculous remark. As such, he was still focusing on the stranger's every move rather than focusing on what was coming out of his mouth. At the same time, Sabre's muscles were tensed to spring at any moment, as if he were preparing for some kind of attack from the pretty little male sitting there in front of him.

When the male started coming closer Sabre almost sprang from his position right then and there and attacked. Somehow, however, he held his ground until the wolf turned away. Even before the wolf had completely turned to run Sabre had sprang into action. The snow that the other wolf had flung at him glanced off his face, narrowly missing his eyes, and he ignored the slight stinging sensation as he quickly moved into an all-out sprint after the wolf. Sabre was not even the least bit worried about the male finding Rainuh, who was far away and quite safe.

He kept pace with the male, keeping them almost side by side as they ran. But he didn't attack. There was no reason to, not with his mate so far away. The male could not keep up such a speed for that amount of distance. Looking at the male he was certain that they were about the same when it came to body type. Hence the reason he was able to keep pace with the male as opposed to falling behind or passing him. With that in mind he simply ran, waiting for the brute to tire out.

baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight

user posted image


prayin' [for] daylight - Valiant - Feb 01, 2012


His heart thudded to the beat of his paws and as lumbersom as the silver wolf was he reveled in it, even if the company did have a terrible temper. The wind ruffling his fur reminded him of what he was initially searching for and a new idea crossed his mind. He knew it would be pushing his luck after their previous interactions but so what? He was hungry, and he could bet the wolf at his side was too. They matched pace well, just confirming that they were of a very similar build, and not quite quick enough to pull down a decent meal on their own.

He adjusted his pace to a more maintainable one, his stamina wasn't too bad for the weight he was carrying. The wolf at his side didn't seem too intent on veering off any time soon so he altered his course to some tracks he had picked up earlier and dismissed as unattainable, but before he got there it hit him full in the face and he skidded to a halt, dropping low and inching up a snow bank to his side.

A doe had slipped on the ice and was carrying a heavy limp. He salivated at the thought and turned to look at the dark wolf. "Hungry?" he whispered with a smile.

