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Drooping Willows the sun and the science - Printable Version

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the sun and the science - Kiche - Feb 04, 2012

    this is back-dated before Kiche re-joins the Hollow.
The day was unseasonably, unforgivably warm.

As the temperature began to rise, rain drops began to fall, trickling down in rivers from the ceiling of his willow-house as it slowly melted. Under the bloated weight of wet snow, the roof sagged dangerously. It was as if the house was shrinking, deflating, collapsing And thus was how the morning awoke Kiche. After the third, well-aimed droplet managed to strike his nose, his right eye flickered open with exasperation. That was when his window and door, no longer able to support the burden of snow stacked above them promptly collapsed. Inexplicably Kiche watched the light disappear from the world before his distraught, dismayed right eye. Suddenly he was on his feet, snarling at the drooping walls of what had been his house. What he had once considered to be spacious was alarmingly cramped, far smaller than he had remembered it being the day before. A desperate whine rose out of his throat and he whirled around, unable to find an exit and somehow hoping that by defiance alone he could save his house.

Without warning, the house began to groan as the exhausted, feeble willow limbs let go of their white burden. "No! No no no no!" he cried, his voice rising to a shrill scream as the walls collapsed around him and the ceiling caved in. All at once he was buried in his dream, his beautiful, architectural dream. The cold folded over him. Thrashing and flailing, he fought to escape his crumbling home as snow began to fill his mouth, muffling his screams. He gargled and whined, unable to articulate his overwhelming dread. Vaguely, he was distracted by a single, inappropriate thought: Why, whoever said snow was white! This snow is very clearly black! Like a broken record, this thought replayed and ricocheted off the walls of his skull as he fought against the darkness and snow.

the sun and the science - SilverWintercoat - Feb 04, 2012

Before Silver joins Grizzly Hollow.

Silver had been traveling again for a while sense her visit in Cedarwood forest. She was now traveling through the Dropping Willows in search of something, but what? What was it that pulled her to this area then she smelled it, the faint smell of a male wolf. She inhaled deeply trying to pen point the smell. Then Silver heard it a faint cry of some sorts. Silver sprung into action and tracked the smell. The warming weather was no help and made it harder for her to track. Springing atop a snow drift she saw it, a pile of snow and the smell drifted from it. Some instinct, like with Firefox, drove her to dig. She dug in the snow tell she saw it. It was a large male wolf with a Tawny and Ginger coat. Silver dug the rest of the wolf out and dragged the body under a tree. Silver leaned in close to the mass looking for any sign of life. Then, the wolf's sides heaved. She sprang back shocked that he was still alive. She licked the wolf's muzzle, like when a mother wolf licks a pup to get it to breath, and laid down beside him trying to keep him warm.

the sun and the science - Puzzles - Feb 05, 2012

(Sorry its so short, a ps3 isn't the best thing to type with )

Puzzles heard the wailing echo off in the distance, sprung up and ran as he possibly could, and off he went to find out what had happened, with his sense of smell, Puzzles could clearly tell that it was one male and female wolf. As he quickly padded through the melted snow, Puzzles could see two blobs into the distance. Then, he eventually power-walked up to them both, still panting silently. He looked at the tall, silver female wolf, then looked at the large, pale tawny wolf, it looked freezing and frostbiten, which possibly could die of hunger or become frozen! Puzzles quickly thought 'Why, can I join them? of course I can!' So he snuggled in with them both, like a pup, hoping that his fluffy fur would sincerely help.

the sun and the science - Kiche - Feb 06, 2012

    you'll have to forgive Kiche. He has no manners.
    also. just for future notice, since there are three of us and it can get kind of confusing knowing when to post, there is a posting order.

He slipped out of consciousness screaming as a dark wave descended on him, convinced that this was his final moment. Absently, he wondered at the irony of being murdered by the closest thing to civilization. Being murdered by what he loved most of all — who'd have thought? Never would he have suspected that his time with humans would have such a negative backlash, would be the cause of his death. Ironic. Very ironic. As he began to fade away he became increasingly complacent and whimsical. It was as if it were the death of an acquaintance, someone distant and insignificant.

There was no struggle in the end —he merely closed his eyes, exhaled one last time, and relinquished the desperate, firebrand grip he had had on life.

Except he wasn't dead. A warmth began to spread through him and feeling returned to his limbs. What... what is this? As his consciousness romped behind his heavy eyelids, inspecting his body for any serious damage and finding none, he had to admit he was faintly surprised... and perhaps the tiniest bit disappointed. But that tiny bit of him was easily ignored by the resounding conclusion that had been reached. I'm not dead! Awareness returned to him in a flash, and his eyes sprang open. Suddenly, his senses were assaulted by a flood of information about the reality he thought he'd left behind. Heathens. There were two of them... right next to him. TOUCHING HIM. Somehow, between closing his eyes and opening them, he'd gone from being buried in an avalanche to being buried between two savages.

He awoke screaming, teeth flashing out at the first disgusting little devil-worshipper he saw: the white one. Feral and distraught, he lunged for the kill, aiming at the jugular of the female. While she was large, she was still a female.

the sun and the science - Puzzles - Feb 06, 2012

( Sorry Silver but I can't wait another day! It was sooo tempting )

Puzzles backed away, feeling like he died from shock, he then ran up to the wolf that was attacking, shouting at him. " Stranger,You have to stop! she was trying to help you feel better! If it wasn't for her you'd be dead! You owe her with you're life and you're attacking her?". He started to pull the wolf's tail, if he was ignored Puzzles would pull harder again, saying twice about what had happened, if he was ignored again, Puzzles would eventually attack the wolf.

the sun and the science - SilverWintercoat - Feb 06, 2012

Silver thought she heard screaming in her dreams. She woke to see Puzzles, a wolf she had meet a while ago, pulling the tail of another that was amming for her throat. She leaped back and pounced on the wolf hopping to at least distract the wolf from her throat.. She knew this could reopen her shoulder wound, but she had to help. Then she noticed it was him. The wolf they had just saved.
Growling,"You! YOU! YOU! Selfish no good wolf, who by the way would be died if I wasn't happening to walk by. I am sick of you wolves! First it was Ryhsis now this?" Silver had lost her nerve, she new that and was actually happy about it.

the sun and the science - Kiche - Feb 07, 2012

    if you have a hard time understanding my post, this image is a pretty exact picture of what Kiche is trying to do.
Words were meaningless. The two psychologically imbalanced savages were shouting and babbling, throwing epithets and accusations as if they were weapons. Their exclamations bounced off him harmlessly. What were a few rhetorical questions or insults to him? They fell on deaf ears. Kiche was reduced to a primitive banshee, a senseless creature made tense sinew and menacing set of yellowed fangs. He was blinded by instinctual defensiveness consumed by the singular need to protect himself from the heathens. And he would be driven to any lengths to defend himself. Anything. It wasn’t a matter of weighing and considering his options and deciding on a course of actions, he merely acted blindly, wildly.

The smaller heathen was pulling on his tail, as if he were nagging him, merely demanding attention. This was easily ignored. His instincts assessed the situation for him, spitting out data like a computer program: small heathen, of little importance, can be dealt with later. A furious thunder rumbled in his throat. Instead, his instincts told him he ought to focus on the other savage, a larger threat both physically and figuratively. She was older, probably more experienced, but unfamiliar and thus unpredictable. The brindled silver heathen managed to dodge his very obvious attack on her throat; she had good reflexes. In the same motion, she lunged back at him. Not afraid to retaliate, his instincts droned. Since Kiche was not nearly as fast as she was, trying to dodge her advances would be pointless and clumsy. With a snarl, he threw himself upwards to meet her with jaws wide open, snapping once more at her throat, hoping for any bit of skin or fur or blood that he could get. Being a much heavier male, he figured he would hit her with a much greater force and knock her backwards.

the sun and the science - Puzzles - Feb 08, 2012

Puzzles was furious with rage and decided not to explain what had happened twice. " Why do you keep ignoring me?! you think I'm a mindless and heartless shrew?! Well you thought Wrong!!!" he roared with anger, growling deeply and snarled. He stood up tall with his mouth wide open. Puzzles shoulders felt uneasy and difficult to move around , no matter." How dare a selfish bastard ignore me!" He said to himself.Puzzles had never felt so much anger inside of him in his life. ' Forgive me Silver 'He thought to himself.

He charged like an angry bull, unable to stop at the moment.Puzzles then bounced on Kiche, trying to grab his forehead with his long sharp canine teeth. He then let go and tried to shove himself onto the attacking wolf, shoving him off Silver. Puzzles tried everything get the wolf to understand. "Listen !" he roared like almighty thunder itself, wondering if he will finally understand that this was all a mix up. 'If that retarded poop doesent listen I'll rip his throat to shreds' he thought.

the sun and the science - SilverWintercoat - Feb 08, 2012

Silver saw Puzzles charge the large he-wolf and attack. She watched the small wolf attack with ferocity and was amazed about his loyalty to save others. Silver tried to dodge his new attack, but fumbled backwards. Shaking herself as she got up she attacked again, but with a bite that should puncher skin, fat, and any other material that stood in her way. "I'm sick of wolves! I would rather go back and live with foxes," she thought. Then she thought of some thing.
She leaped trying to us both weight and force to at least get him off balance. If this didn't work then she would bite him even harder than before hopping to draw at least a satisfactory amount of blood. Growling again she sang loudly,"Savage, savage, savage beast. Go away!" Silver kept repeating the words as loud as she could. "Try attacking with my horrible annoying singing," she thought insanely.

the sun and the science - Raigo - Feb 09, 2012

@Puzzles & Silver:

This is a warning that you need to avoid powerplay when writing your posts.

<!--QuoteEBegin-->Puzzles then bounced on Kiche, grabbing his forehead with his long sharp canine teeth.<!--QuoteEnd-->

That's a pretty clear case where you did not give Kiche the chance to say what happened to his character. The proper way to write that would have been to say that Puzzles tried to grab Kiche's forehead and tried to bounce on him. Kiche is doing a fair job of not avoiding every attack, likewise you should do the same. Also, please keep in mind that Kiche is a larger male, and therefor will be stronger than either Silver or Puzzles, though he will be slower.

Also, the post requirement for RoW is 2-3 paragraphs per post, so please begin to lengthen your posts. I think you will find that doing so will make the fight much less confusing to follow and to have an idea of who is attacking what and where they're hitting.

Thank you.