Ruins of Wildwood
Drooping Willows Are you ready for some hurt? - Printable Version

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Are you ready for some hurt? - SilverWintercoat - Feb 05, 2012

This is before she meets Kiche and Puzzle~

Silver flew through the willows leaping over a log she stopped and breathed in deeply catching the sent of a snow shoe rabbit. Her stomach growled and she took chase. Running after the small mammal she was took back by a memory. She remembered the times she had hunted with Firefox like this. How he had sprinted a head and caught their prey off guard. Silver was ripped from her memory as she crashed into a willow tree. She fell and as she dropped to the ground the bark of the tree slide under neath her shoulder opening a new gash. She yelped and lay on the snow not moving. She watched the snowshoe rabbit bound of into the bushes ans sighed. Then, she stuffed her nose into the snow trying to ignoring the pain from her shoulder. Soon Silver sat up and started to lick her wound. It was rather deep and had a lose flap of skin hanging from the side. Silver winced as she pulled of the skin and licked the wound more. The plants she needed where stocked at her home in the Thicket of Secrets, which was to far away to get to now. Silver laid back down and whimpered. "What to do? What to do?" she thought. Then, she dragged her self into some brambles to get out of the weather. Silver nosed some snow onto her shoulder to keep the swelling down. She didn't want to move, and curled int a ball. Then for some unknown reason she lifted her head to the sky and howled. She knew it was not night, but who could forsake her for she felt like she was the only one in the world.

Are you ready for some hurt? - Rhysis - Feb 05, 2012

Hello! Mind if I join you?

Rhysis had been meandering around close-by, with no real purpose in mind. He’d had a busy day of doing nothing and had run into no one, which was a little unusual for him; still he wasn’t going to complain, it had been nice to wander the lands outside of his den, to see new sights and sounds and his senses were highly stimulated thanks to his lone adventures today.

He’d been about to leave the area when a lonesome howl erupted into the air. The tone wasn’t familiar to him, it must have been a stranger and he supposed he should probably answer the call- it could be someone useful after all. With his head raised to the sky, he emitted a melodic howl in response before his paws took him in the direction his ears had detected the voice had come from.

Rhysis was coming.

And it wasn’t long before the silver wolf was in his sights; he spied her through the thickets, laying in a ball but didn’t approach too close, he wouldn't want to alarm her now would he. With his “Mr. Nice Guy” expression and personality in place, he cleared his throat to let his presence be known. ”Ahem… Hi there. Hope I’m not intruding…”

Are you ready for some hurt? - SilverWintercoat - Feb 05, 2012

Silver heard the other wolf approaching, but did not left her head. Many things went through her head. "How do I react should I be nice, should I attack for defense? Should I greet the wolf? What if its hungry and wants to eat me?" She stopped when she heard the voice. Silver lifted her head now to look at the wolf. It was a black male, not yet reached the size she thought a male would be. "Was he full grown?"
She shook her head and sat up inspecting the he-wolf. She winced as she moved her shoulder. Then she said, "No, just surprised me that's all. Whats your name?" It came out louder then she expected and she shivered under the wolves gaze.

Are you ready for some hurt? - Rhysis - Feb 05, 2012

"Surprised you? I thought you were calling for some company when you howled..." he said, somewhat confused and showed that with a tilt of his head. He took a moment to sniff the air then, there was something a little off about the female but from this far away he couldn't see the damage, but he could certainly smell it. Blood was unmistakable to a predator. He took another long drag from the air before he replied calmly. "I'm Rhysis... and you're injured, right? Is that why you called?" He said, bluntly as usual as he allowed himself to come a little closer. He narrowed his dead grey eyes to try to make out more of her though the shadows and twigs of the brambles she lay within, but it didn't help much.

Ignoring the blood, he took another inhale of the air and determined her scent was singular; she wasn't a pack wolf and it was almost tedious to have bumped into another loner. It appeared loners littered these lands and none of them were very useful for this plans. Still, the large male had time to kill and he could humour her- besides, when the time came to gather his pack he could always do with more allies.

Are you ready for some hurt? - SilverWintercoat - Feb 05, 2012

"Oh," so he was a wolf. Wait she new that, of course he is a wolf, "He isn't a fox like mother and Firefox." Silver scoulded herself for her stupid behavior. "My name is Silver," she said recalling the strangers name, "And I guess that was why I was howling, I didn't think there was anyone around," she said. Silver sniffed again, diffidently wolf. She crouched and dragged he body out of the brambles and stood trying to put less pressure on her shoulder. "You live around here?" well that was stupid of course he did. Or did he, Silver was so confused at this point that she almost fell,but caught herself. Then she sat again returning to her shoulder wound. What if he decided to attack her? Then Silver looked at him again, "No he wouldn't be that dum I'm bigger and stronger then him even with this injury," she thought to herself. Then she remembered his other question, "Ya I'm hurt but its not anything I can't heal with the right herbs," she said laughing quietly.

Are you ready for some hurt? - Rhysis - Feb 05, 2012

The pied female slowly drew herself from the brambles and he had a chance to rake his steel gaze over her and took in every detail for analysis. He already knew she was a loner, she was injured but could now see it was a gash to the shoulder which could be quite serious should it get infected, though from the look of it the wound was recent and she seemed to be happy to deal with it herself- it wasn't like Rhysis was going to offer to help her out, he just wasn't into helping others.

"Nah I don't live here, I was just passing through when I heard ya howl. So how'd you manage to do that to yourself?" he asked as he arched a brow in question. He lowered himself to sit, somewhat relaxed. He didn't feel she was in much of a position to fight and though he was taller then her, she had a little more body weight behind her- still, any injury could be exploited and that shoulder would be a heavy burden to battle with. He wasn't making any threat though so wasn't convinced it would come to blows, especially with how light the topics had been so far.

Are you ready for some hurt? - SilverWintercoat - Feb 05, 2012

Silver had hear the wolf's question and answerd queitly,"I ran into the tree while hunting." Silver looked at the tree she had crashed into and spotted part of her fur on the tree where she had cut her self. Silver looked at Rhysis and looked at his eyes. They where Pale Grey with a hint of something, a hint of crazy maybe? He didn't seem crazy, but how many wolves had she truly meet? None. She decided to ask the question that was most pending on her she had to know if he had a family or a mate or even if he had lived with parents. "Do you live with anyone or have a mate?" she asked. Then, she shuddered, was it just her or was it him. She felt like she should run or more find out more about him.

Are you ready for some hurt? - Rhysis - Feb 05, 2012

"...Right." His eye cocked again as he took a glance to the tree she gestured to. He found it almost unbelievable that you could hit a tree during a hunt; it utterly confused him. He noted it for future reference, should he get his pack together he didn't want wolves who when hunting, ran into trees. He'd have to scratch her off his list and from there, he didn't feel the need to take this conversation further then it needed to go.

That was until she asked him a very personal question... one that no one had actually ever asked him and in doing so, threw him a little. "Er- no. I live alone." he replied slowly with a flick of his ear. He supposed he should ask the same, it was always handy to know if the wolf you might kill would be missed, it made cleaning up the trail easier. Not to say he was going to attack, he didn't feel the need to and she wouldn't benefit him in any way- it would be best to part smoothly at this point. "Do you?"

Are you ready for some hurt? - SilverWintercoat - Feb 05, 2012

Silver nodded at his comment as to say okay, "No I live alone? Why?" she asked. Then, she watched for reactions. She looked him up and down and she saw it. He was bored, and he had no mate. Well maybe he had to have parents. Then she thought he looks hungry,"Wait right here I think I buried it on the other side off the tree, from earlier," she said as she disappeared around the tree. Silver sniffed around the tree and found it. Under a small pile of snow was a small rabbit she was saving for later, but he looked like he mite need it. Carefully she picked it up in her jaws and came back around the corner of the tree. Silver limped a bit as she walked up to the wolf and dropped the kill in front of him then backed away slowly. Her shoulder had stiffened and was swore. Licking it she said,"Well you going to eat it or you doing to waste it. Its is a free meal," Silver teased the wolf. What should she do if he didn't eat it. Mother always said that's how you see if they accepts your presents. Would he know that? I mean he wasn't a fox.

Are you ready for some hurt? - Rhysis - Feb 05, 2012

"Well you asked... so I asked." he replied bluntly, but before he had the chance to say anything else she told him to stay still and vanished. His logical brain was struggling to understand what she was up to; she seemed a little scatty, a bit all over the place going here and there, asking random questions and then vanishing. It was really odd; it was a good job he was in a placid mood, else he'd have left or snapped a long time ago.
He wasn't alone for long though as the silver female replied with a cold rabbit between her jaws, which she dropped right in front of him. As she had been approaching he felt his muscles bunching out of habit, he didn't like being close to others, his past had led him to believe that being close to another meant pain was coming... luckily the female dropped the animal then scurried backwards, it was a wise move- he didn't like close contact.
His grey gaze dropped to the rabbit by his paws then before he looked back up to her. She teased him then and he simply blinked- why on earth was she offering him a free meal? No one ever gave anything away for free, especially not to him. What was the catch he wondered? He didn't make a move to eat it, he was too confused by the gesture for he'd never known kindness. "Why are you giving it to me? What you do want for it?" he asked.