Ruins of Wildwood
Iridescent Lagoon Who is fairest of them all? - Printable Version

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Who is fairest of them all? - Hocus - Feb 05, 2012

For Rhysis

Hocus knew he shouldn't be out here again so soon, but he just felt so drawn to this place. In all of their brief journey, Hocus hadn't found a single moment of calm, except when they were by this lake. Had that been the moment they had decided to go home? Hocus couldn't remember, only that Trisden had changed. She didn't need him any more, she'd outgrown what he could tell her, in his stumbling ignorance. He'd barely been able to protect her from what she could see on their way home, let alone what she hadn't seen. But did she acknowledge his usefulness there? No. Only Kiche or their mother could help her with what she had seen. Well, that was fine by Hocus.

He followed the river south, out of the forest and once again away from home. It felt weird to be travelling this way again so soon, when he had sworn he would never again leave the den, with its comfort and warmth. Had that been what had caused him to be so derided by Trisden? Was he just too soft and fluffy? 'Cirrus' seemed an apt name for something fluffy, harmless and docile.

The river curved into the lagoon and Hocus found himself navigating down a steep embankment that Trisden had struggled stubbornly with for hours. Her paws had been scratched and scraped to ruin when she was done. Dammit, did every memory have to be about her? Wasn't he allowed to have his own? When Borden ran off, had Hocus chased after him? And Prosper? Theo's ghost was no doubt out there, but had Hocus run to help him? No, no and no. But Trisden? He flattened every speedbump, counselled every decision, found the warmth, shared his kills. The reward? Rejection, silence, the same-old mockery.

Anger boiled in Hocus over the days of his pilgrimage so that, by the time he reached the open lagoon, he was bitter and irritable. Even the water, ever the mirror, served to show him how angry he was. The pool was dark and endless, but when Hocus disturbed it with an angry swipe, it wouldn't stop rippling, reflecting the fiery setting sun.

Hocus sat back on his haunches and moodily looked out at his ruined meditation location. Even here she was disrupting his peace.

Who is fairest of them all? - Rhysis - Feb 06, 2012

Rhysis had been dozing on and off within the thickets of the lagoon. The borders of the beautiful space offered good camouflage for the black male who didn’t want to be discovered today. So far his scouting had taking him from his den in the Wildwood to the Lagoon but with his lack of progress, with his hopes slowly dwindling to nothing in regards to finding his sister Volkan and setting up his pack of evil, he was feeling somewhat glum. He’d already gone through the motions of rage and anger, but that had simmered down now to just feeling sorry for himself. Though he might be an evil genius, he was still a young adult at heart and was taking the hits harshly.

Through half closed steel hued eyes, the dark male had been silently watching the water as it shimmied around, moved only by the chill in the air. It was cold today, but his wintery coat was keeping his bones satisfied for now and laid upon a crunchy nest of dead leaves, he was somewhat comfy. For once, his mind was empty of thoughts as he just gazed out blankly at the terrain around him. He just was there, just lost in the moment, in the silence all around him. It would have been peaceful, but Rhysis could never find peace; instead he was just numb… and bored.

Though from the corner of his eye and smallish white blur came into view. Slowly but surely, one silvery eye opened to focus on the young wolf. His wet nose quivered as he inhaled the air, tracking his scent. He was alone it seemed, but there were other wolves mixed with his scent- a pack pup it would seem. That could mean he wasn’t alone here and with a snort Rhysis decided it was probably best not to be caught watching a lone young wolf whilst hiding in the bushes… it wouldn’t have looked good to a protective parent, especially as his stomach had decided at that moment to rumble. Though eating a minor wasn’t completely off his list, he did have some morals.

With that, he dragged himself to stand on all four paws. He ducked his head as he weaved out from the thickets he had been sleeping within and he casually strolled towards the edge of the lagoon. He was on the opposite side to the younger wolf, though the distance between them could have been walked as the water was shallow between the two points. Rhysis didn’t say anything as he drew to the edge and simply dipped his head to drink the icy water, though his gaze never faltered from the young male and the surroundings behind him… just in case a parent decided to pop out at that point.
Once finished, he raised his dripping maw to look head on at the other and noted the lack of enthusiasm in him; how could someone so young look so troubled and being the curious beast he was, he wanted to know. "Tough day, kid?" came his southern tones across the water.

Who is fairest of them all? - Hocus - Feb 06, 2012

In the rapidly fading light, Hocus smelt Rhysis long before he saw him. His back stiffened and his meager muscles flexed at the unfamiliarity, but he tried not to show it. He slowly moved his head from side to side, trying to judge where the wolf was, and whether he was nearby. He couldn't hear anything, although every flutter of wings sounded like a growl and every bleat was a snarl. Maybe this wasn't the place for quiet reflection after all?

Hocus was keeping his untrained sentry when he saw the dark shape slink down to the water's edge. At first he couldn't make out what it was, he wasn't even sure if it was the wolf he had smelt, all it seemed to be was a shadow, a dark point in the dusk. The sight gave Hocus shivers, especially when the blur became a distinct wolf. It seemed so alien and yet so familiar. He was definitely not one of his brothers, the wolf was simply too large for that, but there was an aura of unnaturalness about him.

When he saw light reflect off his eyes- when he saw that the shade had eyes- he took a small start backwards. It could see him! It was watching him! Heart pounding, he took a few tentative steps down to the water. It's a spirit, he told himself, it can't hurt me. I was safe before in the den, I've been safe from them for months. I was safe when Trisden was screaming and hollering less than a league from here, this thing clearly means me no harm. Hocus instantly cursed his naivety and presumptions, but the dye was cast and his paws were on the cusp of the shallow water.

He could barely make out the wolf, although he could hear him drinking. Could spirits drink? That seemed... unnecessary. His voice put Hocus off guard. It was so... normal. He expected it to be ghostly or crackling, like the wind or a thunderstorm, but he sounded rather affable. He was also rather perceptive. "I suppose," Hocus responded cautiously. Was it about to get a lot tougher? "Who were you?" He called back, a little louder this time, assuming the figure was still some kind of spirit. He must be, right? No one else would move so silently and smell so different.

Who is fairest of them all? - Rhysis - Feb 08, 2012

Who were you?

Rhysis tilted his head at the strange word choice; maybe the kid couldn’t talk properly, but he didn’t look that young. Maybe he was a fast grower like Rhysis had been, he’d looked older then he was right up until now, when he was only a few months of his second birthday and yet everyone continued to percieve him as a minor when he wasn’t; growing up was a strange thing. Still, the young males word choice had confused him a little but he decided to just sweep over it- maybe the kid was a little dumb or something.

Still, he was bold. He’d taken a few steps closer and into the water towards Rhysis but the onyx male hadn’t moved, he simply stayed where he was observing. The young lad was complete contrast in colour to Rhysis and beneath the pale moonlight it was almost as if he glowed. Rhysis had never seen many white wolves; they were unnatural where he was from and his pack weren’t strangers to judging a wolf by the colour of it’s fur. Rhysis fortunatly had always risen above it, it didn’t matter what colour you were to Rhysis... as long as you could do something for him that is.

His mind had been whirling since the kid had taken that first step. He was a pack minor, he wasn’t sure which pack for he only knew the name of two and he was certain there was a third, but he didn’t know anymore about the packs other then that. With this kid being so young he could be easily impressionable... maybe he could get him to spill some information about his pack. It was always good to know who would be a potential enemy in the future.

”I am Rhysis. What’s your name, kid?” he asked as he shifted his weight between his paws across the other side of the lagoon.

Who is fairest of them all? - Hocus - Feb 16, 2012

Sorry for the wait; swamped by trips to the vets D:

Hocus padded at the water as he considered the dark spirit-form. It certainly looked a little malicious, and it sounded very... different to what he had encountered before, but he wasn't necessarily a threat. Trisden and he had been through here before and nothing had harmed them, why should it now? Because you're all alone, a little dissenting voice said in his head, but he tried to push it aside so that he could focus. He was more in danger if he let his fear overwhelm him now anyway, even if this wolf wasn't an enemy.

"I'm-" Hocus paused. What was his name? Should he just give away his name? Was this a ploy, some magic that needed his name? No, that was silly, why would the wolf have given away his name so freely if it was so powerful. Because spirits have nothing to fear. "Borden," Hocus said, his chest twisting in nervous knots as he murmured the lie. "Borden Lyall, from Grizzly Hollow." Why did he pick that name? Why couldn't he have just made one up? Or chosen 'Prosper' or 'Theo' as his name? That would have made a lot of sense. Ugh, well it was too late to go back now, he would have to just live up to the name.

Trying to feel like his new persona, Hocus stepped a little deeper into the water, feeling the soft algae beneath his paws. He stopped well before reaching the other bank, or even the halfway point and locked his eyes on the other wolf. He had paid no mind to the tense Rhysis had used to describe himself, thinking the spirit confused or vocally impaired, but the closer he got to the wolf, more certain he was that it was corporeal and not completely friendly.

Who is fairest of them all? - Rhysis - Feb 18, 2012

Sorry for the delay! I've been on a course all week and this is the first chance I've had to reply!

Rhysis simply stood upon the bank and watched as the white youngster pushed himself deeper into the depths. He seemed utterly fearless in his approach; and reminded Rhysis of himself in a way, stupidly brave but that was where they then differed, whilst Rhysis was brave he was never stupid. He’d still be on that other bank, calculating what was going to happen in the next few plays made between he and a stranger. The water wasn’t a wall but it was enough of a gap between them that his long legs would lead him away should the need arise- not like this Borden kid, who ventured ever closer to the black beast.

As Rhysis contemplated his movements, he’d been unaware of his body naturally tensing. He had a bad habit of working himself up for no reason; it wasn’t as if this kid was going to be a threat to him, but the idea he might come too close and make contact made him inwardly shudder. Rhysis didn’t like to be touched and it seemed this kid wasn’t going to stop coming at him. He could have fled, but there wasn’t much point in it, especially as he had announced he was from Grizzly Hollow, the pack he knew very little about; he could use any information he could get from the kid. He could have attacked, but it was likely there was an adult nearby and with winter stretching on, he could do without an injury. It might seem cowardly, but Rhysis wasn’t afraid to run if it meant he would live another day. He’d seen many foolish wolves, brave, yes, but foolish indeed and he had watched with a sigh as they ran to their deaths.

The younger stopped about half way across... maybe he wasn’t as silly as he seemed. Smart kid he mused to himself.

”You alone Borden? Bit late for you to be outta ya den isn’t it?” he teased with a wry smirk.

Who is fairest of them all? - Hocus - Feb 25, 2012

Rhysis' tension was impossible to detect in the thin light. Hocus gently lapped at the water as he considered the wolf's question. He sensed an urgency in it; like Hocus might be bait for a trap? Or was he hoping that Hocus was alone, so that he could spring his own trap? This suspicion gave Hocus pause. How far was home? A few days at best? "The Hollow's just a a few hills over from here," he said vaguely. It was true, the Hollow was behind a few hills... and forests and water and grasslands.

"Anyway," Hocus said, sounding more like a puppy, "I'm nearly a year old, I have better things to be doing than sitting around in the den. Hocus felt bad the moment he said that, but he was trying to sound meaner in front of this strange wolf. Not caring about your family was the mark of someone different and cool, right? Still, the ease with which he said that made him uneasy. Maybe he should go home, ya'know, just to make sure they were okay?

What you doin' here?" he said, trying to deflect Rhysis, "you here to meditate too?

Who is fairest of them all? - Rhysis - Feb 26, 2012

The pup stopped and Rhysis released a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding whilst the youth had so casually sauntered forwards. As he dipped his head to drink Rhysis took a few paces back, he didn't want to be too close after all and with any luck, any adults nearby who might be watching would note the gesture that he was not a threat... on the outside at least. On the inside his mind was already processing the possible locations of the hollow. A few hills over? That he was certain had been a little lie, else there would be markers around. He might not have realised how very far away it actually was, but he was certain the kid had told a little lie, what he didn't know was that it wasn't the first. He didn't press it further though, with any luck more would just come naturally.

"A year old? My, you're going to be a big guy when you grow up. Tough too I bet." he said with another smirk. He didn't actually care how big the kid was going to be, but he knew what an effect stroking ones ego could be. Though he never recieved compliments when he had been as young as the wolf in front of him, he knew he would have appreciated them all the same. "I think you're right, cooped up in a den is no place for you. I bet you love going on adventures don't you?" he said.

With a flick of his ear, he thought about the kids question. What was he doing here? He didn't actually know. He hadn't travelled here he supposed and he wanted to know as much of the lore as he could before they settled on their pack site, he supposed he also didn't like staying in one place for too long either. "Me? I'm looking for an adventure too." he said honestly.

Who is fairest of them all? - Hocus - Mar 04, 2012

The compliments pleased Hocus greatly, although he wouldn't have admitted it. After Trisden's unresponsiveness and ungratefulness, this was a welcome change. Maybe this dark spectre wasn't so bad after all? He had evaded Hocus' questioning, but Hocus just assumed that he didn't understand him. either way, his question was answered: Rhysis wasn't here for contemplation.

Did he like adventures? The one with Trisden had been pretty enlightening, even if it was at times life-threatening. Hocus was definitely no thrill-seeker, but he had quite enjoyed the views. This pace, for instance, had been a wonderful experience. "I do quite like going on adventures," he admitted shyly, as if it were some sin to enjoy exploring away from home. Both Prosper and Theo had met their ends because of curiosity, so he had to constant rein it in, even though his puppishness called him to every dark and intriguing place.

"Do you know of anywhere even better than here?" Hocus asked, feeling a little like he was betraying the lagoon by even contemplating going somewhere else. Were he a bit older, he would have found it somewhat analogous to cheating on the lagoon with somewhere more beautiful.

Who is fairest of them all? - Rhysis - Mar 04, 2012

Rhysis smiled, it made his handsome face look so very friendly and warm but his inward intent wasn’t quite so pleasant. He a nod of his head, he looked thoughtful for a moment before he replied. ”Have you ever been outside of this place? Not just your den... but the lore itself?” he asked with a quirked eyebrow. Having not been born in the area, Rhysis had done his fair share of adventuring for someone so young. He’d been many places but never stayed long enough to really consider them worth remembering... but that didn’t mean he couldn’t thrill the kid with a story. ”Its such a different world out there, beyond the ridge. The scenery is ever changing, no place ever looks the same. The scent in the air change with every gust of wind and you can smell the world all around you, even if it is mile away.” he continued on with a smile to himself.

In truth, he hadn’t taken in anything of the sort but he supposed the fairy tale sounded plausible, especially if you didn’t know any better. ”Don’t get me wrong, danger lurks around every corner and only the brave would venture outside of the lore, but the sights you see are worth it...” he dropped in with a glance back to the white child. He wasn’t aiming to encourage the child to venture outside of the lore, he needed the little tyke here to do a little recon for him, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t try to win him over- Rhysis would make himself appear a hero, a knight in shining armour, something any young pup would want to look up to. ”Maybe I should take you sometime... not far away, just to the border so you can see a world outside of your own. It’d be quite an adventure for you, I’m sure.” Rhysis said with a final glance at the kid before he turned his head towards the direction of the ridge where he had first stumbled upon the lore. With a flick of his head, he gestured to the treacherous area.

”That’s riddle heights... a challenge for any explorer. That’s where we could go on an adventure someday. I’ll show you the world from up there.”