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Clearwater Tarn lay here with me and forget the world - Printable Version

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lay here with me and forget the world - Lorcan - Mar 31, 2018

Open to one other CWT wolf. Midday, Clear Sky, 21.2°F, -6°C

Pale paws carried the agouti male up the slight incline of the pine forest, lean body moving easily between the collection of tall trees as he advanced towards the mountain slopes that ran along the edge of the territory. The midday sun was predictably high on horizon, its warm rays beaming down on the tarn from the, clear cloudless blue sky as he moved beneath the dappled shade of the trees. 

The feeling of the warm sun rippling across his back as he loped onward caused a smile a pull at the corners of his charcoal lips. It might still have been cold where they were settled beside the mountain but Lorcan was still determined to make the most of Spring and its slightly warmer weather. Through the surrounding pine trees his golden eyes spotted a large shape. Curious, the male approached it, and moved to inspect what turned out to be a large weathered rock

It's surface was covered in mixture of dirt and moss, and above, a break in the dark green canopy provided a space for the warm sunlight to filter down onto the stone, warming its hard surface. Lorcan gave a wave of his tail, as he moved to circle around it, searching for a route to clamber his way up onto the top of the large fallen boulder. It would make a perfect sunning spot. 

RE: lay here with me and forget the world - Cheedo - Mar 31, 2018


As the symptoms of her heat started to disappear Cheedo was trying to make up for the time that she'd hidden herself away. It was what she had thought best for herself and the pack at the time. She wanted a family that she had come to the conclusion of but she knew that now they were a pack she couldn't have that. There were rules and if she wanted to have a place in the pack she had to follow them.

So she'd been out as much as she could trying to catch food for the cache or find it. Marking borders and doing patrols. Whatever she could do to keep herself and her mind busy. The more she worked she hoped that she wouldn't have time to dwell on things that she shouldn't be thinking about. By staying busy she wouldn't have to witness the things that reminded her of what she didn't have.

She was crossing through the territory when she saw him as he seemed to be inspecting a large rock formation. She didn't have any desire to speak with him after the way their last talk had gone and the way she felt about it. The Agouti woman hoped that she hadn't been noticed as she tried to continue along her path.


She's visible and has not yet passed completely by him

Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Mar 31, 2018

There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity

RE: lay here with me and forget the world - Lorcan - Mar 31, 2018

As he circled the large rock, the male realised that it in fact was not a single gigantic boulder, but a number of them all wedged up against each other. Moving around to the opposite side he had approached the stone structure from, he noticed that there were some slightly smaller boulders, standing at a short enough height that he could place his forepaws up on top of them. Lorcan gave a small growl in playful satisfaction as he lent up against the smaller rocks, his golden eyes inspecting the larger boulders connecting to it in search of a suitable path to climb up.

It was as he was searching that he noticed movement out of the corner of his eyes. Turning his head, Lorcan released a low woof in greeting as he caught sight of @Cheedo. Tail swaying neutrally behind him, nothing feeling the need to assert his dominance around her at that moment, he waited to see if she would notice him as he stood, his fore paws pressed up against the smaller boulder whilst his hind legs remained planted on the ground. "No luck catching rabbits today?" He called out curiously. His question was meant as a compliment for her hard work and contribution to the new pack had not gone unnoticed by Lorcan. He was beginning to see why Piety was so fond of her.

RE: lay here with me and forget the world - Cheedo - Mar 31, 2018


She had seen him as he inspected the borders and hoped that he would be so involved in that she could go about her business. Though she did have to admit that the structure was quite impressive. Having not inspected it as he was currently doing she didn't know but if there was a way to get a top it she felt it would be a great place for meetings. If not that then sunbathing for sure. She thought she would let the healer figure it out since he seemed to be wanting to do so much of that as of late.

She unfortunately didn't go unnoticed as his voice came to her through the forest around them. The small Agouti woman stopped in her tracks before hesitating. Her gaze lingering in the path before her before she decided she had to acknowledge that he had spoken to her. She turned to face him but her eyes didn't land on him, instead the mountain that looked behind him. “The day is still young,” she told him her tone flat, “And there is plenty of it left. I intend to make good use of it.” Her gaze did drift to the formation then as she looked to see if there was a way to get in top of it.


RE: lay here with me and forget the world - Lorcan - Mar 31, 2018

Lorcan watched as @Cheedo hesitated a little before eventually turning to face him, though her sea green gaze did not meet his. Instead she stared past him, avoiding the need to look directly at him, whilst still somewhat acknowledging his presence. The male's brows furrowed in confusion and his golden eyes narrowed as he bobbed his head from side to side in an attempt to get her to focus on him. Cheedo wasn't the type to be shy, so what had gotten into her lately? 

Russet ears pressed back against his head at her flat tone before perking up again when she mentioned making the most of the day. "Good to hear, though, make sure you leave enough time for yourself too." The leader did not wish his subordinates to work themselves into the ground. Everyone needed time off to relax after working so hard for the pack. 

Noticing as she glanced back up to the rock, his lifted his head proudly to show off his discovery. "Do you like it? I think it might soon become my new favourite spot." He said, flashing the small female a smile as he clambered forwards, working his way up over the other rocks to reach the top. Finally, after a small skip and a leap up onto the largest, most impressive boulder, he made it. Standing tall atop the stone with his tail waving high, he beamed down playfully towards Cheedo. 

RE: lay here with me and forget the world - Cheedo - Mar 31, 2018


Their new home was much different than their home in the Lowlands Cheedo couldn't say that she disliked it. She was happy for the change, a place that didn't remind her of her past so much she hoped would help her to move in from it and get out from under its shadow. She still felt there were some who couldn't see past the fact that she'd once had a connection to Craw. One of those wolves stood before her, it was the only reason she could come up with that he would have focused so much on what she would do in regards to Mittani. That however was not the only reason she held for her disapproval of her new leader.

His remark about the rabbits was met with an assurance that she would make the most of her day. No matter how long it took she would bring something back to the cache that day. Focusing on the chase was much better than thinking about the things she didn't have and wanted badly. She looked away as he told her to take time for herself for a moment before looking back at him. “The pack is still young and there is lots to be done. I don't think now is a good time for me to be focusing on myself but thank you for the advice.” She kept her tone polite, she didn't know what he would do if he saw her as being disrespectful. Especially after the behavior she'd seek from him with Ody, would he toss her out if the pack for that?

She finally took a moment to look over the rock formation which he seemed to take notice of. Her gaze flicked to him as he asked her what she thought. It soon returned to searching for a place to get on top if the rocks, she could see it wasn't just one solid rock but a number of them. Her question about reaching the top was answered as Lorcan was soon on top of them. She could think of a wolf that would be much suited for that position, she held her tongue. “I was thinking it would be good for meetings,” she said with a shrug. “Enough space for you and Piety up there and plenty of space for the rest of us down here.” No doubt standing above his subordinates would please the man, she thought smugly.


RE: lay here with me and forget the world - Lorcan - Mar 31, 2018

As far as Lorcan was concerned he had been nothing but welcoming of Cheedo since joining the group and establishing the pack together. Granted, their relationship had started off shaky, but he had apologised and she had agreed to leave Mittani in the past and not invite him to the tarn... if he ever dared to show his face again. The same went for @Odysseia. They were bad for her, bad for the pack, and she could do so much better without them. She had, in fact. First arriving to the lowlands as a quiet, scared little wolf, the small female had now risen up through the ranks to stand beneath Piety herself all by herself

Piety was proud of her and trusted her like no other, and Lorcan had noticed her efforts too. He had been trying to praise her, acknowledge her hard work, but was only met with a flat tone and a curt response. She couldn't even seem to look him in the eye as she spoke to him. Russet ears pressed back against his head. Lorcan might have been preoccupied as of late be he was not completely blind. He could tell that she was feigning politeness around him and her open dismissal of his suggestion, which had been made with good intent, was not missed. 

The male tried again, clambering atop the large rock and looking down at her with a playful grin, trying to her attention and break through that cold exterior she had wore around him lately. Russet ears perked up, almost in relief as she glanced up at him and suggested the place be good for meetings. He began to nod in agreement, his smile widening as he glanced about his paws, determining how large the space was. But then @Cheedo made another comment and his smile quickly turned into a frown. The bridge of his muzzle wrinkled, exposing his front fangs to her as he scowled down at the smaller agouti wolf.  

"Cheedo, do you have some kind of issue with me? Because I can't help but notice your attitude around me as of late. If this is to do with us not taking Odysseia in, then I'm sorry, but I was doing what was best for the pack as a whole. She would not have fit in here." He explained, his voice harsh and level before he turned to clamber back down off the rocks and returned to ground level, moving to stand opposite Cheedo as he confronted her. 

RE: lay here with me and forget the world - Cheedo - Mar 31, 2018


He couldn't acknowledge what she had told him before focusing only on what she'd said about Mittani. She had in good faith and trust shared with him her last in hopes that he would see why she'd made the choices that she had. His question about Mittani she felt was unwarranted, hadn't she proved her loyalty to Piety time and time again. First with Mittani, again when Wraith had died, then again with Ody. Yet he still questioned her, she was not him. She had stayed with Piety through it all.

She couldn't help that she felt he hadn't proved himself a leader, just taken the position and expected everyone to fall into line behind him. Her loyalty could not rest with a man who couldn't even offer her a small but if comfort when she had told him of her children. Wraith would have, she knew he would and they had hurt. He couldn't even bother to say that he understood where she had been coming from. He might have apologized but it hardly felt like one when her loyalty had put into question Immediately after.

Now he wanted to confront her about her attitude toward him assuming it was about Ody, how clueless was he. And what was she supposed to say? If she told the truth would she be kicked out, made lowest? Would the whole pack be angry with her if she did? He was putting her in a position that she wasn't comfortable with because she didn't know the outcome and there he stood right in front of her. Then there was the other factor, why would she even talk to him when the last time it seemed he had barely listened to a thing she'd said. Why waste her breath?

“I spoke with Piety about Ody, yes I was pretty upset but talking with her had helped. It doesn't matter what's going on with me, you wouldn't listen. Sometimes it's not always about the pack,” she said calmly, “Sometimes the individual needs a little more.” That seemed to be his excuse for everything. With a sigh she turned and started to walk away from him. It was pointless he would never get it he was to wrapped up in himself yet he said he cared for the pack.

Attempted Exit


RE: lay here with me and forget the world - Lorcan - Mar 31, 2018

Golden eyes narrowed, though his russet ears did prick up to listen to Cheedo's explanation. Pale brows furrowed again at her words. "Actually, it does matter." Lorcan responded quickly, tail lashing out behind him. 

"If I have done something to offend you Cheedo, then I'd prefer it if you told me rather than dancing around the subject." He told her, a frown pulling at his features. "As far as I am aware I have listened to you. I have also apologised for being so quick to judge you before and I have made an effort to try and get to know you — but you don't seem to be interested in my company." He commented coldly, watching as she turned to face away from him and begin to walk away. 

"I can't give you anything if you can't even find it in yourself to look at me." He snapped, fur bristling angrily as he lashed his tail behind him once more. 

Lorcan didn't understand what he had done to upset her, the reason why she seemed to have such a strong disliking towards him, but he would not tolerate it for much longer. He would not have a dark cloud hover over everyone within the tarn just because the small agouti refused to give him a fair chance.