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Wild Cherry Orchard On her own - Printable Version

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On her own - Accailia - Feb 15, 2012

Accailia had been wandering around Relic Lore for a few days now. She had made it to a beautiful cherry orchard. She walked between the trees, admiring the sight. Accailia sat down beneath one of the trees and let her eyes wander around the scenery.

The sight brought back happy memories of her family. Images of her parents in the meadow, her brothers racing each other to the river, Accailia smiled at the memories. She felt compelled to sing then and lifted her head and let out a long howl. She smiled and laid down to rest for a moment. Her head rested on her paws as she kept her eyes open, staring at the view.

On her own - Kashikoi - Feb 16, 2012

Walking to the Orchard as was becoming a daily routine for him since Kanosak left Kashikoi walked under the intertwined braches of the cherries some still with frozen fruit uppon their branches. Kashi didn't know why but this place was peaceful for him it was like no where he had seen before and for that very reason it didn't bring back memories of past. Watching a few birds flit away he walked through the many trees to clear his mind.

His peaceful thoughts were interupted by a long howl. Curious he ran towards the location that the howl had come from. The moment the other wolf came in sight he slowed to a walk, the wind was blowing towards him so he could tell from the smell that this wolf was a female but he knew she would not smell him unless the wind shifted. Moving slowly with a dominant posture he walked up to the wolf.
"You are awfully close to pack terriotory i hope you relize." He knew if it did come to a fight his pack mates were but a howl away.

On her own - Accailia - Feb 16, 2012

It certainly was a beautiful view at the orchards. Accailia laid there looking up at all the ice-covered fruit above her. She felt so peaceful there, until she was startled by someone speaking behind her. She jumped up and quickly turned to see a male, close to her size, standing with his tail up, appearing to be dominant. Accailia quickly tucked her tail between her legs and submitted to him. "I am very sorry sir, I was not aware pack territory was close by." She met his amber eyes as she spoke. "I can assure you, I have no intention of harming you or your pack sir."

Accailia sat down, trying to show she wasn't a threat, and lowered her head. She was unsure what to do, She hadn't been close to pack borders before. She was debating on turning and running but he would probably just chase after her. She shifted her feet, feeling nervous, and shook her head to clear her mind.

On her own - Naira - Feb 17, 2012

OOC: hope you dont mind :p

She had been keeping her distance from the younger female she knew was somewhere nearby. Her last few encounters with females had been strange to say the least. She knew she was close now, her brothers scent everywhere. She only hoped to catch sight of him, to know that he was ok, and the. The long tawny coated lady would blend back into the trees and move on...or at least that was what she told herself.

The howl piqued her curiousity though as she crept forward low to the ground, the long fur hanging from her belly dragging in the snow. She would need to groom herself again after this or the fur would matt. She grimaced at the thought. It had taken her so long to get the knots and matts out from her journey here. She would rather not let it reach that point again.

As the young female came into sight, so did a yearling male, a little on the thin side but she could tell he was in the process of recovery, the scent of pack and particularly her brother thick in his scent. She debated remaining concealed but knew before the thought completed its cycle that she wouldn't. She had little to fear from a pair of yearlings and found herself again longin for company. She struggled to leave a smirk from her face at the dominant stance of the male. Someone had been spending a lot of time with Kanosak it would seem.

She rose gracefully from her crouch and walked forward, head and tail even with her spine, her golden eyes so much like her brothers flicking between the two wolves as she came to a rest not far from the conversing pair. "close yes, but not yet intruding..."

On her own - Kashikoi - Feb 18, 2012

Kashi lowered his tail seeing that the wolf wasnt a threat. Before he could answer he heard another wolf behind him speak and make him jump in surprise. "i never said she was intruding i was just warning her that she was neer pack terriotory." he said this to the new arrival. The new arrival had a strange and old scent about her that seemed familiar but he couldnt place it. To help end the unease he said to both with a bow of his head. "im kashikoi but you can just call me kashi. He was a bit cautious because this was only the second time he met wolves outside the pack and it made him nervous.

On her own - Accailia - Feb 18, 2012

Accailia smiled at Kashi before she spoke. "I'm Accailia, It's nice to meet you Kashi." She wagged her tail, happy to meet some new wolves. She turned to the female, she was beautiful, especially with those honey colored eyes of hers. "May we ask your name miss?" Accailia made sure she was polite since she was in the presence of a wolf who was older than her and a pack wolf. Accailia was still cautious though, some lone wolves are not very friendly.

On her own - Naira - Feb 19, 2012

Kashikoi clever and Accailia adopter of human twins... interesting names. I wonder if the wolves will live up to their names... she thought to herself and stored the names and scents for later, looking from one young wolf to the other before smiling, revealing her pearly white teeth.

"I am Naira. I believe you may be acquainted with my brother Kashikoi." she replied gently, taking any edge off her voice and using the calm tone she used when she was attempting to calm a wolf to allow her healing. She appreciated the manners of the younger wolves. It was something a lot of wolves seemed to be lacking, but you would rarely find yourself at the sharp end of a strangers teeth by being too polite.

On her own - Kashikoi - Feb 20, 2012

Kashi wagged his tail ever so slightly as he learned the two females names. But he was shocked when the older said that kashi knew her brother, that must of been the scent that he had smelled for sure. A bit off gaurd he stuttered, "your brother? You um mean kanosak right miss?" the only other male wolf he really knew was the alpha so it must be kano's sibling, they even looked similar. Turning his head to the other wolf he said, "and what brings you here accailia?" he wondered in the back of his mind if kano's sister knew any healing and if she could teach him till he returned.

On her own - Accailia - Feb 20, 2012

Accailia wagged her tail and smiled at the two wolves. Apparently Kashi knew Naira's brother. Maybe he was in the same pack as Kashi. Either way, Accailia was happy to meet the two of them. She breathed in their scents and repeated their names again in her head in case she ever ran into them again.

Accailia turned her attention to Kashi as he spoke to her. "I'm just wandering around really. I've been on my own for quite a while now." She forced a smile to her face as the memories flooded back. "Which pack are you in Kashi?"

On her own - Naira - Feb 20, 2012

She already knew which pack Kashikoi belonged to, the same one as her brother. And so she allowed herself to breath deeply taking in the scents around her, eyes half closing as her ears twitching, taking in the minute scurrying of voles beneath the snow in their little burrows, the chirping of the birds in the trees and something else. Something heavy. Her brow drew in as she tried to pinpoint the sound. It was a ways off but still something about it kicked her predator into overdrive.

Food. She wasn't hungry, but that didn't change the way the creature registered in her mind.

"Deer." she whispered with a small smile to herself as more of the thudding came to her ears, content that she had identified the sound. That rustling was a raccoon, and that crack was tree branch breaking under the weight of the snow that had gathered on its branches. She pawed her feet deeper into the snow until her toes bunched in the dirt, allowing her to better sense the vibrations of the earth.

The snows would melt soon. Not soon enough for her liking, she needed to build up stores. There were clearly more sick and injured wolves here than a healer could throw a stick at. Content that no danger was approaching she reopened her eyes and looked from one yearling to the next with a peaceful smile on her face. Content they would no be receiving any nasty interruptions any time soon.