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Wild Rye Fields uninvited guest - Printable Version

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uninvited guest - Vaken - Jul 24, 2018


OOC: WRF wolves: feel free to attack as you see fit. If you'd like to request a dice roll, that is totally okay by me (I am not expecting Vaken to win any fights here) but Vaken will just be trying to escape with his head.

@Ferreiran @Lauraceae @Iskandr : no pressure but you're all invited to be with Vaken rn if you wanna stir up some trouble

I feel numb, born with a weak heart

Sometimes, Vaken’s curiosity got the better of him. There were times in the yearling’s life where he knew better, but still proceeded. He knew it was dangerous, and risky, but the reward was worth the risk. He was young, ridiculously brave and selfish.

His nostrils twitching, Vaken couldn’t help but inch his way forward. He smelt fresh kill in the breeze, blood lingering in the air. Along with it came the smell of wolves, too many of them to distinguish. Vaken kept his head low and focused on the possible meal, allured by the possibility of a free dinner. He tried to blend into his surroundings, moving slowly and quietly. He was thankful for his beige and brown coat, the colours camouflaged into the wild rye fields.

It wasn’t his proudest moment, creeping like a cat in an alleyway, but he wasn’t ashamed. He did what he had do to in order to survive. The crunch of dry glass below his paws was hard to eliminate, but the small yearling tried. He wasn’t sure how fresh the kill was. He knew invading pack territory was frowned upon, maybe even a death sentence- but he continued forward. The coyotes had been making it hard to eat. If there was another wolf there, he’d wait in the grass and then steal what was left.

I guess I must be having fun

RE: uninvited guest - Laike - Jul 24, 2018



Of course they would have another trespasser. Of course wolves couldn't just be decent beings with a working brain lodged between their ears.

The scent of a stranger was enough to rile him up these days, even more so when they didn't call. It also didn't help when they tried to waltz on in like they belonged here. He charged the moment he spotted them. Big burly frame running through the Rye as his head tucked and tail curled over his spine. He did not part his jaws to bite but if he landed a hit, he would knock the yearling back away from the borders.

A snarl ripped through the air, perhaps the loudest warning of his arrival.

art by kydnt

RE: uninvited guest - Vaken - Jul 24, 2018


I feel numb, born with a weak heart

Vaken didn’t stand a chance. When the burly alpha came forward, Vaken didn’t have time to prepare for the hit. He stumbled back, losing his balance, and collapsed a few feet behind the border. The air was knocked out of him, causing the yearling to gasp. He sat on his rump for only a millisecond, sulking in his failure, before struggling back onto his feet.

He kept his tail tucked tightly between his legs, looking at his paws in submission. He made himself as small as possible, desperate to appear as unthreatening and weak as he felt in that moment. He knew when to count his losses. He felt a mix of fear and disappointment, his heart beating quickly. He knew he couldn’t fight. This wolf was nearly double his size, stronger, well-fed. Vaken took quick glimpses of him, but mostly kept his eyes trained to the floor. His mind quickly looked for an excuse. Should he say he was from a neighbouring pack?

He had been around enough wolves recently, their scent was still intertwined with his fur. Maybe he’d say he had been sent by an alpha, make up some sort of lie. Vaken scoffed quickly to himself. It wasn’t worth the risk, Vaken clearly did not have the appearance of a thriving pack wolf.

He exposed his neck briefly, a peace offering, and took another step back. “My mistake,” he boldly confessed, shrugging his shoulders. Thought I could get away with it.

I guess I must be having fun

RE: uninvited guest - Ferreiran - Jul 24, 2018

"Vaken!" the dark male hissed from the shadows upon scenting him in another pack's territory. He couldn't go. But he had to. His brain imagined all the terrible things that could happen to him, but his heart, with no words at all, told him to go. To at least not abandon his friend, even if he couldn't help. He stood there for a moment, frozen into inaction, yet painfully aware of every second ticking by. Finally, he moved, dashing through the wild wheat as fast and as silently as the plants allowed.

He slowed, creeping through the plants. Vaken, you idiot, he thought, seeing the strong alpha approach. As he leapt for Vaken, Ferreiran bristled, standing tall, his tail raised high. He may not have spoke with many wolves before, but loyalty he knew. That wolf was his friend and anyone trying to hurt him would have to fight both of them. "Hey!" he snarled, with a dangerous hint to it. No one hurt the patchy wolf.

RE: uninvited guest - Adelayde - Jul 25, 2018

1/3 Guardian Demonstration
@Sphinx @Cancer @Alvar @Lekalta @Risaela

adelayde artemieva

The first time mother rarely left the proximity of her children, however the twins had just settled down after a busy morning. The trio had been taking shelter from the heat of the sun above while the mother believed the Artemieva children to be taking a nap, she could never be sure if they would try to find themself mischief after she left. Adelayde intended to not stay far from the den, but an alarming scent on the breeze beckoned her.

She wasnt sure if they were just outside the territory and the wind was trying to deceive her, but it was worth a look. Mismatched eyes soon caught the sights of three bodies not far, one she easily recognized as her dear husband. However, whatever encounter was going on, wasnt good. Barreling towards them, she instincly recognized what was going on. These two strangers were intruding on the Rye and heaven forgive them as the angry mother barreled for the darker male that shouted at the blonde alpha.

Jaws apart and shoulders low, the large woman intended to barrel straight into the side of the male and purchase any flesh from him to grab. She had precious children in these borders that they were threatening and Ade will not tolerate their intrusion.


RE: uninvited guest - Cancer - Jul 25, 2018

He had been in the trees as he always was, when he heard the unmistakable cacophony of aggression. Immediately fearing that Risaela would be involved he blitz forward, until his paws hit grass and he was forced to stop short, still within the shadows of the canopy. Out in the open, he saw Laike and Adelayde pitted against two intruders, and a lump formed in his throat. As a member of the pack, he should join the fray, but they were out there and just the thought of it caused his throat to constrict.

So instead, he tipped his head back and called for the pack with a howl, the sound mildly choked by his anxiety but it carried all the same. The trouble was, no one came, not soon enough. Teeth were biting and snarls ricocheted off the land and now they knew he was there, watching but unhelping. They would oust him from the pack, Risaela would follow and it would once more be his fault that everything went wrong in the girl's life.

Cancer took as deep a breath as he could muster, closed his eyes, and lunged out onto the grasslands.

He aimed for Farreiran, aligning himself with the mother of the Rye's children while knowing Laike could handle himself, and effectively sandwiched the other wolf between his own and Adelayde's attacks.

guardian dem 1/3

RE: uninvited guest - Ferreiran - Jul 25, 2018

He's being more realistic now, I hope.
Ferreiran gasped as one of the wolves barreled into him. Another wolf went behind him, attacking viciously. He struggled to keep up, snapping wildly at the wolves, though they evaded most of his poorly aimed strikes. Then he remembered what he was fighting for.

He leapt away from the attackers and in front of his friend. "Run," he said to Vaken, without turning. Ferreiran knew he wasn't going to win this fight, but fury destroyed his ability to fully comprehend what he was doing. There was no other explanation for such a small, shy wolf to face off against three wolves in their pack territory. A gentle breeze went through the field, ruffling his fur. He gave another savage snarl, snapping his teeth and glaring with narrowed eyes. Preferably, they would let them go without a fight, but if they attacked, the dark wolf had no choice but to defend himself. He always tried to exercise caution but his life could be on the line. "Let us go," he said, trying to be calm and commanding, even though he was never going to be a real leader, and definitely not the leader of this pack. If they had merely told Vaken to leave, that would have been okay. They were in another pack's territory, so they needed to get out. But attacking his friend was crossing a line that Ferreiran wasn't going to redraw.

RE: uninvited guest - Jessie - Jul 25, 2018


She was already in a bad mood, one of her bad days. Jessie did not like being restricted to the pack lands and did not want to leave the territory knowing that coyotes were out and about. Eventually, she would have to though. The Rye Queen was getting itchy paws and her temper only worsened when it was not aacknowledged and she ignored them. Wild Rye Fields had become more popular since the infestation of vermin for lone wolves who wanted to join and those who felt more bold and wanted to trespass. Today was for the latter. So when Cancer's call pulled Jessie from  her leisure stroll, the monochrome woman's pelt prickled. She wasted no time in rushing to where her subrodinate's call originated from, nostrils flaring in anger and emerald eyes cold.

When she arrived, her co-lead, Adelayde, and Cancer were already entangled in a fight. Jessie scanned the scene for her best tactical advantage. These loners were foolish to the cross the border, especially when their borders were so well marked with members that had gone up over the past weeks. Just as she was about to leap into the fray, the loner's word had her reeling. The pepper-and-salt colored woman's eyebrow twitched, out of anger and annoyance more than anything else. When she spoke, her voice was cold, lips curled back in a warning snarl and head tilting to the side, in an almost mocking manner, "What do you think we're trying to do? Do we have to spell it out for you?" The widow glared at the intruders, tired of others coming where they didn't belong. Her eyes were darker when she spoke again, "If so, then leave." If not, then it would be her turn to leave a lasting mark for them to remember Wild Rye Fields by.


RE: uninvited guest - Vasilisa - Jul 26, 2018

Cuz if tensions weren't high enough already. Feel free to skip her to keep this going if need be and mama or daddy have permission to PP her if needed too :)

Of course she had settled down for her mother cuz she was a good child...Ma never said for how long though. As soon as Adelayde had gone out of sight from the den Vasilisa was up and out of the den following. Her mom was too fast though and was quickly out of ear shot too. That was okay though, Vasi could entertain herself well enough. It was when a grown up voice rang through the Rye did the tawny pup want to see what the adults were up to.

Making her way towards the commotion it was the furthest she had been from the heart of the territory. As she grew closer terrifying sounds filled her tiny ears. They folded back as to try to keep them out while she slowly approached. The scene was terrifying! Her mama and daddy were, were play fighting? Like she did with Niko? This didnt look like playing though...

The tiny girl whimpered as she watched the scene, there were three unfamiliar grown ups and one familiar that wasnt her parents. The salt and pepper woman who had explored with the Vasi was the furthest away from the fighting. She felt the need to go to the Rye queen but was too frozen with fear to move. So she hunkered down, her tail between her legs and ears as flat as she could possibly get them.

RE: uninvited guest - Laike - Jul 27, 2018


Damn right it is. He snarled and parted his jaws, ready to latch onto the boy's throat (he hadn't decided yet if he intended to maim or merely dominate) when there was another voice. Dumb came as a duo it seemed. He snarled at the male who dared to speak with such sharp tones at him. The alpha's tail raised over his spine as he exposed his ivory rows of teeth.

Before he could deliver a harsh warning to this one, he was suddenly surrounded with members of his own pack and even his co-lead. He swelled with pride as his wife and subordinate took care of the foolish male who had tried to stick up for the intruder. The familiar voice of Jessie shot through the air like fast falling icicles. The Arteimeva was extremely lucky to get the opportunity to lead beside such a strong female.

He backed up from the scene when a familiar sound caught his attention. His heart suddenly sank. Head whipped to look over his shoulder and there was the cowering form of his daughter. He gave one last snarl to the rogue duo before he moved over to Vasilisa. The large form of Laike would stand protectively over her flattened form. His tail raised over his back as a warning that he was still here as a strong presence.

you better start running
when you hear the man coming