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Driftwood Surge Out of the Light - Printable Version

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Out of the Light - Cheedo - Aug 13, 2018

Cheedo is just outside the border calling for @Lachesis and @Lilya but any surge members are welcome. @Piety for informational purposes.


Her journey wasn't quite over just yet as she had one other important stop to make before she started for home. Cheedo hadn’t pushed herself to return to the tarn quickly as she made her way across the lore. She wanted to be sure to bring back some useful information to Piety. Something that she'd been keeping an eye out for were any herds of deer or other large prey the tarn could hunt. She'd been around long enough to know winter would be upon them soon enough, they would need to stock up for it.

So far she hadn't found anything that would be useful but she still hadn't made it to the mountain yet. Her journey had brought her to the lake and there she'd come across the scent of another pack. She wasn't sure about this one but thought to investigate it. Following the scents they led her right to the border and there as she had with Wild Rye Fields she called for the alphas being sure to respect the borders that lay just in front of her.


RE: Out of the Light - Lilya - Aug 14, 2018


Lilya had left the children asleep in the den; even if they woke, she knew she would not be gone long enough for them to get into too much trouble. She had been patrolling the borders, marking a section along the northern border just to stretch her legs when she caught the scent. It was different, but it was also surprisingly familiar? She found her curiosity piqued and moved closer to it just as the call came out for her and her mate.

She recognized the wolf, the voice and the scent together had been enough to trigger the memory – it had been the woman whom Wraith had sent to inform her and Lachesis that Mittani had been dealt with… what was her name, again? She thought hard for a second before the name came from memory. “Cheedo?” Yes, that sounded right to her. She was surprised to see the female at their border.


RE: Out of the Light - Lachesis - Aug 15, 2018


The call had come as a surprise to the pale Stark. At first he wondered if it was one of the Keep wolves stomping around his borders, but the voice was oddly familiar… one he had not heard in quite some time. He shrugged away thoughts of their undesirable neighbours and hurried through the trees, abandoning his northern patrol and heading west toward the mountains.

He was greeted by the familiar sight of his mate and a familiar name—Cheedo. He had not seen the blue-eyed agouti in … over a year? Had it really been that long already …? He blinked, confusion written plainly across his pale features as he sidled up next to Lilya. What brings you to the Surge? He asked, his voice courteous and holding genuine curiosity. Whitestone had fallen, but where had @Cheedo gone? She still smelt of the north but not of the Fields… his curiosity only continued to spike as he waited for her response.


RE: Out of the Light - Cheedo - Aug 15, 2018


Cheedo wasn't exactly sure who she would find in charge of the pack whose borders she was now waiting for someone to greet her. She didn't have to wait long which she was thankful for. She was even more pleased when a familiar face appeared from the forest. A wide smile and her tail wagging greeted the woman. “Yes, It's good to see you but I'm afraid I didn't get you make the last time we met.” She felt a little embarrassed by this which showed in the way her tail went still and her ears laid back against her skull.

Soon another familiar face came to the border to greet her, “Hello Lachesis, it's good to see you both again and under better circumstances.” It seemed that Hearthwood had moved, Piety will be glad to hear that. “I came because I scented your pack and thought I should introduce myself but I now realize that isn't necessary. That being the case I do have some information to share of you have the time to spare.”


RE: Out of the Light - Lilya - Aug 15, 2018


She hadn’t realized she had never introduced herself prior to this, though it didn’t particularly surprise the matriarch. Those times had been troubling and she’d been too worried about the fate of her then-unborn children to think about much else. “Lilya.” She introduced as her mate was arriving, a warm smile sent his way before she turned her attention back to the woman in front of them. She had to agree with the woman, it was good to see her under better circumstances, not that better circumstances were hard to come by considering their previous circumstances.

She asked if they had the time to spare and Lilya nodded. It’d been a while since she’d been able to be on the front of scouting and diplomacy interactions at their borders… the last time, well, it wasn’t at their borders and she hadn’t exactly been the happiest camper… but given the situation with their far-to-close neighbors to the north, she felt justified.


RE: Out of the Light - Lachesis - Aug 28, 2018


He had always wondered what became of the Whitestone wolves after the pack had dissipated. Lachesis and his wife had maintained a good relationship with the northern pack despite the unprovoked attack by one of Craw’s minions. They had lost an ally in their disbandment. Cheedo coming here, however, was a good sign. She smelt of others, which meant she had found another pack. He nodded softly at her comment, his head tilting slightly to one side as he observed the tawny female. I suppose we can make a little time, he offered with a small smile as he glanced over at his mate. He did not doubt that she would agree; a little distraction from the kids wouldn’t hurt them. Plus, he was curious as to why Cheedo had come knocking at his borders. Strangers didn’t just call for the leaders of a pack for no reason…


RE: Out of the Light - Cheedo - Aug 30, 2018


It truly was better to see Lilya and Lachesis during a much better time. She smiled as the surge alphess gave her name, “You have a very nice name,” she complimented just before Lachesis said that they could spare a little time. “Excellent, I’ll get right into it then. I'm sure you're already aware that we are no longer at Whitestone, after Wraiths death we just couldn't stay. We're all together again though up on the mountain where we formed a pack which is called Clearwater Tarn.” She explained looking between the two in turn. “Piety wanted me to come down and inform you of the move and explain why. We would have come sooner but with spring and establishing the pack we've had our paws full. I see you have moved too?”


RE: Out of the Light - Lachesis - Oct 07, 2018

posting to keep this moving <3

The ghost nodded sadly in response to her news of Whitestone. Lachesis had never been close to Wraith—not like he had been with Craw when he had ruled the rock of the north—but he had known Piety. The news of his death was still devastating regardless of his relationship with the fallen king. He had always wondered what became of the former Whitestone wolves and it was a relief to hear that they had all (for the most part) stayed together. And weren’t too far away, it appeared. I’m glad that you are all doing well, he responded with a genuine smile, his chartreuse gaze softening as he studied the tawny woman. A move was necessary for us. Hearthwood was feeling less and less like home. Needed a change of scenery. He looked over to Lilya for a moment before returning his attention to their guest. 


RE: Out of the Light - Lilya - Oct 11, 2018

Hi yes sorry I'm alive

Lilya maintained her composure through the news – she would admit it – she liked Wraith and how firmly he stood for his own beliefs, but the death did not particularly sadden her. To know that the Monadnock was no more was something of a comfort, as twisted as it might be. It had brought up memories of the attack that she was not particularly fond of, memories of Laddeus’s death at the mention of the name. The Tarn did not carry those burdens of the past, and it eased her mind a little. She offered a nod. “There were too many memories of what had been lost.” She offered a little more information, letting her mate do most of the talking. He was by far better at diplomacy, just as she was with tooth and claw – differences of birth, she supposed.


RE: Out of the Light - Cheedo - Oct 15, 2018


Having delivered the news she was sent to give the leaders of the former Hearthwood River she was curious as to why they had moved. She would be sure to tell Piety of the news. As the pale leader spoke she nodded in understanding. Lilya offered more information and from it Cheedo gathered that the two packs had a little more in common than they might admit. “It's completely understandable. A move and a fresh start so healing can begin. We at the Tarn are hoping for the same. I this place has given you what you were looking for.”
