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Heartleaf Creek Silence is golden - Printable Version

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Silence is golden - Pakuna - Feb 29, 2012

Cream colored paws carried the medium sized female along almost silently. Black tipped tail swished to and fro as she padded along, her pale emerald eyes scanning the area. Auds were raised, taking in the sounds of the land surrounding her. A lone song of a bird pierced the silent air, ringing within her ears. The female blinked quickly, almost smiling as the creek came into view. Finally, water... she thought. Oh, how she was parched. Her pace began to quicken as the creek flooded her vision. Once at the edge of the water, she lowered her cranium, lapping quickly at the crisp liquid.

Satisfying her thirst, Pakuna lifted her head, sighing softly. She seated herself, her tail wrapping around her left haunch. Her eyes followed the glistening of the water in the sunlight. How relaxing. The shewolf looked around her briefly, lifting her nose to the air. Nostrils widened, taking in the cool air about her. Hmm. Nothing. It was odd. Where she sat, the wind did not bring her any scent of other wolven. It had seemed this land that she stumbled into hosted many of her kind... but how many? How many packs were there? She shook her head, attempting to eliminate the questions that stabbed at her mind.

Pakuna released a slight grunt. Having not scented anyone around her, she relaxed a bit, muscles loosening beneath her black and brown pelt. Her ears did not seem as strained now, and she continued to watch the water, enjoying the creek in which she stumbled upon.

Silence is golden - Gladius - Feb 29, 2012

Water seemed to attract her a lot lately as she padded through the forest, following the sound and scent of a slow moving creek. Her muzzle carried the remnants of a recent feeding, her white toned chin dipped in scarlet paint and her paws having coppery undertones. She was both thirsty and curious, she had not been to this part of the water flow yet, and exploring was one of her key motives in anything she did. She padded easily out of the treeline and to the edge of the creek, her broad shoulders and thick muscles looming into the water's reflection as she bent down and lapped at the water. Swirls of red color left her muzzle as the water rushed over and past her face, and when she lifted her head her muzzle was dripping and her chin retained it's soft creamy color.
It was then that Gladius noticed the female on the other side of the creek, sitting there and looking quite relaxed. Gladius raised her tail and waved it in greeting, looking at the fae with bright eyes as she studied her chocolate frame and emerald optics. "Hello there!" She said with wholehearted welcome, moving to cross the stream by a fallen log that seemed to be a stable bridge between the two wolves. The bark was wet, however, and as she started across her claws lost their grip, and she went right into the shallow water with a splash. Her enthusiasm had gotten the best of her, and she couldn't hide the laughter on her face as she stood back up and shook her soaked frame.

Silence is golden - Pakuna - Feb 29, 2012

Pakuna's head jerked up as the sound of another wolf entered her ears. Emerald eyes looked up, focusing sharply upon a female who had made her way to the creek for a drink just as she had done. Unexpectedly, the shewolf shouted a greetings towards Pakuna. Pakuna tilted her head a bit, finding it odd that a wolf would be so open as to shout a 'hello' towards a complete stranger. The shewolf felt her muscles tense quickly and she leaned forth as she saw the other wolf slip into the water. Seeing a jolly expression come 'cross the other wolven's face made Pakuna ease up a bit. She was ok.

Rising up back onto all fours, Pakuna swished her tail briefly before parting her jaws- " 'Ello, ye havin yerself a bit of fun there aren't ye?" her voice was a bit rough, and her accent was surely odd. Otherwise, Pakuna thought of herself as any other lone wolf. It seemed that this female was a lone wolf, as well, for she did not carry any other wolves' scent within her fur...that she smelled, anyways. The wolf blinked slowly as she watched the female shake her pelt out, droplets of water flying this way and that within the crisp late winter air.

Silence is golden - Gladius - Feb 29, 2012

Gladius danced in the water, lifting her large paws with some difficulty as she exited the cool grasp next to the she-wolf. Gladius tilted her head at the wolf's peculiar accent, but found it to be to her liking as she stretched to her full height and then gave a swift, humorous bow to the she-wolf. "Gladius Blacksea, traveling jester at your service m'lady." Her grin showed laughter as she remained in the bow, turning it from formal to playful as she bounced around the older female and rolled onto her back and back up onto her feet. "But yes, I always have my bit of fun, would do no good to scold the creek for my own slipping-up." She explained, licking her damp coat as it started to stiffen in the cold air. She would need to get the moisture out before it completely froze to her back, now how embarrassing would that be?
She focused back on the female, cupping her ears forward intently. "Your voice- it is rather unique. Does it come from your birthplace, or is it just your own?" Gladius asked, her voice filled with wonder as she sought to satisfy a well placed question. She had never heard another speak that way, although, she had not met too many since her arrival here. For all she knew it was a common tongue! In her pack they spoke as she did, using language that would suit knights and olden kings. It was what she was raised around, and what now graced her lips with each word. It always intrigued her about other's way of speaking, and how different one was from another. She licked her chest as she waited for her companion's reply.

Silence is golden - Pakuna - Feb 29, 2012

Pakuna couldn't help but to let a slight grin slip upon her maw as the shewolf danced about, obviously enjoying herself. She puffed her chest out a slight bit as the wolf addressed her as "m'lady". That was a first. She nodded in agreement as the wolf stated that it was not the creek that should be scolded. Although she found it odd that a lone wolf was so friendly, Pakuna was beginning to enjoy the company of this shewolf. Many a wolf are so miserable, or so serious, that it seems they never have time for fun anymore. Her ears twitched as Gladius questioned her about her accent. "Aye, it is how me home pack spoke" she stated, nodding softly as she spoke. Oh, how she missed them, although she barely remembered them. Gladius had a very polite way of speaking, which Pakuna appreciated. She felt so gruff in comparison, but no matter.

"Name's Pakuna, Gladius. Pakuna Atea." No, Pakuna rarely ever introduced herself so soon, but she was picking up good vibes from this dark shewolf. She now let a slight smile pull at her lips. She stepped forward to the creek, letting her two front paws soak. The water was quite cool, but her thick fur insulated her quite well.

Silence is golden - Gladius - Feb 29, 2012

Gladius nodding her head figuring it so. Her accent was nice on Gladius's ears, and she felt like hanging around if only to hear the female talk more. The gruff tones made her think of deep midnight songs, stories of battles past that would lull her to sleep as a cub. She could pull so much from a simple tone, the images already making Pakuna a well kept acquaintance that Gladius was happy to have met. "Pray tell Pakuna, what was your pack like?" Gladius asked, shaking the last bit of water from her pelt. The cold air was getting to her, and she shifted from one foot to another, hoping to keep the blood flowing under her coat. Her inquiry was simple curiosity, for you could learn a lot about someone based on their birth life. It would tell her a lot about her newly acquired companion, and Gladius was genuinely curious, not wanting the information for anything other than to get to know Pakuna more.
She walked over to a dry patch of grass on the hard ground and vouched to roll in it to dry herself even more, rubbing the dirt in to replace the wet and making friction to warm her even more. Unfortunately, this would leave her ragged and dirty, but it was a small price to pay in exchange for a dry back.

Silence is golden - Pakuna - Feb 29, 2012

The cold temperature of the slow moving creek began to numb Pakuna's paws. She stepped backwards lightly, removing herself from the chilly waters. Looking back to Gladius, she watched the wolf roll about in a patch of dead grass and dirt. The grasses clung to her back like static, the dirt now adorning her pelt. She smiled softly. At least this wasn't a wolf who worried so indefinitely about their appearance. Pakuna did not care what she looked like- at the moment, her brown and black peltage was quite ruffled from the day's travel, but she did not care to fix it. She padded over to where Gladius now was, seating herself. She was feeling comfortable around this shewolf...a feeling she had not felt for awhile.

She sighed softly before taking a deep breath in, chest expanding. "Me old pack was called GhostTree. We thrived quite South from here. I was in me pack for about half a year I'd say, 'till they split." She frowned a bit, emerald eyes expressing a slight amount of woe before she blinked, making it disappear as quickly as it had shown itself. "Mighty pack, though. Full o' very caring wolves, I tell ye. Me ma and I left traveled a wee bit together till I left her at a year old." She looked at Gladius, hoping that was enough to tell her. Really, there was not much to say. Pakuna did not remember much of her home pack since she had been so young. "What 'bout you?" She questioned, a slight amount of curiosity threaded within her speech.

Silence is golden - Gladius - Feb 29, 2012

Gladius rolled to her belly and lay there, listened intently to the wolfess's story of her homepack with great interest. Her accent made the tail even more enticing, painting her story like an artist before Gladius's golden eyes. She wondered what had made Pakuna's pack split, but didn't question it as the female finished her story. Gladius had caught the look of sadness, and decided it best not to press the matter. If she wanted to talk about it, she would on her own, Glad thought. She decided Pakuna must have been a strong yearling to have ventured out on her own like that, Gladius had only begun her travels at her second winter, when her growing of body was done and her growing of character would begin. Some begin earlier than others, she thought as she nodded to herself, smiling at Pakuna respectively.
Her question was expected in the exchange, though not anticipated, Gladius thought a moment before beginning. "My tribe was the Blacksea, great and hardy in numbers and comradeship, and having kept our domain back before I was born. We were a coastal group, and I stayed till my bones had hardened and left my place as next to lead for one of my denmates." Gladius shrugged her large shoulders and looked slightly homesick, but shook the feeling away with a grin. "My place was not there, and I left to seek greater adventure." She rumbled, a gleam in her eye that would tell that what she said was true, and that it meant a great deal to her.
Gladius rose to her feet, brushing her tail behind her and looked around the creek edge thoughtfully. "Know anything about combat?" Gladius questioned, stretching her limbs and rolling her muscles in turn. Her messy pelt could not hide the fact that her young body was very heavily muscled, her seaside people's blessing upon her that rang true. And although her strength was juvenile and untrained, someday it would prove formidable against her foes.

Silence is golden - Pakuna - Feb 29, 2012

Pakuna continued to sit, her dark flocculent tail wrapping around her hind limb. She looked up at the sky for a brief moment, sun casting a shine in her emerald toned eyes. For a minute she wondered about her pack, how many of them were still alive and where they were now. She gazed at the clear blue sky How many of ye souls be up thar? she thought to herself, feeling a pang of sorrow stab at her heart. Lowering her head, she looked to Gladius, who now began to tell of her story. She listened intently to the well spoken female as she told about her pack that lived on the coast. Cocking her head to the side, Pakuna questioned her "Coast? Ye mean the ocean? Pardon, but I know nothin' 'bout oceans er anythin'. I hear ye taste salt in the air all the time, though." saying this, the shewolf released a slight chuckle. Her laugh was short and very gruff, almost sounding as if she were growling.

After Gladius had finished her tale, she smiled a bit "Ye sound like ye had yerself a good pack there." she nodded a bit before continuing "Unfortunately, I do know 'bout some combat. Why do ye ask such a thing? once more, curiosity began to drift within the tones of her voice. It had been quite awhile since she had asked so many questions....or even talked to a wolf for such a period of time.

Silence is golden - Gladius - Feb 29, 2012

Gladius chuckled and breathed the air deep, remembering the fond taste of salt on her tongue, the only comparison having a kill's blood fresh on her lips. "Yes, the mighty ocean, black as night and cold as the dead of winter. And indeed, we always tasted salt and felt it in out toes and in our tails, a feeling that was born into us." She looked proud of her heritage, and missed the salt water. Here, there was no open sea to gaze upon, no thick tangy fish to hunt. She would have to get used to that, for fresh water was no match for her homes restless sea.
Gladius nodded her head, thinking that her upbringing was one of the stronger. Although she never knew the coldness of an unforgiving pack, she learned the harsh of winter and the groan of an empty belly. She knew survival, and that had made her strong. Coming back to her question, she looked excited at the announcement that the female did indeed know about combat. Gladius stretched her toes on the ground and smiled at Pakuna, her tail waving behind her with energy. "I always seek to improve my skills, and learn what travelers have to teach me, especially those that have seen more than me. Would you bestow upon me what you know? I do not have much knowledge to give in return, but for a duel, I would offer any bits of meat that I can catch." Gladius looked at Pakuna expectantly, her bright eyes only showing the need to learn. She would always admit that there was much her young body did not know, for only through admitting this could she come to grow stronger.