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Iridescent Lagoon Feel so alive - Printable Version

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Feel so alive - Thanatos - Mar 04, 2012

OOC: Takes place at night

Thanatos found himself thinking about Silver more often the past few days. It seemed she always managed to slip into his mind and now that breeding season was here Thanatos grew very nervous. He hadn't seen her since they met Rolu and Isa but even so, he grew evermore tense each day since breeding season started. Did he want pups? Yes but him and Silver weren't officially mates yet and they wouldn't be able to have pups until they formed their own pack. Thanatos would just have to try to control himself once Silver went into heat.

He walked around the lagoon, admiring the beauty as the still water held a reflection of the full moon above him. He wished Silver were there with him. He had missed her since she had been working with Elettra and had been busy. Thanatos wished he could look into those gorgeous teal blue eyes of hers. He had been wanting to tell her something as well but wasn't sure if he should wait. The pang he felt in his heart anytime she was away from him, the way he always seemed to draw closer to her, how she was always on his mind. He loved Silver.

Feel so alive - SilverWintercoat - Mar 04, 2012

Silver wandered effortlessly across the ground. The moon always seemed to sap her with strength, and her pelt always glittered as if she was the moon. It was a captivating site and she had only seen it in a reflection of water, which made it less impressive. She was always taking pride in her silver cloak, what she liked to call it, and she often groomed it. her mind wondered as she crossed the frosted grass, still could do to the changing seasons.

She thought about Thanatos and how he filled her with pride and this funny feeling she could not describe. Yet she didn't know what it was called, only having the faintest idea of it. She wished to talk to him again, but was afraid fro him. It was breeding season and she didn't want him to fester about it. She was liege to him still. Silver walked along the bank her reflection looking like a mirror of herself, but also like she was not real.

Feel so alive - Thanatos - Mar 04, 2012

Something caught Thanatos' eye. He looked over and spotted Silver walking along the bank of the Lagoon. It was as if she read his mind. He stood there in awe for a moment. She looked stunning. The moon seemed to reflect off of her silver coat, making it glisten. He started to walk closer but stopped when he picked up her scent. There was something both odd and familiar about her scent. He realized what the change was, she was in heat.

Thanatos took a deep breath, her scent captivating him. Unable to help himself, he went right up to her and rubbed his neck against hers, burrying his nose in her fur, smelling the pack, himself, her own scent, and the strange scent that he had smelled when Kama had been in heat. He looked into her eyes and licked her cheek. "Hello dear. Did you follow me again?" He chuckled and smiled as he looked at her. "You look beautiful Silver."

Feel so alive - SilverWintercoat - Mar 04, 2012

Silver looked at her reflection again noticing her eyes, which always seemed to glow a bit at night. Looking up she noticed a wolf coming towards her, only relaxing when she realized it was Thanatos. She leaned into him as he rubbed his neck on hers. She looked up at him and answered,"Actually I wasn't, but I was thinking of you." he voice was softer than usual, and had a musical tint to it. She rubbed her head on his neck wondering what he would be doing out here.

"So what have you been doing?" she asked, her voice still calm. She wanted to know where he had been, but also not act pushy. She walked past him a bit and brushed him with her tail, wondering if he would tell her. Spinning around she sat down lightly like a ghost she had made not sound. The silver wolf seemed like a fairy tale her head cocked at him, wondering what he would say.

Feel so alive - Thanatos - Mar 04, 2012

Silver leaned into him as he rubbed her neck. Her voice was soft and musical when she spoke. "Thinking about me huh? What about me?" He teased her a little, wondering what was on her mind. She rubbed her head on his neck and Thanatos nipped her ear before she pulled away to speak again. Silver was wondering what he had been up to. She brushed her tail against him as she passed by and sat down.

He turned to look at her as he spoke. "I've been walking around the territory, doing some thinking too. That's why I came out for a walk." He laid down, curling himself around her as he nipped at her chest. He was practically intoxicated by her presence.

Feel so alive - SilverWintercoat - Mar 04, 2012

Silver answered her voice still sweat,"Is there a limit?" The Silver female was a bit confused by him, but then it went on like a light bulb. She giggled as he nipped her chest and she bent her head to grab his ear. She was happy to be with him again, especially on a full moon. She looked up at the moon with a smile and looked down at him again.

The silver female laid down still curling herself next to him. She laid her head on his side and breathed in his sent wondering what he was thinking. She pulled her body closer to him, wanting to be as close as she could. Her fur laid flat totally relaxed, totally in the moment. She did not think of the past or future, only this moment in time, wishing it would last forever. She had the slightest memory of some thing like this, with Rolu. Then, it was gone replaced with the face of Thanatos. Silver was wondering if he thought the same about her as she did about him, and licked his muzzle.

Feel so alive - Thanatos - Mar 04, 2012

Silver grabbed his ear when he nipped her chest. He smiled at her, unable to take his eyes off the silver beauty. She laid down and curled herself next to him. Silver laid her head on his side and moved closer to him. Thanatos curled his tail around her and licked her forehead. He looked into her beautiful eyes and wanted to say what was on his mind but he was nervous. I love you.

Those three little words could change everything they had. It would either bring them closer than they already were or it would push her away from him. Thanatos was sure it would be the first though. He nuzzled her cheek and nipped her ear and paused for a moment, his lips by her ear. He smiled and whispered to her. "I love you Silver."

Feel so alive - SilverWintercoat - Mar 04, 2012

Silver was rather surprised by Thanatos, wondering what he had meant. She had only to realize what the feeling was that linked them together. She new she loved him, but didn't think he loved her. She looked up at his eyes, even the blind one did not bother her. The silver female leaned in and said to him,"I love you too." She looked up at him again remembering the times she had met him. She remembered there deal to try and make a pack.

Silver laid her head on his side again wondering if that s what she wanted the most. She smiled mentally, of course she did, she wanted it all. She wanted the relationship, the cold nights where she could warm herself beside him, and also the hardships that may come. She was happy to have him there, very happy. Her tail thumped twice agreeing with her judgement. She looked back up at the moon which teased a howl from her. Yet she did not give it, "Not yet," she thought her eyes wandering to his.

Feel so alive - Thanatos - Mar 04, 2012

Thanatos was filled with pure bliss when Silver said she loved him too. Unable to contain his happiness, he lifted his head towards the moon and sang. The cool night air had been quiet until it was shattered by his howl. She was everything to him now. She was the one she-wolf that was able to fill the hole that had been left from the moment Kama left the world. Thanatos knew he would stand by her side until the very end.

Thanatos burried his muzzle in her fur, nipping softly at her neck as he breathed in her sweet scent. He felt more alive than he had for years. Silver was his, and this was his new life.

Feel so alive - SilverWintercoat - Mar 04, 2012

Silver joined in with him as soon as she could, letting out a beautiful harmony to his. She looked at the moon knowing that only a little while ago she had been looking at her reflection, and thinking about him. As it faded she looked at him with her teal eyes still thinking of what would come now. Instead of staying in the moment, as she had done a little while ago she let her mind wander again.

She felt him in her fur as he nipped her neck she licked the top of his muzzle that showed. She rolled over, and splashed into the water, and giggled as she came up for air. It was cold, but she hadn't a care in the world. She had rolled into a rather deep spot where her paws only barely touched the bottom. She pushed her self away from him tell she found a spot where she could stand comfortable. It was a little farther down the bank from him but she could still see him there, and he could easily jump to where she was.