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Wild Cherry Orchard Every Breath You Take - Printable Version

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Every Breath You Take - Huddy - Jan 17, 2021


Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say

The sky was overcast, denying any of the sun’s rays from streaming down and hitting his dark pelt to warm his body. He gave himself a shake to fluff up his pelt, his snout wrinkling in distaste. He disliked winter about as much as he disliked summer. He was an inbetween kind of guy who much preferred fall and spring because they weren’t as likely to freeze him to death or over heat, but it wasn’t like there was anything he could do to change the weather so he might as well have grit his teeth and bear it.

The salt and pepper man moved toward a skeletal cherry tree, leaning his frame against the trunk and rubbing his shoulder against it the best he could. He wasn’t marking it, rather he just had an itch that he really wanted to get.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 


RE: Every Breath You Take - Maugrim - Jan 17, 2021

@Hrun for fyi
The land had really opened up since they left the thicket. After such a rousing time digging burrs and ripping vines out of their coats, Maugrim was surprised to find that most of what he and his brother encountered turned out to be quite boring. There was just one big field without much to it. Maugrim continued south and now there appeared to be a collection of short, twisted trees. It was winter, so they were bare. He was not very big on horticulture so he could not even guess or care what sort of trees they were. The landscape was broken up a little, but otherwise the place seemed unremarkable. He shrugged, huffing lightly and watching his breath float out of his lips and vanish into the air before him.

But one of the trees began to wiggle. The dark brown wolf startled a little, landing back on the ground so that the wiggling tree was in front of him. At the base of that tree was a wolf, it turned out. Stark black against the snow, and apparently quite itchy.

"No friends to groom your shoulders, eh?" Maugrim quipped, hoping the stranger hadn't seen him jump.

RE: Every Breath You Take - Huddy - Jan 17, 2021


Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say

In the midst of his blissful itching (because, come on, what really felt better than getting that one good itch?) he hadn’t heard the sound of crunching paws that would indicate the approach of another. Thus, when the voice erupted out of nowhere he gave a little jump himself. He turned quickly to get himself facing the wolf, clearing his throat in an almost embarrassed fashion. ”Got a pretty lady tagging along with me who could do it, but I don’t think we’re there just yet,” he said, the corner of his lips tilting upwards in a sly smirk. “What about you,” he asked with a jerk of his head, “you come here to scratch an itch?”

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 


RE: Every Breath You Take - Maugrim - Jan 17, 2021

A lady? Maugrim sniffed the air carefully and found this to be true. There were actually a couple different scents on this wolf, which made Maugrim a little nervous. Something about his phrasing made it seem like the stranger was not a pack wolf, and this was not a pack territory, but so many wolves was a threat none the less. Testing the breeze once again, Maugrim decided the coast was probably clear: there were no fresh hints of anyone besides him and this itchy guy. "Funny," Maugrim replied with an uncomfortable grunt of laughter. "I usually just ask my brother."

"But I guess you could say that..." Maugrim could feel no physical irritation, but somewhere inside him there was a burning emotional itch to do... do.. do what exactly? "Though I don't think the trees will help me at all." He wanted to start a new life. Wasn't it starting already? Then why did he still feel so unfulfilled? He had to wonder at what he really wanted for himself, or who he was even going to be in this new wolf. He didn't have to be Maugrim of Mosquito Bay. That boy was fading into obscurity quickly.

"Winter just leaves me... " Another pause. "Restless, I guess. You know what I mean?"

RE: Every Breath You Take - Huddy - Jan 18, 2021


Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say

The man mentioned a brother with a chuckle and Hudson gave a little shrug. Brothers, pretty ladies, as long as they were able to get the job done what did it matter. He agreed to feeling the need to scratch an itch that, apparently, a good tree couldn’t scratch and the salt-and-pepper man raised an eyebrow at this. What kind of itch was he talking about, exactly? He supposed there were all kinds of itched, itches that were physical, itches that were mental and itches that were spiritual. Hudson generally had a remedy for all of these considering his family background, and he wasn’t much of a helper to be honest, but maybe if he figured out the type of itch the other was referring to he could offer...something.

The man mentioned winter and restlessness and the Macieo supposed he did understand a bit. Winter was when everything was in a state of slumber, of hibernation. The world around them, normally buzzing with life, seemed to slow down and stagnate. It was depressing, to be perfectly honest, and it was another thing that Hudson added to his list of things he hated about this season. “Mmmm,” he rumbled in agreement with a nod of his head. But what to do about that restlessness? Hudson took a big sniff, inhaling the scent of his company and he noted the scent of another clinging to the dark hairs, probably that brother he’d mentioned. But, other than that, he seemed alone. Perhaps that was why. He knew he himself felt like he was searching for a purpose, but he supposed his purpose had come with helping himself and Sága find their families. “Is it the winter making you restless, or the situation you’re in? Being a loner I mean. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a loner too, but I’ve got a companion with me who’s given me something else to do with my time than just fart around, ya know?” he said. Perhaps he did have some of the wise ways of the his family running through his veins.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 


RE: Every Breath You Take - Maugrim - Jan 19, 2021

"Oh, sure, all that..." That was a given. Maugrim knew he didn't want to live on his own forever, and that he wanted something of his own as all wolves do. "But I think it's more than that."

"I just don't know how I'm gunna. Like..." It was hard to put all the thoughts in order, or to find words that fit for some of them. In the end, he felt his phrases fit like hand-me-down clothes, "When something happens am I gunna know that's what I'm supposed to do? Is there something I should be doing or should I be patient. Let it find me..." Enough blabbering. It occurred to Maugrim that he was carrying on without any real tune to what he was saying. "I'm sorry, that probably didn't make a whole ton of sense."

He considered the man a little longer. Something to do, eh? Maugrim definitely had nothing to do. Sure, he was on a vague search for water but in all honesty a mouthful of snow was all he needed to stay hydrated. Perhaps it was a waste of time to think that other wolves would congregate along a river. "What's the girl got you doing?"

RE: Every Breath You Take - Huddy - Jan 19, 2021


Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say

With all the babbling the other man was doing Huddy could tell he’d hit the right cord in his question, even if Maugrim didn’t seem to realize himself. He questioned whether he would know his purpose when he saw it, if he should search it out or let it find him, what it would feel like, so many questions that Hudson didn’t have the answers to. “I ain’t got the answers to any of those. I may be a couple years older ‘n you, but I’m still figuring shit out too. But I know sometimes word vomiting all over the place helps sort yer head out, so don’t apologize for things you don’t need to,” he said, his tone gruff but not unkind or indifferent. He couldn’t offer the younger man a lot, but he could at least off him that.

The man asked him what ‘his girl’ had him doing, and the term made him feel...weird. She wasn’t really his anything other than a companion, but he wasn’t blind, he could see the potential. But Hudson wasn’t a completely open book and he kept a lot of himself hidden away, plus he wasn’t good at the whole...romance thing. The thought of begging someone to be his mate and schmoozing away made his stomach coil like he was going to hurl. That, however, was a topic for another time. ”We both got dropped here a few weeks ago and teamed up to find our families if they’re here too. Winter makes travelin’ hard though, so we’ve just been following this herd of elk probably ‘till the spring comes, then start up again,” he replied with a shrug.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 


RE: Every Breath You Take - Maugrim - Jan 21, 2021

Maugrim shrugged even at the man's reassurances, feeling a little silly. He didn't have any answers, as he said, so why was Maugrim unloading all these sow pies onto him like he was his dad or something? Instead he just told him not to say sorry, to which the boy just shrugged again. "Uh-huh."

"Wait," the boy stretched out his neck, looking sideways at the loner, "Did you just say dropped?" Why, that was the second time he'd heard that. How strange. What had that girls name been? "I-I met someone a couple of days ago who had the same weird story. Like she got stung by some weird herbal bee that knocked her out and she just was here. Did that happen to you??" This was all starting to feel like he had woken up in a liminal space where he and his brother Hrun were the only sane ones.

"On top of that there was this other lady in a forest back that way," his snout flicked to the north west, the Thicket, "And man she was nuts. Trying to hold us hostage to mate her daughter and revive an old-ass pack. Attacked my brother and I over a kill that wasn't theirs. The daughter was this big crazy broad, too."

"Like... you don't find this place a little weird, do you?" None of this seemed normal to him at all.

RE: Every Breath You Take - Huddy - Jan 23, 2021


Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say

Maugrin’s ‘uh-huh’ ended that bit of their conversation, of which Huddy was grateful. All this touchy feely stuff was giving him hives and he was again reminded that he wasn’t his grandmother or grandfather, but rather his own father who’d also never been good with words.

The astonishment that the man showed about his comment of being dropped in these lands sounded a lot like Rhaegara’s had been when he’d told her about it. He supposed it was a rather startling thought, that someone or something could just...pick them up and put them down wherever they pleased and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Sure, all wolves knew about bears and other large predators, but they tended to think of themselves at the top of the food chain. Hudson had known from a young age from the stories from his grandparents and his father that they weren’t, though, so it hadn’t been quite as much of a shock. Still a shock, nonetheless.

His ears perked when he said he’d met someone else who’d been dropped and, while he wanted to ask what they looked like or if they’d given a name, he knew that if it were anyone in his family they would have described the event quite differently. Such as, know it hadn’t, in fact, been some sort of herbal bee that had taken them. He felt a sliver of disappointment in his chest but he pushed it aside. “Well, wasn’t a bee I can tell yuh that much. It happened to both me n’ my friend. They’re called humans. Ugly, hairless creatures that walk up on two legs instead of four and speak a language we don’t understand. My grandma, grandpa and father used to live with ‘em, though they described ‘em as being a lot better than the asshole who took us,” he explained, his muzzle wrinkling in distaste at the mere thought.

His brows raised damn near over his head as the man described the interaction he’d had between an older lady and her daughter. Man, what was with all the butt-hurt wolves that seemed to live here? He gave a bark of laughter, “Thanks for the warning, I’ll make sure to steer clear. Hope ya’ll gave ‘em what for then, seems like the wolves raised here weren’t raised with manners. I came across a whelp a couple weeks ago before I’d met Sága, clearly had a bunch of wolves with him nearby so wasn’t like he wasn’t being taken care of. Attacked me over a kill that wasn’t his either,” he grumbled, spitting at the ground at the memory out of habit. “So, yeah, I’d say things are pretty damn strange around her. Seems like something big happened but can’t quite put my paw on what. Guess as long as it doesn’t come back I don’t give a shit one way or another.”

Hudson looked at the man for a moment, a look of contemplation sliding over his feature before he gave a nod as if deciding on something. ”Look, Sága and I are traveling with a couple others, but winter is crap and we could probably use some extra bodies. Yuh seem like you’ve got a good head on yer shoulders, so if you and yer brother decide yuh want t’ tag along, you’ll find us in these fields a little further north probably for another week or two, least till the herds start moving along. If yuh don’t come across me, just tell ‘em Hudson sent ya,” he offered. Boy, he hadn’t expected to be picking up all kinds of wolves when he’d arrived here, but he supposed he hadn’t been expected to be kidnapped from his family either. Seems life always had a plan for someone other than the one they’d thought of.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 


RE: Every Breath You Take - Maugrim - Jan 23, 2021

The stranger explained the kidnapping scenario without really explaining anything. It just generated more questions for Maugrim, who had never heard of humans and when he tried to imagine them he could only picture all the other animals he had seen stand on two feet before: bears, gophers, squirrels, rabbits. Then, he had to subtract all the hair—completely hairless? or just mangy?—and he was left with... some pretty disturbing images. But just because they walked on two legs and spoke funny tongues didn't really illuminate exactly how they were able to move wolves from one place to another, or how they used bees to knock wolves out. Clearly, this guy knew more than he was letting on, and his family had still even more knowledge."Ah," Maugrim said, trying to act a little more nonchalant, since his companion didn't seem particularly sensed about any of this, "We don't have those where I'm from."

"Oh, don't mention it," he said cooly, rolling his shoulders and feeling more manly and useful than he had in awhile. Since this guy hadn't, you know, randomly attacked him Maugrim did feel like he should do him a small favor and prevent him from falling into the same trap. That old lady would immediately want to get her paws all over an eligible bachelor such as this. Guys had to look out for other dudes. Apparently this guy had encountered more of the same, though this time a band of up-jumped kids. Nice.

That was when Hudon—apparently—extended the offer of some support and a place to crash. "That's very nice of you, I'll discuss it with my brother, Hrun. And I'm Maugrim. But it's probably best to stick together when there are unhinged, entitled wolves roaming the area." Even though Maugrim was one of those entitled brats, in a way. "How many you got with you?"