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Swift River Someone to ride the river with - Printable Version

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Someone to ride the river with - Finn - Mar 14, 2012


Small white paws gingerly padded through the Sacred Grove,

gray-silver pelt rippling beneath smooth muscle. The shewolf
silently crept along, her dark ears erect, listening to her surr-
oundings. The spring summoned song birds, several of which
were currently harmonizing throughout the grove. She closed
her light cocoa eyes for a brief second, enjoying the sounds
before lifting her lids.

Eyes suddenly flicked to the left as she caught the sight of a
mother doe and her yearling by her side. Their wide eyes
spotted the wolf, bounding off quickly out of sight. Finn smiled
lightly, eyes looking forward once more. Walking for a few more
minutes, she suddenly paused as a breeze weaved through
the trees. Others. Her tail flicked in curiosity, and she felt her
heart begin to beat heavily within her chest. A pack? She scutt-
led forward, small frame settling at the territory's border. Her
mind immediately began to stir, wondering what sort of wolves
lived here. She wanted to know. She furrowed her brows,
breathing slowly, attempting to calm herself. This could be a
chance to live in a pack again, aside from her home pack, the
Buffalo Clan. She hesitated for a moment, but then cursed at
herself. Raising her elegant head, she parted her jaws,
releasing a melodic howl, hoping that a wolf of this territory
would show up.


Someone to ride the river with - Corinna - Mar 15, 2012


Gone Tomorrow

Under the fading winter sun, Corinna stood breathing in the fresh air. A few birds had returned, and their singing helped to brighten the day. But their presence did not brighten the task ahead of her. She was in no mood to deal with lone wolves along her borders, not today. She was tired of them. Simply put. She was happy with the way her family was. But winter was cruel, and those that survived had lived long enough to know that another winter alone was not in the cards. So it was no surprise that they were flocking to her borders like moths to a flame. That hardly meant they were wanted, though.

So as it were, the howl, when it came, was not surprising. She was highly tempted to just ignore it, and continue about her day. But if she did not show up, other wolves of her pack would, and Cori wouldn't dare waste their time. Grunting in mild irritation, the hormonal female altered her direction towards the origin of the caller. No hurry to her pace, she took her sweet time, pausing several times along the way to further reinforce her borders. This time of year, more than ever, she was not inclined to be sympathetic to trespassers, and she would not buy the excuse that her borders were not clearly marked.

Green eyes glaring daggers at the lone female, Corinna took her in. She was small, almost scrawny in Cori's opinion. Gray in color, like most of the wolves that had plagued the Swift River borders lately. "Corinna Tainn. What is it you want?" Though not unkind, her voice was direct, and it was clear that she was in no mood to waste time here. She figured that the lone wolf was here to ask for acceptance, in which case this shouldn't take too long. Otherwise, well, no, she couldn't remember the last time a wolf had come for purely a social call. And given her irritable mood as of late, she wasn't sure she wanted them to.


Someone to ride the river with - Finn - Mar 16, 2012


Finn waited patiently, continuing to take in the scent flowing out of the
border. Minutes later, the etching of a female appeared, then as she
continued forth, Finn could see her in detail. The wolf spoke, and
seemed quite blunt. The small gray wolf figured she did not want
her time wasted. Flattening her ears against her skull, the gray-
silver wolf willfully tucked her bushy tail between her hind legs
in a submissive stance.

"Corinna, ma'am, I am Finn Millinae" she started, western
tongue tinging her words, "I'm sure you know what I'm here
for. I am looking to join a pack."
she continued to be sub-
missive, her light ecru eyes meeting the green eyes of the
alphess. Parting her jaws, she continued to speak: 'I am
a mighty fine hunter, Miss Tainn, and I'd be of great service
to feedin' your pack."
her tone suggested that she was
confident in her words, which she was. Ears remained
swiveled back as she waited for the wolf's reply.


Someone to ride the river with - Corinna - Mar 17, 2012


Gone Tomorrow

The other's body was quick to assume a submissive posture, which eased Corinna's mood somewhat. Even so, she wanted to do nothing more than mark her border one more time and then leave. But that was not what she was obligated to do. It was a burden that she had assumed and she would fulfill all of her obligations, regardless of how she personally felt about them. But even listening to the female, it was all she could do to prevent herself from rolling her green eyes. It seemed that every wolf was a marvelous, and for once, she just wanted somebody to admit that they had some type of flaw.

Despite her wishes, though, she had to deal with what she had been given. Pointedly looking over the smaller female, she breathed in quietly. "Very well. I suppose we will have to see how good of a hunter you are. We'll be having a pack gathering shortly. I expect you to be there." There was more warmth to her words than there had been before, but by accepting Finn into the pack, Corinna was hardly extending instant friendship. Stepping forward, she approached the newly accepted River wolf. Walking in a circle around her, she let her scent waft over the other, letting the scent of Swift River cling to the newcomer's fur. Coming around to her front, Cori stood in front of her. Leaning forward, she moved to muzzle grab the subordinate, biting down firmly, though not enough to hurt. Stepping back, she nodded her head in the direction of the pack den. "Follow me." Turning, the she-wolf began to make her way towards the interior of the territory, pausing only to check to see if the subordinate was following.


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