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Lost Lake up up & away - Printable Version

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up up & away - Ava - Mar 26, 2012

It'd been about a week since Ava left the company of Rhysis. She had to hand it to him, he had certainly led her to a buffet table of critters. The water was clear and cold and refreshing as well. On her first night she lapped for nearly three minutes straight, then curled into a ball to nurse her subsequent stomach ache. At that point, exhaustion took her over and she more or less just passed out. She slept through the sunrise and well into morning, and when she awoke she was both startled and quite pleased to find out she had slept basically out in the open and nothing had happened to her. For the next few days she hunted squirrel, until she had the strength to chase down those tasty hares. In between hunts it was just water and sleep, and the occasional romp to stretch out those limbs. Soon the female had filled out enough that she no longer threatened to impale others with her skeletal frame, though she was still quite lanky and had more muscle yet to gain back. But she was no longer tired all the time, and she felt hopeful for her future.

It'd been half a year, she figured, since she left Feather Valley. Months since she had been in consistant company of another wolf. When the black female had left her brothers the long time ago that she did, she only desired to escape her family, escape her past, and start anew. Now, Ava had found her new beginning: in the land called Relic Lore she had made a verbal agreement to Rhysis to join his pack upon its creation. She still didn't feel free from her family. How could she settle down when within she wasn't close to settled at all? Yet she had given her word, with all the confidence and strength she could muster in her state of starvation, and Ava wasn't going to turn tail and - what? Give up? Oh, never. Nonetheless, she was unsettled, and as history repeats, an unsettled Ava up and moves.

Casually she loped through the fields and trees. Ava could pass it off as exploration, as she did look and sniff around, but she wasn't really seeking to get comfortable and understand the land. She was just walking to get away from her thoughts. Any rational wolf could tell you this wasn't a working strategy, but Ava was a young, emotional female at the moment, and rationality wasn't top of her concerns. So walk she did, for about two days. She had paused to drink and rest whenever it was needed, but otherwise kept on keep oning. She didn't stop as the forest began to thin and the ground became hard and the dirt began to disappear into rock. Before she knew it, she was on the mountains.

Once again she felt alive. Her muscles strained as she climbed up the hills, her tail swinging pleasantly as the air grew colder and the wind grew stronger. Her tongue lolled out the side of her dark maw, her amber eyes ablaze with life. At the top of the mountain, she stopped and looked down the cliff-heavy slope. The serene pool of water deep in the valley of the mountain called to her like an alpha's howl. Without wasting a second, the dark female leapt from her place and began the downhill sprint toward the body of water, leaping amongst the edges and rocky protrusions as though she was once more a pup.

up up & away - Kade - Mar 26, 2012

Peace seemed to buzz just around every bend.

Though his plans initially entailed only a short stay at an old home, the charcoal-pelted man had yet to turn his back on the mysterious lake and the curious hole in the hillside. It was refreshing to escape the dramatic dynamic unfolding in Grizzly Hollow, and he'd wasted no time in reacquainting himself with the rolling hills, winding waterways, and quiet shadows. This was how he'd remembered the landscape that had been so kind - teeming with life, shades of blue and green that mirrored the most unlikely colors of his murky soul. Returning was nearly like a dream, one he could hardly bare to wake from, but his duties had chained him to Cedarwood Forest and, like it or not, staying here was no option.

The pebbles of the gently sloping, submerged shore of a small cove felt strangely as they became wedged within the webbed skin of his paws, the silver strands of fur on his toes in contrast with the silty hues of the lakebed as he peered down at them. A woodland symphony was underway, and the winged creatures of the south had lent their tiny voices to the collective song that echoed softly from all directions in the back of his quiet mind. Easy currents grazed against his body, sweeping through the male's fur as he leisurely paddled outward, toward the water's depths.

The shiny, pitch black folds of his nostrils would flare as wind was sucked it to fuel his laboring lungs before being released in rhythm. Having been raised on the coast, far from Relic Lore where the waves were murky, the beaches rocky and cold, and the saltwater was quick to sting one's eyes, he'd become an experienced swimmer and it was enjoyable. Soon enough (but not before having made a worthy lap around the quaint cove) the man's muscles would tighten and he'd make his way back to shore, soaking up the sunlight after successfully shaking the volume of dripping water from his drenched coat.

Nonchalantly he began to make his way inland, but in an instant his dark, angled ears would flip backward at the sound of a plunk and a splahing. A brow raised curiously, his head snapped back, eyes peeled in search of the strange sound's origin. And then there were more plunks, and scattered splashes, and eventually a small rumbling from the jagged cliffside...

The male's pale gaze immediately shifted upward, and he would inadvertently step into the shade to avoid the bright sunlight that managed to penetrate the forest's canopy overhead. To his surprise came a flash of black, wheeling down the cliff straight toward the water that was just across the way. Though he tended to be very wary of those with whom he was unfamiliar, the going of winter had taken with it much of his past burden, many of his regrets, and even some of his social indignities. He was genuinely curious as to what would unfold before him, and so it was with open, near-innocent eyes that he observed the blur of a female, absolutely ignoring the presence of the glistening beads of water that slid down the dark mask of his face.

up up & away - Ava - Mar 26, 2012

The stone beneath her paw pads was such a lovely feeling as she raced down the mountainside. The surroundings passed her much quickly than she anticipated them to, enjoying the intensity of her speed as the downward slope took her faster with less effort. There was no grass or dirt to sink her paws in; it was like she was a ghost, not truly part of the landscape as she would be in the field or forest. She had been raised in a forest off the water, so pools and grass were her calling. The rocky cliffs were unfamiliar to her, and for a young wolf the unknown was exhilarating. Her limbs struck the earth and it did not give, which reminded Ava the truth of nature: the wolves did not rule nature as they liked to think. Nature decided their fate. That, coupled with the weightless feel in her stomach as she barreled down the slopes and leapt amoung the rocks and cliffs made the uncontrollable truth of nature as comfortable as her uncontrollable race to the water.

Her face broke out into an uncontrollable grin as she looked down and saw herself coming up to a short ledge jutting out from the rest of the mountain. The lake was close coming and from the ledge she would hit the rocky shore and one bound later, the water. The dark female pushed forward, increasing her speed as much as she could to go for the drop. The stone leveled and she knew she was on the cliff. She had but one stride to go before her body flew from the ledge like a dark missile, her body poised to land. With all the grace and beauty of an olympic diver (subject to opinion), Ava hit the water, and disappeared into the cool, gentle water.

There was a moment as she swam underwater, amber eyes open wide. It was so different underneath the surface; the world looked blue and blurry and the rocks on the bottom of the lake's floor seemed to be swirling around her. Finally she pushed up and broke the surface, parting her jaws to take in a large gulp of air. She didn't notice the wet pawsteps just a little ways down from where she had splashed in, and wouldn't notice them still as her own mind was not racing with thought but pleasantly empty. Her head was just barely above the water, with her lower jaw submerged in the water and her legs outstretched as long as she could get 'em so her paws would touch the rocks below as she half-swam, half-walked in a straight line alone the shore. Occasionally she would fully submerge her shoulders and head, before popping back up and enjoying the cold against her face. It was clear from how silly she looked Ava had yet to notice her audience.

up up & away - Kade - Mar 26, 2012

The black figure seemed to glide down the slope before effortlessly - or not, he couldn't be sure - launching into the dark, deep water with a most impressive splash. Not only was he in company, but swimming company to boot. The male's tail wagged delightfully for a moment before assuming a still, level position. After all, one couldn't be too careful anymore.

Before she would come up for air he took a stance at the shore's edge, observing the bubbling and rippling that surely gave away her submerged position. A grin played waveringly on his lips and his nose twitched as a gentle breeze carried her scent to him. It was unfamiliar, and accompanied by another canine scent, one with which he was unfamiliar. It would seem as though there was much more to Relic Lore than Grizzly Hollow.

Patiently waiting, Kade rolled to his haunches just before the stranger's head broke the surface. Should he call to her, this female? Perhaps a friendly surprise was in order.

up up & away - Ava - Mar 27, 2012

Ava continued to paddle through the water, her tail trailing through the water behind her like a little rudder. She was truly savoring every moment of thoughtless freedom. It had been a long time since she had been anywhere near stone or water deep enough to swim. Feeling her fur move under the water was a different sensation than the wind blowing through it, and the dark she-wolf loved it. While she waded through the water she turned her head from where she had come, surprised by the height of the mountain and the distance she had cleared. As her surveillance went on she took in the sparse trees and the jutting edges and the sheer difference of this landscape compared to all the rest of the land... and then she found the wolf.

Ava stopped paddling immediately; her amber gaze narrowing as she stared at the male. Was that Rhysis? He had a striking similarity to the wolf that had saved her sorry ass, what with the dark fur and the light eyes. She was too close to see, and the smell of the mountain's water was overpowering the scent of the wolf. Still, Ava was pretty certain. After all, the mountains were rather near the forest he had called the meeting spot and he had said he would seek her out when he was ready. She secretly hoped it wasn't him, for she wasn't in top condition yet. Certainly she looked much better than the straggling, bony wolf she had been two weeks ago. Her body had filled out and her dark fur looked clean and full, though she knew when she saw her reflection her shoulders had yet to fill and her face still looked somewhat hollow.

Water dripped from her fur as she waded out of the water and stepped on the rocky shore, quickly shaking the water from her fur before she set forward toward the male. A short smile graced her expression and she moved with a respectful urgency, but only for a few steps. Suddenly she had stopped short and raised her head, face contorting into confusion. Though her eyesight had deceived her, her nose had not: this wolf was not Rhysis. But she had already left the water toward him like she had any clue who he was, and now Ava felt extremely stupid. He, too, had the smell of territory and wolves, but not the same one Rhysis had.

Ava lowered her head and tail, though she didn't move from her spot. Her mind raced quickly with something not stupid she could say, but all that she managed was, "That's not you, is it?" because that didn't sound stupid at all. Oh well, she decided, and stared expectantly at the male.

up up & away - Kade - Mar 27, 2012

You got my 100th post! :)

After paddling around for a bit, apparently enjoying her swim as much as he'd enjoyed his, the dark being abruptly ceased her activity upon laying gaze to him as he sat. Slowly but surely she made her way to the shore, and for a moment he was confused. Why, by the grin on her face, one could think that they'd met somewhere before. Upon drawing closer, the black woman's demeanor seemed to change, her eager pace slowing, and the man inferred that perhaps she'd though him someone else.

His reaction was simply to rise to his feet, as any gentleman would do in the presence of a lady, his ears flattening against his skull briefly in reponse to the shift in her behavior before swiveling forward to listen to the thudding of her wet paws on the clay-streaked pebble beach.

That's not you, is it?

As unsure as he was about the girl, he was certain he was not the person she thought she was speaking to. Nevertheless, the cool silver of his eyes would rove curiously over her figure, and he would note that she was underweight and had no doubt weathered the winter months outside the protection of a pack. There was a strange, youthful energy to her honey-colored gaze that he fully appreciated without having known a damn thing about the woman. Where he'd once been a dutifully quiet man, slow to formulate any kind of socially acceptable reply in such an instance, he found that the words just rolled off of his tongue.

"Well, that would depend on just who you were looking for," his tone was as smooth as velvet as he left her to whatever realization she was to come to, a coy grin welcoming the coming explanation.

up up & away - Ava - Mar 27, 2012

His words were neither harsh nor threatening, which, if he was looking close enough to notice, caused her spine to relax slightly. Ava shifted on her paws and tilted her head, examining the male more closely. His face seemed kinder, and his fur darker, among several other differences. Though their silver eyes were of the same color, she felt less afraid to meet his gaze, although Ava still refused to out of respect. From this distance, he was no Rhysis.

"He was looking for me, actually," Ava mused enigmatically, hiding her relief. She had more time to eat and regain her strength, now, which actually put her in good spirits. It also meant she could return for another swim, if she wanted, which she sort of did.

Quickly she dismissed the subject, noticing the sheen on his coat, one which she assumed her own wet fur had as the water was still dripping from her form. Like him, she was secretly pleased to see she wasn't the only one who still benefited from a quick dip in a lake. Ava raised her head in the air and motioned toward the lake a few strides behind her. "I don't suppose you enjoyed the water as much as I did?" Her tail began to wag, sprinkling the land with a few little droplets. She wasn't surprised she hadn't seem him in the water. She had barely seen anything as the world sped past her on that run. Ava found him, so far, neither psychotic nor frightening so her lack of attentiveness didn't worry her. Besides, the black-coated female was open to surprise, especially the surprise of company.

up up & away - Kade - Mar 27, 2012

"He was looking for me, actually." The spirited shewolf's quip was unexpected, and briefly he wondered who he was. Some lucky guy, he concluded, as his full attention was offered to the female as she motioned to the lake at her back. A thick musculature twitched at places beneath his dripping static-shaded coat, and his shoulders and ears perked up at her nonchalant invitation.

"You know, I did relish my swim, but I didn't make it look quite as good as you did," he replied evenly, briefly attempting to mask his interest in the curiosity of a woman who'd thrown herself from the small cliff. There was something about her that he just couldn't manage to pinpoint, some innate...charm - fresh out the water, dripping wet...The man watched as drops of water were shook from her tail by her wagging, and in turn his own would sway, level, behind him in perfect rhythm.

In the blink of the eye, the Attaya male bolted for the lake, whizzing past his counterpart before launching himself into the air. Forepaws stretched out before him, hindlegs pulled closely to his underbelly, and with the biggest shit-eating smile plastered across his face, Kade hit the water with reckless grace.

up up & away - Ava - Mar 27, 2012

A girly smile fell upon her face and she turned her head slightly away. Ava without a doubt was flattered. Whether or not his flirting was genuine (which she didn't know - boys and all that!) she found his charisma incredibly alluring, and in turn found herself happily reciprocating. Overcoming her episode of school-girl shyness, she flicked her tail and pointed her chin toward him in a sassy manner. "That's not the first time someone's told me that," the female joked, her expression reflecting that she found herself quite witty.

His sudden launch took her by surprise. Ava swung her body around, her puzzled expression quickly turning into one of utter delight as she saw his intention. Her tail began to wag furiously - she had found good company today! Quickly she leapt from her place and sped toward the water again, her tongue lolling with dopeish excitement. Her skinny legs pumped as fast as they could, trying her hardest to kill the distance between them. As the water splashed around his sudden entrance to the water, Ava took two more bounds stretching herself as far as she could, plunged into the water after him.

She was mainly hoping to give him a good splash as he came back up, because Ava did have a fondness in her heart for childish pranks. She paddled her way back to the surface of the water with a wild grin to greet her partner.

up up & away - Kade - Mar 27, 2012

His weight was enough to sink him for a second or two. The aquatic scene was quiet and dark beneath him, and here where the water was still relatively shallow one could clearly see the algae-lined plantlife. Many of the plants swayed back and forth synchronously, like a dance, or magic, he mused to himself. A score of tiny, fizzing bubbles tickled upward all around him, streaming through his fur on their way. Immediately his legs began to kick downward, seemingly one at a time in strong, steady thrusts.

When his muzzle broke the surface the shewolf's body plunged in right beside him, and he was not met by the warm air and sunshine like before. This time he was slapped repeatedly by the waves of her wake, simply moved sideways by the force of the water as it seemed to rain down upon his head. A rumble of laughter ensued, or, at least, until he began to sink and had to swim again.

The shewolf emerged from her own dive, a beautifully savage look on her face. "I doubt it will be the last," he returned, regarding the witty expression on the beach as he swam a half circle around her.