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we're all lonely people - Sawyer - Dec 15, 2021

December 15th; Late morning; Broken Clouds; 39.15 ° F, 3.972 ° C.

Heading south the past couple of days was like a walk in the park. Sawyer's decent sense of direction and drive to oblige brought him to a break in the mountainside. A pass with a path with frozen, deadly foliage hidden beneath the snow. He thought the storm might have slowed him down; it was a wonder now how he managed to arrive right on time.

There was a song in his voicebox as he meandered through the virgin frost with a meager 2 lb. channel catfish in his maw. Adelard might have only offered his word, but Sawyer had a mind to sweeten the deal with a gift of his own.

He had just emerged along the side of an iced-over lake when it dawned on him that he was not alone. The wolves of Dead Empress Backwater would not be the first recipients of the offering he had at hand.

Hmm. He hummed a note that was definitely not a part of the tune he was composing, gazing around for spying eyes. A twitch of his nose and disregarding the fishy smell about him completely, and he came to a stop. Looking at the north-western edge of the water from the opposite side, he gently set his bounty on the ground.

A string of barks and a soft howl. Knock knock...

RE: we're all lonely people - Chan - Dec 16, 2021

Chan had been heading inward, back toward the den when a stranger's voice reached across the distance to enter his ears. Without a second thought he altered his course, turning to meet the summons. It wasn't far, and it didn't take long for an unfamiliar scent accompanied by the aroma of fish to enter his nostrils before a splash of orange surfaced amongst the whites and greys.

His tail picked up to wag amicably, as was habit, and it sent a shot of pain up from what was left of his tail into his hips, swiftly ceasing the motion. A grimace passed over his features before he could cover it with a smile once more, and he then closed the remaining distance.

"Hello!" he called out in greeting once at the appropriate proximity to do so.

"Can I help you?"

RE: we're all lonely people - Nash - Dec 16, 2021

Nash was trying to rest, he really was, but after having had a cold for so long he was itching to move. As long as he took it easy he wouldn't hurt his hip any worse, right? He'd be fine.

So when a soft howl came over the snow-covered grounds, Nash carefully trotted their direction. He slowed to a walk as he approached, trying to hide his limp when he smelled Chan already on site. He grimaced when he saw his brother's tail. If he'd only been a better guardian...

He shook it off, coming to stand beside his brother and smile at the stranger on their borders.

RE: we're all lonely people - Sawyer - Dec 18, 2021

Sawyer knew he stood out like a sore dewclaw. Almost as soon as he had called out, a brightly-colored face emerged. At first, the other briefly grimaced and the Archer felt a trace of fear caress his chest. Most especially when he spotted the other's strange tail. He had missed the smile. Perhaps, he had stumbled into some haggard hermit's stretch.

All his second-guessing was swiped aside by hearty hail, followed by a "Can I help you?" The wolves of the Lore were definitely more well-mannered than the lesser predators. Civilized. Diplomatic, even.

Sawyer's eyes immediately went down to the fish he had caught. He ducked his head down, picked it up, then stepped forward to place it down again. When he pinned his gaze back on the other wolf, he found that he, too, had a guard. A black-furred one with vibrant green eyes.

Before he spoke, he took a few steps backward again, wanting to allow the pair some room. It was obvious he meant no harm and he was not of the mind to trespass. "Hi there." He was inwardly surprised at how steady his voice sounded. Though his ears trembled, he managed a submissive stance. "Sawyer Archer." His tail waved from side to side at his back, "Was in the area and thought you'd like a little gift."

He watched with wide yellow eyes, hoping they'd at least consider the smooth-skinned fish. He had caught it just the other day and though frozen, it was still edible. "I come on business terms from another pack... if you'll hear me out?"

RE: we're all lonely people - Chan - Dec 19, 2021

Nash wasn't far behind him, which wasn't any surprise. His brother fulfilled his role well. Chan bumped his shoulder against the darker wolf's in greeting when he arrived at his side, gaze remaining politely affixed on the stranger's lips. Civility was also shown by the redhead, and his ears tipped forward with interest at utterance of a familiar surname. He'd known a Sven Archer, and through him pieces of the history of those descended from the lands of Torbine.

"Of course," he answered the curious request, stepping forward to accept and claim the proffered carcass.

"I was just heading in to rest myself, would you care to walk with us?"

As per usual, he did not mind extending hospitality, especially knowing how draining it was to navigate the mountain range. It was up to young Sawyer, however - perhaps he wanted to be swift with his business.

RE: we're all lonely people - Nash - Dec 29, 2021

Nash returned his brother's friendly bump, following his lead in keeping his attention on their guest. He was polite, and offered them a fish. He wasn't familiar with the name given, but then, the younger Eastfall wasn't nearly as well-traveled as his brother. Even so, he wasn't surprised when Chan invited Sawyer in to rest with them. Sanguine Cove had always been an open place.

"Which pack?" Nash asked. He was coming from the wrong direction to be from Dead Empress Backwater, though perhaps he'd gotten turned around on the mountain somehow and come up the other side. Almost every member of the Cove had gotten lost before; there was a reason the lake was named as it was. Not the easiest to find.

As he turned with his brother, the guardian realized they hadn't actually introduced themselves. "I'm Nash, and this is Chan. Welcome to Sanguine Cove."

RE: we're all lonely people - Sawyer - Jan 04, 2022

"Of course," the man answered. So far, so good...

Upon being issued an invitation to walk with the duo, Sawyer's whole mood picked up. His ears came up and his tail lifted in a high wave as he stepped to meet the two and follow along.

"Which pack?" the other asked. Sawyer initially hesitated, wondering how much to buffer on Adelard's behalf. "I'm Nash, and this is Chan. Welcome to Sanguine Cove."

The Archer's head bowed low as they started their leisurely stroll. "Pleasure to meet you both. Right now I'm on an errand--" He had to make sure the two knew that he was not a part of the wolves in the northeast, "for the wolves of Fools' Gold Chasm."

He pinned his gaze on the sides of both Chan's and Nash's faces. "They are seeking an alliance if you'll have them. I am also able to run supplies for you if need be, whenever I'm in the area. Adelard, their Leader, is willing to extend their grounds as sanctuary should you have the need for it. He wants to make sure that you all knew that if you need their help, they are there for you. Just up to the north."

A small exhale escaped him. It wasn't too much of a mouthful; frankly, he was most worried about the brothers' response. "Could I pass along your regards and then some?"

RE: we're all lonely people - Chan - Jan 04, 2022

Chan smiled as his invitation was accepted, and picked up the catfish to carry it as they began the trek inward. His jaws thus remained preoccupied as Nash gave introductions, and Sawyer went on to explain his intentions. It was a lot more than anything Chan was expecting, ears pressing forward as explanation turned to offer and then closed with something of a request.

He came to a stop, and deposited the gifted meal upon the ground. This certainly deserved his full attention.

"Sawyer, I appreciate what you're offering. The wolves of this mountain, however, make their own choices. I can't make promises for them."

It was the first thing that needed to be clarified, if they were to reach an agreement. Even if his position was not in actuality @Aleister's, he would act the same. The word alliance held a lot of weight, and he would not dictate to others where their priorities should lie. That being said...

"I can tell you that we treat our neighbors well, and that I'm so glad to hear we have more. I can absolutely offer you gifts and goodwill."

Chan had no problem fostering a positive relationship with this other pack, especially given their leader had made such a generous offer. It hopefully meant that they would ultimately be of the same mind - that you simply helped others because it was the right thing to do, not because you were obligated through politics.

RE: we're all lonely people - Nash - Jan 04, 2022

Nash listened with intense interest as Sawyer explained his errand. The emphasis on his wording and the fact that he didn't smell of a pack clearly told Nash that while he was friendly and helpful, the stranger was a lone wolf. He knew some wolves preferred that kind of life - he tried not to shoot a glance at his brother - but he couldn't fathom why.

The word alliance triggered a very specific emotion in Nash, but he couldn't explain what it was or why. It almost made him... wary? Concerned? He couldn't be sure. From the sound of it, the wolves of Fools Gold Chasm just wanted to be friends.

Chan dropped their fish and turned his full attention to Sawyer, for which Nash was grateful. He paid close attention to how his brother responded; he might as well learn from this, whatever there was to be learned. He nodded along with his brother's promise that they treated their neighbors well; the Cove was open, of course.

"I'm no scout," Nash said, "but if the opportunity should ever arise, I'd be happy to travel down and meet them." It would give him the chance to meet some new wolves and see new places, after all, and if he could help foster a good relationship with a pack on the opposite side of the mountain from the Backwater, the Cove would be all the more secure for it.

RE: we're all lonely people - Sawyer - Jan 04, 2022

"Sawyer, I appreciate what you're offering," Chan lent as they slowed to a halt. Sawyer hoped to his very core that he relayed everything "just right." Chan did have a point, though. Adelard and his kin could make their own choices; the wolves of Sanguine Cove could not make any promises. Sawyer's head tipped to one side. It was only fair. Exchanges like these went both ways. Give and take.

What Chan said next piqued his interest. So, the wolves of Sanguine Cove were respectful, and the man was willing to offer gifts and goodwill.


Sawyer's tail began to sway in a low wag. As Nash chimed in that he was happy to visit with Fools Gold Chasm. "Good to hear," he nodded. A pause. "So, I'm on my way to another wolf pack in the west before heading back to the Chasm. Is there anything you'd like me to extend or ask?"

He took a slow step backward, just a small gesture to respect the wolves' space and keep his distance. Sawyer had a rule about getting too chummy. It was then he remembered something he almost forgot... "Er, one more thing if it isn't too much to ask. Before I leave, you wouldn't happen to have any playthings your pups are willing to pass down, do you?"