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Ghastly Woods April Showers - Printable Version

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April Showers - Rhysis - Mar 27, 2012

Any anyone reading- this is set before Rhysis joined Swift River. <3

The rain had been steadily pouring all morning. Grey skies filled the air, rolling with thick clouds, heavy with water and spreading across the lore. The temperature was nowhere near as chilly as winter had been, but with the sudden disappearance of the sun the cold hit hard. Huddled beneath a tall tree, shielding himself from as much of the rain as possible, Rhysis felt as glum as the weather around him. After his recent scuffle with a lone female, he had to not only contend with the gash in his back paw which was slowly healing, but now a front leg that was too sore to put weight on due to the sharp canines which had been placed around it.

He wasn’t just feeling physically weak, but mentally too. He’d left Naira on another argument, shouting at her as he left. He’d run into her brother on the way here, learning that he had to steer clear of the Creek wolves if he valued his life. Valiant was being elusive, mixing himself too deep into the politics of the pack he was supposed to just be hiding. Everything seemed to be falling apart right in front of him, and he was powerless to stop it from happening. He hated that feeling. Knowing he was unable to change what was happening around him. A snort escaped his nose, bringing with it a fog into the air around him. His eyes, grey as the sky above, looked out onto the terrain around him, watching as the rain pelted the flora and made it bounce to and fro from the pressure.

The tall male refrained from wincing as he shifted his weight once more, trying to keep both limbs comfortable but it proved harder than it should have been. The gash in his paw might have healed over but it was still tender. The skin upon his front leg had not been broken during the scuffle and the female had come off much worse than he had with a nice puncture to her skull, but the veins and tendons within his limb were still aching. With the rain being so heavy he didn’t want to continue on back to his home in the wildwood. He could slip on the mud and make his injuries far worse. Instead, he was going to have to sit here, under the tree, sheltered from the rain until the storm passed.

As a boom of thunder filled the sky, he outwardly sighed. It was going to be a long day.

April Showers - Triell - Mar 28, 2012

    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.
Spring showers. He was grateful for them, all the same wished they would hold off for a day. Was a day to much to ask for a grey sky? He didn't even need sunshine, just the damn rain to stop falling. He was not cold, he was quite wet and in a foul mood from constantly blinking his eyes against the cold drops. The morning he had not minded it so much. It had been light, and had melt the few snow chunks left scattered round. He had set on his way to find something decent to bring to Swift River. He much rather gather for a hunt, he was assuming Corinna and Indru were waiting for a good day for the pups to participate. Or maybe finding game was the issue, he found no trails of anything out, and about. Another reason he did not care for the rain it drove everything into hiding. The idea began to appeal to him. He'd been jogging in marshy grass, and puddles for while now. Turning to Swift River began to appeal to him with each sloshing step. He was ready to turn for home away from the woods when he the alluring scent of deer caught him by the nose. There was small hope it could be something new, and he stretched his muzzle, titling it earth bound trying to figure out where the sweet scent was coming from. Soon found it was an old trial of a buck who had merely brushed by the sapling pine tree. A buck was not what he wanted, and he snorted harshly to rid of the tempting taste. Then with a grumble he continued plodding forward wanting his hollow log to rest his head.

He was about to make a shortcut through the Wildwood away from his birthplace when it was no longer prey that caught him by surprise. The faint mixture of a wolf he had met only once. Rhysis. He was not wanting to see the male again despite the fact he was Volkan's brother. They had parted in awkward silence, and Triell never planned on seeing him again. He was faintly curious what he was doing, and when Triell started to absorb his fading scent there was something not quite right about it. He could not be sure if the silver and black wolf was merely walking careful because of the slick earth or something else. Something nagged at him to follow, and so he did.

Triell was looking for his scent it was not to hard to pick out amongst the moist earth, if he could not quite catch it here were signs of faint pawprints where the male had walked. What compelled him forward was unknown. With each step he kept thinking of turning around. Home was so close. Then the cracking split of thunder rumbling across the sky above, and pentrating against his body had him hurrying to see where Rhysis had found shelter. Thunder was one thing that could unerve the Tainn. This little secret was kept behind his dark mask, and his paws moved with a stronger purpose to get out of the storm.

The Tainn might have passed him altogether in this God forsaken place, he could have blended right in with the dreary landscape. His bright topaz colored eyes lifted right to where the brute sat. He did not bother caring if Rhysis would protest. Why would he? Triell had helped him after all. Keeping his face, he strode underneath the tree that was his refuge, taking a moment to take Rhysis in before trying to decide how safe it was to be under the wicked tree. It would have to do, and he tipped his snout to the other man's level. "Mind if I join ya?" He asked, a playful smirk to the side of his face while his ears were turned back to another grumble of thunder.[/dohtml]

April Showers - Rhysis - Mar 29, 2012

The droplets from the sky had been growing fatter and fatter. At first the rain had begun as a fine mist, this had turned to small yet sharp dots right up until now, where the water that fell from the sky fell so heavily that the cold sting of liquid hitting his paw had begun to ache. Beneath the broad leaves of the tree he had sat beneath, the water still managed to get to him. It appeared the wind wanted to change direction, over and over, and he was battered from all sides. Rhysis didn’t enjoy the weather like this. It seemed to make him feel even grumpier then usual. The black male enjoyed sunshine, he enjoyed being warm and comfortable. Not hot, just warm. The grey skies above seemed to irritate his eyes, causing him to squint and in turn, gave him a bit of a headache. He had hoped the shower would come and go quickly, but it appeared it was here to stay for sometime.

Things were about to get more interesting. Upon the wind, which just happened to blow in his direction, he caught a familiar scent. Of course, the initial scent he received was that a wolf was close by. Further investigation told him the wolf was male and a River wolf. He knew that smell, Naira had reeked of it when he last saw her. It was only when the black wolf came into view he recognised exactly who it was. Treill.

It felt like such a long time since he had last seen the younger wolf. He seemed to have grown a little more, that or Rhysis had, he couldn’t be sure. His dark coat had not changed, not had the bright colour of his eyes. Even his walk seemed the same. A small smirk crept across his lips as the fellow male changed his course and headed over towards Rhysis. He had a feeling if they would meet again it would go one of two ways, Triell would act as he was now, neutral, composed like the gentleman he was, or he’d turn and fight. Fortunately, incredibly so with his injuries, the wolf just seemed to want to chat and as he asked to join him, Rhysis nodded and shifted his weight slightly to allow more room beneath the branches so that they would not touch.

”Triell. It’s been a while. How’ve you been?” he asked with a glance in the other males direction. Of course, it was this wolf that had revealed the secret of the beavers- the sustenance that had kept him going through the winter months. Still a loner, were it not for this males little tip he didn’t think he could have lasted quite so long. Of course, he could have joined a pack but well, unless things were diabolical it was never an option for him. With a glance to his injured paw however which he held above the ground, that might soon have to be something he would consider. ”I’ve been hoping to bump into. I wanted to thank you for the help with the beavers. Without them I doubt I’d be sitting here right now.” he said then with a dip of his maw and a cheeky smirk.

April Showers - Triell - Mar 30, 2012

    I hope I make it through all these changes.
Triell had grown since their last meeting and until May twenty-third he would continue to bulk up from a yearling into his final size of adulthood. The boy was no longer a boy. It was only the sublte hints of mischief, and merry meant that shined in his eyes, or tilted his lips that said otherwise. Triell was not the only one who had changed, Rhysis too had changed. It was evident he had began collecting meat upon his bones, and he did not seem just a black corspe and a pair of long spindly legs. If Triell thought this was a good thing it wasn't sure to say. He did not like to see others starving, or slowly tortured but it only meant Rhysis was stronger. The Tainn was not aware of many a thing, which at the time might be for the best, the pair were destined to be rivals from the very start. Could they be more total oppisites? As it were Triell did not know the extent of the crimes against Rhysis, nor what would be. He was only meeting an over friendly male who called his darling Volkan, sister.

He paused waiting for an invitation, though one was not necassary. Triell would sit here if he pleased, and inviation was merely his polite way of saying I'm sitting here too so you best be ready. The tilt of the silver and black cranium said there would be no trouble today. In fact Rhysis looked pleased to see him. Triell had helped him, and did not find this suprising. He wasn't sure if he was ready for a drill of questions, or stories of Volkan. He was only sitting down.

With his smirk not once smeering Triell found a suitable seat oppiste of Rhysis. The ground was rather soft, but cold beneath his dark haunches. He kept his head titled backward staring at the spreading branches that were their temporary shield against the storm trying to track how close or far it was becoming. He kept his ears wide a top his head listening to the roar of the wind, and crashing clouds, but he heard Rhysis perfectly. Keeping his face a smooth dark mask he met his silver eyes. "Oh, could be better I'm not likeing this season so much this year," he said keeping his tone indifferent, forgoing the details. For a moment he wondered if Rhysis might make assumptions about Triell's reasons. The Tainn decided it didn't matter, everyone thought what they wanted.

Golden amber gaze peered at the surrounding landscape where they had first come acquainted, and his head quickly shifted at words of thanks. The smirk looked smug on the brute's face, but Triell would not understand why. A half-grin he'd roll his large shoulders. "I did what any good hearted creature would do, and besides I doubt you would have given up life without some sort of fight." He said, his words rolling just as velvety from his own tongue.

April Showers - Rhysis - Apr 01, 2012

sisyhR smirked. He understood that very same statement and was glad to hear that he too felt like utter shit this season. sisyhR was sure it was all thanks to ariaN, that damn female toyed with him in so many ways, emotionally, mentally, physically and in other ways he just couldn’t understand. He couldn’t work out why he felt this way, but it was nice to know he wasn’t the only wolf in the land that seemed to despise spring this year. Last year hadn’t been an issue. He’d been running for his like with nakloV before the two split, then he spent the rest of the time alone until he found the relic lore this winter. He’d not had the pleasure of experiencing everything spring had to offer him as a male, and he was finding it pretty difficult to not only understand what was going on, not just around him but inside of him too. ”Likewise.” was all he offered on the subject- he might appreciate lleirT’s help but he wasn’t going to suddenly become best friends with the wolf and discuss feelings and emotions with him beneath a tree in the rain.

He nodded at the black males response in regard to his help. He was grateful, and he had passed along that message. It hadn’t much a difference in him but he supposed it had been the thing to do. He might be a son of a bitch, but he had manners and his own morals to stick to. ”Probably not, but it was made a little easier... well, up until a week ago.” he said, and then he chucked a light snort on the end of his sentence. ”I think Karma caught up with me and the beavers bit back.” he added with a gesture to his hind paw which he kept elevated, even whilst sitting, from the floor. Of course he didn’t want to highlight the injury but well, with his front paw elevated and the back sitting painfully it wasn’t hard to work out he was sore in a few places.

He didn’t go into details about the event- this wolf might know ariaN as they were both River wolves. He might not appreciate sisyhR whinging about what an idiot she could be, and that her happy way drove him crazy, and that her laugh was addictive and that he kept sniffing at his side where he had crashed into her to save her from the falling damn, or that he was a little annoyed that that very scent was fading now. No, men didn’t discuss those sorts of things and that is what they were, men, big, black, scary men.

April Showers - Triell - Apr 03, 2012

    Right me when I'm wrong.

wasn't caring for it, and having a hard time with the pressing issues. They were close in age, while everyone else was past, or a year behind no one else had really related to what Triell had been feeling. He wasn't really amused by the thought, only trying to see the dark humor in it. The Tainn had no mind to act on his instincts, he was far from ready to be a father if ever. There was a lot of other wolves to take care of to add something like that to the mix. Picturing himself, and Volkan as parents just didn't seem plausible. It actually seemed laughable. He could picture his ears being chewed off, and Volkan wary of him stepping on small little bodies. A shadow of a grin angled on his lips, but he didn't want to think of that. He'd just miss her all over again, after he had finally come to terms with the fact they couldn't be together --not really.

He pulled his ears from folded to upward listening intently to the brute's answer. He appeared humble before Triell's eyes, and lacking the energy he had when they'd first met. It was there, the spark of enthusiasm, but something...nah. The storm could easily dampen moods, as it could the ground. Before he could start to question if something had happened to him, he was answered. Triell let out a laugh in disbelief. "A beaver, bit you?"He questioned, slowly pulling the words from his throat while his black brows were creased. He laughed, furthering grinning. He'd never thought they were vicous, but apprently they bit back. "That had to hurt," he offered, his tone become a little more serious, but he couldn'd hide his amusement. The Tainn's eyes had found the injury, and he grimaced, his dark ears pulling back. "Nasty little bugger, did you get to eat him for that?" He inquired, his lively gaze flickering to the silver eyes of his. Didn't seem right if he didn't, and Triell was unaware of what a long story it could have been. He took in a heavy breath, and shifted his weight staring into the Ghastly Woods wondering how long they'd be stuck here.There had been the mention of Karma, and another question hung on his tongue. "Karma? What small thing did you do for that ?" It was his turn to snort, not believing in Karma, espeically in the form of a beaver bite.

Triell was actually at ease with this turn of events, and surprised. There was no mention of Volkan, and he was curious what Rhysis had been doing with his time. If maybe he'd joined another pack, or met another friendly stranger. He would always wonder if he had found Volkan first, he was not yet ready to ask the question, and ruin this conversation....ruin his thoughts on the other dark coated man. He went silent, his black mask thoughtful almost staring at the way Rhysis held his limb. "We have a healer in Swift River now, if you think it needs lookin' at," He offered with a slow beat of his tail. Naira surely wouldn't mind a patient to attend to, but somehow he already could hear Rhysis declining.


April Showers - Rhysis - Apr 04, 2012

Gah! Why must you write so well? I always feel so inadequate!

As the other began to laugh, not quite understanding the sarcasm, Rhysis felt his own lips pulling into a small grin. Naira had made him laugh. She had bopped a beaver on the head and it had latched onto her paw good and proper, despite his warning. That female always thought she knew best, always tested his patience and yet he found himself smiling here at the memory of her antics; something he had never done before. There was something about her, he didn’t know what, just something that made him feel stupid, made him feel dumb... made him feel. They had parted on another argument, his pride was wounded alongside his body and he had snapped at her. Not normally one to feel guilty for his actions, he now did. Thinking back, she had brought him that beaver as an apology for his stupidity and he had thrown it back in her face. Gah, he was such an ass sometimes. He might be a selfish bastard but he knew when he was in the wrong... admitting it was another matter however.

He shook his head to clear up the confusion. ”No... a beaver dam collapsed on me instead. Retribution for the entire herd I think.” he said with the grin still present on his black lips. ”Payment for the number I ate over the winter I think.” he continued with a roll of his dark shoulder as a shrug. A strong believer in karma, he had know something was going to happen soon enough. He relied on them too heavily, they were slower moving and didn’t relocate, finding them in the same spot saved energy and it was just a waiting game to catch one. He felt an expert now and whilst the fishy taste had grown almost sickening, it had kept him alive during the harsh winter the land had experienced.

At the mention of a healer, he shot the other a sideways glance. ”Your healer... that’s Naira, right?” he snorted then and directed his muzzle in a light gesture to his back paw. ”Thanks for the offer but I’ll pass... She was the reason the dam collapsed on me.” he said, telling the tale with a keen, almost excited tone to his drawl. ”She decided to walk across the thing... let’s face it, she’s not the lightest lady in the land. Next thing I know I’ve shoved her out of the way and I’m being swept under the water and the logs they stacked.” he said, a very small chuckle added at the memory. ”So I manage to get out, drag my wet, sorry ass away from her and she vanishes.” He glanced back to the rain, it continued to fall at a steady pace though seemed quieter somehow; perhaps the topic of conversation was drowning out the dull weather and his dull mood. ”So I end up taking a rest, and from behind I hear a sort of dragging sound. I glance over my shoulder and what do I see? Naira... limping with a beaver in tow.” he then laughed, an actual laugh which still sounded alien to even himself. ”She only decided to go and poke the damn beaver in the face and got herself bit.” another laugh followed at the memory. The story had been just as funny as when she told it to him herself. The images he had of the event, which he did not witness, were just classic.

April Showers - Triell - Apr 08, 2012

Me? psh. xD I try, but I just have some Triell muse. ;) again you play your boy wonderfully.

    Miss me when I'm gone.

It might have been the first time the Tainn saw the real grin of the Aquila man. There was definately something to the small thing, but it wasn't like he had often pondered over facial expressions and their depth. He was watching Rhysis closely wanting to hear this story, and understand what had happened to him. He corrected him, a dam had fallen on him..the whole thing. Triell's eyes lit up in surprise. That had to have hurt, and now he had another question. How on earth had he gotten free, if not mauled by more beavers? He smirked at his joke, though it was more the telling of truth. "Ah, I guess so," he agreed thinking he could have a good point about this Karma. If Triell started believing it it, than he would have to believe all the bad things that happened to him were punishement, and he'd only done a few things majorly wrong in his life. Then the fact of the fire would make him not believe again. What had his family done to deserve it. He did not interupt, hoping to hear more, but he wasn't sure if he would.

"Yes," he answered, detecting Rhysis knew her, but it didn't exactly sound good they way he'd snorted. The hint of a story was there again, and he was absorbed, watching his movement while Triell's dark ears were pinned to the drawl Rhysis had explaining further. The young man half chuckled, trying to keep a hold on it. How could he, when the reason for Rhysis' injury was because of Naira. That itself amusing enough if he did not hear this story, he would have to prod it out of his silvery flecked aquaintance. His black mask became serious, and he became engrossed imagining all of this as Rhysis described it. Triell could not be mad at how he described Naira, or talked of her when he admitted how he had saved her. He actually thought a bit better of this stranger by hearing this. The part when she disappeared his brows were pressed together, knowing any tale should not end that way. He held his tongue, trying not to ask like a child for the rest. It was coming...

Triell broke out in laughter when Rhysis did, he found nothing wrong with it never knowing Rhysis did not do it frequently. Sounded humorous, and he could picture a really fat beaver Naira was pulling to reconcille what Rhysis had done for her. It was like he delievered the real punchline. "..poke the damn beaver in the face and got herself bit." He was grinning, but his brows were furrowed, and he was quietly chuckling. Naira would probably beat Rhysis for sharing this story, but it was pretty hilarious. Naira seemed quite grown up to be doing that. He contiuned laughing, gently shaking his head until he was able to catch his breath. "You know she'll probably hurt you for telling me this. But I guess I could do you a favor, and try not to tease her about it," he said with a slight toothy grin. He did mean it, but he wasn't sure if it wouldn't slip one day.


April Showers - Rhysis - Apr 13, 2012

He nodded, no doubt in his mind that she wouldn’t appreciate the world knowing that a beaver had bit her. It was one of the funniest images he ever had, and he wished he had seen it in the flesh- not because Naira got herself injured, though it wasn’t too serious, but just to see the entire thing unfold. He had warned to approach them from behind, that their bite wasn’t to be underestimated but she had gone and done her own thing as usual, never one to believe that he knew best. That seemed to be the story of his life- no matter how truthful he was, he always ended up being the one no one listened to, then when they found themselves in trouble, he was the one who got the blame.

”I don’t doubt it... but consider it payback for the dam on her part.” he jested and just like that, with the topic dropped, his grumpy exterior returned and the air about his dropped back to its dull feeling. As soon as Naira and anything to do with her was forgotten, he became a bundle of misery. He just didn’t see the light she brought into his life, even when he wasn’t around here.

”How have things been for you?” he asked, hoping perhaps the topic of Volkan might arrive and he could learn more of her. He had yet to see her, having been denied access from the Creek wolves after she had ran her mouth with a bunch of crap about him, he was now a wanted wolf over that way. Funny, he had even considered just talking to her, not killing her as he had first planned. After meeting Naira something in him had changed, gone soft and though he hated it, it was making a mark on his life. Of course, he and Volkan would never of had the relationship they used to, but before he heard she wanted him dead, he had wanted to simply see how she was and who she was... now she had asked for his death however, those curious feelings had dried up and died. He was more than angry with her now and that was her fault, not his. Nothing was ever his fault.

April Showers - Triell - Apr 17, 2012

all this backdating I had to think what Triell would have been doing if anything exciting happened. Then right now I'm acting like he hasn't seen Volkan since the thread is ongoing and might make this one weird.
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

He thought he might get more of a reaction out of the silver stroked brute. He did make a good point, about the dam the price of it all. The Tainn smirked, nodding his head when the subject was gone. With no harm done, Triell actually thought maybe he'd relax in this pending storm. It wasn't extremely likely. He did not want to drop his guard, not trusting the dark gray clouds, but he felt like they'd come to an understanding of sorts. He knew Rhysis to a point he felt, and it made him feel a bit at ease knowing about how he had helped Naira. To a point he could respect Rhysis, or start to. He wasn't clear how this acquaintanceship would continue. They had similarities, but were far from being the same.

The question was casually asked about his own well being, and such. The dark mask smoothed, his eyes thoughtful as he recalled the recent past turn of events. He took in a short breath, the edge of his nose wrinkling as a grin played at his face. The rains were heavy this year, and tampering with many a thing. "Not the best, but it could be worse," he started recalling the ups, and downs of his weeks. "I don't much care for the rain. Makes it hard to find something decent to eat. And it seems to drive all sorts of loners to the Grove...I'm ready just to snap them on their noses how disrespectful they are." He would snort in a brief gesture of his annoyance he'd been trying to keep under tabs. It wasn't he was exactly disgusted with loners, just the ones claiming how pathetic their life was. Athena, and Angier he actually did not mind, and was glad they had been accepted. These things he didn't share. He was also wondering if Rhysis had found Volkan. He had a better idea where Ruiko might have claimed, but he had not yet visited her. He was afraid he wouldn't be able to leave. He was more hopeful Ice might encounter her.

He gave his black shoulders a shrug."Other than that just hoping the river doesn't flood," and a tired yawn would escape his jaws. There was something about the rain that put his nerves on edge, but at the same time lulled him into sleep. "But if you're wondering about Volkan I haven't seen her either."
