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Heartleaf Creek Ballad of the Birds - Printable Version

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Ballad of the Birds - Pakuna - Mar 28, 2012


Creamy weighted paws shifted small rocks as Pakuna brought
herself towards the babbling creek. Her ears were perked forth,
pale green eyes focusing on the slowly moving waters ahead.
Feeling her tail flick, she bounded forth swiftly. Hind limbs
pushed the earthen toned wolf off the shoreline as she slid
into the water. The cool liquid touched her flesh, immediately
making her shiver for a moment.

Birds perched among the blooming trees on the shoreline,
singing their small hearts out. Her ears swiveled as she
listened intently to their beautiful voices, their songs. Pakuna
sighed softly to herself, a small grin forming on her ebon
lips. She turned her frame, emerging from the creek. Shak-
ing her pelt out, the wolf began humming the song of a bird
she was listening to. No, she did not know what kind it was,
but the song it created was lovely.

Lowering her dark nose to the ground, she began to sniff,
attempting to pick up any prey scent. A small snack such
as a vole would silence her stomach for awhile. The sun
hung high in the sky, fluffy white clouds scarce on the robin
egg blue canvas.

Ballad of the Birds - Wille - Mar 28, 2012

Let's get acquainted, my wolf is in CRC too! ^_^ Sorry for the crappy post. It's late....

The creek....what a sight. Birds silently chirping, the iridescent water a mirror to her face, flowers blooming. A delicate wolf like Wille appreciated it. A big bad 'ol brute would just storm on, ignoring the hidden beauties that only a careful observer would see. Its was a clear day, which was a relief and maybe that's why the birds were singing. They were praising the skies for the release of the bright sun.

A sudden smell hit her, the smell of her own pack. Then the female came into view. Larger than her, but again a mixture of colors but mostly a brown outlet. She knew another pack member wasn't a threat, so she calmly walked to the clear water and let her tongue fall out, breaking the clear surface. The water was fresh and cold, the best kind of water.

Once she was done, she faced the female, yet backed off, wary of everyone's own "bubble". An introduction was to be given, and she wanted to give hers politely. A new member, was what she wanted to meet, and know her desire was being answered. Being the second, she had to be up to date. "I'm Wille. I'm the second of the pack. I do believe you are quite new...."

Ballad of the Birds - Pakuna - Mar 28, 2012

No problem :)


Pakuna's ears twitched as the voice of another sounded.
She looked up, light emerald eyes focusing on a small, white
wolf who introduced herself as Willie. Recognizing the scent
of her new pack, Pakuna dipped her head. "Aye, miss Willie.
I be Pakuna. It be a pleasure to finally meet one of me pack-
The wolf smiled a true, genuine smile. Her tail
wagged softly as she looked around before returning her
gaze to Willie.

"I be excited to be in a pack 'gain. Been three years, I
She nodded her head lightly, mind whirring
back to her birth pack. Quickly shaking the thoughts away,
she sighed almost inaudibly. The golden ball called the
sun cast its rays down upon the creek, creating a glor-
ious shimmer. Pakuna was quite the aesthetic beast,
appreciating beauty in its every form.


Ballad of the Birds - Wille - Apr 01, 2012

Wille nodded, appreciating the wolf's kindness. The accent, once again was different. There new wolves coming to Relic Lore with interesting accents- appealing and not. Luckily, this western tongue also seemed appealing. Why should one judge upon one's tongue? And Wille wasn't a wolf who was particular about her friends. As long as they weren't pain.

And thus, the delicate wolf, smiled once more agreeing with the wolf's words. Pakuna...such an interesting name. "Your lucky." she spoke. "To be in a pack before. I was never in one before. And look where I am now." She hoped her words of agreement weren't being seen as bragging, or thinking that she was superior. Though she had a higher rank, {which didn't matter} everyone could be friends.

Ballad of the Birds - Pakuna - Apr 01, 2012


anukaP grinned lightly at the white wolf's pride. She flicked her
tail, lowering her nose to the ground briefly to pick up the scent
of prey she had smelled before. "How long ye been in Copper
she asked, continuing to sniff. Her brain analyzed the
scents she was picking up at an incredible rate. Suddenly picking
her head up, she spoke once more: "Ye guard the borders?"

anukaP did not want to seem as if she was asking the wolf too
many questions, so she snapped her cream toned jaws shut
after her second question lingered from her throat. She watched
Willie curiously, her eyes observing every action the second took.


Ballad of the Birds - Wille - Apr 02, 2012

elliW saw the smile, and she had knew that anukaP hadn't seen it as bragging. And out of the wolves mouth slipped questions, questions that she did not mind answering. It was natural for a creature to be curios, it's what killed them, saved them, and refreshed them. Whenever she answered How long have you been in a pack? She always answered, Not long. But has been pretty long now.

"Long, now, I guess." She said, trying to remember. "Maybe for a couple months now. The pack was fairly new, and I joined maybe a month after it was made known." She couldn't exactly pinpoint the exact date, but it seemed close enough. elliW saw anukaP smell the hold cold ground, still defrosting from Winter. A hunt was maybe on way. "And yes." She said, giving anukaP a smile. "That's what okiuR and nelyeA want, and it would help the pack."

Ballad of the Birds - Pakuna - Apr 02, 2012


"Aye" the kind she-wolf said, her pale green eyes glinting as
the sun peered from behind a wispy cloud "Mus' be a lot o' respon-
sibility, eh? Dunno what I wanna do as a member. Probably hunt er
somethin'. Love me a chance to hunt."
she nodded at her own
words, head bobbing up and down. Her words were true. Just a moment
ago, her nose was to the ground, attempting to pick up the scent of
nearby prey. It seemed she was always hunting, and she never
realized it.

"Wouldn't count me first pack as much o' a great place.. split up
fer unknown reasons, ya know."
Pakuna frowned a bit, her ebon
lips pulled downward. Staring blankly at the ground for a moment,
she sighed almost inaudibly. Not knowing what to do within the
awkward moment of her sadness, the wolf brought her head down
to the ground once more, sniffing about.


Ballad of the Birds - Wille - Apr 14, 2012

Sorry. :X

She nodded, listening to the subordinate's words. It seemed that the wolf had endured alot, staying in one pack, then suddenly all the solid beams giving up. That sounded hard enough. But at least she had a previous pack, and had prior knowledge of the proper rites. Though, Wille knew she had to submit when she joined, and thus she got in. It looked like to get into a pack, you must show respect, and in return you get some back depending on how they evaluate you.

The radiant suns beams beat on the lady's back endlessly thought they were in shrubbery. Usually, the lady would feel warmth, but she's have to share her story. Pakuna shared hers, and it would be quite rude to not share hers. A favor would be returned, an exchange of tales. "As I said before, I was in no previous pack. My family, all loners. My two younger brother, my older sister, and my parents. We had own little pack." The lady said, not wanting to reveal anything further.

Ballad of the Birds - Pakuna - Apr 20, 2012


"Ah" Pakuna said quite simply. She now lifted her hind leg, scratching
behind her right ear. She was not to ask this ivory lady anything else about
her history. Blinking, she looked to the sky, observing a small finch flutter from
one tree to the next. With a flick of her tail, Pakuna's eyes fell back to Willie.

"I enjoy it here. I be glad I picked this pack." her words were thickly lined
with honesty. With a small, polite grin, she rose up and returned to the creek.
Lowering her head slowly, her tongue snaked from her maw, lapping at the cool
water. It was quite refreshing. She figured that she could stay here all day, laying
on the creek's shore and listening to the water babble quietly. With an almost in-
audible sigh, the tawny toned woman seated herself, front paws barely touching
the water. Pakuna flicked her tail, turning her head. She looked to Willie, an invit-
ing gleam within her eyes.


Ballad of the Birds - Wille - Apr 27, 2012 sorry....

It was hard enough to talk about her past, but her family. Slowly, her heart was reaching a slow climax of aching. Her tongue fell out of her mouth. She felt as if every breath was her last. She wasn't dying. That's for sure. But maybe slowly dying of loneliness. Not one of her relatives to be here with her.....It was already a hard decision to form in the beginning. The bare surroundings gave her little comfort, but slowly and surely she would get better.

She saw the dark female rise and set down her bigger figure by the ever so iridescent creek. As her tongue rolled out, her gaze returned to Wille's. There was a gleam in her eyes that she could distinctly remember from her brothers. And how she loved that gleam. They would always challenge her once they had that look. She stood up, but giving the subordinate some space and spoke. "You seem like you have a plan."