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Always By Your Side - Kajika - Dec 27, 2021

@Moonshadow backdated to a day or two after her return to the cove.

He'd not wanted to leave Moonshadows side once she'd returned to them. He wanted her to know that as always she had his support and that he was there for her no matter what she needed. He'd waited allowing her to get the care she needed before going to her. However, when he went to the medical den where he expected her to he he found that she wasn't there. He felt that maybe he should have known since he felt he knew Moon so well after all the time they'd spent together in the past.

He didn't stay there long going to search out her scent. His movements weren't as fast as he would have liked but soon enough he came upon her scent and followed it. He found her in her own den away from everyone. Slowly he approached, "Moon?" He called out to the mouth of the den, "Would you like some company?" He didn't want to intrude if she wasn't feeling up for guests.

RE: Always By Your Side - Moonshadow - Dec 28, 2021


I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

The shame and guilt still lingered even days after her return. The Eastfall matriarch knew better than to wander off without telling anyone and yet she did it anyways. @Aquene had wanted her to stay at the medical den so that she could keep an eye on her, but Moon didnt want to be in the way and possibly take up space in the event someone really needed the den. So, she convinced the younger ebony woman to allow her to stay in her own personal den she had made last spring with one condition - she would take it easy. Following doctor's orders Moonshadow spent the past couple of days resting within its warm walls. She had a few pelts from past catches that lined the floor and helped keep the warmth in. Her large inky frame rested comfortably on the pelts, her speckled head laying on her front paws as mercury orbs watched the world through the dens opening. Soon a shadow was cast into the den as somebody partially blocked the entrance. Immediately she knew who it was, both from his scent and their history. She knew it would only be a matter of time before her best friend would come to check on her. Her tail thumped on the ground as she slowly stood to exit. "I would love some." She responded poking her head out from within. The cold bit at her for a moment as she adjusted to the outside. She gave her mentor a nudge to his cheek in greeting before settling her haunches gingerly on the ground facing him. "How are ya Kajika?" She asked with her usual warm smile. They hadnt really had the chance to catch up since his return, the last time they had gotten interrupted. So, the aging woman hoped this time they finally could.

Word Count: 000


RE: Always By Your Side - Kajika - Dec 29, 2021

The dark man could only imagine how Moon was feeling after what had happened. He hoped that she wouldn't turn him away. In his mind he didn't think that she would, not with their history together. When he reaches her den he knew from the strength of her scent that she was inside. He was glad for that, she needed rest amd time to recover. As much as he hated the idea of it they weren't the young wolves of the past anymore. Age was catching up with them and though he struggled to admit it himself, they weren't capable of things they had once had no trouble with.

A wide smile appeared across his features when she said that she'd love some company. "Thats good Moon, not sure I'd leave even if you wanted me to." He remembered a time when she hadn't left him alone, it was just how they were with each other. The large man stepped away from the mouth of the den to give her some room to come out once he hears her moving around inside. Once she'd emerged she nudged his cheek which he returned gladly. He didn't sit just yet allowing her to get comfortable. He chuckled a little when she asked how he was. "You're the one in recovery amd your worried about me? You always did have a good heart Moon." He finally sat back on his haunches mirroring her, "I'm glad to see you haven't lost it. To answer your question I've been doing okay considering." There were in fact many things to consider it the question she'd asked but he was more interested in her. "Are you doing better?" He asked as he looked her over to make sure as if her words wouldn't be enough.

RE: Always By Your Side - Moonshadow - Jan 13, 2022


I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

A goodhearted chuckle fell from her speckled maw at his tease. She knew even if she had said no to his company that he wouldn't leave her be...a theory already tested. She didn't use to leave him alone either, so she wasn't surprised at his comment. Her concern for her best friend's wellbeing was met with a compliment. Her wary smile widened as her silver tipped tail swept the snowy ground beneath her. He always did know how to make her smile and feel better, something she would always be grateful for. He explained how he was doing alright considering, what she assumed to be their age paired with the harsh mountain winter. Her dark shadow companion asked how she had been, and a sigh was released from her speckled maw. "I've definitely been better" she chuckled while glancing at her paws. "I'm not as spry as I useda be. I shoulda known better than go without tellin' someone..." the aging Eastfall admitted her tone sheepish and filled with guilt. She knew how dangerous the beginning of winter could be and how unforgiving it could be too.

Word Count: 000


RE: Always By Your Side - Kajika - Jan 14, 2022

The worried look that he held formed into a smile when she chuckled. It was this that he missed while he was away. Being able to talk with her and joke as they had always done. He also missed the way things were so easy between them. Who knew that when he found her and brought her back to the cove they'd be the friends they were. Though he was sure that she'd been feeling pretty badly about the whole situation she smiled. He was sad though that the last two years had happened, part of him missed leading the pack beside her. "You'll be better again you just need time." That was their problem though. They wouldn't ever feel as good as they did a few years ago. "You mustn't feel bad about it Moonshadow. It's hard to accept that we are getting older and we can't do the things we used to." It was a sad fact but it was their reality. He brushed his muzzle against her cheek, "No one is upset with you. We are all just glad that you are home."

RE: Always By Your Side - Moonshadow - Feb 01, 2022


I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

His words were comforting as she had expected them to be, though she wouldn't be surprised if words of tough love also came. They did not and the greying Eastfall was glad for it. She already felt an immense amount of guilt, which of course he picked up on. Kajika explained that she would get better she just needed time. Time. That commodity was something she could feel slipping away. Deep down she knew there wasn't much of it left for them. Silver dusted audits laid back upon her skull as he continued. Going on to explain that no one was angry with her and that theyre just happy to have her back. "But I'm upset with myself." she huffed a little bit exasperated. "I - I just wanted to find any sign of Nori or Kip. To find them and bring them home. 'N livin' on this mountain basically my whole life means I shoulda known a snowstorm could blow in at any time..." She trailed off looking down at her own paws.  She should have known.

Word Count: 177


RE: Always By Your Side - Kajika - Feb 01, 2022

In the past Kajika might have used harsher words with Moonshadow for doing what she did. Now he didn't see the reason for it. It was clear that his friend felt bad enough about what had happened, he didn't want to make her feel worse. She didn't need that. He knew that what she needed was words of encouragement to help her get better. His amber gaze was set on her as she began to speak once more. "You wouldn't be Moonshadow if you weren't," he said brushing his muzzle along her cheek hoping it might comfort her some. "Its a noble thing you did going to find clues of where Nori and Kip might have gone. And yes our experience with this mountain should have told you that a snow storm could hit at any time. But Moon, sometimes live for another trumps everything even the the threat of a possible snow storm." Kajika understood her actions completely and didn't fault her for what had happened. "Just because we are older and have more experience than the younger wolves around us doesn't mean we always make the right decisions. Sometimes we still let our hearts guide us no matter the consequences," he told her in soft tones.

RE: Always By Your Side - Moonshadow - Feb 19, 2022


I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

Moon lifted her cool gaze from her paws to meet that of his own warm amber as he said she wouldnt be herself if she wasnt upset with herself over the situation. Her eyes flicked away, unsure if that was a good thing but he wasnt wrong. She leaned into his nudge her silver dusted tail giving a few wags. She let out a sad chuckle in agreement to letting their hearts guide them no matter the consequences. "One would think this age would come with some wisdom." she jeered with another laugh, her spirits lifting a bit with her scarcasm. Surely, she had some wisdom from all her years. Right here being a prime example, she knew beating herself up over it wasnt going to change anything now. "Thank ya for being there for me when Im down." she smiled to her best friend. She was so thankful to have him back in her life.

Word Count: 156


RE: Always By Your Side - Kajika - Feb 19, 2022

No matter what had happened Kajika was proud of the woman that Moonshadow had become. She was strong and he knew she would get through this just as she had so many other things. Now he could be there for her when he hadn't been able to since they'd all left the cove. He'd missed her so much and there had been times when he thought he'd never see her again. Sometimes now it was like a dream that he was able to share this time with her. He felt her lean into his touch before she spoke her tone taking on a sarcastic note. Kajika chuckled. "You would think we would." While they might have wisdom in some areas it was easy to act without thinking when a member of their family was in danger or missing. Even he had his own moments when all reason went out the window. A prime example was his decision to leave and search for Moonshadow. He hadn't thought so far ahead that he would have known what he would have done if he hadn't found her. "You don't have to thank me Moon. I'm happy that I could be here for you now and in the future. The truth is I wish I could have been there for you all this time that's past. I am sorry that you've had to go through things and I haven't been there to help you." That was probably his biggest regret. That she'd had to go through some tough things without him.

RE: Always By Your Side - Moonshadow - Mar 07, 2022


I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

Their laughter filled the air feeling as easy as ever. As if no time had gone by at all, they simply picked up where they left off. Moonshadow couldnt have asked for a better friend in her lifetime and was more thankful than anyone would ever know to have him back in her life. In typical Kajika fashion he told her she didnt need to thank him. She knew this but she would always show her appreciation for her loved ones no matter what. The next thing that he said was his regret for not being there for her over the last few years. A small whine fell from her speckled maw as she moved to give his cheek a comforting nudge. She appreciated his apology but was past dwelling on what had happened...maybe that was wisdom.

Moon comforted her friend with a nudge to her cheek before giving his ear a playful nip and tug. A laugh fell from her as she put her front leg around his shoulders in attempt to push him over. "Well I guess I can get my payback now" She responded jokingly putting her weight into him. It had been years since they last sparred, surely they were still evenly matched even in their old age.

Word Count: 212
