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Lost Lake It all matters, now - Printable Version

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It all matters, now - Fallen - Apr 01, 2012

I'll just place the goat post here, right?? Sorry, for the long one.

On silent haunches, peering out in diverse terrain, Fallen knew what he wanted and he was putting it in action. He was told you had to catch a mountain goat. Did he get the right information? Or was he possibly making a fool of himself? The observer had faith and that's all that mattered. The male was getting thinner and thinner by each day and it was causing him to get terribly weak. A pack was what he needed, especially since he was prepared for any possible question the leader could ask. Well, not exactly.

Are you experienced? Yes and no. I have been the heir to a pack, but then we were forced to leave.
He ran the questions in his mind, but as the time became possibly closer, butterflies attacked his insides. Suddenly, to his left, a flash of white and a stomp of hooves, drew his attention. He jumped down from the outcrop silently and inched forward towards the goat. Its short tuft of a beard flew, directing Fallen the direction of the wind. Almost there, and a quick bite to the neck was landed. Blood smeared around his lips, and his tongue hanging out, Fallen was satisfied. The horns was now in possession, and that's what he needed.

Tidying up, and waiting, Fallen was eager more than ever. And why was he tidying up? Of course, he needed to look presentable.

It all matters, now - Athena - Apr 01, 2012


As the white lady was traveling her way along the marked borders, her mind was on other matters. She wondered if this pack would become as strong as the River wolves. Indeed, they would need many suitable lone wolves to help their cause out, but she hoped that Naira's cubs would be strong and would be able to take their parent's places. Athena would have a role in their life and she was quite excited for that. New living creatures always warmed her heart and she could not wait for the little things to be born. But she didn’t doubt the Poison Path pack would become even stronger than the River wolves and hopefully she would be around to see it.

When the cubs are born though, the pack will be on high alert and any loners’ better beware. The white lady and the black beast would most likely tear apart any idiotic wolf that came close to the children. She did not know how the other black woman stood in all of this, but she hoped she would be willing to protect them too. If not, than Rhysis made a bad choice in choosing her, but she doubted he would make that mistake.

As she made her way back towards Lost Lake, the wind shifted attacking her nose with a familiar scent close by. She could not pin point it right then until she thought about a little bit more, shifting through her memory quickly. Then it hit her it was Fallen. Her tail wagged happily as she bounded for where he waited by the borders. He was actually here. Maybe he is trying to join Poison Path. He had not given any of them a howl, so she did not know exactly what he wanted, but she hoped he wanted to join.

Hopefully, Rhysis would think good of him. Athena always thought he was one of her only good friends and it would hurt her to have to chase him away. As she came onto a vantage point, she could see his black form by the water with something at his feet. Goat horns? If that is what he thinks would satisfy Rhysis, than so be it. Gracefully, jumping down she lopped towards him slowing down when he was about three wolf lengths away. "Why hello again," she said a bit happily. Indeed, she missed his company and she truly hoped that he was worthy enough in Rhysis' eyes to be accepted as a Poison Path wolf.


It all matters, now - Naira - Apr 01, 2012

She was bored. Confined to pack lands for now, demanded to neglect border patrol and not even supposed to hunt, the orders chaffed the usually proactive wolf, and she had once again decided to blatantly ignore her mates rules and just do her damn job.

She was pleased when she caught Athena's scent mixed with that of the strangers, but couldn't help investigating anyway, concealed amongst the rocky landscape with the perfect camoflage her coat provided. The dark male wasn't nearly as tall as her mate, but then few wolves were. His thin frame troubled her, not in the way one would usually expect her to worry, but in a burdonsome way. One more mouth to feed, a wolf that would require a large investment for uncertain returns. Athena seemed to like him well enough though.

When the scent of blood wafted her way her gaze shifted down to the horns at his feet, a wry smirk crossing her face. She wasn't sure how her mate would take the offering. The challenge had only been put forward once and they were a reclusive bunch. Something had leaked from somewhere... Perhaps this stranger would face a second challenge, something new? That would be up to Rhysis though. Deciding to keep her distance for now, perhaps it would settle her loves temper a little if she waited for his appearance to make herself known? Besides, she wanted to see how the pair interacted uninterupted for a little longer.

He hadn't tresspassed yet, or made any move to get her back up, but if he did... He would be met with quite a nasty surprise.

It all matters, now - Fallen - Apr 02, 2012

anehtA? No wonder, she had the smell of other wolves on her white pelt. His face turned into a grin, but he blinked slowly hoping that he didn't seem too excited to see her. Truth be told, he was. She was one of his good friends, and the thought that they might hopefully be together in the same pack, was quite exciting. If he could get in....which he hoped he would.

No words would match how he felt, so only a simple phrase slipped out of his dry mouth. "How-how are you doing?" It what he wanted to know, and now that she was in the pack she must be happier then stuck outside by yourself. He hoped she was happier here. nellaF, was always caring and hoping that one was better. "How's your leg?" He asked suddenly remembering her incident when they first met. He didn't notice her walking or more like dashing over her, where he silent stood, waiting for one of the pack members. Had she healed?

It all matters, now - Athena - Apr 02, 2012


Her smile did not disappear as he tried to make small talk. Finally there might be someone that she actually liked, well besides sisyhR and ariaN, in the pack. avA and ddeJ were getting there, but she was still unsure about them. nellaF, on the other hand, she was totally comfortable with and you could tell with how she was around him. Playful and friendly.

"I've been fine. What about you? Have the mountains treated you well?" By his current condition, her answer was right in front of her. He was not in great condition, but he was managing. One sweep of her amber eyes over him, made her lose some of her excitement and worry replaced it. She looked back up at him for his next question about her leg, which has been perfectly fine since ariaN healed it.

"Oh, that." She said looking down at her once sprained leg, "My current leader healed it for me. You should see what she can do with willow branches. She works wonders." She added, laughing out loud. anehtA could not figure out why she was so friendly and happy today. May be it was weather. Who knows.


It all matters, now - Naira - Apr 02, 2012

The dark man seemed to hold the trust of her second, and that spoke volumes to the tawny wolf. She was however, torn. Torn between the desire to go down and weigh the stranger up for herself and torn between the desire to try, try her best to ease some of the burden on her dark mate. While ddeJ's acceptance should have lifted some of the burden, she was truly yet to have a proper interaction with the male, partially because she had been preoccupying herself in... other ways.

She had begun to set up a little infirmary in the heart of her home, it kept her busy and kept her on pack lands, both which seemed to make her sisyhR happy. But he was nowhere to be scented, probably on the other side of the territory marking borders and the like. Making up her mind to not keep the new male waiting any longer, she raised her large form into a sitting position, silhouette clearly outlined against the blue sky she remained atop her perch a moment then began to pick her careful path down to the lake.

Head and tail high, asserting her dominance over the pair she gave anehtA a welcoming nudge to the cheek before turning her sharp golden eyes back to the stranger and his... gift. "What is it you have to offer us beyond a scrap of food?" She kept her face blank as she awaited a response. She had children to think of and had little time for time wasters prowling at her borders hoping to be let in.

She was putting on a much tougher act than usual, she had a feeling sisyhR was far away and was more than willing to step in when needed but didn't want to displease her mate by letting someone unworthy into their tight knit little family. She waited for a response from the male, any small shift in posture to give away any ill intentions.

It all matters, now - Fallen - Apr 03, 2012

You're playing tough for me, becuffin! XD

Fallen nodded, pleased with Athena's recovery. And the leader was a healer? Healing. It made him curios. He had heard of wolves who had amazing ability of healing in Relic Lore. He had heard a healer had healed Rebecca's wound. Gossip spreads like wildfire here. But that's not where he had heard about the goat. If the leaders were still unsatisfied, he'd be happy to do more to prove his worth. Another challenge wouldn't bother the survivor. He would do as many to have a sense of worth and belonging once more.

Out of the shrubs, a female approached. Head high, Fallen figured that she was the leading lady. Immediately, his head fell, belly low to the ground, tail tucked in. This was the leader, and she certainly wanted respect. What is it you have to offer us beyond a scrap of food? He hoped his answer was appropriate. "Mam, I certainly don't want to buy my way in. That would be extremely dishonorable of me." He said, hoping it didn't go over the line.

"I offer my speed. I was the fastest of my old pack. My parents said I was built for speed. I also offer my survival skills. It was long ago when my family traveled slowly around. I have experienced many things, and seen many creatures." Fallen hoped the leader would think of him kindly.

It all matters, now - Athena - Apr 03, 2012


As her tawny leader appeared, Athena nudged back a friendly greeting while keeping her stance lower than the regal lady. She glanced back at Fallen, hoping he'd show her submission. When he did, an inaudible sigh of relieve escaped her maw. It would be unwise to completely ignore a leader's dominance; if respect was not shown, you were not getting a spot in their ranks. Enough said.

Naira's cold tone with him, made her want to flinch, but she stayed still. She knew it was to be expected, but she was not used to Naira's sharp tone with outsiders just yet. But he showed no visible nervousness as he responded to her demanding question. He was doing well at the moment, but she did not know if it was enough for the regal female.

"I'd like to add that he offered his assistance when I injured my leg a while ago," she said softly, hoping her statement would help. She knew it was not her place to decided whether or not he is accepted, but he was a untainted wolf in her eyes.


It all matters, now - Naira - Apr 03, 2012

lol, just trying to keep it interesting ;) I'll just assume he included an introduction in his explanation to make this less painful no? Feel free to keep going but Naira's gonna race home before Rhysis finds her missing and confines her to a cave.

His quick submission kept the new leader happy, and her seconds words did not fall on deaf ears. Deja vu washed over her and it was with sharper eyes that she looked upon the dark male. Breeding season was over for now, but if he still remained for the next she would be keeping a very close eye on the pair. However seeing no immediate threat the tawny wolf stepped forward, placing a paw over the dark wolf's shoulder, allowing the pack scent to mark him as one of them and her tail began to wag as her icy exterior melted.

"Welcome home Fallen. Athena will show you around I am sure." she said with a smile, turning back to the lighter female. "Don't forget to keep an ear out." she mentioned, referring to the pack meeting that would be taking place at some stage over the next few nights. Turning back towards her home, Naira made a beeline for her slowly forming infirmary. She needed to distract herself from the border patrol she knew Rhysis didn't want her doing. She hoped she would bump into her mate before Fallen did. Why, that would be an interesting sight to see she was sure.


It all matters, now - Fallen - Apr 08, 2012

Naira placed a light paw on his shoulder, rubbing the pack scent on him. It was faint, but soon it would grow with time until it was so noticeable that it made other wolves cringe. But, on the other hand Fallen was rushed with pride. He had done it. He had gotten into a pack. Hopefully, his thinness hadn't made his entrance a little bit negative to the leaders. Then her tail wagged, and Naira's newfound happy mood, made him happy.

Welcome home, Fallen. Those words made him blush with red. He had a home, and a sense of belonging filled his heart. Athena will show you around I am sure. He turned to the white female. He could finally talk with her, without the leaders eyes examining their every move. It's not that she shouldn't trust him. It was just private. "Lead the way." He said, smiling eagerly.